pete,fuck,is that isy...

“You’re in my veins, you fuck.”
Pete Doherty says that this was the best text message he’d ever gotten from Kate M she also wrote it on a wall of his bedroom in her own blood.
by Kalina | We Heart It
“You’re in my veins, you fuck.”
Pete Doherty says that this was the best text message he’d ever gotten from Kate M she also wrote it on a wall of his bedroom in her own blood.
by Kalina | We Heart It
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Languages:I agree with this.
Maybe it is just the circle of girls I know,(I'm a guy) but it seems like they always whine and complain that they never get the &nice guys& even though the nice guys are starring them right in the face.
And also, this is just an observation from me being one of those &nice guys& and getting screwed over constantly to the point where I am considering not being a nice guy anymore, but it seems like girls like to be in a relationship with the &nice guy& but have the &bad boy& on the side.
But also in my experiences it seems that GIRLS like the Bad Boys, where as WOMEN like the nice men. The bad boy may be exciting and spontaneous, but the nice guy will work his a*s off for you, both at his job and on the relationship, then come home and cook you dinner.
(An adjustment to what I originally thought)
It's funny the world is full of women like her, yet us guys are depicted as the shallow, egotistical jackasses...
i gotta say.. i disagree here..- kinda..- cos i believe in love at first sight.
charms are ok, sparkle too.. but nahp for my particular taste.- charm isnt everything,looks either,or heights.. obv i have certain standards,- but i have no set taste ya know? I have enough charm of my own apparently lol.
i just registered so i could reply to you, now i'll probably have relationship surgery bullshit posted on my facebook.. anyway!
you hit the nail on the head, both extremes are ridiculous.... you can't beat the middle ground... you made smile and laugh at myself
I am living proof of it.
Wait, I get points for commenting?
If this is anything like a carnival, I'm going to get so much s**t with all this points.
My life is fucking awesome.
u just made me l**o..
cos i remembered winning my first tickets@ carnival :D
You must be a fine-)
&From my personal experience, girls date bad boys because bad boys are good actors. They are good at acting like nice guys in order to get the girl. Nice guys lack confidence most of the time.& I totally agree with this. Although I agree with about half of the article. It's really all about confidence. Plus a dash of self care. No one wants to date a guy that hasn't bathed in a week. lol
it's not a matter of following this list. It's about finding what makes you happy. People are all interesting in their own aspect and they look for people compatible with them. This list doesn't actually speciffically say you have to look a certain way, or do a certain thing, it's a general suggestion that can be inturpreted in many different ways. You feel like you are not confident, I'm sorry, that is something you have to work on yourself, its about liking who you are and where you come from. When you accept yourself, then that is when you can decide what you need to improve.
you think you are ugly? Well that is subjective, it depends on who is looking at you. I for one don't know what you look like, but I can say that if your picture is of you, then I would think you are attractive.
You have a different idea of fun? Sure! Have at it! Find a girl who is willing to go Larping with you if that is your thing, or maybe build forts and attack each others &castles& with paper airplanes, If you like that, or maybe you prefer movies, or video games. Sports? I don't know, but just as there are many guys with different tastes in fun, there are the same amount of girls who feel the same way.
Boring? nah not so, unless you yourself are bored of your life, in which case, why don't you spice it up! Go and be a YES man! ( You've seen that movie right? is that still a thing?) say yes to everything, go and do something. Learn a romantic language, or the guitar, maybe the flute. Learn to fly, or sky dive if you can I don't know where you live either so I can't give you area specific ideas.
You are capable of inducing jealously, be sweet to your girl buy her flowers, buy her candy and never tell her she looks fat, even if she was 9 months and about to go into labor. Seriously, Girls get jealous over little things, and she can gush to her friends and her friends will be jealous of her.
I'm sure you are smart! Smarter then some of these guys who don't read the article and leave nasty comments for me, but whatever, and It is easy to be courteous. Treat others the way you wanted to and open doors for people, it's relatively easy.
I'm saying stay true to yourself, by not compromising YOUR self. When you are happy and you feel good, people naturally find that attractive and come running your way. Trust me on this. No one wants to be around a negative nelly lol.
So I will riddle you this, How can you make yourself better- Go do something that scares you. Not girls I mean, but trying something new. Go eat at that resturaunt you have never eaten at and eat that sushi you have never tried, go to a museum and learn about something, find a topic that interests you and learn about it, any time you have a question about anything look it up, learn new words every day, play tic tac toe, go to the park and watch people, watch the clouds, write poems, read play that are confusing and old and learn about them (Might I suggest Tartuf, or School of Scandal) watch a movie you would never have watched, Climb a tree, volunteer, volunteer at the animal shelter, adopt a pet if you can, work with children, teach a volunteer class, join the peace core, travel to somewhere you have never been, learn about the city, go to a small town, meet new people, Learn and most of all TRY NEW THINGS
Our lives are defined by our experiences, we don't always let them hold us back, but they help define our future. The relationships we make last because of who we are and how we trust people.
And the best stories always start with &Man this was the scariest s**t I have ever done in my life,& and it ends with &But it was all worth it&
and who knows, You might meet the one. You always meet the one when you least expect it.
and the best thing about all of this is that I didn't tell you to change anything about yourself, just to try new things.
I completely agree with Bunny. she is totally making sense here
Thanks chibirobo, I don't now if I'm older then him, and I am not married, but I do have a loving sweet boyfriend, who is a nice guy. When I wrote this I was dating him, and I am still dating him now. We've been together for quite some time, and he takes me out on adventures and stuff. He is essentially all of the things on my article list. Every girl I know who is in a happy healthy and functional relationship, has a guy who has all of these characteristics. So if wanting to be in a healthy and happy relationship means I have issues and that I need to grow up, well then I don't want to grow up.
Zas, you probably didn't understand what the article was about, and I forgive you.
but if you did, and are just angry, I'm sorry, then the problem is you.
My mom always said, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. The ones who do are the ones who have issues.
Ps what is BPD? Best Possible definition? Broken porcupine deficiancy?
This is what I don't understand. Why do you think SHES the one with issues, when she is trying to help you guys out by telling you what you are doing wrong. Why do you think she needs to grow up when there is a good chance she is older then you and married?
I think you are the one with issues sir.
lol thanks! but I think even boring guys have a chance. If a girl lives the exciting life all the time, and lives her life on edge, maybe she would like a boring guy so that she isn't expected to be fun and exciting all the time. I think it just has a lot to do with the person rather then the term of being boring or not. Because if he is nice and sweet, he will want to make her happy if he really loves her. If he is selfish, then the relationship wont last.
but I think,t finish last, jerks who are mean and selfish and put others down are the ones who finish last.
idk I'm exciting, Im spontanious, but my guy is relatively easy going and you could say boring, but he is up to doing whatever I want to do. So yeah, like I said, I think it depends on the person lol :) but I'm glad you have someone who makes you happy
Wow. You are stupid. Let me say one thing- She does not sound like a modern woman, or has an over- inflated sense of entitlement, or unrealistic standards.
did you even read her article?
You clearly didnt read her article, you clearly are stupid, and you clearly have no self respect and that is why you have always had failed unrelistic relationships. It is unrealistic to think that ANY woman would want to date you, because you are boring, mean and stupid with an &IQ of a Garden Hose& (As Bunny21bunny wrote).
scratch that, Garden Hoses actually have a purpose in society, unlike you.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, you found my article boring. Clearly so boring you didn't actually bother to read the actual article. No where in there, did it say in my personal opinion, that I liked dating bad boys. I date a really shy sweet boy. I am just stating why so many &nice guys are so frustrated about not getting the girl.
also, I said no where that I know what perfect is. Perfect is different for everyone. Clearly you are not my type, since I bore you.
As well as it is, not everyone wants someone for money. Especially when you are over entitled privileged children of rich family. But it's not like you know me. I don't take material possession into account of who I keep as my friends, because I like REAL people. Those people are WORTH keeping around. Good for you though, because you can keep a car and an Armani suit or a house. Oh wait, I have those things too.
So Mr. Kevin Buenafe, saying that you yourself are boring, and you wear it loud and proud, well good for you, but who are you to judge if I am boring? hmm? If you read my article, you'd realize that you're just a superficial SOB who has the IQ of a garden hose.
Because we are all entitled to our own opinions.
He wasn't saying he knows better, that's what most bad boys look for in a girl they want to use. Js, I've had some friends like that. Me, I'm a nice guy. The exception to your list.
I didn't get it like that. It seemed more like he was saying those are the reasons why girls date bad boys, not those are what bad boys looks for in a girl, because this whole article is kind of an explanation for why &nice guys& get ditched for &bad boys&
And I don't think anywhere in my list nice guys were ever the exception. Plenty of girls like nice guys, but they usually are fun to be around. besides, most everyone is nice anyways.
could be right about what he said. I just have fond memories of my friend (huge player in his day) saying the first thing to look for was daddy issues. That was the first thing that came to my mind. Also, I disagree with your assumption that most people are nice. Most people are jerks.
Welll, yes most people are jerks, however, they can be nice too. If everyone was a j**k to everyone, then no one would be friends with anyone unless their mutual j**k-ness becomes compatible, but even then, they would still be nice to each other. Even jerks are nice to someone, and I don't know that everyone who is a j**k to be a j**k to everyone.
Besides, in my book, if you don't kick puppies or kittens, and are nice to children, then I think you're nice.
sadly, a good percent of people i have met are only nice so that they can use you, and they do that to everyone, they make a sob story, play the friend, and when they have bled you dry, stab you in the back, blame you and do it to the next person, and they do it to their relationships, they play the perfect lover then become an abusive lying cheat
So, I can be nice to children as I murder them, and I'm a nice person?
... Ok, so if you think you know better you go write an article.
I'm a poor college student too, So I get it. Sometimes its not a matter of excitement, it's a matter of keeping someone entertained. You could surprise your girl with a picnic in the dark at the park at midnight. Play flashlight tag, and scare her (not like bad scare, just sneak up behind her and tickle her) Build a fort with blankets and chairs and name her queen, and let her do whatever she wants until the fort collapses (If a girl doesn't want to build a bed fort, then she's not worth it.) You could go and drive and only take left turns till you hit a dead end, or go and get lost, then use a map to find your way back. (if you hopelessly fail, then you can always just use a gps on the phone.)
I don't know where you live, but there are some places that have student discounts for things like rock climbing, or zip lining or whatever.
Another thing that is exciting, having sex in a public place. If you are afraid to get caught, go to the mens dressing room in a big department store. It's still a public place, but it isn't weird if a woman goes in with a man into the dressing room. It's normal (Trust me I worked retail for three years in a department store.)
These are just a few ideas. You can also talk to your school and keep up with events that are coming up. Like I said, sometimes the best excitement is just being entertained.
Thanks for the info. You sound like a nice girl and your guy is probably a lucky guy.
Awwh thanks :)
haha, I get that. If I were you, I'd probably keep telling her the same thing anyways. I know she's your ex, but girls don't ever forget anything that anyone has ever said to them. Someone probably had hurt her really bad, and made her feel like no one is honest with her when it comes to her. I don't know what was going on with her, but if I had to guess, that would be it.
She's got Only Child Syndrome, so this makes perfect sense. She's her mother's &perfect angel child&. I've always been honest with her, and so I will continue to be.
I'm an only child too, but to an asian mother. You can never do anything to be &perfect& but even still, Family isn't the only thing that makes a person's attitude on life. But honestly is always the best way to go about something. In the end the person will always be
appreciative of you.
Her mom is the feared helicopter parent: stiflingly overprotective, controlling, and borderline paranoid, yet expect my ex (who btw is still my good friend) to become an independent and upwardly mobile young lady. Yeah that and she's always had oodles of friends, never been a loner in her life, makes sense that she might suspect she's constantly being lied to.
thank you :)
It was not a literal comment. It was suppose to be a hypothetical comment. Besides that, it's true. I'm not just speaking for myself, its why so many guys like to sit there and say so many girls leave them for the bad boys.
I believe that was the article that I had just read when I wrote this.
Yes I know. She's my favorite youtuber. If you read some of my other articles I do quote her.
I might start calling her Jenna now. XD
about &nice guys&
You guys even commented on it too. but right here:
13) Nice guys don’t ever finish last.
-Jenna Marbles said it best: Nice girls finish last said no one ever. People don’t just not like nice people. There is probably something else wrong with you, that or you are going after the wrong girls.


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