what is with herr head sligh...

Different (Kanato X Reader) ~Chapter 1~ by solarkittygirl on DeviantArt
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Oct 21, :14 PM
(Name) woke up hours after she passed out, opening her eyes and seeing unfamiliar surroundings. Different room, different ceiling, different bed, different everything. Was she even in the same creepy house she was in before? All she remembered was the face of that boy she saw before she blacked out. What was his name again... Kanato?"She's finally awake, Teddy," Kanato said, once again standing over her. (Name) yelped and jumped up in shock, scrambling to the edge of the bed. The same creepily excited smile was still plastered onto him face, and he talked as if watching her was amusing. "She's still frightened, isn't she, Teddy?"(Name) tried to calm her nerves, but she felt uncomfortable with this strange boy leaning close to her. Did he know what 'personal space' was? "E-Excuse me... But where exactly am I?" She winced at the slight jolt of pain running inside of her neck but repressed it in order to keep a straight face. "Is this the same house I was in before?""Of course it is, silly," Kanato said. "You can't leave without my permission, remember? The only reason I'd let you leave is if you were buying sweets for me."(Name) shifted around uneasily under his gaze and back away from him as far as she could without falling off of the bed. "But why? Why do you want to keep me here?""Why?" Kanato asked in a singsong voice, tilting his head. "I guess it's because I'm bored and I need someone to play with.""W-Well that's no reason to keep me locked up here. I have to leave at some point.""Oh, really?" Kanato's smile shifted into a straight and serious line. "Where will you go? Last I remember, you were looking for shelter after stealing some food. I believe that you don't have anywhere else to go. Isn't that right, (Name)?" (Name) averted her eyes and kept her mouth shut, and Kanato's smile returned to his face. "I'm right, aren't I? You don't have anywhere else to stay. In that case, what good would running away do?" Kanato leaned in closer, knowing that (Name) couldn't back away any farther. "I'm doing you a favor by letting you stay here. You should be thanking me, shouldn't you, (Name)?"(Name)'s lips formed in a snarl and Kanato looked like he was about to say something else before another voice cut him off. "You've patronized her quite enough, Kanato," another male said. (Name) was taken aback by his sudden appearance and had to hold onto the edge of the bed to keep from jumping off of it. This male had dark, purplish black hair and light red eyes that shone behind his glasses, and he a bit more of a mature air to him than Kanato had. He was dressed like he was about to go to some fancy event, although he looked more like a servant. Especially with the bundle of neatly folded clothes he was holding in his hands.Kanato grunted and backed away as his lips formed in a pout. "You're no fun, Reiji. She's belongs to me anyway, not you."The male named Reiji let out an annoyed sigh. "Didn't father teach you not to play with your food?" (Name)'s skin crawled when he referred to her as 'food', but tried not to let it show that it bothered her. Reiji turned his attention to (Name) and adjusted his glasses. "Allow me to properly introduce myself. My name is Reiji Sakamaki, the second oldest of the Sakamaki household." Reiji handed the bundle of clothes he was holding to (Name). "Those are your new clothes. Please shower and get changed into the school uniform and meet us down by the entrance. The bathroom is through that door right there." Reiji pointed at the door before he left the room with Kanato grumbling and trailing behind him before she had time to respond.(Name) looked down to the bundle of clothes Reiji left with her and shuffled through them. There were three sets of regular clothes, a pair of pajamas, and the school uniform that Reiji mentioned. "Why do I need to wear a school uniform?" she said to herself as she looked outside of the bedroom window. It was dark outside, and the clock on the wall said 9:00. Why were they going to school this late at night?She sighed and headed to the bathroom to shower just as Reiji had told her to do.~*~(Name) headed down the stairs and walked to the main entrance, clean and fully clothed. She opened the door and saw Kanato and Reiji waiting outside with four other boys and a girl that seemed to be around her age. None of the boys were talking, except until Kanato appeared beside (Name). "You smell nice, (Name)-chan~" Kanato said, leaning into her. "I want to have more of your blood right now~"(Name) stiffened as Kanato leaned in to bite her, but she never felt the teeth sink into her neck. Instead, she turned her head to see a red haired boy snatching Kanato's Teddy away. "Lay off, pipsqueak," the boy said. "You've already had your turn with her. It's my turn now."The boy held Kanato's teddy out of reach as he tried jumping for it. "No way, Ayato! She's all mine and you're not touching her!"Reiji sighed and adjusted his glasses upon his face. "Cease this nonsense at once, Ayato. We have to leave immediately.""Tch." Ayato tossed Teddy behind him and walked away with a satisfied smirk on his face when Kanato lunged for it so it wouldn't fall to the ground."Get inside," Reiji said, motioning to the car that the others were starting to pile into. (Name) was about to protest before Kanato linked his arm with hers and pulled her along with him. She tried to pull out of his grip, but he had already gotten her into the car before he let go of her. She just sat there quietly as everyone else started to settle into the car. She felt cramped and kinda uncomfortable being stuffed into a car with people she didn't even know. If Kanato was capable of being sadistic under that childish looking appearance, who knew what these other guys were capable of? That was the last thing on her mind before the car came to life and started moving with her and everyone else inside.
Chapter 1 of Different for Enjoy~ I'll update as often as possible, but I plan to start working on my Sosuke x Reader contest entry. Does anyone know where I can download the Diabolik Lovers game in English? I wanna play it &u&I do not own you or Diabolik Lovers.
Add a Comment:
Nice work I love it
Wonderful job on the story ^_
Thank you cx
Your welcome
Thank you XD
I love you Kanato~&3 ~!!!
So do I &u&
I love this so much~! I can't wait for the next chapter!
I'll try my best to update it after this semester ends c:
*hugs* Thank you so much~! I can't wait!!
Next chapter~
Thank you~
You're welcome cx
*hugs back* You're welcome ^^
New chapter~
I'll do my best! ^^
I might have to wait until the end of the semester though.
Sorry, schoolwork running
i feel you
Yep. Final two to three weeks are going to suuuuck
T nice job! ^_^ Ahh why does Kanato have to be so adorable~&Hnnng there's no English version of the game, but you can watch walkthroughs of it on YouT plus you can find the entire prologue in English if you look. Anyway, I'm loving the story so far, keep it up.
Awesoooooome &u& and thank you, I'll keep working on it~ :3
Wha!!! Next! &&
Next chapter~
Coming up soon :3
There was a group a long time ago that was trying to release an English patch on the d however, the group felt translations would promote piracy so they stopped. Which sucks balls because I would play it.
Aw man that sucks DX I was really looking forward to playing it TnT
Just to update there are groups trying to legally get commercial otome games. And there are some that are similar to diabolik lovers A small forum to demand games: And an up to date blog:And a game made by diabolik lovers artist(s) trying to be published in English: If this keeps up you might be able to buy a diabolik lover game.
That's awesome news! &u& Thank you!
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Comments49By Bedhead
Scarlett Johansson is really hitting it out of the fashion ballpark lately with her red carpet looks (especially the recent ). I think she’s no longer hesitiating to play up her sensuality. Remember there were a few years where Scarlett did so many interviews about how she hated to be considered sexy? That was really annoying. I’m so glad she stopped whining like that. She’s so much more tolerable and likeable when she’s owning her natural vibe.
Scarlett is here at TIFF promoting Don Jon with Joseph Gordon Levitt for the premiere of . She is rocking a little black Yves Saint Laurent dress. She kept it simple by accessorizing only with a simple chain of pearls and her new engagement ring. This is a very elegant and sophisticated turn from ScarJo, but she also looks very sexy too. JGL looks adorable as always in his crisp suit with a little
button on the lapel. My boy is always hustling.
Scarlett’s skin looks so beautiful here. She’s really glowing even if she does look a little bit tired after doing the TIFF rounds for Under the Skin too. The updo is perfect.
These two have been doing some interviews, and Scarlett , “The character I play in ‘Don Jon’ is very staid in her opinions and her ideals.” Joe has been chatting up his film’s (LOL) deeper meaning:
Joseph Gordon-Levitt has revealed the reason behind changing the name of his directorial debut Don Jon.
The movie, which stars Gordon-Levitt and Scarlett Johansson, was originally named Don Jon’s Addiction before the title was shortened.
“Well, first of all, it’s just shorter and simpler! When it was titled Don Jon’s Addiction, I always thought of that last word as a metaphor for something larger,” he told Total Film.
“But then people were taking it literally, saying, ‘So you made a movie about pr0n addiction?’ Really, I didn’t mean it that way. The Maltese Falcon is called The Maltese Falcon, but it isn’t a movie about a bird. It’s about something else.”
Gordon-Levitt’s Don Jon stars the actor as a single New Jersey native whose pr0n obsession gets in the way of his relationships with the opposite sex.
He has a good sense of humor, no? Joe was also spotted running across the street like a madman
that has gone semi-viral. I hope this movie is a hit. We need more offbeat romantic comedies that focus on more than the manic pixie dream girl.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN
By Bedhead
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I like it! I think she looks really young and hip in that little dress of hers.
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Flat Spot in head...
Posted 07/01/2011
Hello Ladies,I'm just wondering if anybody else had/still爃as爐he same issue with any of your kids? As per suggestion of my "stupid Pedi", since birth, I put my baby to sleep on her right side, always!!! because it爓as supposed爐o avoid putting pressure on her stomach and avoid spit, vomit.燨bviously that caused a flat spot in her head which she said was going to get normal at around one year, after 3 moths I noticed her head was "really flat" and I started to alternate sides but it was too late, her head did not go back to normal , yes it has improved but爄t hasn't gone back to normal. I've notice that one side of her face looks slightly flat, one check bigger than the other one and she is almost 9 mo. She also keeps her head slighly move to one side,爌robably due to爐he different爓eight爄n each side of爃er head or might be she has developed any problem in her neck?
Do you have any experience with this problem? should I take her to a different Pedi or any kind of exam in her neck?
DG Oct/11/2010&Pregnant Due July/11/2012
<div class="reaction_count_value reaction_count_position0" id="reaction_hug_total_
Posted 07/01/2011
I would definitely have her seen by a specialist. If she needs a helmet to reshape her head, it needs to be done soon. Also physical therapy may be necessary. Good luck to you! All will be fine.
KM (31) & DH (35)Madeline Etta was&born on&10/23/10 at 36 weeks.Connor David was born on 4/30/12 at 38 weeks.
Posted 07/01/2011
Get her to a specialist. Not sure where you live, but check out the Cranial Technologies website. They specialize in therapies/helmets for this sort of thing & they are very good. They provide free analysis. It's best to take care of this now while her head is growing quickly - don't wait any longer as it won't correct itself. Don't worry & good luck!
Proud momma to B/G twins born in Oct. 2010 at 38 weeks, weighing 7lbs and 6lbs
Posted 07/01/2011
I agree to not wait. Ask your pedi about it one more time to see if he/she is on board. If not...switch because you need a referal for insurance to cover or help. They are very expensive (my son has been in one for 11 weeks)!
We saw huge changes in the beginning! He only sleeps in it now. Once you get closer to a year, the improvements aren't usually as great so definitely push to get your LO in one ASAP. Ive also seen a lot of parents on the tort/plagio board that had great results with cranio sacral therapy! Good luck! Message me if you have any questions.
Posted 07/01/2011
Among our list of problems we had torticullis and my sons head and face shifted. We had a helmet for a few months and now his head is near perfect. It seems scarry at first but then you don't even notice the helmet any more. I also would check with your pedi one more time then switch.
Posted 07/01/2011
We did a helmet and we're already out of it.聽 I'd see a sepcialist or go get a free eval at one of the helmet manufacturers.聽
Dutchers- are you in the fb group for plagio?
Melissa(31) J(31) M(6) and B(2.5) Z(1)Feedback-
ChunkabuTT Creations-
& Giveaways-&.
Posted 07/01/2011
Unfortunately, I know exactly what you're talking about.聽 My LO always laid with his head to the left, so he had a flat spot on the left side of his back head, his forehead was "peaking" (i.e. face wasn't symmetrical) and one ear was 6mm shifted more forward than the other (looking down on his head from above). His head was shaped like a parallelogram. My pedi didn't say anything to me until 6 months. I repositioned for 2 months, it helped but didn't help enough.聽 What my LO has is called plagiocephaly.聽 It's explained pretty clearly in the below link.聽
The problem is you need to act ASAP.聽 The assymetry and flat spot are fixable by using a cranial band or helmet.聽 The connection between the skull plates harden quickly from month 6 - 24 so the sooner you get them in a helmet/band the quicker you can fix the issue.聽聽We put our LO in a hanger halmet at 7 months and already see FANTASTIC results and聽should have him out in a month or so.聽 My聽co-worker waited until 12 months and his son was in a helmet for聽9 months.
I would switch pedis but in the meantime I'd look up the cranial band/helmet providers near you.聽 They give free consults and can let you know if they take your insurance, what they need to get it approved, etc.聽 Two big providers are cranial technologies and聽hanger orthotics.
There's a great plagio group on babycenter here:
PAN if you have any other questions or just need to vent to someone.聽
Posted 07/01/2011
I am in that group! It helped me A LOT when we were deciding whether or not to get one. I was so upset and it made me feel better reading other people's stories and outcomes!
Posted 07/01/2011
Oh....no.....I read that wrong! I'm not in the fb group. Just the one here. I'll look at though! Thanks!
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