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The owner of this website () has banned your access based on your browser's signature (3b517c-ua98).By Bedhead
These are photos of Shia LaBeouf in NYC earlier this week. He was in town for
to follow up on his
(which followed ). Shia showed proof of his outpatient alcohol program. The judge ruled that Shia’s record will be cleared if he stays out of trouble for six months.
Shia has a new interview with Dazed Digital. It was an email interview with some Skype-like interaction between himself and the journo. Shia talks a lot about his
called #IAMSORRY (a rip off of Marina Abramovic’s 1974 exhibit). Shia sat in a gallery for seven hours per day, five days per week. He silently cried his eyes out and provided a bunch of props (including a whip, pliers, a Transformers toy, Hershey’s kisses) for people to use on him. One by one, people entered the room and did whatever they pleased to Shia. Most of them just talked to him as he sat mute. Shia tells Dazed that a woman raped him inside the gallery:
What happened during the exhibit: “Almost everyone who came in had ?preconceived notions of what they were going to experience, and as soon as Nastja R?nkk? brought them through the curtain, everything changed. ?I went from being a celebrity or object to a fellow human. I was genuinely remorseful. It wasn’t manipulation, I was heartbroken. People I’ve never met before came ?in and loved on me and with me. Some would hold my hand and cry with me, some would tell me to ‘figure it out’ or to ‘be a man.’ ?I’ve never experienced love like ? empathy, humanity.”
One woman went way too far: “One woman who came with her boyfriend, who was outside the door when this happened, whipped my legs for ten minutes and then stripped my clothing and proceeded to rape me … There were hundreds of people in line when she walked out with dishevelled hair and smudged lipstick. It was no good, not just for me but her man as well. On top of that my girl was in line to see me, because it was Valentine’s Day and I was living in the gallery for the duration of the event — we were separated for five days, no communication. So it really hurt her as well, as I guess the news of it travelled through the line. When she came in she asked for an explanation, and I couldn’t speak, so we both sat with this unexplained trauma silently. It was painful.”
His “method” Fury shoot: “Fury is the most meat I’ve ever had to chew on. David (Ayer, director) told us right from the gate: “I need you to give me everything.” So the day after I got the job, I joined the US National Guard. I was baptised — accepted Christ in my heart – tattooed my surrender and became a chaplain’s assistant to Captain Yates for the 41st Infantry. I spent a month living on a forward operating base. Then I linked up with my cast and went to Fort Irwin. I pulled my tooth out, knifed my face up and spent days watching horses die. I didn’t bathe for four months. I met some tankers who told me that was just the way it was out there — some guys had the same pair of socks on for three years.”
The last paragraph confirms rumors that Shia
on the Fury set as a form of method acting. I’ll never understand the method thing, and this new knowledge does not help matters.
Now … on Shia’s revelation that he was raped during his art exhibit. This is horrifying and terrible. Just because Shia invited people to whip him doesn’t mean they could do anything they wanted to do to him. He was raped, and that is one messed up situation.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN
By Bedhead
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When a director (or coach or teacher or whomever) says they need someone to give them “everything,” I don’t think it’s meant to be taken so literally or to such an extreme. And that gallery exhibit, wow. “It was no good” indeed.
He seems like such a lost soul. I hope he continues on a healthy path.
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A woman gives birth to a baby and afterward the doctor comes into the room and says, “I have something to tell you about your child …”
The woman slowly sits up with a worried look on her face and says, “What’s wrong with it?”
The doctor says, “There’s nothing really wrong with it, it’s just a little different! It’s a hermaphrodite.”
The woman looks confused. “A hermaphrodite, what’s that?”
The doctor replies, “It has both features of a male and a female.”
The woman looks relieved. “What? You mean it has a penis and a brain?”
photo credit:
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& Will Corry (@slievemore)
Teacher: "Who said 'Four Score and Seven Years Ago'?"Before Johnny can open his mouth, Susie says, "Abraham Lincoln."
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Fresh UK Marketing News, Rants, Articles, Case Studies etc.
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Quadient: A New Name for Creating Meaningful Customer Experiences
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Although it's late and the Pub is closed, he gently knocks on the door. The innkeeper's wife sticks her head out of a window. "Could I have some food please?" he asks. The woman glances at his shabby clothes and obviously poor condition and sternly says, "No!"
B60, a leading mobile strategy consultancy and emerging technology development company, has forged a joint venture (JV) partnership with Dublin-based fan engagement agency Fanaticus Inc., to create B60 Europe.
Fanaticus Inc., led by Founder and Director Trevor O’Rourke and CEO Karl Mulligan, will bring new expertise to B60 and bolster its digital transformation offering to sport and commercial organisations across Europe, further growing B60’s digital strategy services. With the two companies having extensively worked together for the past 18 months, this corporate association will further solidify their relationship.
He’s better known for his recurring appearances on hugely popular reality show Gogglebox.
But Josh Tapper is taking a protracted break from the BAFTA Award winning Channel 4 series, which focuses on groups of friends and family members and their frequently animated reactions to British television shows, while he takes a job in the Cabinet Office.
The 20-year old – a regular on Gogglebox since 2013 – has been offered a Civil Service apprenticeship at the prestigious Whitehall address, where more than 2,000 staff work directly with Prime Minister Teresa May and her cabinet.
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A man was leaving a convenience store with his morning coffee when he noticed a most unusual funeral procession approaching the nearby cemetery.
A black hearse was followed by a second black hearse about 50 Feet behind the first one. Behind the second hearse was a solitary man walking a dog on a leash.
An Australian tour guide was showing a group of American tourists around the Top End of Oz.
On their way to Kakadu he was describing the amazing abilities of the Australian Aborigines to track Man or Beast over Land, through the Air and under the Sea.
The Americans Tourists were incredulous.}


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