get out of the wayprison y...

看完越狱(prison break简称PB),心里的感觉颇为复杂,就像是刚看完世界杯一样,无比空虚,平时我这个时候应该在看PB啊,现在没事做了,恩,不过看完第一二季后,我的感触是,虽然他们都是犯人,但在他们身上我们依然可以找到人性中最感人的情节,应该说,PB中充斥着暴力的场面,但人文关怀所占的比重决不逊色于之,比如tweener,那个起初出卖大家的小偷,其实他也是被逼要自保,在那样的环境中,相信任何人都等于是自杀,但在他的最后阶段,他毅然放弃政府提供的优厚条件,没有把其他人的行踪泄露出来,而是把警方带到了那个和他一夜情(非贬义)的女孩家门前,按了门铃,深情的和她说,我永远不会忘记我和你那一夜在旅馆,我会给你写信,你会回的是吗?身后是蜂拥而至的警察,女孩惊呆了的表情,tweener依然保持微笑,像一个孩子,很可爱,在被警察拖走时,女孩露出了感动的笑容,我相信在那一刻,女孩深深地爱上了他,并且观众也会忘记他以前做过的错事,因为在他身上所体现出的浪漫,无畏,执着感动了无数人,如果要评选最感人镜头的话,我一定投他一票,在PB中的每个人身上我们都能找到那美丽的一面,值得人敬佩,即使是最坏的变态t-bag.
1、Michael Scofield
2、Lincoln Burrows
3、Benjamin Franklin
4、John Abruzzi
I kneel only to God. Don't see him
5、David Apolskis
6、Theodore Bagwell
7、Fernando Sucre
8、Sara Tancredi
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。A Path Out Of Prison For Low-Level, Nonviolent Drug Offenders : It's All Politics : NPR
A Path Out Of Prison For Low-Level, Nonviolent Drug Offenders
Liz Halloran
The new guidelines are part of the Obama administration's effort to address long mandatory minimum sentences. Antwain Black (left) was released early after sentencing laws were first eased in 2010.
Seth Perlman/AP
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Seth Perlman/AP
The new guidelines are part of the Obama administration's effort to address long mandatory minimum sentences. Antwain Black (left) was released early after sentencing laws were first eased in 2010.
Seth Perlman/AP
Thousands of nonviolent drug offenders serving time in federal prison could be eligible to apply for early release under new clemency guidelines announced Wednesday by the Justice Department.
Details of the initiative, which would give President Obama more options under which he could grant clemency to drug offenders serving long prison sentences, were announced by Deputy Attorney General James Cole.
Cole listed six factors the Justice Department will use to "prioritize clemency applications" as part of the administration's effort to address long mandatory minimum sentences meted out after the crack-fueled crime wave of the 1980s. Those mandatory minimums were revised under the 2010 Fair Sentencing Act, designed to reduce the disparity between sentencing rules for crack and powder cocaine.
Inmates seeking clemency, he said, must meet the following criteria:
"For our criminal justice system to be effective, it needs to not only be fair, but it also must be perceived as being fair," Cole said in a statement. "Older, stringent punishments that are out of line with sentences imposed under today's laws erode people's confidence in our criminal justice system, and I am confident that this initiative will go far to promote the most fundamental of American ideals — equal justice for all."
In comments Monday, Attorney General Eric Holder said the difference in prison terms being served by drug offenders sentenced before the 2010 act, and those sentenced after, is "simply not right."
Cole also announced Wednesday that Deborah Leff, acting senior counselor at the Justice Department's Access to Justice Initiative, will head the Office of the Pardon Attorney. She and her office will play a critical role in reviewing the expected onslaught of clemency petitions, and making recommendations to justice and administration officials.
The Access to Justice Initiative was established in 2010 to promote fairness in legal representation and sentencing "irrespective of wealth and status."
In the interest of providing a "thorough and rapid review" of the expected wave of new clemency applications, Cole said he has asked lawyers throughout the Justice Department to help review new petitions.
Inmates will be notified in coming days about the clemency program, and how to access pro bono lawyers through a working group called Clemency Project 2014. The group, formed after Cole asked lawyers to help with the clemency initiative, includes federal defenders as well as representatives from groups including the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Bar Association.
While the move has been hailed by groups working for fairness in sentencing as well as further changes to mandatory minimum drug sentences — including bipartisan efforts on Capitol Hill — some prosecutors have expressed skepticism about the clemency initiative.
"Americans want to rest assured knowing that 10 years means 10 years, and life in prison means life in prison," says Scott Burns, head of the National District Attorneys Association. "Prosecutors' fears are that our low level of serious crime in America will begin to rise — and nobody will monitor the cost of re-arresting and re-prosecuting offenders when they commit new crimes."
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