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Baby sleep basics: 3 to 6 months | BabyCenter
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Baby sleep basics: 3 to 6 months
Reviewed by the
Last updated: May 2016
Typical sleep at this ageAt 3 months, most babies sleep a total of 15 hours a day, including nighttime sleep and naps.Sleep training opportunityTypically, by age 4 months or so, babies have started to develop more of a regular sleep/wake pattern and have dropped most of their .This doesn't mean you should suddenly impose a rigid sleep program on your 4- or 5-month-old. In fact, your baby may already have developed sleep patterns that fit in well with your family life. But if you'd like to help your baby sleep longer at a stretch and keep more regular hours, now might be a good time to try some type of .Keep in mind that every baby is on a unique . Observe how your child reacts to sleep training, and if she doesn't seem ready, slow down and try again in a few weeks.Sleeping through the nightAt some point between 4 and 6 months, most babies are capable of sleeping for several hours at a stretch at night. Once this happens, you'll be able to get through a few sleep cycles and feel more rested in the morning.If your baby isn't yet sleeping through the night, you're not alone. Many babies still wake up more than once at night for feedings in the 4- to 6-month stage. But by 6 months, if not before, your baby's likely to be ready for , if that's what you choose.Waking up againIf your baby already sleeps for long periods at night, enjoy it. But babies who've slept through the night for weeks or months may start to wake up – so don't be surprised if you're suddenly getting up every couple of hours again.These "sleep regressions" are common during spurts in development and are usually temporary. She may be increasingly socially aware and wake up crying for your company. Or she may be working so hard to master new skills, like  or , that she practices in her sleep and wakes herself up.As your baby learns to sleep for longer stretches at a time, get tips on how you can establish good sleep habits.
Learn which toys your 3- to 6-month-old will enjoy most, from activity centers and playmats to squeaky rubber toys.
Parents of 3- and 4-month-olds share their daily routine for their baby's sleep, feeding, and play.
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Learn which toys your 3- to 6-month-old will enjoy most, from activity centers and playmats to squeaky rubber toys.
Parents of 3- and 4-month-olds share their daily routine for their baby's sleep, feeding, and play.
How and when to teach your baby healthy sleep habits, your sleep training options, and what the experts say about sleep trainin...
Find out when your baby learns to roll over and how you can help him build the muscles he needs to start crawling.
See why lactation expert Jan Barger doesn't recommend mixing breast milk and formula together.
Find out when to start reading to your baby, how reading aloud bossts vocabulary and improves speaking skills, and what types o...
See which developmental milestones your baby may be hitting this week.
How many naps your baby's likely to take at different ages, how to develop a nap schedule you can depend on, practical suggesti...
A guide to sleep-training methods, including those of Sears and Pantley, that advocate gradually teaching your baby to sleep wi...
Learn eight secrets to setting your child up for a lifetime of joy.
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