请问:The boy bespokee in...

adv. 开玩笑地;诙谐地
He wrote -- and this too is in the packet -- he wrote: Listen, Diodati, but in secret lest thy blush, and let me talk to you grandiloquently for a while.
The boy spoke in whisper lest Mr. Hall would blame him.
At the end of the day I hasten in fear lest thy gate be shut
He wrote -- and this too is in the packet -- he wrote: Listen, Diodati, but in secret lest thy blush, and let me talk to you grandiloquently for a while.
And besides that, lest that not be enough to make sure everyone can succeed in a course like this, we have a very diligent teaching fellow who not only likes to scribe the courses lectures.
We also drop the lowest score on a problem set and also lest in my appeal in the last lecture in this sounds a little too tailored to only those less comfortable realize too those more comfortable as we'll see today.
But, an ASEAN diplomat sniffs, Indonesia should keep its own ambitions in check, lest the tables are turned in future.
Put differently, the right to emigrate compels fundamental reform in oppressive societies lest too many — especially the brightest and best educated — in the society elect to leave rather than tolerate such oppression.
Furthermore, it has abstained from taking action against Hamas's new army in Gaza, lest an Israeli offensive somehow weaken Fatah.
- 来自原声例句
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