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故事发生在某大学的一个大二女生宿舍。临近期末,社团换届交接、暑期社会实践活动前期准备、各种期末论文、四六级考试、期末考试复习······每个人都忙得焦头烂额。 在这种情况下,宿舍里出现了小矛盾,于是宿舍间围绕青春、梦想、大学生活展开了一次讨论。 第一幕: 郝诗、和七各自对着电脑。 “嘭!”宿舍猛地被打开,白芒铁着脸一声不吭地坐下,就打开电脑忙碌起来了。 郝诗:(扭过头来)“白芒,还这么忙啊?” 白芒:(继续对着电脑)“烦着呢,别理我。” 郝诗:“呦,干嘛脾气这么大,我们又没招你惹你!” 白芒:“你没看见我在忙吗!真烦人。” 郝诗:(噌地站了起来,用手指指着白芒)“你!你这人怎么这样啊!(转向和七)在这样一个沉闷的宿舍,我呆不下去了,我出去透透气。” 和七:(忙拉住郝诗,郝诗甩开走了)“白芒你好好做事吧,别分了心,不然又要熬夜了。我去看看郝诗” 和七急忙追赶郝诗,留下白芒忙碌的背影。 第二幕: 镜头转向和七、郝诗,和七上前拉住郝诗的手。 和七:“郝诗,别生气了好吗?白芒也不是有意要发脾气的,你就原谅她吧。” 郝诗:“可她也太过分了吧。这段时间我们没少看她的脸色了。她以为就她一个人忙碌吗?就她一个人辛苦吗?哼,真讨厌!” 和七:“近来她的确是烦躁了些。课她确实也不容易。一个文文弱弱的女生要搞定一个团队的暑期实践活动,各种阻碍、各种焦心,看她天天熬夜我也挺心疼的。我们就互相谅解谅解吧。” 郝诗:“我也是这么过来的,我还不懂吗。我不就想关心一下她,让她感觉到舍友的关怀吗,真是好心没好报!” 和七:“好啦,我懂。你是一个替别人着想的好孩子,只是有时候性子冲了一点。我们四个同住一个屋檐下,谁不想和和睦睦地过日子呢。过段时间等白芒搞定了暑期社会实践活动就会好了。” 郝诗:“那我们岂不是还要熬几个星期,在这样下去我可受不了了!” 和七:(没有急着答话,停了几秒)“之前听白芒说,她们想搞一个“中国梦”主题的话剧,因为意见不一致,吵得不可开交。那天夜里回来她不是哭了嘛,就是为了这事。” 郝诗:(看了看和七,叹了口气)“原来这样啊。做一个组织者真不容易。” 和七:“其实我们每一个人来到大学不都是为了梦想为了无悔的青春吗?我们参加社团,参加各种比赛,参加各种志愿活动,忙忙碌碌。原本做这些事就很累人了,如果宿舍里还弥漫着硝烟,那我们的日子还怎么过?” 郝诗:(仍是气鼓鼓的说)“要是她明白这点,刚才就不会这样对待我了。” 和七:“好啦。看看我们有没有办法让白芒心情轻松点吧,这样大家都好过。你鬼点子多,要不你来想一个?” 郝诗:(低头想了一会,凑近和七耳旁说道)“要不我们这样吧······ 声音渐小,灯光渐暗 第三幕: 和七、郝诗回到宿舍,白芒还在忙碌着。温欣刚从浴室中走出来。 郝诗:“大忙人回来啦。我们买了宵夜哦,一起来吃吧。” 温欣:“好啊,刚好我也饿了。” 郝诗:“话说我们这些大学生还真不容易。既要学习优秀,证书满柜,还要有实践经验、领导能力,还要这个特长那个特长的,成天就被逼着让自己变成全能超人了。哪还有什么青春的激情活力,哪还有梦想啊!” 温欣:“谁说不是呢。成天忙这忙那的,有时候真累,真想放弃。” 和七:“有所逼才有所成啊!” 郝诗:“不过一毕业找工作就要求有工作经验,真是太变态了,我们也只好被逼着从大学就开始工作。真不知道我们是来学习的呢,还是纯粹来找工作的。” 和七:“话是这么说,可是在这种大形势下,我们也只能让自己变得更强大。至于青春梦想,只要我们足够坚定,是不会被消磨掉的。你们知道那个考上清华研究生的承天志吗?他不光是学习厉害,又是校学生会主席,大学三年还坚持学画画,现在都称得上专业水准了。真是让人钦佩啊!” 郝诗、和七、温欣围在一起说得激动,白芒还是闷头做自己的事,不过不时地微微转过头。 温欣:“真牛!不过也听说他在这三年遭受了很多呢,差点精神崩溃,但最后在舍友的支持鼓励下还是挺住了。” 和七:“是啊,不管外边怎么光鲜,每个人都会有每个人的困难。而这只有走进了才会了解。但只要有身边家人、朋友的支持,什么困难都最终会过去的。” 郝诗:“当然。在家靠父母,出门靠朋友。谁都希望能有朋友的支持啦。更何况我们是朝夕相处的舍友呢” 白芒:(慢慢地转过头啦)“对不起,这段时间让你们烦心了。” 温欣:(拍拍白芒的肩膀)“傻孩子,我们都理解。有时候精神太紧绷了,是需要放松放松的,别把自己逼得太紧。而我们都是你背后的支柱。” 郝诗:“你看你,最近老是熬夜,黑眼圈、眼袋都比得上熊猫大哥了。要不明天我们去唱K放松放松吧。” 和七:“我们没意见,就看白芒你啦。” 白芒:“好啊,正想发泄发泄呢。我要点一首《年轻的战场》。”
Scene one:Hao, and seven respectively at the computer."Bang!" Dormitories are flung open, white iron mans face wordlessly sat down, just open the computer busy.Hao poems: (turns back to) "white mans, still so busy?"The white mans: (continue) the computer "bunny, leave me alone."Hao: "yo, why temper so big, we didn't hire you provoke you!"White mans: "can't you see I'm busy?! It's very annoying."Hao poems: (miso and stood up, with your fingers pointing to the white mans) "you! You are the man how so! (to seven) and in such a boring dorm, I stay not bottom go to, I have some fun."And seven busy: (pulls poem hao, hao poem walked off) "white mans you do things well, don't got the heart, or you need to stay up late again. I'll see if hao poem"And seven hurriedly chase hao poem, leaving white mans busy figure.Scene two:Lens steering and hao, poetry, and seven forward hand pulls hao poetry.And 7: "hao poem, don't angry, please? The white mans also didn't mean to lose his temper, you forgive her."Hao verse: "but she is too much, too. This time we didn't see her face less. She thought about her a person busy? Is she a person hard? Well, that's disgusting!"And seven, "she is really bored these days. The class she really is not easy. A weak girl ah-dong wants to get a team of summer practice, various obstacles, various kinds of alarming, see her every day to stay up late I also very love dearly. We are understanding each other understanding."Hao: "that's what I was, I still don't understand? I don't want to care about her, let her feel the care of roommates, what bad things happen to good!"And seven: "ok, I understand. You are a considerate of good kid, just sometimes temper a little rushed. The four of us live together under one roof, who don't want to lived HeHeMuMu. Over time, such as white mans summer social practice activity will be done well."Hao poem: "that we wouldn't need to cook for a few weeks, in I can't stand it!"Seven: (no hurry to answer, and stop for a few seconds) "before listening to the white mans said, they want to make a" Chinese dream "theme of the drama, because don't agree, make so much noise. That night she cried not come back, just to it."Hao poems: (looked at seven, and sighed) "the original well. Be a organizer is not easy."And seven: "in fact is not each one of us came to the university in order to dream to regretless youth? We take part in the community, to participate in all kinds of games, participate in various volunteer activities, busy. Had to do these things is very tiring, if the dormitory is filled with smoke, and that our days is how?"Hao poems: (still is QiGuGu said) "if she know this, just don't treat me this way."And seven: "ok. Let's see if we have to make the white mans easy mood, so better than everyone. You fail, or you want a?"Hao poem: bowed their heads and thought for a moment, close and seven ear). "why don't we so · · · · · ·Voice is smaller, the lights dimThe third act:And seven, hao poetry back to the dormitory, white mans are still in the busy. WenXinGang walked out of the bathroom.Hao: "busy man back again. We bought snack oh, eat together."WenXin: "well, I'm hungry, too."Hao poem: "saying these college students also is not easy. We should not only learn good, certificate with ark, have practical experience, leadership, and this specialty, specialty that day was forced to let oneself become a universal superman. Where and what the passion of youth, vitality, which still have dreams!"WenXin: "who say is not? All day busy busy all the time, sometimes really tired, really want to give up."And seven, "are forced into a!"Hao verse: "but the graduate to find a job requires experience, are so abnormal condition, we'll have to be forced from the university began to work. I don't know what we are here to learn, or purely to look for a job."And seven: "words are so said, but in this situation, we can only let oneself become more powerful. As for the youth dreams, as long as we firmly enough, will not be broken off. Do you know that admitted to tsinghua university graduate student volunteer in bearing day? He is not only study hard, and President of college student council, the university three years still insist on learning to paint, are now claim to be professional. Is really impressive!"Hao, with seven, WenXin around said too excited, white mans or do your own thing, but slightly turned his head from time to time.WenXin: "true cow! But also heard that he had suffered a lot in those three years, almost a mental breakdown, but in the end, encouraged by the support of the roommates still survive."And seven: "yes, no matter how outside shiny, everyone has each person's difficulties. But it only went into the know. But as long as there is around family and friends support, what difficulties will ultimately the past."Hao: "of course. At home depend parents, go-off on friends. Hope to have the support of a friend who you are. What's more, we are together roommates?"White mans: (slowly turned his head) "I'm sorry, this paragraph of time make you bother."WenXin: (clap) white mans shoulder "silly child, we all understand. Sometimes too tight, need to relax, don't push yourself too tight. And we are the pillars behind you."Hao poem: "you see you, recently always stay up late, black rim of the eye, pouch is comparable to the panda brother. Or tomorrow we go to sing K relax."And seven: "we have no opinion, see the white mans you."White mans: "good ah, just want to give vent to vent. I'd like a battlefield of the young."


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