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Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Achievements
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-0.1There are 3 guides
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-0.8There are 2 guides
Unlocked by 451 tracked gamers (3% - TA Ratio = 5.43)
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-0.2There are 3 guides
Unlocked by 760 tracked gamers (6% - TA Ratio = 4.18)
| There is 1 guide
Unlocked by 1,777 tracked gamers (13% - TA Ratio = 2.73)
United States Region InfoDeveloped and published by
on 11 October 2011Platform: Genre:
- Estimated completion time: Availability: Physical and DigitalGame size: 7.69GBAge rating: Xbox LIVE Store Price: Cheapest online price: External links:
by The Fury I84I on 06 Sep 15 at 08:48
by matdan on 23 Aug 15 at 10:17
by RyazTheRasta on 12 Aug 14 at 14:45
by Sixftunder on 15 Dec 13 at 04:21
by KurenaiTsuki X on 01 Jan 13 at 22:06
There is currently no walkthrough for the Ace Combat: Assault Horizon achievements. Interested in creating one? Click
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A decent flying-action game with some fun, well-scripted sequences, but not in any way a true Ace Combat game.
on 13 Oct 2011
50 Achievements worth 2,455 TA (1,000 GS)
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"Colonel Bishop! where the fuck are you! We got a Boggie over D.C!" Played some Ace Combat this morning, couple missions in "Fires of Liberation" and replayed a few missions in Assault Horizon, and earlier I got a comment that had mentioned Akula which of course inspired me to draw him. My version of Akula does have his Sharkmouth painted on his nose, kind of warpaint to give him more of a intimidating appearence. It might be a bit conflicting with his actual mouth but I have it where Akula does not talk much when he's in combat all conversation and commands are given by Andrei Markov the pilot. (Akula is the Plane's name/Andrei Markov is the pilot's name. but Akula shares his name with his pilot) &-- In my version.Artwork belongs to:"Akula" Andrei Markov belongs to: Namco Bandai Games/Project Aces.
I am the biggest fan of Ace Combat!
good for you.
this looks very nice
I beat AC6 four times: easy, normal, hard and ace difficulty. Plus I have the game with the free paint schemes: Zipang/ Halloween (F-14), Gabracr (SU-47), Christmas (A-10) Scarface and I forgot the rest of them.But the plane or planes I'd use are the: SU-47, F-14, F-22, A-10 and CFA-44. I hate destroying the P-1112 Aigion (Heavy Command Cruiser) on mission 9.
ok, don't really care if you beat the game or not, want to know how the picture is
WE GOT A FRIGGIN BADASS OVER HEREnice job beva, as always
Ooo a cuddly jetty jet. :3
Best. Game. Ever
Ace Combat 6 Fires of Liberation is also good.
*nods* so I'm guessing you have a 360 then?
no X-boxlive at the moment
ok, I have Assault Horizon on the PS3 ^^'
It took way too many missiles to shoot him down, but I guess that's why I love the game so much haha!
Yeah I noticed that but after all this is a Game.
True, true lol
Ace Combat logic. Lolbut then again Yellow Squadron from AC4 is even worse....
I AM SO HAPPY NAO. XDDDDDWOAAAAh. DAT SHARK MOUTH. it almost looks exactly like from the game!
Love how you drew him as a PAK - FA! &3And the background. It's amazing how you drew Akula! &3 And the anatomy looks so amazing! Awesome job!
is very happy I did Akula good, his perspective was being a pain in the ass, slight errors here and there but not bad. I used screenshots to get his sharkmouth down properly was the most annoying part but worth it.
Yeah, perspective is painfull. XD
I'm guessing that like in the game, Akula can carry the "Trinity" device? Incidentally, what exactly IS Trinity in the game? I hear theories of it being anything from an FAE bomb, to a Thermobaric bomb to a Tactical Nuke, but I'm not sure which is true.
I don't know what Trinity is and if they explain it more in the game I have not gotten to that part or don't remember.
I don't believe they did. All I know is that once unlocked, the Su-50 can be equipped with Trinity, and that when used Trinity ALSO damages your allies, demanding careful use compared to the ADMMs on the CFA-44 Nosferatu (which is also in the game).
I always thought it was just like the Nimbus burst missile or the SWBM. Since Ace Combat is a Japanese game, nukes are taboo.I may be wrong though. I'm just going by previous games.
No, nukes are present, but they're considered far more terrifying in-universe than irl (and are only actually used successfully twice in the series, in Ace Combat Zero by the Belkans and then again when fired from the SOLG in the penultimate mission of Ace Combat 5).
I didn't think about that, thanks
i feel sorry for planes that get shark mouths tattooed on them
Why you say that?
I love you so much right now.
Thanks I guess
Nice work! with this sharkface paintjob now he has 4 eyes!
yeah he does. makes him look like a monster plane a bit now &:3
Awesome job at the sharkface!
This whole thing came out amazing!
I am really happy how this came out too.
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