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高中英语选修9课文翻译(人教版) 1.选修九Unit1 Breaking records-Reading打破记录&THE ROAD IS ALWAYS AHEAD OF YOU&D路永在前方‖Ashrita Furman is a sportsman who likes the challenge of breaking Guinness records. 阿什里塔?弗曼是一位热衷挑战并想争创吉尼斯世界纪录的运动员。Over the last 25 years, he has broken approximately 93 Guinness records. 在过去的25年中,他大约已经打破了93项吉尼斯世界纪录。 More than twenty of these he still holds, including the record for having the most records. 至今,他仍然是其中20多项纪录的保持者,还包括拥有最多的吉尼斯纪录这一项。But these records are not made in any conventional sport like swimming or soccer. Rather Ashrita attempts to break records in very imaginative events and in very interesting places. 但是这些纪录并不是像游泳或足球等一般运动项目那样创建的,而是阿什里塔试图在非常有趣的地点,在富有想象力的运动项目中打破的。Recently, Ashrita achieved his dream of breaking a record in all seven continents, including hula hooping in Australia, pogo stick jumping under water in South America, and performing deep knee bends in a hot air balloon in North America. 最近,阿什里塔完成了他的梦想:在所有的七大洲中都破一项纪录,其中包括在澳洲玩呼啦圈,在南美洲的水下做弹簧单高跷游戏,在北美洲的热气球中做膝部深弯曲运动。While these activities might seem childish and cause laughter rather than respect, in reality they require an enormous amount of strength and fitness as well as determination. 虽然这些活动看起来孩子气且令人发笑而不是让人肃然起敬,但实际上,完成这些活动需要强大的力量、健康的体格和坚定的决心。Think about the fine neck adjustments needed to keep a full bottle of milk on your head while you are walking. 想想吧,你一边走路一边还要把满满一瓶牛奶定在头上,你的脖子需要有多好的适应力。You can stop to rest or eat but the bottle has to stay on your head. 你可以停下来休息或者吃东西,但瓶子必须呆在你的头顶上。While Ashrita makes standing on top of a 75 cm Swiss ball look easy, it is not. 当阿什里塔站在高75公分的瑞士气球上时,看起来虽然很轻松容易,其实不然。It takes a lot of concentrationand a great sense of balance to stay on it. 呆在球上得一直全神贯注,还需要有极强的注意力和极好的平衡感。You have to struggle to stay on top especially when your legs start shaking. 特别是在双腿开始抖动的时候,你还得使劲呆在球上。And what about somersaulting along a road for 12 miles? 然而沿着12英里的马路翻筋斗,情况又是怎样呢? Somersaulting is a tough event as you have to overcome dizziness, extreme tiredness and pain. 翻筋斗是一项艰苦的运动,因为你必须克服头晕、极度疲劳和痛苦。 You are permitted to rest for only five minutes in every hour of rolling but you are allowed to stop briefly to vomit. 每翻滚一个小时,只允许你有五分钟的休息,不过也可以短暂地停下来呕吐。 Covering a mile in the fastest time while doing gymnastically correct lunges is yet another event in which Ashrita is outstanding. 做标准的体操弓箭步动作向前,以最快的节奏走完一英里的路程是阿什里塔又一个出色的项目。 Lunges are extremely hard on your legs. 弓箭步冲刺对你的双腿是一个极端艰苦的考验。You start by standing and then you step forward with the right foot while touching the left knee to the ground. 开始时呈站立姿势,然后右脚向前迈一步,同时左膝触地。 Then you stand up again and step forward with the left foot while touching the right knee to the ground. 然后再站起来,左脚向前迈出一步,同时右脚触地。 Imagine doing this for a mile! 想想吧,这个动作要反复做一英里远!Yet this talented sportsman is not a natural athlete. 然而,这位有才能的运动员并不是天生的。As a child he was very unfit and was not at all interested in sports. 小时候他很不健康,而且对运动毫无兴趣。 However, he was fascinated by the Guinness Book of World Records. 但他却对《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》非常着迷。How Ashrita came to be a sportsman is an interesting story. 阿什里塔究竟是怎样成为一名运动员的呢?这是一个有趣的故事。 As a teenager, he began searching for a deeper meaning in life. 十几岁的时候他就开始探求人生的深层意义。 He studied Eastern religions and, aged 16, discovered an Indian meditation teacher called Sri Chinmoy who lived in his neighbourhood in New York City. 他研究过东方宗教,在16岁时,他发现了一位名叫斯里琴摩的印度静坐功导师,住在纽约市他家附近。Since that time in the early 1970s, Ashrita has been one of Sri Chinmoy's students.自从20世纪70年代初,阿什里塔就一直是斯里琴摩的学生。Sri Chinmoy says that it is just as important for people to develop their bodies as it is to develop their minds, hearts and spiritual selves. He believes that there is no limit to people's physical abilities. 斯里琴摩指出人们发展他们的体魄与发展他们的头脑、心灵和精神上的自我具有同等的重要性,并且他相信人的体能是没有局限的。When Ashrita came third in a 24-hour bicycle marathon in New York's Central Park in 1978, he knew that he would one day get into the Guinness Book of World Records. 但阿什里塔于1978年在纽约市中央公园进行24小时自行车马拉松比赛中获得第三名的时候,他就知道总有一天他会进入《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》。He had been urged by his spiritual leader to enter the marathon even though he had done no training. 尽管从没有训练过,他还是收到他的精神领袖的敦促参加了马拉松比赛。So, when he won third place, he came to the understanding that his body was just an instrument of the spirit and that he seemed to be able to use his spirit to accomplish anything. 因此,当他取得第三名的时候,他就开始有了这样的认识:他的身躯只不过是他的精神的工具,而且他似乎能够用他的精神力量去完成任何事。 From then on, Ashrita refused to accept any physical limitation. 从那时起,阿什里塔就拒绝接受任何身体极限的说法。 With this new confidence, Asharita broke his first Guinness record with 27,000 jumping jacks in 1979. 由于有了这种新的信心,阿什里塔于1979年第一次打破吉尼斯纪录――跳爆竹27000次。 The motivation to keep trying to break records comes through his devotion to Sri Chinmoy. 不断努力打破纪录的动机来自于他对斯里琴摩思想的虔诚。 Every time Ashrita tries to break a record, he reaches a point where he feels he cannot physically do any more. 每次是突破记录的时候,阿什里塔都会达到一个体力不可逾越的极限点。At that moment, he goes deep within himself and connects with his soul and his teacher. 这个时候他就会进入自己内心深处,与他的灵魂和他的老师相沟通。Ashrita always acknowledges his teacher in his record-breaking attempts. 在创纪录的努力中,阿什里塔总是要感谢他的老师。In fact, he often wears a T-shirt with Sri Chinmoy's words on the back. The words are: 事实上,他常常穿着一件体恤衫,后背上有斯里琴摩的名言:&There is only one perfect road. It is ahead of you, always ahead of you.& D完美的道路只有一条,他就在你的前方,永远在你的前方。‖ 2.选修九Unit 1 FOCUS ON ... 集中精力于……Lance Armstrong兰斯?阿姆斯特朗Date of Birth: 8th September, 1971出生日期:日Country: USA国籍:美国Lance Armstrong's Guinness record for the fastest average speed at the Tour de France was set in1999 with an average speed of 40.27 km/hr. 兰斯?阿姆斯特朗环法自行车赛最快平均速度的吉尼斯世界纪录是他1999年以40.27公里每小时的平均速度创造的。 In his teens he was a triathlete but at 16 he began to concentrate on cycling. 在少年时期,他是一位三项全能比赛的运动员,但到16岁时,他开始集中精力于自行车运动。 He was an amateur cyclist before the 1992 Olympic Games but turned professional after he had competed in the Games. 在1992年奥运会之前他还只是一名业余车手,但是在参加奥运会比赛之后,他就成为一名专业车手了。In the following few years, he won numerous titles, and by 1996 he had become the world's number one. 在随后的几年里,他获得了许多称号。到了1996年,他已经成为世界第一了。 However, in October 1996, he discovered he had cancer and had to leave cycling. 然而,在1996年10月,他发现自己患了癌症,不得不放弃骑车运动。 Successfully fighting his illness, Armstrong officially returned to racing in 1998. 在成功地战胜病魔之后,他于1998年正式重返赛场。In 1999 he won the Tour de France and in 2003 he achieved his goal of winning five Tours de France. 1999年他赢得了环法自行车赛的冠军。到2003年他完成了自己在环法自行车赛上五次夺冠的目标。Michellie Jones米歇尔?琼斯Date of Birth: 9th June, 1969出生日期:日Country: Australia国籍:澳大利亚In 1988 Michellie Jones helped establish the multi-sport event, the triathlon, in Australia. 1988年,米歇尔?琼斯帮助在澳大利亚创建了D多项运动‖比赛――三项全能运动。After completing her teaching qualifications in 1990, she concentrated on the triathlon. 1990年她取得教师资格证之后,就把精力集中在三项全能运动上。 In 1991, she finished third at the world championships. 在1991年的世界锦标赛上她得了第三名。 In 1992 and 1993, she was the International Triathlon Union World Champion. 在1992年和1993年她取得了国际铁人三项联盟的冠军。 Since then, she has never finished lower than fourth in any of the world championships she has competed in. 从那以后,在她所参加的任何一次世界锦标赛中,她从来没有得过低于第四名的成绩。 At the Sydney Olympics in 2000 she won the silver medal in the Women's Triathlon, the first time the event had been included in the Olympic Games. 在2000年的悉尼奥运会上,她又取得了女子三项全能运动的银牌。该项运动还是首次被纳入奥运会。 Recently, for the first time in 15 years, Jones was not selected as part of the national team and therefore did not compete in the 2004 Olympics in Athens. 最近,琼斯没有入选国家队,这是她15年来首次为被入选,因而她没能参加2004年的雅典奥运会。Fu Mingxia伏明霞Date of Birth: 16th August, 1978出生日期:日Country: China国籍:中国Fu Mingxia first stood on top of the 10-metre diving platform at the age of nine. 伏明霞首次站在10米跳台上是在她九岁的时候。At 12 years old she won a Guinness Record when she became the youngest female to win the women's world title for platform diving at the World Championships in Australia in 年,12岁的伏明霞就获得了一项吉尼斯纪录,当时她参加了在澳大利亚举行的跳台跳水世界锦标赛,成为最年轻的女子世界冠军。At the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, she took the gold medal in the women's 10-metre platform, becoming the youngest Olympic diving champion of all time. 在1992年的巴塞罗那奥运会上,她夺得女子十米跳台的金牌,成为有史以来最年轻的奥运会跳水冠军。 This was followed by great success at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games where she won gold for both the 10-metre platform and the three-metre springboard. 随后的巨大成功是在1996年亚特兰大奥运会上,她又夺得10米跳台和3米跳板的金牌。 This made her the first woman in Olympic diving history to win three gold medals. 这使伏明霞成为奥运会跳水史上第一位连续夺得三枚金牌的女子。 She retired from diving after Atlanta and went to study economics at university. 在亚特兰大之后,伏明霞退役,到大学里学习经济。While there she decided to make a comeback and went on to compete at the Sydney Olympic Games, where she won her fourth Olympic gold, again making Olympic history. 读书期间,她决定复出参加悉尼奥运会,结果她又获得了自己的第四枚奥运会金牌,再次改写了奥运会历史。Martin Strel马丁?斯特雷Date of Birth: 1st October, 1954出生日期:日Country: Slovenia国籍:斯洛文尼亚Strel was trained as a guitarist before he became a professional marathon swimmer in 1978. 在1978年成为职业马拉松游泳运动员之前,斯特雷曾被作为吉他手培养。 He has a passion for swimming the world's great rivers. 但是他有一股热情,想要到世界上的大江大河中去游泳。 In 2000, he was the first person ever to swim the entire length of the Danube River in Europe - a distance of 3,004 kilometres in 58 days. 2000年,他成为游完欧洲多瑙河全程的第一人――58天游完了3004公里。 For this, he attained his first entry in the Guinness Book of World Records.包含各类专业文献、高等教育、专业论文、幼儿教育、小学教育、应用写作文书、外语学习资料、中学教育、文学作品欣赏、高中英语选修9-10课文翻译(人教版)18等内容。 
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选修七 Unit 1
40、政治(学) 41、废除;废止 42、辞职;辞去 43、奴隶制 44、文学(作品) 45、同伴;伙伴 46、协助;援助 47、祝贺;庆祝 48、祝贺;贺词 49、保龄球 50、毕业;毕业典礼 51、证书 52、一切顺利 53、建筑师 54、足够的 55、方法;通路 56、可接近性的 57、方便的;有用的 58、一行;一排 59、地下室 60、向外 61、出口;离开 62、遇到;经历 63、赞成;认可 64、尊严;高贵的品质 65、收益;利润 66、斜体 67、社区
1、伤残;无力 2、伤残的 3、听力 4、跑道的一圈;重叠部分 5、雄心;野心 6、有雄心的;有野心的 7、口授;听写 8、吵闹的;嘈杂的 9、适合的;适宜的 10、项目;进入;入口 11、有益的;收益的 12、换句话说 13、笨拙的 14、外向的;友好的 15、使适应的;改编 16、适合 17、长凳 18、切去,省略 19、显微镜 20、上气不接下气 21、缺席;不在某处 22、同伴的;同类的 23、使……不悦 24、颇为生气的 25、总而言之的 26、公司 27、软件 28、闲坐着 29、和;也 30、鹦鹉 31、 (盛气体、液体的)大容器 32、陆龟;龟 33、在很多方面 34、心理(学) 35、心理(学)地 36、取笑 37、鼓励;奖励 38、行为;品行 39、不必担心
1、小说 2、渴望;欲望;渴求 3、满意;满足 4、试验;考验 5、额外津贴 6、使警觉;使惊慌 7、担心的;害怕的 8、围裙 9、同情 10、超重的
11、优雅的;高雅的 12、喜爱;恩惠 13、堆;叠 14、细看;仔细检查 15、手指甲 16、荒谬的;可笑的 17、发型;理发 18、陪伴;伴奏 19、软垫,垫子 20、寝具;铺盖 21、项链 22、售货员;职员 23、柜台;计数器 24、给……打电话 25、转向;回转 26、极坏的;极讨厌的 27、事务;事情 28、扶手椅;单座沙发 29、宣布;声明 30、烹饪(风味) 31、嫉妒;羡慕 32、不管;别惹 33、数字的;数码的 34、信箱;邮筒 35、陈述;宣布 36、在一边,向一边 37、将……放在一边 38、大的 39、收件人 40、一共,总计 41、喜爱;爱 42、一定的 43、一定做…… 44、传记 45、神的;上帝的 46、兼职的 47、全体员工 48、海军;海军部队 49、较年幼的 50、生物化学 51、天才;特殊能力 52、章;篇 53、理论上的
54、框架;结构 55、思想;思考 56、离婚;断绝关系 57、服从;顺从 58、不服从;违抗 59、评价;评定
1、轶事;奇闻 2、每年的 3、当场见到 4、住所;住宿 5、岸;海滨 6、近海(的) 7、在……对面 8、大叫;呼喊 9、暂停;中止 10、望远镜 11、协作;配合 12、跳水 13、逃避;逃跑 14、拖;拉 15、深度 16、一片嘴唇 17、催促 18、放弃 19、鲨鱼 20、帮助 21、关系 22、保存 23、慢跑 24、海
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