有道口语大师电脑版本题请教大家:What are ...

摘要:下面是小马过河雅思频道老师为大家整理的<FONT color=#ff年5月雅思口语真题。主要是Speaking Part1中关于个人信息话题的题目,大概有90多条,有需要这份2014年5月雅思口语真题汇总的同学可以下载电子版。
  Do you think breakfast is important? Why?
  What kind of clothes style you like? Why?
  When is the busiest time in a day? Do you really enjoy it? If you want to change your life, how do you do?
  What impression does a person’s handwriting have on other people?
  How can children today improve or practice their handwriting?
  Do you think handwriting is very important nowadays?
  How did you learn to write?
  When do children begin to write in your country?
  Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?
  Nowadays, how do most people write things?
  Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer?
  What are your main reasons for using e-mails?
  How often do you send e-mails?
  Do you like writing to people?
  What do you usually write about?
  Do you often write things?
  Are there any methods to help us fall asleep more easily?
  Do you sometimes find difficult to fall asleep?
  What are the effects of sleeping too little on people?
  Do you think younger people sleep more than old people?
  Do old people sleep a lot, why or why not?
  Is it necessary to take a nap at noon?
  How many hours do you sleep every day?
  After you go abroad, do you plan to join any clubs?
  Do you plan to spend many years overseas?
  When you go abroad, do you plan to live in the countryside or a big city, and why?
  When do you plan to start your plans?
  Please summarize your plans for the near future.
  Can people deal with two different things at the same time?
  Is it easy to be with concentration?
  When do people need to focus on something?
  Is it important to focus on one thing you should deal with?
  If you had more time, what would you do with the extra time?
  Are you ever late for anything?
  Do you think it's useful to plan your time?
  Where did you learn how to organize your time?
  Would you say you manage your time well?
  Do you think young people and older people organize their time in the same way?
  How do you organize your time?
  In the past few years, have there been any changes to what people in your country eat?
  What do you consider to be a healthy diet?
  Which do you prefer – to eat one big meal or to eat several small snacks?
  Are you willing to try some new food?
  Do you think there are any benefits from eating breakfast?
  Which do you prefer to eat, lunch or dinner? (Why?)
  Was the the same colour that the one you like right now as the one you like when you were a child?
  Is there any colour you would not want your walls to be?
  Do you prefer light or dark (or, bright) colours?
  Is colour very important to you when you are buying clothes?
  Were any colours important to you when you were a child?
  Are colours important to you?
  If you were to change the colour of your bedroom walls, what colour would you choose?
  What colour is most popular among your friends?
  What was your favourite colour when you were a child?
  When was the last time you gave flowers to someone?
  Do people in your country ever use flowers for special occasions?
  Do you think flowers are important?
  What flowers do you like? (Why?)
  Do you like plastic flowers?
  Do any flowers have any special meaning in your country?
  Do you prefer (to see) flowers indoors or outdoors?
  Do you like flowers?
  What sports do young people like to do?
  What kinds of (or, style of) clothes do people in your country like to wear?
  Do your friends have the same tastes in clothes as you?
  Do you wear the same kinds of clothes in winter and summer?
  Do you wear the same clothes both at work and after work?
  What kinds/styles of clothes do you like (or, prefer) to wear? (Why?)
  Is it important what clothes you wear at your job? (your company)
  Do you think it's important what clothes a person wears? (Why?/Why not?)
  Is there any sport that you would like to try in the future?
  What would you say is a "healthy lifestyle"?
  What do you do to keep healthy?
  Do you have a bag for special occasions?
  Do you think the style of a bag is very important?
  When you are buying a bag, what factors do you consider? / How do you make your choice when you are buying a bag?
  What sorts of bags do women like to buy?
  Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?
  What do you put in these bags?
  What types of bags do you use?
  Do you have any special traditions about naming children? / What do people consider when they are giving a baby a name in your country?
  Who usually names babies in your country?
  Is it easy to change your name in your country? / In your country, are there any problems that could occur if someone changed their name?
  Would you like to change your name? / Have you ever considered changing your name?
  Do you like your name?
  Does your name have any particular (or, special) meaning?
  Who gave you your name?
  Describe yourself emotionally?
  Describe yourself physically?
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We all know that many people today are right-handed than left-handed. Can one trace this same pattern far back in prehistory? Much of the evidence about right-hand versus left-hand dominance comes from stencils and prints found in rock shelters in Australia and elsewhere, and in many Ice Age caves in France, Spain, and Tasmania. When a left hand has been stenciled, this implies that the artist was right-handed, and vice versa. Even though the paint was often sprayed on by mouth, one can assume that the dominant hand.assisted in the operation. One also has to make the assumption that hands were stenciled palm downward- a left hand stenciled palm upward might of course look as if it were a right hand .Of 158 stencils in the French cave of Gargas, 136 have been identified as left, and only 22 right-handedness was therefore heavily predominant.
Cave art furnishes other types of evidence of this phenomenon. Most engravings, for example, are best lit from the left, as befits the work of right-handed artists, who generally prefer to have the light source on the left so that the shadow of their hand does not fall on the tip of the engraving tool or brush. In the few cases where an Ice Age figure is depicted holding something , it is mostly, though not always, in the right hand.
5.All of the following are mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2 as evidence of right-handedness in art and artists EXCEPT
A.the ideal source of lighting for most engravings
B.the fact that a left hand stenciled palm upward might look like a right hand
C.the prevalence of outlines of left hands
D.figures in prehistoric art holding objects with the right hand.
Most engravings, for example, are best lit from the left, as befits the work of right-handed artists
When a left hand has been stenciled, this implies that the artist was right-handed
In the few cases where an Ice Age figure is depicted holding something , it is mostly, though not always, in the right hand
One also has to make the assumption that hands were stenciled palm downward- a left hand stenciled palm upward might of course look as if it were a right hand
这里的make the assumption很重要,假设
stencil:a piece of card, plastic, metal, etc. into which shapes have been cut, and which is used to draw or paint patterns onto a surface 模板
palm:the inner surface of the hand between the wrist and fingers 手掌
One also has to make the assumption that hands were stenciled palm downward- a left hand stenciled palm upward might of course look as if it were a right hand
(还不明白的话,就伸出自己的左爪子朝上,看看是不是和右爪子很像? )
& & 原来如此,感谢版主
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& Comsenz Inc.中级口译口试真题
Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 5 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk. You need to have your name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with “My name is…, “ “My registration number is…”.
Topic: The Importance of Transportation for Shanghai’s Economic Development
Questions for Reference:
1. Give a general picture of transportation in Shanghai and then compare it with that in other cities in China or abroad.
2. What are the causes of the most serious transportation problems in the city?
3. Why is transportation more important in Shanghai today?
4. How to improve Shanghai’s transportation system?
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each passage, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal…and stop it at the signal…You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now let’s begin Part A with the first passage.
Passage 1:
Thank you very much for your gracious speech of welcome. China is one of the earliest cradles of civilization and a visit to this ancient civilization has long been my dream. // This visit will give me an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and establish new contacts. // I wish to say again that I am so delighted and privileged to visit your great country and this lovely town. // I am deeply grateful for everything you have done for me since my arrival in China. //
Passage 2:
I'm very glad to have the opportunity to work in your company with a group of brilliant people in China's automobile industry. //I had been looking forward to this job for many years and you have made my dream come true. //I appreciate all you have done for me. I really love my new house that you have chosen for me. //If you don't mind, I wish to tour around your company properties and meet my Chinese colleagues and lab assistants tomorrow. //
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in Chinese. After you have heard each passage, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal…and stop it at the signal…you may take notes while you’re listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now, let’s begin Part B with the first passage.
Passage 1:
浦江商务公司是经国家局批准的我国首批商务旅游公司。// 公司以外国在华的商社和三资企业为主要服务对象。// 公司宗旨是以旅游促进商务,为改善上海及其周边地区的投资环境提供全方位的服务。// 公司竭诚与客户建立互惠互利的合作关系,坦诚相待,共同发展商务旅游事业。
Passage 2:
今晚,我们很高兴在北京大学再次接待我们的老朋友格林博士和夫人。// 我代表学校的全体师生员工向格林博士和夫人以及新西兰贵宾表示热烈的欢迎。// 我相信格林博士这次对我校的访问,必将为进一步加强两校的友好合作关系作出重要的贡献。// 明天。贵宾们将要赴南京和上海访问,我预祝大家一路旅途愉快。
Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 5 minutes. Be sure to make your point clear and supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk. You need to have your name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with “My name is…” “My registration number is…”.
Topic: My Opinion―Important Ways Towards Success
Questions for Reference:
1. What does succemean to you?
2. People often say: “Succecomes out of diligence”. What do you think of it?
3. Can you give examples to show how people became successful in life or career?
4. What is the relationship between succeand an individual’s personality, opportunity, ability, etc.
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal…and stop it at the signal… You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now let’s begin Part A with the first passage.
Passage 1:
I wish to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of all my colleagues for your warm reception and hospitality. // The past five days in China have been truly pleasant and enjoyable and most memorable.// I particularly want to pay tribute to our Chinese partners for their sincere cooperation and support in concluding these agreements.// May I ask all of you present here to join me in raising your glasses, to the lasting friendship and cooperation between our two companies.
Passage 2:
As an American manager of a Sino-American joint venture for two years, I have to say that there are differences in businemanagement between Chinese and Americans.// We are more direct and straightforward than most Chinese colleagues due to our different cultural traditions.// I can’t say our way of doing busineis absolutely superior. After all, there are strong and weak points in both types of management.// In recent years, more and more American busineexecutives have recognized the strong points of the more humane way of Chinese management.
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in Chinese. After you have heard each passage, interpret in into English. Start interpreting at the signal…and stop it at the signal…you may take notes while you’re listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now, let’s begin Part B with the first passage.
Passage 1:
在这举国同庆的夜晚,我谨代表公司的全体同仁,感谢各位来宾光临我们的春节联欢晚会。// 春节是我国一年中良辰佳时,我希望在座的各位度过一个轻松、欢快的夜晚。// 我愿外国来宾能尽情品尝中国的传统佳肴和美酒。我希望这次晚会能使我们有机会彼此沟通、增进友谊。// 最后我再次感谢各位嘉宾的光临,并祝各位新年身体健康、事业有成、吉祥如意。
Passage 2:
我怀着非常愉快的心情出席本届年会。// 值此大会开幕之际,我为能有机会就保护环境问题进行发言,向主席先生致以深深的谢意。// 这次会议为我们交换意见和信息、达成共识,提供了理想的场所。// 我愿借此机会,就世界范围内的环境保护问题,发表自己的一些看法,与和位一起商讨。编辑提醒:请注意查看“中级口译口试真题”一文是否有分页内容。原文地址
注:中级口译口试真题一文由免费提供,来源于网络。本文著作权归原作者所有,请在转载引用时保留。否则因《》一文引起的法律纠纷请自负, 19:10。}


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