April fools: Introducting XBMC 14 – The Hoff
Posted By:&&on&Apr 01, 2014&in&, ,
Note: This was of course an April fools prank.
The real codename for v14 has since been established as ‘Helix’.
Amid all this news of the XBMC 13 release (Just now ), we have some developers who are beginning to submit features for the upcoming XBMC 14, which, of course, means we finally need to settle down and pick a code word for it, much as we picked Eden, Frodo, Dharma, Gotham, and all the others before now. As you all may know, it’s been a tough decision, as there are so many excellent choices that begin with the letter H, but at the end of the day we all knew it could really only be one thing.
Which is why we’re excited to announce the codename for XBMC 14 will be Hasselhoff.
As Norm MacDonald has so famously said, Germans love David Hasselhoff. And Team XBMC today consists of more Germans and German speaking developers than any other nationality. Indeed, there are actually more German developers now than American devs. This name has been picked as a tribute, not just to our German devs, but also to all of our German speaking users around the world.
Don’t Hassel the Hoff
In connection with this new codename, we’re pumped to introduce the very first t-shirt sale for XBMC 14: . As with the previous sale, all proceeds will be going to the XBMC Foundation, and while technically this shirt doesn’t actually include the name “XBMC,” we think enough people will be familiar with David Hasselhoff’s fine career and history of work to make that an unimportant detail.
We know that some of you may have preferred another name linked more closely with science and/or science fiction, but at the end of the day, after the vote was taken, it was determined that there’s just no way we can . With that in mind, I’d like to leave you with the following lines, as I think they may help explain our decision:
Some people stand in the darkness
afraid to step into the light.
Some people need to help somebody
when the edge of surrender’s in sight.
of a few things we’d like
in the upcoming XBMC 14.
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The Truth Is Not As Bad As It Seems
By , 24 August 2015&Zo,& he starts in a thick Russian accent, &You like ze Russian women?&
Oh god. Not this conversation again.
&Ahhhh.& I start my reply cautiously. I still haven&#39;t quite figure out how to break it to the Russian men how I really feel about Russian women. &They are good at makeup.&
He glances at his friend and takes another shot of whisky. Obviously this was not the reply he was expecting. The Russian men are proud of their women and like to see the foreigners falling all over them.
&Vot about zis vun hey?& A young Russian women walks to join a small group of people not far from us and ends up with her back to us. She has long straight brown hair, a good figure, tight jeans and of course, heels.
Yes, from she here she looks beautiful but unfortunately my new Russian friend had chosen a bad example. I knew this girl already. Actually, my friends and I had just spent a good part of an hour flirting with her and her friends.
By , 20 August 2015I sent my friend Justin a message to ask him what I should do in Moscow and he gave me a pretty detailed reply, so I figured I&#39;d post it here for you guys to read as well. Justin has been living as an expat in Moscow for 12 years.
Here goes, I hope you find it as useful as I did.
1) visit Red Square and St. Basil&#39;s, and Manezhnaya square on the other side of the Kremlin. You can also see Lenin&#39;s tomb between 11-2. Better to go early and beat the line. Don&#39;t forget you will also file past famous guys like Gagarin (first man in space) buried in the wall.
2) visit the best metro stations. Google the top stations. All the old Soviet stuff you have in you mind is there. (Murals of Stalin, Lenin heads, statues of peasants with wheat and guns etc...)
3) take a boat tour along the river. You can get the nice Radisson boat for dinner, or you can take the cheap city boats which sell snacks and beer and take the same route anyway.
4) visit The Kremlin. It&#39;s pretty ok, and worth saying you&#39;ve been there.
5) Gorky Park. They&#39;ve done it up, and it&#39;s really nice now.
By , 9 July 2015
By , 18 June 2015Just because.
By , 12 June 2015What a strange weekend.
On Friday I went to a salsa party full of single girls dancing, flirting and laughing. One stood out in particular. Let&#39;s call her May. It was a fun night and I still have images of May jumping around on the dance floor, flinging her hair about, skipping from man to man and basically just attracting a lot of attention.
Then on Saturday I met a friend who recently graduated, started work and is now engaged. Let&#39;s call her June. When we last met 4 years ago she was a student and vehemently anti-babies. Not so much now though. I listened to her tell me how relationships were a compromise and how she was never anti-babies.
And finally on Sunday I visited some old friends who now have two kids and are set up in the suburbs. Let&#39;s call them Cath and Shane.& It was a strange feeling watching Cath and Shane feed, wash and change their screaming babies and think back to the weekend I had passed with May and June.
Was I witnessing cause and effect?
If I had to form a naive world view from this single weekend I would conclude that:
&Girls go out, party, dance and act ridicilous because they want to get pregnant. (Friday)
&People get married not because they are in love, but because they have a stable job. (Saturday)
&Once you are settled with children, the game is over. (Sunday)
May surely didn&#39;t give pregnancy a thought that Friday night, yet with the benefit of hindsight we can say it is quite probably an eventual outcome of her behaviour.
June used to rant about the ridiculous things her mother told her about security, not expecting the spark to last and choosing someone because they love you and not necessarily the other way around. Now she regurgitates her mother&#39;s ideas to me as if they were her own.
And Cath and Shane, well they might fantasise about reliving the highs of being in love but these moments seem to be drowned in the logistics of day to day life.
So what happened?
What happened to love?
Was it ever real?
Or is it just nature&#39;s dirty trick?
By , 22 May 2015Every now and again curiosity motivates me to go onto women&#39;s blogs and forums to see what sorts of problems they have in the dating game. It&#39;s always quite interesting. This week I found
about creeps and online dating. The post is from a guy who set up a woman&#39;s profile on a dating site to see what it is like.
What he discovered is that guys are basically just, like, creepy.
Here is an abridged version of the original post (emphasis is mine):
Before I could even fill out my profile at all, I already had a message in my inbox from a guy.
I thought I would check on it in about 24 hours. But before I could even close the tab another message was received. It was another guy who seemed nice asking how I was doing and I messaged him back staying as neutral and as uninterested as possible without being mean. I was about to leave again, but I was kind of curious now, so I waited another minute, and sure enough, a third message popped up. I messaged him back, but before I could send, I had gotten a reply from the first guy, so I had to do that, then a reply from the second guy. So fine, people are interested in going out with me.
Then I got another message that opened with a line that while not wholly vulgar, kind of came off a little strange. I ignored it and went back to send the message to person three now. Before I could send it, I got a followup message from Mr.4 which was needlessly sexual in nature. I continued to ignore him and finished. I then began to have some small-talk with some guys (remember this is like minute 20 of having the profile up) and all of the conversations kind of get weird. One of the guys becomes super aggressive saying he is competitive and he will treat me right, the other is asking for my phone number telling me he is lying in bed and the conversation (without me steering it) is turning increasingly sexual in nature though I tell him I&#39;m not comfortable with it. Then I got the NoStringsAtttached messages, with multiple guys sending me messages asking me to watch them cam, or meeting up with them within the hour, or talk with them on the phone or cyber. I would say no and they usually didn&#39;t take it too well.
the nature of them continued to get more and more irritating. Guys were full-on spamming my inbox with multiple messages before I could reply to even one asking why I wasn&#39;t responding and what was wrong. Guys would become hostile when I told them I wasn&#39;t interested in NSA sex, or guys that had started normal and nice quickly turned the conversation into something explicitly sexual in nature. Seemingly nice dudes in quite esteemed careers asking to hook up in 24 hours and sending them naked pics of myself despite multiple times telling them that I didn&#39;t want to.
I would be lying if I said it didn&#39;t get to me. I thought it would be some fun thing, but I ended up deleting my profile at the end of 2 hours and kind of went about the rest of my night with a very bad taste in my mouth.
By , 20 April 2015This could be my best work of art yet.
&All My Lovin&
Acrylic and enamel on abandoned building.
2.6 x 1.6m, 5 days production time.
Beatles Ashram, Rishikesh, India.
Progress photos:
By , 6 April 2015So here I am playing my violin in the mountains and this big bull elephant turns up and starts blowing his trumpet right behind me (NOT in tune, I might add). So I stop for a photo and he starts getting all huffy and then just starts running at me like it was HIS gig or something.
It&#39;s difficult to get a good photo of wild elephants when they&#39;re chasing you, but I got this one and some other pretty good photos of the ground. Don&#39;t worry, my violin is quite safe.
By , 5 April 2015
Original music recorded for the 2000 classic hit comedy &The Gypsy and His Glasses&. Never seen before on the web!
By , 20 March 2015Managed fund fees have come under the spotlight since several academic studies showed that actively . This is simply because all that work in trying to pick winners costs more than it&#39;s worth.
Here is a free managed fund fee calculator that you can use to compare the total fees for the lifetime of your investment. Over time, and with large investments the numbers add up quickly.
The great thing about this calculator is that it includes the effects of compounding fund growth and reinvested distributions both of which increase the fund management fee over time. The calculator makes two calculations: first your theoretical gross return with absolutely no fees, then your actual return with all the fees factored in. The difference is how much you lose in fees, inluding the opportunity cost of not investing that money.
By , 28 February 2015
By , 18 January 2015I started some time ago using memory palaces to remember the music that I learn. It was great, I could think of a song, go to the memory palace for that song and have it all mapped out for me ready to perform. But soon I found I had a new problem - how to remember what songs I know? Or more generally - how do you remember what you can remember?
Well, as you might have guessed, you can use a memory palace for that too. You just need to connect each location in the new palace to your other ones. You can embed your memory palaces in this way ad finitum so you effectively have one infinite memory palace.
To embed a memory palace I found the easiest way was to add a &#39;descent&#39; option at each location so that when I visit a location I can choose to pass over to the next location or descend into the embedded memory palace. Other people using similar techniques have used portals or doorways for the same thing, however I found that associating a definite direction (down) made it easier to remember and also easier to go backwards (up).
The descent path needs to be mnemonically linked to the destination memory palace or you will forget where it goes. For example, my memory palace for &#39;Comptine de un Autre Ete&#39; from Amelie is along the Siene river in Paris. To get there I descend through a letterbox full of letters from Paris. Sounds ridiculous, but it works. Plus I just need to look at that letterbox and I feel like I&#39;m in France.
It&#39;s also kind of fun traversing your memory palace like this.
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