r u a afuckingguy stupi...

According to a definitive new study published June 3, Washington State ranks among the worst in the nation in meeting childhood vaccination targets. In the Centers for Disease Control's (CDC) epidemiological newsletter, the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, our state ranges between 88 and 93 percent compliance for "required" vaccinations like polio, whooping cough, measles, hepatitis B, and chicken pox. The CDC's target is 95 percent. But even more embarrassing, our state now leads the nation in parent-signed exemptions for kindergarten enrollees at 6.2 percent, a rate that has more than doubled over the past decade.
In other words, Washington is suffering an epidemic of stupid fucking Jenny McCarthy&worshiping anti-vaccine hippies. Only eight states report a lower compliance rate on the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine than Washington's 91.7 percent, while Mississippi leads the nation with 99.7 percent compliance.
And Seattle is only somewhat better than Washington as a whole.
At 5.3 percent, the rate of parent-signed exemptions for kindergarten enrollees at Seattle's public and private schools is still way too high, and the exemptions appear to be skewed toward a handful of private and alternative public schools. According to statistics obtained from the Washington State Department of Health, six Seattle schools have kindergarten exemption rates higher than 20 percent, almost all for "personal," rather than medical or religious, reasons: Seattle Hebrew Academy (43.5 percent), University Cooperative School (36.4 percent), the Community School of West Seattle (33.3 percent), Salmon Bay School (30 percent), Seattle Waldorf School (24.6 percent), and Pathfinder K-8 School (20.4 percent). Not one of these schools has a kindergarten vaccination completion rate better than 65 percent. That's an epidemic waiting to happen.
Skipping vaccinations exposes these kids to measles, mumps, whooping cough, and other diseases we typically vaccinate for, but it also endangers children who are too young or too immune-compromised to be vaccinated. These kids would normally be protected by herd immunity.
According to the herd immunity theory, the larger the percentage of the population that is resistant to a contagious disease, the less likely any individual is to come into contact with the infecting agent in the first place. Once a certain immunization threshold is reached, the chain of infection is broken and the possibility of a sustained outbreak is all but eliminated. But at a vaccination rate of only 91.7 percent for MMR, for example, Washington is now dangerously close to falling below the herd immunity threshold for these sometimes deadly diseases, all thanks to stupid fucking hippies and their bullshit science.
Our current epidemic of anti-vaccine hysteria kicked off in 1998, when former physician and researcher Andrew Wakefield published a controversial study in British medical journal the Lancet linking the MMR vaccine to the development of autism. I emphasize "former physician and researcher" because Wakefield lost his license to practice medicine after he was found guilty of serious medical misconduct and unethical research practices, as the BBC reported in 2010. But that, and the fact that there is no credible scientific research supporting a causal link between vaccines and autism, hasn't stopped the anti-vaccine movement from growing. Led by celebrity advocates like "actress" Jenny McCarthy&who has made her own son the poster child for confusing correlation with causality by very publicly blaming his autism on vaccinations rather than on, say, chance, genetics, or a cruel and capricious God&the anti-vaccine movement continues to gain adherents, particularly among stupid fucking hippies.
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[Most Recent Entries]
Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in
's LiveJournal:
Monday, March 2nd, 20096:36 pm
Not that I really want to get into details right now,but i've been locked up for three years and i'm finally free!I can definitley say this,I'll never do it again!!! Current Mood:
()Wednesday, July 13th, 20054:37 pm
well,I have gone to jail for 3 months I went in on march 4th 2005 and stayed there for three months witch totaly sucked i was bagged and set up with a stolen car,man that trashed my life I got out on may 18th of 2005 all the charges have been dropped againsted me.when i got out i went to teen challange i was there in boston for three days then i left,I went back the next day for 1 month things sucked so i left again.i then went to the new hampshere teen challange and i stayed there for 2 weeks it was the same old crap so i left again now i am living in a shelter in new hampshere,and i am on my way across the country to live with jake i have a bartending job waiting for me and tons of fun i will be leaving tomorrow.man I miss jake tis why I am going out there.and while i am there i am going to go to collage and make somthing out of my life while in newhampshere i met a girl at a restraunt called Brothers her name is Robin shes really cool they call her lucky i met her yesterday and she drove me around today we went to the river and I made up this song on how i met her its pretty funny she likes it and I do to I am going to make it a hitand I am talking to colleen right now online and thats werd thats shes talking to me because i thought she diddnt want to talk to me but i guess things changei miss my son and things dont look like i will be seeing him any time soon but you know.ill be leaving tomorrow and things will be good so heh.god I hate staying in a shelter with bums it stinks and stofe but its only for a few days so i guess thats cool.well I am going to go now bye bye Current Mood:
( |)Thursday, March 3rd, 20051:49 pm
well let me see i am chilling with Jr Pittsley and we are at his aunts house,Hmmm i have been working alot latly making alot of Money hehehehe i have a place to live now its stable witch is aswume.I live in a town that I am not going to mention. i live with my boss witch is my cousin.he pays me good money and charges me cheep rent.margret is going to come visit me in the end of march or april i am going to buy her a plane ticket.so she can come i am so excited shes going to come for a week and we are going to have loads of fun i have my own car.Its so sweet.now als i need is a girlfriend to top it off.um i ran from the cops the other day mother fuckers I was on my lunch break from shuveling snow..so i went and ot a six pack of hienikien beer i was driving down the road doing the speed limit and minding my own buisness when a cop decided to see me take a sip from my beer.so he got behind me and put his lights on..I was like i am not going to jail for the wekend for drinking a damn beer so i ran I lost him in like 3 minutes not even.i was going like about 140 mph.down a 45 mph road in the cold ass snow i was not going to jail.so I lost him then i went home and burried my car in the snow it looked like a PILE OF SNOW FROM THE ROAD IT WAS FUNNY.well i gotta get going now so ill talk to you when ever I get to another computer again.bye bye.. Current Mood:
()Tuesday, February 8th, 20052:54 am
Well I am still chilling with margret,shes cool I like hanging out with her,But the time for me to go is soon,I just don't know what to do with my life anymore,my mother is dead my uncle,aunt and grandfather is dead not to mention gosh I have been having the shittyest last year since the last time I came back to mass last year it started then I wish I never got into the shit that I did.I wish I could be normal and having people stop accusing me for shit. two people that I have on my mind.but alot of the shit I did and I regret every thing that I did.my whole faimly is almost split up dead or dieing.It sucks to have noone to talk to.I talk to Nikki every so often thats a real friend and margret..the two only people I open up to I love them both dearly.margret I would like to hook up with again but I should get my shity strait before so.I wish I could win the lottery then..I really woiuldent have to worry about shit anymore too much Id have a place to live Id have a 3rd car..Id have money to do shit with..I am really thinking about just ending my life.I feel like no on loves me anymore.and that my exsistance on this planet means nothing..no matter how hard I try at anything everything allways goes down the shitter.there are three girlfriends I have ever really loved in my life they are Kelly Ann Walker from wareham.witch she is my son Dustins Mother..Margret Dorrier from fredricksburg Virginia..witch I think we are better off as friends.Till I get a place money and can take her out to eat and shit movies ext..I mean I would just love to drive her somewhere in MY car and spend my money on her and just buy her shit.Then there's Colleen Edonna Coakley I love that girl to death she's doing good apperantly.she has her own place now.and a boyfriend..I would have liked to not broken up with her also.but I had shitty problems and I really diddnt want to have a girlfriend 1200 miles away at the time.Witch I still think she cheated on me when I went to mn but I dont know,But I hate being single I hate not having a girl to talk to and most of all I hate being me.so If I never write in this journal again you'll know why and where I am going to be..eather in a bottom of a river...sitting in a room with my head blowen off..with bugs flying outta my eye's.or overdosed on some drug driving into a tree at 100 mph.with the reasons in my lap,I just wish I was raised with rules and not being able to do what i wanted all the time...I wish my parents didd'nt make me be dependent for myself at the age 16.I wish the condom diddnt break,and dustin wasent concived.but then he's such a little angle he's so aswume and I can't stand not being around him It hurts It hurts alot.I wish I could be around him more..But since he was born My life has gone to hell.My mother disowned me when I told her Kelly was pregnate..then not even a year after he was born she died...people been dieing I am losing friends I use to be real fucking popular with lots and lots of people.I guess I am just getting old..and I took the wrong path in life and I really think I am going to do somthing about this soon...the days are counting down till it hits...and I blow up and just end it..well I've talked about myself enough for now..I am going to be doing somthing real stupied tomorrow well I mean today somthing I don't want to do but I no choice once again..Lets just hope i don't get caught.and if I do get cought i sure as hell am not going to jail so I will drive into a tree at speeds over 100mph to make sure I get out free and never have to worry about anything any more..I am putting fait between me and the road so well see the out come I guess Like I said I might talk to you again or I might not Yes i will I will most likly update this tomorrow before I do this dumb shit..but after that there's no telling Bye Bye Everyone that reads this for tonight..... Current Mood:
()Sunday, February 6th, 20058:05 pm
lets see I have been staying a t maggys and dons for the past like 2 or 3 weeksand in the time span that I have been there.this kid dave got his pot stolen outta his car..I had a busted foot at the time so i couldent realy walk and shit you know..well me and dave went to the mall one day and he had like 2 or 3 ounces of dank weed in his car.we went into the mall I got a wheelchair and he pushed me around the mall while we were in there we met up with some black kid that was wearing a black and red cap on his head...dave talked to him and i guess he was seeing if he had any pot you know or if he wanted some you know ..well he diddnt get anything so we walked around some more dave bought spme clothes and we went back out to the car..well when we got there my door was unlocked so I said to dave that I swear I locked this door...so he checked for his pot and it was gone....well he was mad...well last night me margret,dave and some other people went to harrisonburg to party we got a motel room..well i was drunk and stoned and i thought I was having a alright time...then outta the blue i get slaped hard...you know so i am like w t f I thought someone was fucking around with me ...well I guessed wrong...dave thinks when me and him went into the mall that day i had someone break into his car and took his weed...ha ha ha hes wrong it was the dumb nigger that left his damn hat on the seat of his car but dave was too high to rember what kinda hat he was wearing...so he blames the guy that he here let me quote this "HE" WAS PUSHING AROUND THE MALL" I havent had any "CAKE" or pot for about 2 weeks and hew thinks it was me I really dont \like VA people too much they jump to conclusions around here..I mean there are some good people actually alot of good people I just gotta stop hanging out with all the shitheads of VA.I am at margrets house right now she was there last night also she thjought it was wrong of all them to jump to shit like that.. So she left and drove around with me ..GOD I like her so fucking much shes like perfect man I mean I tell her everything about myself and she listens and you know damn i wish I could have another chance with her...I shouldent have broke up with her in the first place...I was an asshole too..But mabey shell hook back up with me some day.and I hope its soon she free and everything.and I really reall,y like her...I hope some miriacle happens and we hook up cause that would be so aswume..but if not I am so glad to have her as a friend...shes my best friend in this state.I have other friends in this state but not as good of ones as her.I am just glad she still talks to me shes taking a nap right nowwitch I should be but I slept till like 5pm today so I am a little wired right now but I am still a little tired so I think I am going to get off here now so ill check back in some other day BYE BYE Current Mood:
()Tuesday, December 14th, 20048:24 am
well I forgot to mention.on satturday night my dad and ruth went out to joe wermans house..he has a few dogs..a rotwiler and some other dog..well
anyways they went over and came home with a white dog and a bromn,black and white dog..They are puppys and they are aswume..smart cute and they love to play...hahaha I am going to train them to do cool shit man..like attack when I say bark when I say and.and do what ever when I say.ooooo
you know what bothers me here well one of the things that bothers me here....at work I quote when people call me here I never get the damn message..and yesterday I got a phone call at 12 or 1 oclock and I diddnt get the message till 4 oclock..and you know what really pisses me off about that is...It was margret man I wanted to talk to her man...grrrrrrrrrrr...I was like you stupied ass I was talking to dan hes the one who answered the phone.....man I was pissed but anyways..my grandfather is still dieing he has bone cancer and I am upset I am proably not gong to beable to see him before he dies witch sucks real bad but..Theres noithing I can do..I am also upset that this my first christmas away from my sonwell ali just yelled at me for being on this computer man hes an asshole I fucking hate him well I gotta go ok lata.... Current Mood:
( |)Monday, December 13th, 20048:53 am
well lets see this weekend I did not a damn thing besides work altho I bought my son some xmas presents.I am at work right now..getting written up for some dumb shit I hate this job with all life man I mean they are writting me up for wearing my own jacket home from work..like my company jacket
with my name on it fuck these people I cant wait till I get hired at JIM Price chevrolate
witch is going to be soon...and these people here can get fucked...man i am like depressed and shit well not really depressed I just want somthing real bad..and its margret there are so many reasons that I think me and her make a great couple but I am afaraid to tell her how I feel because I royley fucked her over when we where going out..Like I was a major dick head to her cause i thought she was seeing some kid that was living upstairs from me at the time and she wasnt..but I mean she spent money to come see me and I was a ass...and when my friend was an ass to her I diddnt stick up for her and I should have..I wish we never broke up with her and that we could hang out every day like we use to I had so much fun with her..and shes just a great person...if anyone has any suggestions on what i should do please leave me a commit...I mean shes gorgious,smart and I can carry a conversation on and on and on and on andon with her..I mean like it will never stop if we start talking I need someone like that...and I tri to call her alot..and talk to her and shit but itrs hard couse my dad hardly lets me use the phone to call my son.I just hope theres some mirical this xmas that would bring me and margret togeather again...God i cant get this outta my mind and its driving me up a wall...and has been driving me up a wall for a HOTT MINUTE man..well if you have any suggestions on what I should do leave me a comment ok......I have to get back to my shitty job now....God it is so terriable working here I hate it so much....theres too many niggas that work here.there dumb they fuck shit up and they all think they are the boss..But there not heh..so I bacicly tell em all to fuck off..I cant belive this is the first christmas that I am not going to beable to spend with my son .....rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsooooo depressing.....That realy makes me feel like shit...But my dad wont let me go to mass, cause he and my lawyer thinks ill get into trouble...Because I want to fuck up chris Kellys boyfriend and I do sooo bad.so I surpose its only for the best that I dont go..I dont need to go to jail for my Xmas but I gotta get to work now so ill talk to you lata ok lata.....LEAVE ME COMMENTS Current Mood:
()Friday, December 10th, 20048:21 am
well as you can see from my title I am at work..I really do not like working here at jiffy lube for the facts that a whole bunch of dumbassses work here and they dont know anything about cars and that bothers me...That is the most stressfull thing about my work..so I went and put a app in a jim price chevy.where I will be working on cars and making flat rate...well I went to see my recruter sgt washam and I took my asphab test for the army..I need to retake it because I failed it.Man I feel like such a dumb ass..But I should'nt because all the people that where there to take the test failed and most of them did worse than me....This is and has ben my goal for a while .well I am retaking the test on the 3rd week in january..and hopefully I will pass I am studing for this every night after work.and hopfully I will be in basic training in febuary so I can be out bye the summer time..I am inlisting for 4 years and its going on my contract That I will be going to germany////Europe yaaaaaaaay I cant wait..my whole crimnal record is going to be eraced..and I can start all over again..I will never fuck up like I did when I was 18yrs old again if you know me you know all the things I did..O ya and I was talking about jiffy lubeI make the most outta every body that works here besids the management witch shows you I am the smarter on on cars..and all the stupied niggas that work here are making 525 an hr retards..for exsample I was working retail and selling shit all day thats what they have me do here and I also work on cars all that main mechanic work..but one day there was this guy that worked here and he was dumping oil in crank cases and filling them up to the oil cap..witch is like 2 gallons of oil when most cars call for 4 to 5 quarts...well when he was hireed he had said he had worked on cars before..well a car came back that he worked on and when it pull up it was smoking like a mother fucker..they drove it up and I went out to see what was wrong I checked the dip stick.and it was so full of oil that the oil was running out the dip stick hole..I mean GOD DAMN man what a retard so I told management and they spoke with him...and he was asked how many cars have you done this too he said all of them...then he was asked what he used to do when he worked on cars he said I Use to detail them as in wash em. he was fired on the spot now the company owes new car motors to I am estamating over 110 cars thats like 100,000 dollars worth of motors Thank god for insurance huh lol This is why I dont want to work here..I hate working with dumbasses...well I am kinda upset with the fact That I wish I never broke up with margret I want her back so bad and I am scared to ask her well i gotta go to work now ok leave a message or somthing ok lata Current Mood:
()Sunday, November 28th, 20049:48 am
well my dad went to mass to visit his dad,my grandfather..so what did i do i stayed here in virginia..went out to club rio...Got real fucking drunk..then procided to beat up a bouncer there..all because he would not let me back in the club...I was there with gosh,sean and me he he.I bought at least 120.00 dollars in drinks for me and my friends..well when the fight broke out Pretty much I split this guy wigg real bad and knocked out some of his teeth.so me and sean left after that I was outta control I punched a hole in goshs little brohers dashboard....then me and sean got into a verbal arguement after so I got back in the truck and left I shouldnt have tho cause i was so trashed..I procided to drive down rt 29 then I saw r5ed and blue lights..so what did i do I floored it took the onramp to 250 and spun out up and down a hilltook out some signs but i didnt fuck up the truck just the alignment and t5he barens witch I spent my whole paycheck on 443.oo dollars to fix the mother fucker..but I got away from the cops and dont rember too much after that...I woke up the next morning and thought it was all a dream but I went out side and the truck was covered in mud..so I new it was not a dream I freaked out and I dont know it sucked....well I am awork right now....so i have to go id write more but i dont have a puter at home well ill be back another day...bye bye...... Current Mood:
( |)Monday, March 1st, 200412:27 am
Ok It is very early in the morning.And hydee just left OMG She is so great.Let me see she came over at like 7pm,We went paintballing..YaaaaaaY It was so fun because I was the first one to take her paintballing YaaaaaaaY...OOOOOOOoooOOOOoo and yesterday I was the first one to take her Snowmobiling...OMG I am so excited...I have had so much fun with hydee the past few days..You know since I've been hanging out with her I can relate with her pretty good I think.Except the fact that I like to Go partying on the weekends I don't think she likes that.But I want to take her to a party soooooo bad...And show her a real good time..But this weekend we are surpose to go caving.OMG I have'nt been caving for like 5 months now I love doing shit like that it's so fun.I am so adventures and I like doing shit out doors...Hahaha when we were paint balling Justin nailed my right in the side of the face I had my fucking mask off.Then bang OUCH side hit...Then Hydee nailed my right between the eyes...But I find this hullarious I shot hydee twice or more but I got her right in the right sholder and then the left sholder..It's funny cause the welts match.I am sorry....But that was funny LOL...Wow I can't wait to hang out with her again we ar e gonna have so much fun well I am going to go now cause I am lookinh up caves online and I can't read and type at the same time..so lata..Oya we kissed and laid down togeather..It was sooo great The first day I met her I wanted to but I just didd'nt have the balls to do it.but the second day I grew a pair and it happened and since then we've been kissing I like her alot and I hope somthing good comes outta this....Ok I am going now Lata Current Mood:
( |)Saturday, February 28th, 20041:21 pm
I had such a good night it was sooo fun I went to see 50 som thing dates with adam sandler with hydee we chilled out for a while...um we went to walmart we walked around the mall The Getto red wing Mall so boring that mall is....did some other stofe...went back to my house and watched the termanator 2 Jugement day I love that movie...then we talked some more for a long time. I think I mad a new best friend I like her she is real cool and I wont hesatate to hang out with her again I wont...I hope she can go to a party with me next weekend...I think we'll have even more fun I am in a real good mood. well I guess I havent been out in a while with a person I can actually relate with...since mass,She reminds me of my friend patty.acts like her kinda looks like her..she is cool like her and I can talk to her about things like I can with patty...LOL...I had a good night I really did well I am going to bed now...soooo
Good night!!!! Current Mood:
The Night Before christmas,HahahahahahahahahahaIt was the night before christmas,and all threw the house everbody was stoned even the mouse,then up from the court house fresh outta jail,I just setteled down to Get a piece of her tail,When all of a sudden I heard such a clatter,I triped on my dick and busted my blatter,I went down stairs and what did I see,A fat little red faggot hanging from a tree,He stuffed the stockings with refers and beer and A big fat hairy dick for the family Quier,Thats the end of my story Funny was'nt it you see Merry christmas to all and I hope you all live happly
~~~~~~~Billy~~~~~~~~~ Current Mood:
( |)Friday, February 27th, 20044:22 pm
So I met A girl online her name is Hydee,We talked like for hours last night and she seems really cool and we are going to the movies tonight..YaaaaY I love friends...They are so great at times..And I also like meeting new people.I have done nothing for a long while and I am so excited to meet new people in this state I am in...Me and Timmy are surpose to go drinking tomorrow night.I have taken a break from drinking for a while.But i always end up tipping the bottle.HAHAHa..so tomorrow night I should be drunk and tonight should be fun.I like having friends they make me feel so great..Colleen is hanging out with this mike kid I mean TOOOOO much and its really bugging me...I mean once in a while is all good but almost every Fucking night it get old you know..well I am going to Get off here now Hydee should be here in a few minutes and I need to get ready so Talk to you Lata!!! Current Mood:
()Friday, February 6th, 200411:28 pm
The way you're bathed in lightReminds me of that nightGod laid me down into your rose garden of trustAnd I was swept away With nothin' left to saySome helpless foolYeah I was lost in a swoon of peaceYou're all I need to findSo when the time is rightCome to me sweetly, come to me Come to meLove will lead us, alrightLove will lead us, she will lead us Can you hear the dolphin's cry?See the road rise up to meet us It's in the air we breathe tonight Love will lead us, she will lead usOh yeah, we meet again It's like we never leftTime in between was just a dream Did we leave this place?This crazy fog surrounds me You wrap your legs around meAll I can do to try and breathe Let me breathe so that ISo we can go together!Love will lead us, alrightLove will lead us, she will lead us Can you hear the dolphin's cry?See the road rise up to meet us It's in the air we breathe tonight Love will lead us, she will lead usLife is like a shooting starIt don't matter who you are If you only run for cover, it's just a waste of timeWe are lost 'til we are foundThis phoenix rises up from the ground And all these wars are overOverOverSingin' la da da, da da daOverCome to meCome to me yeah la da da da, da da da Come to me Current Mood:
()Friday, January 23rd, 20044:09 pm
Get about 300g of poppy seeds from your good old supermarket (really cheap) and crush them. Add the crushed seeds to the juice of about 3 lemons in a bowl and let them soak for about 10 mins. Then add some warm water so that they are covered by about a couple of cm and again leave them for about 10 mins. Next, boil the liquid for about half a hour untill it is pretty gooey. Down the hatch. After about an hour the 'trip' starts and goes on for about 3-4 hours. The high comes in waves. It isn't like an acid trip, more euphoric. Have Fun.My Quote to this it really wroks and its more extream than a muchroom trip Try it it is cheap!!! Current Mood:
( |)Thursday, January 22nd, 20046:00 pm
well I am seeing colleen again.But the reason I am writing in this right now is for the fact that this shit is funny check em out!!
check out all these they are so funny thats my day for now!!!And I also got one with my Girls head on a dancing thing Its FUNNY watch it!!!
Current Mood:
()Wednesday, January 21st, 200411:53 pm
I remember the C"drink this and have a great time","drink this and be beautiful","drink this if you need a rhyme". The people in the adverts,were always young and oh so bright,slim, exciting and attractive,their clothes seemed to fit just right. But where are they now ?I bet they're drinking even more,because there's plenty the ads didn't say,I think I should even up the score: Because The Drink is a dreadful thing,it will make you obese and make you fat,and the more that you drink, the more you will drink,it's addictive, it's as simple as that. And what is that snow in your hair ?I bet you love those little white flakes.Want to get rid of your dandruff ?Staying off the grog is all that it takes. I know they wheel out their tame doctors,"drink two glasses of red wine every day".Ever wondered who sponsors their research,ever wondered how they get their pay ? Watch out for that lunchtime drink,it will take your sweet breath away,and when you've had one too many,it's so very hard (hic) to have your say. The Drink definitely improves your athleticism,you think you're twice as good as you are,there are times you can beat a speeding bullet,but watch out for that falling star. What a really stupid saying:"Let's have one more for the road",take a life when you've been drinking,and you'll never repay what is owed. Drink makes you fall over,it's staggering the effect that it has,you simply lose your sense of balance,(and your chic, your style and your pizzazz). So, please raise your glasses,and find a new circle of friends,because if you're not that careful,the gutter is where your journey ends. And the seeds of greatness,don't grow in the bottom of a vodka glass,so let's think to your glorious future,and not drink to the glories of your past. Current Mood:
()11:27 pm
I am no longer in a relationship any more it looks as if it is over for good so Bla..arggggg I hates women sometimes...So tomorrow I think I am going to chill with melissa.....She wants me but I don't really want her all to much but I bet she'd be a good fuck and she is so sweet and senceative and cuttelable.she's interested in cars and sex and she's in collage she has no drama in her life.So I think I am going to be chilling with her tomorrow Hate, is what I feel for youAnd I want you to know that I want you deadYour late, for the executionIf your not here soon, I'll kill a friend insteadAll the pain, I feelCouldn't start to healAlthough I would like it toI hate you, and your apathyYou can leave, you can leaveI don't want you hereI'm playin this pantomimeBut I don't see ya showing any signs of fearAll the pain, I feelCouldn't start to healAlthough I would like it toThis time I'm for realYou will be dead when I'm throughHate, is what I feel for youAnd I want you to know that I want you deadYour late, for the executionIf your not here soon I'll kill your friend insteadAll the pain, I feelCouldn't start to healAlthough I would like it toThis time I'm for realMy pain cannot hear youYou will be dead when I'm throughOhhh, ohhhhhhPain, and executionPut your hands in the airPut your hands in the airIn the air
Good bye till tomorrow night!! Peace dude!!!Bla Current Mood:
()12:30 pm
Let me see I think I am going to ask colleen to be my girl again!!!Still tring to debate that!Ummm..I just ate breakfast.MMMMMM..Rice krispies soooooo good..I am almost outa cigs that sucks mabey i should just quit..ya that would be good I talked to My sister leah last night WOW never thought I would have herd from here again.i guess shes going threw a real hard time right now.I feel her pain.I sucks not having a mother.But what are you going to do you know.I had a werd dream last night..i dreamed that I was walking around and I found A big batch of Heroin and I did it all and got real fucked up and died That was my dream o ya and lots and lots of people came to my funeral dont know who but there were alot of people there..WOW Heroin arrrrrrggggggggg...NEVER again o god Kelly is about to come pick me up and were going to look for jobs..I guess she forgot and I called her and she is now just waking up. so I should be outta here in an hour.well I will talk to you lata ok bye..Damnit I have'nt had sex in a long time arg I am so god damn horney it sucks Loyalty is a pain in my ass.well ttyl.bye.... Current Mood:
()Tuesday, January 20th, 20049:38 pm
I woke up I was sick I really did not feel good I threw up.Then began my day.I was on this damn machine all day like usual arg fucking computers I am thinking of getting back with colleen why I ask myself because I love her arg..My aunt is right GIRLS IS THE DEVIL ..I don't know why I alow myself to get into these shitty situations.But it is just called love I guess..I talked with margret today shes looking for an apartment for me in virginia along with sean is also looking for me and there looking for jobs for me so I will be all set when I move down there...in april I might actually go..I still miss my son so much every day i don't get to see him i just get more and more depressed It is so upsetting..colleen surposingly loves me Sometimes I lust do not belive her..Because she lies to me about stupied shit..but who cares I want to be with her and hope fully she will not fuck me over a and use me..I feel bad for bringing the neckless back that I bought for her with the lotto money that I won in new york...But thats life and thats what happens when you piss someone off you know...but I am going to go eat now..And I need to finish talking to colleen............................ bye till tomorrow Current Mood:}


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