waterstronger 有意思吧

[stronger是什么意思]为下列英文单词选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1.taller ( ) 2.shorter ( ) 3._stronger是什么意思-牛宝宝文章网
[stronger是什么意思]为下列英文单词选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1.taller ( ) 2.shorter ( ) 3. stronger是什么意思
为下列英文单词选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1.taller ( ) 2.shorter ( ) 3.younger ( ) 4.older ( ) 5.stronger ( ) 6.cm ( ) 7.than A.更年轻的 B.年龄更大的 C.更高的
D.更矮的 E.厘米 F.与……相比较 G.更强壮的 题型:单选题难度:偏易来源:同步题C考点:考点名称:单词、词组主要是对单词、词组的一些理解掌握,集中出现的题型有:找出不同类的单词、判断正误、单词词组的英汉互译等。 小学英语单词记忆法:在小学英语教学中,记忆单词是学生学习的最大障碍,尤其是低年级的学生,刚刚接触英语,死记硬背下来的方法既吃力,又很容易遗忘,掌握英语单词量的多少,直接影响着学习效果。一、拼音式记忆法如:数字“十”ten,可以让学生联想成ten的拼音发音。男人们“men”汉语拼音便是men……二、谐音记忆法1.单词读音谐音法可能老师们都已经发现,刚接触英语的小学生会在你教的单词下面写上相应的汉语“谐音”(和汉语相仿的读音)大部分老师会阻止孩子们这样的行为,但我不认为这是错误的,我会根据他们的思路继续引导,在谐音的基础上画图、联想,三者结合,这样对单词的记忆就非常深刻,如:apple单词的汉语谐音是“阿婆”画图“一个阿婆手里拿着一个苹果”联想,看到图画联想到apple的读音,汉意。2.字母音与汉字音相结合谐音记忆法如讲述颜色单词红色red时,我会让学生记住一句话,阿姨地里的苹果红了……这一句话,不仅让学生加深了三个字母r,e,d的粗读,还记住了这个单词的顺序,同时又记住了这个单词的汉意“红色”,这样一句话,可谓一石三鸟,在实际的教学中收到了良好的效果……三、形近串连记忆法如tea茶叶,eat吃,teacher教师,meat肉,这些单词形近,于是我会让学生说,老师吃茶吃肉,这样一句话,让学生一下子便记住了四个单词。Purple people紫色的人们,monday moon monkey星期一,月儿升,照猴子……四、字母谐音及外形和结合记忆法单词eleven “十一”很多同学记忆吃力,即便是当时记住了,可是很短时间又忘了,于是我便用这样一个办法来让学生牢牢记在了脑海里啊,不客气地说……这种方法想让学生想忘记都难呢,我是这样讲的:三个阿姨(e)走娘家,(她的娘家门牌号是11.)想知道三个阿姨带什么礼物给她们的娘吗?学生们此时齐呼,想……,于是,我接着说,她们的礼物可有意思啊,第一个阿姨带去了一把勾子(l这个字母形状像勾),第二个阿姨呢,竟带去了一把剪刀(v像剪刀),第三个阿姨特别有意思,把自己的大门扛了去……想必是娘家的大门坏了……要女儿去换哩……学生们听了后哈哈大笑……,我于是说,现在同学们把这个单词默写出来吧……,孩子们不过几秒钟,竟准确无误地连续写了好几遍……五、循环记忆法这种方法是一个传统的记忆方法,也是来是们使用的做多的方法,人的大脑有一个特点,对某个信息反复刺激才能记住,例如,三年级的学生我每天规定记忆的词汇量是五个单词,第二天记忆十个其中包括第一天的五个,第三天背十五个其中包括前两天的,照这样累计,这种方法也许对于孩子来说是枯燥无味的,但每个单词却都对大脑刺激无数次,从而记得比较牢。六、浏览记忆法所谓浏览就是将你要记忆的单词看一遍,但必须每天坚持看,时间不宜过长,一般控制在一小时以内,经过多次的浏览,单词汇很轻松的在脑海里留下印象。七、同音记忆法如 two,to,too(二,到,也) 、 write和right(写,正确 )、 see,sea(看,海)、meet和meat(碰见,肉)……总之,记忆单词的方法很多,人们可以根据自己的习惯和文化背景进行记忆,每天背诵单词的时间和数量要根据俄自己的具体情况决定,背诵要选择一天中头脑最清晰、精力最充沛的时候进行。此外,记住单词虽然可以采取好的方法进行记忆,但背单词的三大宗旨不能忘:1、贵在坚持;2、遵循人的记忆规律,并根据艾滨浩斯遗忘规律,循环复习比一次性记忆有效。3、背诵的词汇只有真正运用到听、说、读、写各方面才能将英语运用自如小学单词汇总:学习用品pen pencil pencil-case ruler book bag comic book post card newspaper schoolbag eraser crayon sharpener story-book notebook magazine 人体foot head face hair nose mouth eye ear arm finger leg tail动物cat dog pig duck rabbit horse elephant ant kangaroo monkey fish bird panda bear lion tiger sheep goat cow donkey 人物friend boy girl mother father sister brother uncle man woman Mr Miss lady mom mother dad father parents grandparents grandpa grandma aunt cousin son classmate principal university student pen pal pal people职业teacher student doctor nurse driver farmer singer writer actor actress artist TV reporter engineeraccountant policeman salesperson cleaner baseball player assistant policeman颜色red blue yellow green white black pink purple orange brown]食品rice bread beef milk water egg fish tofu cake hot dog hamburger noodles meatchicken pork mutton vegetable soup ice-cream Coke juice tea coffee (breakfast lunch dinner)水果,蔬菜apple banana pear orange watermelon grape eggplant green beans tomato potato peach cucumber strawberry onion carrot cabbage 衣服jacket shirt T-shirt skirt dress jeans pants socks shoes sweater coat shorts sneakers slippers sandals boots hat 交通工具bike bus train boat ship car taxi yacht taxi jeep van plane subway motor cycle杂物window door desk chair computer board fan light teacher's desk picture wall floor curtain trash bin closet mirror end table football present lamp phone sofa shelf fridge table air-conditioner photo plate knife fork spoon ball kite box violin e-card e-mail traffic light money medicine地点home room bedroom bathroom living room kitchen classroom school park library post office hospital cinema bookstore farm zoo garden study playground canteen teacher's office gym washroom art room company factory fruit stand pet shop nature park theme park bank village city国家China/PRC America/USA England Canada/CAN天气cold warm cool snowy sunny hot rainy windy cloudy weather reporter景物river lake stream forest path raod house bridge building rain cloud sun mountain sky 植物flower grass tree seed sprout plant leaf星期day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday weekend月份month January February March April May June July August September October November December year季节spring summer fall(autumn) winter方位south north east west left right患病have a fever hurt have a cold have toothache have a headache have a sore throat数词One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety first second third fourth fifth eighth ninth twelfth twentieth形容词big small long tall short young old strong thin active quiet nice kind strict smart funny tasty sweet salty sour fresh favourite clean tired excited angry happy bored sad fine great heavy new fat happy right little lovely beautiful colourful pretty cheap expensive sick better介词in on under near behind next to over in front to from to for代词I me my we us our you your he him his she her it its they them their动词Play swim skate fly jump walk run climb fight swing eat like have turn buy take live teach go study learn sing dance row do homework watch TV read books cook the meals water the flowers sweep the floor clean the bedroom make the bed set the table wash the clothes do the dishes use a computer do morning exercises eat breakfast eat dinner go to school have English class play sports get up climb mountains go shopping play the piano visit grandparents go hiking fly kites make a snowman plant trees draw pictures cook dinner read a book answer the phone listen to music clean the room write a letter write an e-mail drink water take pictures watch insects pick up leaves do an experiment catch butterflies count insects collect insect collect leaves write a report play chess have a picnic get to ride a bike play the violin make kites collect stamps meet welcome thank work look help pass show use clean open close stop wait drive send feel become think wear put on go home go to bed play computer games do housework empty the trash put away the clothes get off(on) take a trip go on a trip read a magazine go to the cinema疑问词what(什么) what colour(什么颜色) what time(几点) what day(星期几) how(怎样)how old(年龄多大,几岁)how many(多少) how much (多少钱) how tall (多高)how heavy(多重) how long(多长) how big(多大) how large(面积多大) who(谁) when(什么时候) whose (谁的) where(在哪里) why(为什么) which(哪一个)be动词am is are was were助动词:do does did 情态动词can should would will欢迎您转载分享:
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Right outside my window is a small slice of blue sky and an orange tree that is so filled with fruit that the branches barely move in the breeze.
About every five minutes or so an orange falls on the ground with a satisfying “thwock” that sounds just like a fly ball being caught in a mitt.
A red hummingbird feeder hangs from the branches of the tree and all day long two hummingbirds (named Fig and Newton) stage turf wars.
Beyond their haven is a lovely Black Mission fig tree that is it is the site of the war of attrition that I’m waging with a neighborhood squirrel over the ripening figs.
This view is what I see from my bed, where I have been laid up for twelve days now recovering from back surgery.
I spend almost 20 hours a day in this bed, flat on my back and wearing a back brace, so it’s a view that I know well.
Luckily, there is plenty outside to keep my eyes and my mind occupied and today I started thinking about making an orange dessert.
Why doesn’t anyone make orange pie?
It seems like it would be delicious…a nice orange meringue or an orange peach combo on a flaky crust.
Anyway, I came across a recipe for Orange Creamsicle Cake and it seemed the perfect thing to make on a hot summer day.
Between the long cooking times, cooling periods of the cake and my many breaks, this became an all-day project.
More ambulatory folks could make it in a mere 2 hours.
I used to LOVE Orange Creamsicles and orange sherbet when I was a kid.
Our mom used to bring home cartons of orange sherbet and pineapple ice cream.
When you opened the carton — those old-school box style ones with the flaps that got all messy and never closed right — the ice cream was in perfect squares.
I think our brand was the generic version from Safeway or Angelo’s or one of those other ;s Massachusetts grocery stores.
Anyway, on to the dreamy creamsicle cake.
I decided to adapt a recipe I found online on .
Her original recipe is , but I was missing cake flour and orange extract and since I can’t drive yet I have no way to get to the store.
I figured I’d work with what I have.
I also wanted to add extra orange flavor, so I soaked the cake in an orange-honey mixture to make the layers moist and flavorful.
It turned out really great.
The cake was dense and heavy with an intense orange flavor, and a fluffy, light frosting.
It tasted just like a creamsicle and the vanilla-orange combination was perfect.
Here is the recipe I used:
Orange Creamsicle Cake
2 sticks unsalted butter, softened
zest of four large oranges
2 cups sugar
3 cups cake flour (I didn’t have cake flour so I used the conversion of 3 cups minus 6 tablespoons of all purpose flour)
1 tbsp baking powder
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup sour cream
1 cup fresh orange juice (with 1/4 cup reserved for soaking)
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup honey
3-4 gingersnap cookies (optional, for decoration)
1. Grease two 8″ cake pans and line the bottoms with parchment paper.
Pre-heat oven to 300 degrees
2. Using the paddle attachment on your stand mixer, beat the butter with the orange zest until fluffy.
3. In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking powder and salt and whisk together until mixed.
4. Add the sugar to the butter mixture in small batches, mixing thoroughly before adding the next batch and scraping down the sides.
5. Add the eggs one at a time to the butter-sugar mixture, making sure each egg is incorporated before adding the next one and scraping down the sides as you go.
Add the vanilla to the butter-sugar-egg mixture.
Add 1/3 of the flour mixture to the wet ingredients and mix until just combined.
Then add half of the sour cream and half of the orange juice and mix until combined.
Add another 1/3 of the flour mixture, followed by the remainder of the sour cream and orange juice, finishing with the remainder of the flour mixture.
Be careful not to mix too long.
7. Pour batter into pans evenly and bake for about 60 minutes or until cake pulls away from the sides of the pan.
Allow cake to cook completely.
8. Optional: Mix together honey and remainder of orange juice until honey is dissolved.
Poke a few holes in the top of the cooled cakes and pour the orange juice-honey mixture over them.
This makes the cake dense and adds even more flavor, but I imagine it would be just as good without it.
If you do decide to add the syrupy mixture, place the cakes in the fridge for at least an hour to allow it to soak in fully.
Meanwhile, make the Fluffy Whipped Cream Cream Cheese Frosting (recipe below).
I opted for a plain cream cheese frosting rather than adding any orange flavor to it as it seemed a bit too over the top.
9. I figured I’d make this a four layer cake,
to cut the cakes with a long serrated knife.
The cakes will be sticky if you’ve soaked them with the honey-orange syrup.
10. Assemble your layers and frost with the icing.
Top with crushed ginger snaps.
Fluffy Whipped Cream Cream Cheese Frosting
1 1/5 cups heavy whipping cream
8 oz cream cheese
1 1/4 cups powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
pinch of salt
Chill your beaters and bowl, if possible.
Beat the whipped cream until it forms soft peaks.
In separate bowl, beat the cream cheese until fluffy, then add in the vanilla, salt and sugar.
Continue beating until creamy, then fold in the whipped cream.
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It’s been almost two weeks since my microdiscectomy surgery, which took place on July 2, 2013.
Here’s how it’s gone so far:
Day One (July 2)
My complete Day One journal is .
Day One sucked.
Day Two (July 3)
I got a fairly good night’s sleep, all things considered.
The back brace that I’m wearing is large and bulky — much stiffer than the one I wore following my 2005 microdiscectomy.
I’m taking Celebrex for the inflammation and Oxycodone for the pain.
I still can’t feel my foot or leg at all.
PCA dragged a paperclip across my foot and I can feel the pressure of it but can’t tell what he’ I can’t tell whether it’s sharp or dull.
My sister borrowed my mom’s walker and I’ve been using that to get around.
It’s really hard to get up and down the single stair that leads to the guest room and I have to put my arm around PCA if I want to navigate it.
Using the bathroom is a challenge, as is most everything else.
I am moving like a robot, trying to keep my body perfectly straight and only move arms and legs.
It freaks me out that I can’t lift my toes, wiggle them, or move my big toe.
Makes me scared that if it doesn’t come back I’ll have problems driving since I can’t feel the gas pedal.
Trying hard not to panic about that.
Meditating helps, even if just for 20 minutes at a time.
I usually fall asleep to the thought of my body healing itself better without my worrying about it.
I’m not hungry but I’m trying to eat chicken broth and crackers with the pills.
The surgeon called today and said it was good that I could lift my toes even a fraction of an inch.
He also said to ice, which was (of course) the opposite of what the clueless nurse instructed.
He said he expects the numbness to improve a lot in the next week.
Day Three (4th of July)
So weird reading everyone’s Facebook feeds: BBQ’s and beach trips and summer stuff and fireworks.
I feel so removed from everything and so out of it.
We took such a big right hand turn with the surgery and haven’t gotten back on the path of our normal life and all the social fun stuff that goes with it.
My sister brought her kids over for a short visit and I LOVED seeing them, all hopped up on summer fun.
Pain-wise I feel pretty good.
I never really let it get ahead of me before taking a pill.
The surgeon had said the anesthesia and morphine would wear off today and I’d feel it more and he’s right.
But it’s nothing compared to my shoulder surgery and frankly I’m surprised at how little it hurts.
To be honest, I never really liked fireworks anyway.
Day 4 (July 5)
Sleeping last night was tough as my leg is aching like crazy.
It’s a deep, throbbing ache that nothing seems to help.
Can really feel the pain in my back today too.
I feel like I’ve been hit in the back with a baseball bat.
My whole body feels really bruised and sore.
But, I feel slightly stronger.
I feel great actually, and every once in a while I get hit by a wave of euphoria that the surgery is OVER and now all I have to do is get better.
PCA has been making videos of me walking and I shuffle a lot less.
It seems easier to pick up my leg, although it’s still weird because I have to watch my foot for every step since I can’t tell where the floor is.
I did 3 circuits around the kitchen island with the walker today and it wiped me out.
Amazing how your whole body puts all its resources towards healing and there’s not much left over for anything else physical.
I sleep whenever I want to, dropping off a few times a day.
I feel like I’m getting stronger and am a lot more optimistic today.
I refuse to wallow.
PCA cleaned the whole backyard, brought the dead garden back from the brink (we are living with my sister, who has a black thumb) and has been doing so much around the house.
He has to help me with everything.
The grabber is a Godsend but it’s still much faster when he helps me get dressed, put on socks, get stuff from fridge, refill water glass, etc.
I move so slow and am really limited.
Took my first shower today!
We got the whole bathroom wet.
Day 5 (July 6)
It’s the little things.
I have one water glass that I use for rinsing and one water glass that I spit into after brushing my teeth because I can’t lean in to get water from the faucet and if I just spit it out it would splash everywhere.
Lying in bed I have the pillows propped up to be about 15 degrees and a pillow under my knees.
I’ve started trying to sleep on my side and I actually use a
(for swimming) between my knees as it’s easier than a pillow and it’s the exact same shape.
Plus it keeps me inspired for getting back into the pool.
The incision hurts today.
I try to get up about once an hour as I can’t lie down for that long without hurting.
Nothing is comfortable for long but it still can’t compare to pre-surgery, when I could not lie, stand, sit or crawl without crying.
I’ve stopped taking the pain meds at night because it reacts with the Ambien and I end up waking up after 4 hours with my heart racing and can’t get back to sleep.
I’ve decided to try taking pain meds during the day, then half a pain pill about 45 minutes before bed, then the Ambien after that.
Day 6 (July 7)
Finally went for a short walk today, about 5 minutes up and down the street.
Walking down the driveway was tough as it’s a small hill and with my wonky leg I feel like I’m going to pitch forward all the time.
PCA is there to support me.
All in all it was a success.
I haven’t tried sitting yet except for about 5 minutes at a time.
Day 7 (July 8)
Today I could lift my toes about half an inch, which was an amazing feeling.
One week tomorrow.
As far as recoveries go, I have it pretty good with this breezy room, huge flat screen TV, beautiful garden, and my husband here to help.
There’s even a dog and everyone knows there’s nothing like a furry friend to help make you feel better.
I cooked spa it was an all-day project and I took a lot of breaks.
Nighttime is tough because I’m just not tired after a full day of doing nothing.
My muscles are screaming out for activity.
I’m restless and bored and want to get on with it.
I am truly amazed at how little it hurts and it’s really hard not to want to do more and more.
I’m terrified of re-herniating and going through this whole nightmare again, so I won’t take any chances.
All in all, I have to say that after one week I feel pretty good.
I’m deeply scared of having permanent numbness in my foot and leg, but the surgeon has assured me that he sees no reason why it won’t come back.
He says I have a narrow spinal canal, but that he was careful with the L4/L5 nerve.
Unfortunately, I went down this road once already and I have a hard time believing what the surgeon says.
I heard those same words 8 years ago and the feeling never came back.
However, the difference this time is that I have seen some improvements in the past week (whereas last surgery I saw no improvement from the day I woke up from surgery until the present, in terms of nerve damage).
I feel as though my leg is getting stronger, the stair is easier to navigate, and either I’m getting more used to the numbness and have more confidence in where to place my foot or it is getting a little better.
It seems like I have a bit more feeling across the top of my foot.
Still nothing in my toes, heel, calf or the side of my leg.
Hopefully we will see some changes in the week ahead.
Things that have helped me:
Fresh mint (it helps with the nausea from the meds)
Guided Meditations, especially those dealing with pain, healing, sleeping and recovery
Grabber thing, so I don’t have to bend, reach or twist
Relocating everything to waist height prior to the surgery
Handheld shower nozzle
Slip-on tennies
Lightweight nightgowns as it’s easiest to just put on one item and be done with it
Distractions — Netflix, HBO, computer games, blogs, organizing photos (dream on)
Back surgery forums such as
and . A lot of them are scary horror stories but it’s also nice to see how other people with the same issues are doing
Socks with nonslip pads on the bottom since my numb foot is always cold
(I used this when I had shoulder surgery and am reusing it now by lying it flat on the bed).
It’s expensive but worth it.
Visitors, the kind who don’t care if you’re wearing nothing but a nightgown and a Deenie back brace
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