
此时此刻&:&в э?то врé ...
你可能喜欢你知道“然并卵”“城里人真会玩”“睡起来嗨”这些流行语的英语怎么说吗?1、此刻我的内心几乎是崩溃的。My heart is almost collapsed at the moment.中文释义:表达内心的无奈和崩溃,一种很无语的感情。来源:漫画家陈安妮的访谈。2、怪我咯?My fault?中文释义:难道怪我吗?表示不应该怪我的意思。来源:动漫/英雄联盟  3、重要的事情说三遍。Important things are to be repeated for 3 times.中文释义:某件事情我重复了三遍,是因为它很重要。来源:一个很黄很暴力的动漫《潜行吧,奈亚子》。  4、然而并没有什么卵用。But it is of no damn use.中文释义:虽然厉害得不得了,但最后其实一点用都没有。来源:B站和暴漫。  5、睡你麻痹起来嗨!F**k off your sleep, rock up and let's have fun!中文释义:别再睡了,快起来耍!来源:微博短视频的字幕。  6、丑的人都睡了,帅的人还醒着。The ugly are asleep, while the handsome are awake.中文释义:此刻,凡是睡着了的人都很丑,凡是还醒着的人都帅出了新高度!来源:百度金馆长吧和微博段子手。  7、能靠脸蛋吃饭,却偏偏要靠才华。He wastes his beautiful face by making a living by his talent.中文释义:在这个看脸的世界,TA本来靠颜值就能赚钱吃饭,却非要固执地靠才华上位。美国的流行语1. I don't want to be the thirdwheel.我不想当电灯泡.2. I am the one-woman kinda man.我是那种从一而终的男人./one-manwoman3.Those boys like to hit on me allthe time.那些男生老爱找我搭讪.4.You should have chivalry.你应该有点绅士风度。5.I saw you smooching that girljust outside my window.我看到你在我的窗外亲那个女孩喔。6.I'm all over you.我对你非常地著迷。7.I'm over you.我跟你之间完了。8.Are you trying to seduce me?你想要勾引我吗?9.What is the fuss?吵什么?10.Nothing tricky.别耍花招。11.It can be a killer.这是个伤脑筋的问题。VOA英语学习(sunlingvoastudy) 
泰戈尔崇尚人间纯真的爱,泰戈尔对爱的思索,更是深切,更是执着。他毫不吝惜地运用了大量比喻来赞enjoy是动词,喜欢、享受 ,而-ful 这个后缀和名词搭配成形容词时则有“充满…的,具有…的”含义。so有朋友可能就想到用“enjoyful”这个单词能用来表达“令人愉快和喜欢的事情”。不过英语中有没有“enjoyful”这个单词呢?两个词的意思和用法是不一样的,而且在句子中基本上是不能互换的,怎么区分呢?Has a job interviewer ever questioned why you stayed so long in one job or at one company?是否有面试官怀疑过你为什么在一份工作或一家公司工作太长时间?I want you to just raise your hand if you've experienced relatively little stress. Anyone?Are you a leftover man?General factNestled amongst the peaks of the CanadianWhen I was young, I went looking for gold in Californi01contentThe Exact Science of MatrimonyJeff Peters andPassion 用作名词,表示对某事或某人的激情、极度喜爱之情;enthusiasm 也是名词,一般指对某项The next stage is to test the books in larger trials wThank Noah Webster, his collection became the basis of today's American English.Technology can bring magic to the Christmas seasonThis Holiday Season, Don't Be A Scrooge!圣诞节对不同的人有不同的意义。有些人最喜欢的是收到礼物,但对于其他一些人来说是装扮圣诞老人来帮助那些穷困、年报名方式:点击上方标题下“芥末学院”进入微信公众号后回复“4”,仅需?3即可参加8场微讲座一直以来,你的老师01scriptWhat makes a good interview? 谈话类节目主持人采访的成功秘诀ChHumans need less sleep than other mammals, yet their sHello and welcome to the VOA Learning English program Every language has common words that are used in uncomFeifei大家好,我是冯菲菲。欢迎收听 BBC 英语教学节目《你问我答》。 这是我们与听众朋友互动,分享的Helen大家好,欢迎收听BBC英语教学的《你问我答》节目。我是Helen。我们希望通过这档节目解答大家在英Do you usually go dutch when you take someone out to dQuestionHi! Could you tell me the difference between gVocabulary: Sweetener 词汇 : 甜味剂For many of us, the relaEvery word has its own story. Where did it come from? #1. Everything Inside You Will Fight ImprovementThe hu#1. Everything Inside You Will Fight ImprovementThe hu上班路上看到一篇深度好文,故找到英文原版跟大家分享,此文转载自,请细细认真阅读,HavYou put a bandage on a cut or take antibiotics toThanksgiving. Just as it sounds, Thanksgiving is a holIn an earlier program, we talked a lot about the DevilLife is not perfect. Things go wrong. We make mistakesBEIJING - On a Friday night when concert-goers were enFrench policeman assists a blood-covered victim near the Bataclan concert hall following attacks in Paris, France.Home is the only hiding place of human shortcomings anAnh "Joseph" Cao felt uneasy when his Republican colle(1/4) Douglas and I became best friendsOne day when I
▼▼▼1/2▼▼▼We were together for about a year. He was myWASHINGTON— What started off as a hunt for sunken treaWelcome back to Everyday Grammar from VOA Learning EngLeaders across Taiwan Strait meet for first time in 66 yearsWhisky byproducts are being transformed into biofuel, which could reduce oil consumption and cut emissions that contribute to global warming.Workers at a collapsed Pakistani factory begged for re☆☆☆(1/3)★★★My dad owns a shop where he buys and sellsI don’t think I’ll stay in the city much longer. EveryTraditonal customs of the Double Ninth Festival中国传统节日介I met John in India while studying in a Hindi languageWe’re on the slow plan to get over her terrible beginn▼▼▼1/3▼▼▼Every month we had to go to Baghdad to get mysunlingvoastudy每天学习点地道的英语,包括BBC和VOA提供有趣的教学材料的整理,让我们的英语地道起来!热门文章最新文章sunlingvoastudy每天学习点地道的英语,包括BBC和VOA提供有趣的教学材料的整理,让我们的英语地道起来!|  
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刺客信条2 因为有了克里斯蒂娜才完整 英文原稿+翻译
中级玩家, 积分 140, 距离下一级还需 110 积分
中级玩家, 积分 140, 距离下一级还需 110 积分
刺客信条2 因为有了克里斯蒂娜篇才完整, 艾吉奥传奇的一生。
A Second Chance
The first memory is unlocked when the Desmond reaches 15% synchronization with Ezio.
In Florence, after being encouraged by his brother to try speaking with a pretty lady he saw passing on the street, Ezio instead stuttered and made himself look like a fool. Cristina left, though she smiled at his attempts, which Federico assured Ezio was a promising sign. Wishing for a second chance, Ezio decided to follow Cristina home to see where she lived. However, as Cristina passed through an alleyway, she met Vieri de' Pazzi standing at her door, who told her, &I'm tired of waiting for you to open your legs to me on your own.& As he attempted to sexually assault her, Ezio stepped in and told Vieri that he seemed to be &disturbing this young lady's day.& At this, Vieri started a fight with Ezio, but was sorely beaten. Thanking Ezio, Cristina told him her name and admitted that it looked like he had gotten his second chance.
Last Rites
The second memory is unlocked when Desmond reaches 30% synchronization with Ezio.
Soon after the execution of Federico, Petruccio and Giovanni Auditore, Ezio sought to bury and give the final rites to his family. Ezio and Cristina arrived at the Palazzo della Signoria to retrieve their bodies, but afterinterrogating a guard, Ezio discovered that the bodies of his kin had already been taken to be dumped into the river. Ezio and Cristina hurried to the docks, where Ezio expalned he planed to kill the guards to get rescue his father's and brother's bodies. It was because of Cristina's plea's that he retrieved his kin one at a time to avoid being detected by the six guards on duty. After burning and setting the bodies adrift in the Arno, Ezio wished for Cristina to leave the city with him for Monteriggioni, but Cristina declined saying that she couldn't leave her family. Ezio responded by giving her a crest-shaped pendant, saying, &Now we'll always be together.&
The third memory is unlocked when Desmond reaches 45% synchronization with Ezio.
Ezio returned to Florence two years after his departure, in 1478, and met with Cristina, only to be told that she had thought he would never return, and that she was already engaged. Upon discovering that Cristina's fiance, Manfredo Soderini, was being attacked by men whom he owed a gambling debt to, Ezio came to his aid.
After rescuing him, Ezio dangled the man over a bridge and demanded to know if he truly loved Cristina. Manfredo sincerely replied that he did and if he died now he would die loving her, thus Ezio made him promise to be a faithful husband to Cristina, and to stop gambling otherwise he would hunt him down and kill him. Ezio then returned to Cristina, taking one last, long kiss from Cristinia. Then he tells her that he had made sure Manfredo would be a good husband to her. He then left abruptly, much to Cristina's confusion.
Persona Non Grata
The fourth memory is unlocked when Desmond reaches 60% synchronization with Ezio.
Upon learning from Leonardo da Vinci that Cristina was attending theCarnevale in Venice, with her husband Manfredo. Ezio wrote a fake note to Cristina to meet him in an alleyway, pretending to be her husband. Upon locating Cristina with Eagle Vision, Ezio planted the letter on her and waited at the meeting point. Unaware of Ezio's identity because of his mask, Cristina kissed Ezio, wondering why her husband had suddenly become so romantic. However, when she discovered who he was, she angrily pushed him away, stating incredulously that she hadn't seen him in eight years. As Ezio attempted to explain himself, Cristina interrupted him by saying that she had loved him, and not her fiance all those years ago, yet he had abandoned her to be married. She coldly said that his chance had passed, and told him to never look for her again.
Love's Labour's Lost
The final memory is unlocked when Desmond reaches 75% synchronization with Ezio.
In Florence in 1498, during the height of the Bonfire of the Vanities, Ezio found a dying Manfredo on the ground, who told him that Girolamo Savonarola's men had attacked their home, and that Cristina had fled with guards pursuing her. Ezio hunted down the guards and killed them, however Cristina had already been mortally wounded. Ezio attempted to carry Cristina to a doctor, only to have however, not before Cristina showed him the pendant he had given her, which she had kept for the past twenty-two years out of a desire that they &could have had a second chance.& As she closed her eyes, Ezio gave Cristina her last rites by quietly saying, &Requiescat in pace, my love.&
这是《刺客信条之兄弟会》中的一个支线——“克里斯蒂娜的任务”—— 一段关于艾齐奥主线以外的感人故事。
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高级玩家, 积分 467, 距离下一级还需 133 积分
游戏精英, 积分 5367, 距离下一级还需 3633 积分
游戏精英, 积分 5367, 距离下一级还需 3633 积分
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