logan fell-buffalograss是...

Differences &
Similarities &
Bison versus Buffalo comparison chart
Four footed, huge structure, large hump.
Four footed, huge frame, no hump.
Sharp and small.
Not sharp but long (Water buffalo); medium & sharp (Cape buffalo).
Thick fur.
Light fur.
Thick beard.
700 to 2,200 lb.
1200 kg (2640 lb) fo 850 kg (1870 lb) for do 909 kg (2000 lb) for Cape buffalo.
13-21 years.
25-30 (Water Buffalo); 15-25 (Cape Buffalo).
Grass and hay.
Plains. Rugged lands. Really cold places.
Cannot live in rugged conditions (Water). Can and mostly does live in rugged conditions (Cape).
North and South America, Europe.
Asia (Water), Africa (Cape).
Yes (Water); No (Cape).
Meat, clothing, shelter, weapons.
Milk, cattle, meat (Water) . Once hunted as trophies, but now meat for hunters and other animals (Cape).
2 million.
150 Million (Water); 160,000 (Cape).
Bubalus (Water Buffalo); Syncerus (Cape Buffalo)
The bison hunt display at the entrance to the Museum of Man and Nature.
Differences in Physical characteristics
Bison have a hairy fur coat on their body which grows thicker in the winters as a protection from the rugged environment they live in. Buffalo do not have thick .
Bison have very sharp horns which they use for their defense. A buffalo's horns aren't very sharp but are longer than a bison's.
Bison have a huge hump on their back which Buffaloes do not have.
Bison also have a thick beard that circles around their rib cage but Buffaloes do not have a thick beard.
A Bisons' temperament is associated with its rugged structure and it can be a very aggressive animal when threatened. While the African cape buffalo is also aggressive, Asian water buffaloes are peaceful animals, which is why they are domesticated.
Buffaloes grow up to 5 feet in size while Bison may grow to 6 feet.
Bison can run faster than Buffaloes.
Buffaloes can weigh between 800-1200 kg while Bison can weigh up to 1400 kg.
Buffalo are highly domesticated or raised for their meat, hence they have a very lazy and tame habitat. They are accustomed to living in mild temperatures. Bison, on the other hand, are not domesticated.
Bison are accustomed to rugged conditions and can survive extreme conditions.
Geographical distribution
Bisons are native to North and South America (but are also found in Asia and Africa now). Buffaloes are native to Asia and Africa (and are found in other parts of the world now).
A bison cantering - set to motion using photos by
Bisons live in rugged conditions and hence live till their teenage years while domesticated buffaloes are known to live for 25-30 years.
Both Buffalo and Bison have similar
- they thrive on grass. Both these animals drink
of water every day.
Buffaloes, except for one or two species are domesticated, while Bisons aren't domesticated.
is also used in Asia and Africa for consumption. Buffaloes are used as work animals extensively while bison are mostly wild in nature and aren't used for work. Both animals are also raised for their meat.
The Bison population is estimated to be around 2 . There are about 20,000 wild bison and 400,000 commercial bison (raised for meat) in the United States. Buffaloes are more numerous and their population is estimated to be around 150 million across the world.
Related Videos
The video below discusses the life of bison at Yellowstone National Park.
of wolves hunting American bison on snow in Wood Buffalo National Park, Alberta, Canada.
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