The advantage dior di...

The advantages and disadv by plane, train, and car. Essay - 1062 Words
The advantages and...
The advantages and disadv by plane, train, and car.
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(1062 words
: November 4, 2003
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When traveling over land there are three main ways of doing so, a flight, a train ride, or driving yourself. I guess you could walk or run but, I'm talking about cross country travel. There are expensive and inexpensive ways of travel, some fast, some slow, most fun, others boring. Out of these three ways you must decide how you want to go baste on your budget, time, and the quality of travel you prefer.
The fastest way of travel would be by plane. If time is a major issue, a flight would be the best mode of transportation for you. A flight can also be easier to schedule, there are hundreds of flights leaving every half-hour, in every direction from and to almost every airport in the world. Besides being fast and convenient, studies have shown it's also safer. Statistics show air travel as one of the safest ways to travel, baste on its passenger to crash ratio. The down fall is a flight is also the most expensive way to travel out of the three. A flight from California to New York (round trip) could cost anywhere from $500.00 to $2,500.00+, depending on which class (or section) you purchase your ticket for. On most commercial planes there are three sections of seating, where you sit depends on your willingness to pay. There' which is very luxurious. This is the most expensive section to sit in. It has more leg room, larger and softer chairs, better service, and hand prepared meals instead of the processed food the rest of the plane gets. Next is coa which is the middle section, it's somewhat luxurious. You get some leg room, descent service but, you still get processed food. For anyone who wants real food better spend a little extra money and fly first class. At the back of the plane you'll fi which is one of the cheaper ways to fly. The service isn't great, the leg room is non-existent, and you're one of the last people to get off of the plane when it lands. So, you're one of the last ones...
...Traveling by plane and by train
When traveling over states or over countries there are three main ways of doing so, a flight, a train ride, or driving yourself. I guess you could walk or run but, I'm talking about cross country travel. There are expensive and inexpensive ways of travel, some fast, some slow, most fun, others boring. In the developed countries, traveling by trains and...
...When traveling over land there are three main ways of doing so, a flight, a train ride, or driving yourself. I guess you could walk or run but, I'm talking about cross country travel. There are expensive and inexpensive ways of travel, some fast, some slow, most fun, others boring. Out of these three ways you must decide how you want to go baste on your budget, time, and the quality of travel you prefer.
The fastest way of travel would be by plane....
Traveling by cars compares to traveling by planes
Thanks to technological development, people can travel to other places easily and quickly. Nowadays, there are many means of transportation for people to move or journey such as: cars, buses, trains, or even planes. In the developed countries, traveling by cars and traveling by... activities and commercial purposes thanks to many advantages that such flights bring to. However, there are also disadvantages about this type of transport. This essay will present both some benefits and drawbacks of such flights.
First of all, the popularity of flying has good impacts on both local and global economies. The first reason why people prefer going by plane is time-saving. In the past, people could only use ships or...
...touring officer, touring court, touring cinema and so on. Some people tour by train or bus. Some tour by motorcars. Some by bicycles. But there are some who like tour on foot. Their tour is the walking tour.
Whilst traveling with friends or organised groups is fairly common, by choice or by necessity many people travel alone. Traveling alone is a unique experience and can be a very rewarding way of traveling.
...In today's world of hurrying the car becomes to be the most popular way of moving from one place to another. However, some people consider that using cars is harmful for the humanity.
On the one hand, using such mean of transport is very comfortable and contribute to save people's time and energy. Moreover, workers are able to transfer some important things with the help of the car. Personally I think that it is unable to survive without transport...
...advantages and disadvantages of car
In the beginning of human life, many devices are
invented by human. The most important of these devices
undoubted is fire and the second one is wheels. Invention
of wheels was created a way for produce the first car. I
do not have enough information that when and where the
first car is produced, but I believe its inventor is was a
In modern world, we cannot imagine a life without...
...Advantages of Total Quality Management (TQM)
Improves Reputation - TQM programs have the advantage of improving corporate as well as product reputations in the marketplace, because errors and defective products are discovered much more rapidly than under a non-TQM system, and often before they are ever sent to market or found in the hands of the public.
Higher Employee Morale - Compared to employees who are motivated, disengaged workers are less efficient, miss...
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More great study tools:Advantage of Travelling Around the World | Travel
Travelling is a great thing to do, especially now. Summer is a good time of year to start a new adventure or see new parts of the world. But what exactly is travelling? Simply stated, travelling is a process of getting from one place to another.
Most people travel as part of their daily routine, not only because it is enjoyable but also because it has a lot to offer. Are you familiar with the saying, “T those who do not travel read only a page”?
There are lots of places to explore in the world. Your travel doesn’t have to be limited to where you live or what you read in a book, there are lots of exciting places to experience in the real world. Travelling is worth every penny you will spend because memories last forever.
There are many advantages to travelling around the world. Here are a few to think about:
You will enjoy the Adventure
The reason why many people travel is because they love an adventure. There are several different types of adventures to choose from when you travel. An example of this is travelling
some people enjoy diving while others prefer surfing.
Wherever you will go, you will make memories of your adventure which will last a lifetime. You can relive the enjoyment again and again as you look back on the great adventure you had when travelling.
You get to know different People and Places
The world contains lots of countries and not all people are the same. When travelling, you get the opportunity to meet different people from different places. In life, one of the most important social skills we learn is how to interact and communicate with people who are different than we are.
All people have their own way of communicating, and not all ways are effective. Some people tend to have problems expressing themselves because their social abilities are not developed. Travelling and interacting with a variety of people can help build or improve social skills with very little effort.
Not only does travelling improve communication skills, it can actually boost self-confidence, since ideas and opinions are able to be more clearly expressed, shared and understood.
Getting accustomed to different cultures
Different cultures exist everywhere. As a traveler, it’s your duty to respect the culture of the people you visit. Some places have more modern cultures while others have traditional beliefs and customs.
Experiencing different cultures can also be enlighte many travelers look for places to visit whose cultures are different from their own. Learning about other’s lives and customs deepens our understanding of ourselves and of our world. It teaches us respect and is humbling in many cases.
Learning the culture of different peoples can reveal how people see themselves in a group. Culture may be defined as a total way of life, created by a group of people.
It is then passed down from one generation to the next.
You tend to see different places that you haven’t seen before
For many people, the main reason for travelling is to see the world. Travelling can be a dream come true! It allows you to have adventures in new places and see things you never thought possible.
Stress is a
in fact it helps us to survive! But when we have too much stress in our lives, it can be dangerous to our health. Many things bring about stress: work, family, relationships, change in health. Even positive change brings on stress.
There are lots of activities that can help reduce stress and tension. One way to reduce stress and anxiety is by relaxing or by doing activities you enjoy. Travelling can bring joy to life, especially in stressful times. It can be one of the best ways to remove stress, reduce tension and restore balance.
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The advantage and disadwantage of online shopping
你可能喜欢Advantages - definition of advantages by The Free Dictionary /advantages
advantage (redirected from advantages)Also found in: , , , , , .
A beneficial factor or combination of factors: Being tall is usually an advantage in basketball.2.
B gain: It is to your advantage to invest wisely.3.
A relativel superiority of means: A better education gave us the advantage.4.
The first point scored in tennis after deuce.b.
The resulting score.5.
A situation in soccer in which the referee has signaled that a foul has been committed but delays making the call because the fouled team has a more favorable position in play. If the fouled team loses this favorable position, the referee then makes the
ad·van·taged, ad·van·tag·ing, ad·van·tag·es
To affo benefit.Idioms:
take advantage of1.
T avail oneself of: take advantage of all educational opportunities.2.
To make use of achieve a selfish goal by exploiting: took advantage of him by leavi took advantage of his unsuspecting nature.3.
To seduce. to advantage T favorably: The roses were displayed to advantage in a blue vase.[Middle English avantage, from Old French, from avant, before, from Latin abante, from before; see
advance.]advantage (?d'vɑ:nt?d?) n1.
(often foll by: over or of) superior or more favourable position or power: he had an advantage over me because of his experience. 2. benefit or profit (esp in the phrase to one's advantage)3.
(Tennis) tennis a. the point scored after deuceb. the resulting state of the score4. take advantage of a. to make good use ofb. to impose upon the weakness, good nature, etc, abusec. to seduce5. to advantage to good effect: he used his height to advantage at the game. 6. you have the advantage of me you know me but I do not know you[C14: avantage (later altered to advantage on the model of words beginning with Latin ad-), from Old French avant before, from Latin abante from before, away. See advance]ad•van•tage
(aedˈvaen tɪdʒ, -ˈvɑn-)
-taged, -taging. n.
any circumstance, opportunity, or means specially favorable to success or a desired end:
the advantages of a good education.
It will be to your advantage to study Chinese.
a position of superiority or ascendancy (often fol. by over or of):
It gave him an advantage over his opponent.
the first point in tennis scored after deuce.
yie benefit.
take advantage of,
to make use of for gain:
to take advantage of an opportunity.
to impose upon, esp. unfairly, as by exploiting a weakness.
to advantage, in such a way as to have worthwhile or beneficial effects.
[;50; & Anglo-French, Old French avantage=avant before + -age ]
all mean something that is of use or value.
is anything that places a person in a favorable or superior position, esp. in coping with competition or difficulties: It is to your advantage to have traveled widely.
is anything that promotes the welfare or improves the state of a person or group: The new factory will be a great benefit to our town.
is any valuable or useful gain, usu. financial, moral, or educational:
profit from experience. Advantage&ace in the hole A something advantageous held in reserve until needed, and especially until needed to turn apparent failure into actual success. In stud poker a hole card is the card dealt face down in the first round. Since an ace is the highest and most valuable card, the player who receives an ace as his hole card has a decided advantage.beat to the punch To get the drop on, to beat to the draw, to gain the advantage through qui to steal someone& to win at oneupmanship. Webster&s Third cites W. J. Reilly&s use of this boxing metaphor:& beats you to the conversational punch by having his say before you have a chance to open your mouth.catch a weasel asleep To gain an advantage over something due to its inattentiveness. A sleeping animal is an easy target. This expression is an older equivalent of the current to catch someone napping.catch napping To acquire an advantage over someone through his inattentiveness. A sleeping person or animal is easily taken off guard by another person or predator. As used in the phrase, however, napping does not carry its literal meaning of &sleeping.& It means simply &unawares, off guard, inattentive.&get the drop on To have the ad to be in a superior, controlling position, such that one cannot be taken unawares. Most sources cite the following quotation from Alexander K. McClure&s Three Thousand Miles through the Rocky Mountains (1869) as the first use of this colloquial American expression.So expert is he with his faithful pistol that the most scientific of rogues have repeatedly attempted in vain to &get the drop& on him.This original use referring exclusively to a fast draw may be related to at the drop of a hat. (See .) The idea of covering a person with a gun before he can draw his own soon gave rise to the current figurative use.At any rate, we will not let Arcturus get the drop on the reading public. (Texas Siftings, August, 1888)get the weather gage of To obtai to get the better of. In the sea battles of bygone days, a ship on the weather gage, or windward, side of an adversary&s vessel would have the advantage of being better able to maneuver into a strategic position. The expression&s principal use still usually concerns war and fighting, although not necessarily of a maritime nature.He had got the weather gage of them, and for us to run down to them would be to run ourselves into the lion&s mouth. (John Mackey Wilson, Tales of the Borders, 1835-40)go in with good cards To have reas to anticipate triumph. This expression is derived from a card player&s foreknowledge of victory upon being dealt an exemplary hand. The phrase maintains limited use in the United States and Great Britain.They went in upon far better Cards to overthrow King Henry, than King Henry had to overthrow King Richard. (Francis Bacon, Henry VII, 1622)have the ball at one&s feet To be in a strategically a to be in the driver&s seat. In the British game of football (American soccer), whoever has the ball at his feet has the power to call the shots. This expression can be used in regard to politics, personal relations, or any area in which there are plays for power as one person or group attempts to gain control.We have the ball at our feet, and if the Government will allow us & the rebellion will be crushed. (W. E. Auckland, Journal and Correspondence, 1788-98)inside track An advantageous position granting one influence, or the power to secure favors. In racing, the inside track &inner side of a curved track& is the shortest route. By the mid-19th century, this Americanism was used figuratively to refer to any position of advantage.When a woman knows where she stands, and has the inside track, & the man has no show whatever. (Atherton, Perch of Devil, 1914)in the catbird seat In an advantageous p also sitting in the catbird seat. This U.S. slang expression, dating at least from 1942, was popularized by baseball announcer &Red& Barber during his 1945-55 radio broadcasts of the Brooklyn Dodgers baseball games.keep one jump ahead To advance or increase before someone or something else and thus maintain an advantageous position or superior status. The exact origin of this 20th-century e it may come from the game of checkers in which one player jumps &takes possession of& another player&s checkers&literally advancing one checker in front of another one&in order to win the game.That would allow the Government to permit wage rises to keep one jump ahead of prices. (Sun, January 6, 1973)sitting pretty In a favorable si well-to- well-off, set. This expression has been in use since 1926.steal a march on To gain an advantage over, to get the jump on, to be a step ahead of. This expression originally had to do with the stealthy movement of troops without the enemy&s knowledge. It still retains connotations of furtiveness or secrecy.Happening to awake earlier than usual, he stole a march on his nurses, and & walked out and tottered into the jail. (Charles Reade, It Is Never Too Late To Mend, 1856)advantagePast participle: advantagedGerund: advantagingImperativePresentPreteritePresent ContinuousPresent PerfectPast ContinuousPast PerfectFutureFuture PerfectFuture ContinuousPresent Perfect ContinuousFuture Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect ContinuousConditionalPast ConditionalImperativeadvantageadvantagePresentI advantageyou advantagehe/she/it advantageswe advantageyou advantagethey advantagePreteriteI advantagedyou advantagedhe/she/it advantagedwe advantagedyou advantagedthey advantagedPresent ContinuousI am advantagingyou are advantaginghe/she/it is advantagingwe are advantagingyou are advantagingthey are advantagingPresent PerfectI have advantagedyou have advantagedhe/she/it has advantagedwe have advantagedyou have advantagedthey have advantagedPast ContinuousI was advantagingyou were advantaginghe/she/it was advantagingwe were advantagingyou were advantagingthey were advantagingPast PerfectI had advantagedyou had advantagedhe/she/it had advantagedwe had advantagedyou had advantagedthey had advantagedFutureI will advantageyou will advantagehe/she/it will advantagewe will advantageyou will advantagethey will advantageFuture PerfectI will have advantagedyou will have advantagedhe/she/it will have advantagedwe will have advantagedyou will have advantagedthey will have advantagedFuture ContinuousI will be advantagingyou will be advantaginghe/she/it will be advantagingwe will be advantagingyou will be advantagingthey will be advantagingPresent Perfect ContinuousI have been advantagingyou have been advantaginghe/she/it has been advantagingwe have been advantagingyou have been advantagingthey have been advantagingFuture Perfect ContinuousI will have been advantagingyou will have been advantaginghe/she/it will have been advantagingwe will have been advantagingyou will have been advantagingthey will have been advantagingPast Perfect ContinuousI had been advantagingyou had been advantaginghe/she/it had been advantagingwe had been advantagingyou had been advantagingthey had been advantagingConditionalI would advantageyou would advantagehe/she/it would advantagewe would advantageyou would advantagethey would advantagePast ConditionalI would have advantagedyou would have advantagedhe/she/it would have advantagedwe would have advantagedyou would have advantagedthey would have advantagedadvantageThe first point served after deuce.
Switch to Noun1.advantage - the quality of having a superior or mor "the experience gave him the advantage over me",
- a useful or valuable quality,
- an advantage to the benefit of
"the outcome was in his favor" - powe "relatively small groups can sometimes exert immense political leverage" - advantage given to a competitor to equalize chances of winning - the advantage of playing on your home court in front of fans who are rooting for you - an advantage held by a
"he took the lead at the last turn",
- special ad "the chairman's nephew has a lot of pull",
- the advantage gained by beginning early (as in a race); "with an hour's start he will be hard to catch",
- the advantageous quality of being beneficial - grant of favor or advantage to one over another (especially to a country or countries in matters of international trade, such as levying duties) - a special advantage or immunity or benefit not enjoyed by all,
- the quality of being suited to the end in view, ,
- the quality of being at a competitive advantage - "for your own good"; "what's the good of worrying?", , , , ,
- the quality of being encouraging or promising of a successful outcome - an advantage bestowed by legislation that reduces a tax on some preferred activity - the quality of having an inferior or less favorable position2.advantage - (tennis) first point scored after deuce,
- a game played with rackets by two or four players who hit a ball back and forth over a net that divides the court - the unit of counting in scori "he scored 20 points in the first half"; "a touchdown counts 6 points"3.advantage - benefit resulting from
"it turned out to my advantage"; "reaping the rewards of generosity",
- something that aids or promotes well- "for the benefit of all"Verb1.advantage -
"This system advantages the rich", ,
"he favors his second daughter", ,
- p hinder, "This rule clearly disadvantages me"advantagenoun1. , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
A good crowd will be a definite advantage to the team. benefit , , , , , ,
(S. African), , , 2. , , , , , , , , ,
Men have created an economic position of advantage over women.3. , , , , , , ,
(informal) The great advantage of home-grown fruit is its magnificent flavour.advantagenoun1. A factor conducive to superiority and success:, , , , .2. Something beneficial:, , , , , , .3. Something that contributes to or increases one's well-being:, ,
(often used in plural), .4. The quality of being suitable or adaptable to an end:, , , , , , .5. A dominating position, as in a conflict:, , , , , , , .Informal:
, .verbTo be an advantage to:, , , .Archaic:
.Idiom: stand someone in good stead.
??????????????? ??????? ??? ??????? ???????????????v?hodafordeletuprednostel?nyf?lényforskotkostur, hagur有利??būti prana?esniamdaugiaupalankiaipalankuspasinaudotiizdevīgumspriek?rocībaizkoristitiprednostпредностf?rdel?????????????l?i th?advantage [ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ] N1. →
fit's no advantage to play first → el
primero no es una "languages and shorthand an advantage" (in job advert) → "serán
y "to have an advantage over sb →
a algnI'm sorry, you have the advantage of me (fig) → , pero no
su to have an advantage in numbers →
al he has the advantage of youth →
de ser the plan has many advantages → el
muchas to show sth off to best advantage →
que algo se
to take advantage of sb (unfairly) →
de algn; (sexually) →
algnto take advantage of an opportunity →
una it's to our advantage → es
para nosotrosto turn sth to (one's) advantage →
de algo2. (Sport) advantage González (Tennis) →
Gonzálezadvantage [ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ] n (= benefit) →
mGoing to university has many advantages →
à l'université
.to take advantage of sth [+ weather, opportunity] →
qchHe took advantage of the good weather to go for a walk → Il a
une .it's to our advantage → c'est dans notre it's to our advantage to do ... → nous avons use sth to one's advantage, to turn sth to one's advantage →
qch (more favourable position) →
mto have the advantage of being sth →
d'être qchShe has the advantage of being the younger player → Elle a l'avantage d'être la
des deux have the advantage of doing sth →
qchto have an advantage over sb → avoir un
sur qnthe advantage of X over Y → l'avantage de X sur Y to take advantage of sb →
qnThe company was taking advantage of its employees → La
ses . (= best effect) to show sth to good advantage →
m"Advantage Federer" → " "advantage n →
m; to have an advantage (over somebody) → (jdm gegenüber) ; that gives you an advantage over me → damit sind Sie mir gegenüber im , das
Ihnen mir gegenüber einen ; to have the advantage of somebody →
sein; you have the advantage of me (form) → ich
(form); he had the advantage of youth → er hatte den
der ; she had the advantage of greater experience → sie war durch ihre
im ; to get the advantage of somebody (by doing something) → sich (dat) → (durch etw)
gegenüber einen
; to have the advantage of numbers →
sein (= use, profit) →
m; to take advantage of somebody (= exploit) →
; (euph: sexually) →
; to take advantage of something →
, sich (dat) →
or ; he took advantage of her while she was drunk → er
sich (dat) → ihre
or ; to turn something to advantage →
; he turned it to his own advantage → er
es sich (dat) →
or ; what advantage is that to us? → welchen
haben wir davon?; it is to my advantage to … → es ist
für mich …, es ist für mich von
…; to use something to best advantage → das
; to use something to one’s advantage →
(Tennis) →
m vt (old, liter) →
(+dat) (geh)advantage [ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ] n (gen) (Tennis) → she has the advantage of youth → ha il
di essere the plan has many advantages → il
molti it's to our advantage → è nel nostro ,
a nostro to have an advantage over sb → avere un
su qnto take advantage of (opportunity) → , to take advantage of sb (unfairly, sexually) →
qnadvantage (?d'va:ntid?)
(a) gain or benefit. There are several advantages in being self-employed. voordeel
der Vorteil
????? ?????
kostur, hagur
priek?rocī izdevīgums
manfaat , , ,
????????????; ??????????
вигода, користь
s? thu?n l?i
优点,有利条件 2.
in tennis, the first point gained after deuce.
????????? ??????? ??? ??????? ???????
der Vorteil
????? ?????? ??? ?? ???
???????? ??????? ?????????
prednost (tenis)
nilai pertama sesudah jus
forskot (fyrsta stig sem unni? er eftir jafna st??u)
[???] ?? ?? ?? ?? 1?
mata pertama yang diterima selepas seri(dalam sukan tenis)
? ??? ??? ?????? ?????? ???? ?? ??????
avantaj , преимущество в счете
???????????????????????????????????????? 40 ???????
???? ??? ???? ???? ???? ??????
l?i th? advantageous (?dv?n'teid??s)
adjective having or giving an advantage. Because of his experience he was in an advantageous position for promotion voordelig
?????? ? ??????
palankus, prana?us
ada kelebihan
biti u prednosti (dati prednost)
виг?дний; сприятливий
????? ??? ? ????
có l?i ?advan'tageously adverb voordelig
????? ????? ??????
con ventaja
???? ??????
edullisesti ,
??????? ??? ??
keadaan menguntungkan
haganlega, til hagsbóta
in modo vantaggioso
dengan berkelebihan
?? ????? ????
(?n mod) avan-tajos
avantajl? ?ekilde
виг?дно; сприятливо
??? ???? ??
m?t cách thu?n l?i have an/the advantage (over) to be in a better or more advantageous position (than). As she already knew French, she had an advantage over the rest of the class. voordeel, voorsprong
?????? ??? ??????? ????????? ??????????? ??
имам предимство пред
ter vantagem sobre
mít v?hodu, b?t ve v?hodě
fortrin, fordel
πλεονεκτ? ?ναντι κπ.
tener ventaja (sobre)
eelisolukorras olema
????? ?????
olla paremmassa asemassa (kuin)
???????? ?????????? ???
imati prednost
el?nyben van
yfirbur?ir, betri sta?a
essere in vantaggio su, avere un vantaggio su
(~より) 有利である
...?? ????
būti prana?esniam
būt priek?rocībām
iets voor hebben op
mie? przewag? (nad)
????? ???? ? ???? ?? ????? ?? ???? ???
ter vantagem sobre
a avea un avantaj (fa?? de)
иметь преимущество (перед)
ma? v?hodu, by? vo v?hode
imeti prednost (pred)
imati prednost
ha en f?rdel framf?r
avantajl? olmak
мати верх
có l?i th? take advantage of to make use of (a situation, person etc) in such a way as to benefit oneself. He took full advantage of all his business opportunities. gebruik maak, misbruik maak
?????????? ????????? ???????
vyu?ít, tě?it z
drage nytte af , aprovecharse de
?ra kasutama
?? ???? ??????? ????
k?ytt?? hyv?kseen
???????, ????????
????? ?????
iskoristiti prednost
(mis)nota sér
pasinaudoti (kuo nors)
ambil kesempatan
zijn voordeel doen met , , ,
?? ???? ??? ??? ??????
a profita de
iskoristiti prednost
dra f?rdel av, utnyttja
yararlanmak, faydalanmak
????? ??????
t?n d?ng c? h?i advantage →
v?hoda fordel
f?rdel ?????????????
l?i th? advantage n. ventaja, ganancia, v. to take ___ → aprovecharse, valerse de. advantage n the advantages and disadvantages..las ventajas e inconvenientes.. las ventajas y desventajas
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Laurie threw back his head, and laughed so heartily at this attack, that the felt hat fell off, and Jo walked on it, which insult only afforded him an opportunity for expatiating on the advantages of a rough-and-ready costume, as he folded up the maltreated hat, and stuffed it into his pocket. She was very quiet and when Jesse had explained his mission and had gone on at some length about the advantages to come through having the boy out of doors and in the quiet atmosphere of the old farmhouse, she nodded her head in ap- proval. In the afternoons, when grandmother sat upstairs darning, or making husking-gloves, I read `The Swiss Family Robinson' aloud to her, and I felt that the Swiss family had no advantages over us in the way of an adventurous life. While, in the pursuit of their daring plans of annoyance, the restless enterprise of the French even attempted the distant and difficult gorges of the Alleghany, it may easily be imagined that their proverbial acuteness would not overlook the natural advantages of the district we have just described. As is customary with the rich, when they aim at the honors of a republic, he apologized, as it were, to the people, for his wealth, prosperity, and elevated station, by a free and hearty manner toward putting off the more of his dignity in due proportion with the humbleness of the man whom he saluted, and thereby proving a haughty consciousness of his advantages as irrefragably as if he had marched forth preceded by a troop of lackeys to clear the way. It is essential, in order to a complete estimate of the advantages of official life, to view the incumbent at the in-coming of a hostile administration. And when these things unite in a man of greatly superior natural force, with a globular brain a who has also by the stillness and seclusion of many long night-watches in the remotest waters, and beneath constellations never seen here at the north, been led to think untraditional receiving all nature's sweet or savage impressions fresh from her own virgin voluntary and confiding breast, and thereby chiefly, but with some help from accidental advantages, to learn a bold and nervous lofty language --that man makes one in a whole nation's census --a mighty pageant creature, formed for noble tragedies. There was no end to the advantages of the house, as he set them forth, and he was not s he showed them everything, down to the locks on the doors and the catches on the windows, and how to work them. The trader, who, considering his advantages, was almost as humane as some of our politicians, seemed to feel called on to administer such consolation as the case admitted of. Show me the tribute-money," said he--and one took a penny out of his pocket--if you use money which has the image of Caesar on it, and which he has made current and valuable, that is, if you are men of the State, and gladly enjoy the advantages of Caesar's government, then pay him back some of his own when he demands it. Europe has many advantages which we have not, but they do not compensate for a good many still more valuable ones which exist nowhere but in our own country. Adam and Eve had many advantages, but the principal one was, that they escaped teething.
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