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Speculation As A Fine Art And Thoughts On Life
盖茨归来重振微软?Gates’s Future Fuels Speculation as Microsoft Seeks New Chief
投稿邮箱:admin@80sd.org&|&来源:&&&& 08:45:03
导读:SEATTLE & There&s a question being whispered around Microsoft&s sprawling suburban campus: What will Bill Gates do? Mr. Gates&s role at
SEATTLE & There&s a question being whispered around Microsoft&s sprawling suburban campus: What will Bill Gates do? Mr. Gates&s role at Microsoft has been a source of wide fascination since he left his day-to-day responsibilities in 2008. But interest in it has grown in the past few years as Microsoft has stumbled, and it intensified sharply in the weeks since Steven A. Ballmer announced he would be retiring as Microsoft&s chief executive in the next year.
西雅图&&在微软位于郊外的蔓延园区内,人们正低声谈论着一个问题:比尔&盖茨(Bill Gates)将要干什么?自从2008年他不再负责公司的日常事务以来,盖茨在微软的角色就一直是人们津津乐道的话题。但是由于微软的不景气,对这个问题的兴趣在过去几年中越来越大,在史蒂文&A&鲍尔默(Steven A.Ballmer)宣布他将在明年退休、不再担任微软首席执行官后的几周里,人们对这个问题的兴趣急剧上升。
Many employees and investors fondly remember the company&s heyday under Mr. Gates, a towering figure in the tech industry who built Microsoft into a dominant force. And some Microsoft employees say they have noticed Mr. Gates around the company&s campus in Redmond, Wash., more often since Mr. Ballmer&s announcement, leading to speculation & perhaps mixed with a dash of hope & that he might want to assume a bigger role and return the company to its past heights.
环球,环球人物,廉政t望,t望东方周刊,中国经济周刊,财经,参考消息,新华网络电视,中国社会科学网David Cameron warns Tories about Twitter use as leadership speculation escalates | UK | News | Daily Express
David Cameron warns Tories about Twitter use as leadership speculation escalates
David Cameron warns Tories about Twitter use as leadership speculation escalates
DAVID Cameron has issued a plea for unity to Tory MPs, warning them against using Twitter to air their grievances about his leadership.
David Cameron has told his MPs there are too many tweets about his leadership
The Prime Minister called a meeting of his backbenchers in Westminster after a damaging bout of leadership speculation where they were urged to exercise more caution when tweeting to avoid damaging the Conservatives&& general election prospects.Pressure has been mounting on Mr Cameron to adopt striking right-wing policies in the wake of the party's disastrous Eastleigh by-election showing which saw the Tories relegated to third behind UKIP.Home Secretary Theresa May fuelled rumours that she is positioning for a post-Cameron era over the weekend by delivering a speech that was said to range beyond her brief.Following the speech, Tory MP Dr Sarah Wollaston emphasised the idea that Mr Cameron was in trouble of being knocked off the Tory top spot.She tweeted that the No 10 "inner circle still look far too posh, male and white" adding that "Cameron is running out of time to fix it.""We don&t need a leadership challenge but I would challenge the leader to change his advisers," she added.Defence Secretary Philip Hammond has also taken negotiations over the 2015-16 spending review public by calling for deeper cuts to welfare.The PM has issued a plea for unity to Tory MPs
MPs have been reminded that they are participants not commentators by Lynton Crosby
At the session yesterday evening, top Tory strategist Lynton Crosby - an Australian who masterminded London mayor Boris Johnson's re-election - was said to have reminded MPs that they were "participants not commentators".The politicians were urged to focus on issues where the Conservatives polled strongly against Labour, such as welfare reform and the promise of an in-out referendum on EU membership.They were also told to stress that the next election would be a choice between having Mr Cameron or Ed Miliband in Downing Street.Most of the interventions at the private meeting were said to be positive and supportive of the leadership.However, Totnes MP Dr Wollaston apparently pointed out that Mr Crosby's call for discipline had been leaked to the media beforehand - asking whether the rules applied equally to the top of the party.Others complained that Cabinet ministers did not seem to be bound by the same restrictions, while Keighly MP Kris Hopkins reportedly criticised "self indulgent buffoons" touting themselves as alternative leaders.Labour vice-chairman Michael Dugher said: "Things are so bad for Cameron that he is reduced to gagging his own backbench MPs on Twitter because he&s fearful that they might tell it how it is."This is a weak and increasingly out of touch prime minister desperately trying to stop his divided party imploding."}


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