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RetailNext | Comprehensive In-Store Analytics
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Comprehensive In-Store Analytics
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The Worldwide Leader for Advanced In-Store Analytics
RetailNext's award winning and patented technology is trusted by hundreds of global retailers.
The World's Top 10 Most Innovative Companies In Big Data
Fast Company
The next-generation sensor for shopper measurement.
The Most Powerful In-Store Analytics on the Planet
People Counting
ShopperBase Analytics
Queue Analytics
Video Management
Display Effectiveness
POS Exception Reporting
Mobile Analytics
Guest Wi-Fi & Personalization
Reinvent Physical Retail
Optimize the in-store experience
Better understand shoppers in your stores
Engage with today's shopper on her terms
Increase same-store sales 8-10%
Increase category level Shopper Yield up to 40%
Increase loyalty reward sign-ups 5-10X
Analytics for Any Retail Professional
CEO / Store Owner
Increase top and bottom lines
Boost comparable store sales
Optimize marketing spend
Enable in-store personalization
Reduce capital expenditures
Execute corporate strategies at store level
Drive up conversion and average ticket price
Monitor, analyze, visualize, and act on shopper behavior data
Align staff schedules for improved customer service
Optimize queue performance
Measure and optimize store campaigns
Know your shopper demographics and their behaviors
Identify and engage your shopper the moment they enter the store
Personalize the shopper in-store experience
Understand the impact of showrooming in your store
Maximize the impact of product placement
Take the guesswork out of product placement decisions
Understand shopper movement and identify high and low engagement areas
Measure window display effectiveness to understand if it's alluring new customers
Remotely monitor display compliance anytime, anywhere
Store Design
Optimize floor plan layouts
Identify traffic patterns and paths for both shoppers and employees
Better understand shopping experiences with optimized layouts
Make layout changes and measure the impact on merchandising and conversion performance
Validate assumptions with one-click access to live and recorded video
Loss Prevention
Arm yourself with best-in-class tools
Cut theft by 75% or more
Reduce video reviewing time
Resolve cases faster with one-click access to transactions, receipts, and corresponding video
Detect fraud with pre-defined high-risk transactions
It's not magic! It's powerful and proprietary technology.
Here's how it works...
RetailNext integrates with the largest number of data sources inside and around your store, enabling you to measure all aspects of the business.
The scalable analytics engine is purposely built for you to organize and make sense of huge volumes of diverse data in real time.
RetailNext offers many ways to view your store data from one centralized platform & quickly, easily, anywhere, anytime, and in any format.
Precisely understand shopper behaviors and discover opportunities where you can improve strategies to increase store profitability.
Featured Customer: Marine Layer
Brands we work with.
Helping retailers succeed every day.
We're here to answer any questions you have. Friendly staff are standing by. .
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About RetailNext
The first technology platform to bring e-commerce style shopper analytics to brick-and-mortar stores, brands and malls, RetailNext is a pioneer in focusing entirely on optimizing the shopper experience.
More than 250 retailers in over 50 countries have adopted RetailNext's analytics software and retail expertise to better understand the shopper journey in order to increase same-store sales, reduce theft and eliminate unnecessary costs. RetailNext is headquartered in San Jose, CA.
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