
发布时间: 14:45 () 作者:huai9999 编辑:一笑特傻
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A player "activates" the Artifact by selecting it in their inventory. Upon activating, the artifact will be permanently removed from the character's inventory and artifact is applied to the character's class ability. The artifact is placed on the character's "Skills" tab in the upper left corner.
The currently active Artifact is displayed in the Skill Tree window to the left of the Active Ability.
You can change between artifact types by selecting the icon next to your character's action skill and picking the artifact in the drop down list.
Equipping a higher level artifact of the same type will replace the lower level artifact, but you will not receive the lower level artifact back. It is simply gone.
Artifact bonuses will be in effect until another activated artifact is chosen (ex. Roland's Shock Artifact and Incendiary Artifact c the one most recently activated will provide its effect). You can change the active artifact on the skill page by selecting the icon in the top left, press 'A', and it will open a window to select which Artifact effect you wish to use.
All Artifacts are class specific and the level of the effect the artifact grants depends on the level of the artifact itself. Currently the highest effect is level 6 for artifact level 44, and can be used after completion of the second playthrough.
If you acquire an Artifact of the same level you already have equipped and you try to use it, you will get a message stating that you can not equip it.
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& &科学网官微写的一篇博文——拯救重金属土地难言轻松里边谈到农民用石灰撒地里企图缓解问题,老乡博友回答说老外用碳酸钙粉,实际上这是不科学的。& & &从理论上,重金属修复土地在切断外源污染和对外快速迁移途径之后,要做的第一个事情是内源污染的治理,核心就是两个缓冲体系的建立:PH缓冲体系和氧化还原缓冲体系。建立好后才开始谈宏观上的修复尤其是植物修复。在多数情况下--这点必须强调,在多数情况下PH缓冲体系最简单的就是菱镁矿白云石等矿粉,以及稍微复杂的人工的部分矿渣——XX缓冲对,至于碳酸钙粉磷酸钙粉之类的不敢没技术乱撒乱用,更不用说石灰了,仅从空间尺度上看,撒强碱性的石灰小尺度上灭微生物;中尺度造成地块板结;大尺度上污染水源;即使是国际学者爱说的磷酸钙类衍生物怎么个用法也涉及生态体系质能输出和耗散问题。要知道修复土地是一个开放生态体系,一个不小心立马转成粉尘污染和水源污染。& & &可能很多人会骂我瞎扯,没错国际学术界没这理论和说法,没这实验。但我写出来大家看看,内行人一点就破的,干嘛非得老外懂了我们才能懂? & &至于要教训我外行的请先忍着,等我有充分条件搞研究了我再把生态因子调度理论成体系写出来再批判再训行不?免得出丑大家见面不好看。要不是怕政府和不入流学者又瞎折腾我才懒得说呢。
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