
The phone rang ___ someone was knocking at the door A while B as soon as C until D because
选A吧...B的意思是 一.就.放进句子意思不通.c的意思也不对.D的话,后面应该是someone knocked at ...
扫描下载二维码I _____ my clothes ,and the phone rang.A ,washed B ,was washing 选哪个
选B ,was washing 是过去进行时,表当时正在做某事
选Bwash my clothes是延续性动作,表示在这时候,电话响了
B , was washing 正在做。。。
the playing computer games until afternoon. Through these activities, i realize that lots of my classmates have changed very much, especially those poeple who study in other provinces, with the special and local traits there. I often have a walk in the evening because it is hot during the daytime, go to Karaoke or have a meal together.m. One of my friend who is studying in YunNan has become really blackDuring the first summmer break, moreover, we also organize friends to climb a mountain or go to forest park and doing BBQ there. Actually everyday is quite similar.24K纯手工制作, 希望对LZ有帮组, there are not lots of homeworks to do as usual. . Sometimes, after that, come back home and take a shower before i go to bed, i always wake up between 8a. to 9a.m, i will hang out with my classmates from high school and secondary school. The above is my summer break time
In the University's first summer vacation, and is no different from the past a lot of work. But daily life is very similar to the 8 am to 9 pm up to the afternoon play on the computer has been playing since the day is very hot, so to go out only at night, get some fresh air, come back after a bath, and then sleep. Occasionally have the opportunity and the former high school, junior high school students to go out together, go to KTV to sing songs, eat dinner, or mountain climbing organization Gushan go to Forest Park barbecue. Party time, found that many students have changed a lot, especially those learning to other provinces, each with some local flav...
In this university first summer holidays, and different is not a lot of homework. But every life is very similar, 8 a.m. to 9, playing computer play until afternoon, because in very hot, so that the evening go out and take a breath, after bathing, then back to sleep. Occasionally might junior high school students, and former students go to KTV sing party organization, meal, or go to climb mountains, drum mountain forest park barbecue. The party was found many schoolmates, changed a lot, especially those to other learning, each with some local flavor. The students are in yunnan become very black. Above is my summer vacation roughly.
In this first summer holiday ,different form the former time,we didn't have much homeWork.However,every day is similar.I got up between 8 and 9 o'clock,and played computer games until afternoon. Since it was very hot during the daytime., so I went out and let it all hant out at night.I took a bath when back home.Then I went to bed.Sometimes I had a chace to get together with my junior and senior high school classmates .We went to WTV to sing songs ,had dinners, went to climb the GU montain,or went roast in the Forest Park,and so on.At the party, I found many classmates changed largely ,expecially those who study in other provinces ,they have the style ...
In the university's first summer vacation, and different is not a lot of homework every day. but life is similar to eight a.m. to 9, computers have been playing in the afternoon, because the day was very hot, so the evening before going out to look around, recreation, and come back after a bath and go to bed. i have the opportunity and high school, junior high school students used to go to ktv, sing, or organization for the mountain to climb the mountain to the barbecue.Party,
found a lot of students has changed a lot, especially those of the province, each has some local community. there is a in yunnan's become very black. the above in my summer holi...
My first summer holiday of college, nothing different bu no more homework. However life seems to be the same: sleeping until 8 or 9 O'clock in the morning, playing computer till sunset, then hanging out in the night time for it's hot in the daytime, after taking a shower, again, sleeping. Things happen that with my high school and middle school friends we hold a party, go KTV and enjoy a dinner or going out to hug the nature, climbing moutains, doing barbecue in the forest park. When we see each other again in the party, I found that everyone changed alot, especially for those studying in the other provinces are taking a little local culture or are eff...
出门在外也不愁第一次用Video door phone,急姑妈家家里住二十几楼,刚来他家,楼下有人按门铃,可视电话刚响了,可自己不会用,不知怎么接,应按哪个按钮啊?
police 等的用法一样吗. clothes 这个单词永远要看成复数吗请问1. clothes 可以用 this clothes that clothes 这种方式形容吗; two &#47. 记得 people
police 这两个词前面都可以加大于1的数字 如
three people
then police ? 2?3. 但是 clothes 为什么不能说 a / three clothes 这种说发呢.他的谓语动词必须也都得是复数吗?4. clothes 是集合名词吗?5
通常说出所指服装的名称。cloth 指棉.所以不能说 a clothe.clothes 没有单数形式.注意 clothes 没有单数形式,表示衣服,可以用 a piece of clothing,是单复数同形,可以说 a garment。可以说These clothes
This cloth4,是一个更正式的词。谓语动词也要是复数形式,和 people
police 等的用法不一样5,即单数也是clothes。2、擦拭等的一块布,所以不能说 a clothe.不可以, an article of clothing 或 an item of clothing来指a garment。在正式用语中。a cloth 是指用来清洁, 但在日常会话中。clothing 表示所穿的衣服。在不太正式的场合。3、羊毛. clothes不是集合名词、尼龙等制成的布.clothes本身就是复数。希望能对你有所帮助1
第5个还有一个问题 clothes 没有单数形式,所以不能说 a clothe。这句话理解。但是 他做复数的时候 为啥不能说 two clothes three clothes 这种的,那事因为他做 复数的时候不可数吗?这点很纠结求解释。
clothes 是复数名词,不能直接与数词连用,后面要接复数动词。英语的用法规定。希望能对你有所帮助。
是不是跟这些词差不多 trousers裤子,pants裤子,shorts短裤 glasses眼镜,不能说
a pants , two pants / 但可以说 a piece of pants . a piece of clothes / two pieces of cloth
太纠结会死人的。,jerk,给···穿衣clothes是名词,用其他方式表示穿衣如 用put the clothes on,单复同型习惯而已,these clothes 表示这些衣服看情况,单复同型!this clothes 表示这件衣服。不能作为动词使用clothe 是动词
1是的2是的3these those 用于一堆衣服裤子什么的堆在一起时4可以这么认为5衣服是一个人身上衣服的总称
本身就包括了上衣裤子等等乱七八糟 怎么可以去数它呢
clothes 指具体的衣物时是复数, 由cloth布演变过来的谓语动词用复数,除非前面有a piece of /a suit of等词不能用this、that+clothes,理由为第一条它不是集合名词



