so kayout just so so什么意思思?

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And with regards to freedom of speech I'd say that it is not only about government you have to be wary of but people(mostly organizations or groups) as well. The reason I say this is somewhat related to the question I said above. If we allow such groups to dictate what's appropriate for you and I to read/be exposed to, then what limits them from only allowing things they approve of?
It's Holocaust denying today and maybe eventually they decide to pick Republican authors. They didn't read the book the author wrote but they dislike the author for his/her politics so they campaign for Amazon to not allow it. I don't think this is a good thing at all....
But like I said Amazon does have the right to do whatever they want but it is idiotic for them(if they do so) to cave to a group of people who thinks them selling the book is ringing endorsement for what the author put up.
Think the story is what made some people not like the game.
I don't think most people have a problem with Disney dropping Disney(as it's their right to do so for whatever reason they come up with). People mostly have a problem with the misrepresentation, cherrypicking and lies the
journalists wrote.
I think it went too far as in it got
other people in trouble for jokes he made and I think that is what Pewdiepie felt most bad about. I mean to most people who are aware of the &hitler did nothing wrong& jokes online it isn't that bad but to normal people(or maybe malicious if willfull ignorance) they take it way too seriously.
I think it went too far as in it got
other people in trouble for jokes he made and I think that is what Pewdiepie felt most bad about. I mean to most people who are aware of the &hitler did nothing wrong& jokes online it isn't that bad but to normal people(or maybe malicious if willfull ignorance) they take it way too seriously.
wdf is a werhaboo?
They also did that towards Based mom at one point in a few articles describing her as a republican despite voting democrat for most of her life(as said in a tweet/video iirc)...
As someone said in the comments....
There are people presenting this scenario as a binary choice:
1. Punch the Nazi
2. Talk politely to the Nazi to change his mind.
Since 2. will never work, there fore the only logical option is 1.
That right there is a false dichotomy.
What, the 'Progressive Left' needs to understand is to succeed in a democracy you need to convince enough people to support your ideas.
If people are:
- punching unarmed individuals who disagree with them
- 'calling out' every perceived micro-aggression as evidence of bigotry
- putting class/wealth as a minor consideration after gender/race/cultures politics
... then that's how you lose the support of the population and then lose at democracy.
Far out, the progressive left need to check their self-righteous outrage and unprincipled justifications for violence.
He said right of centre when stating his position.
In your last paragraph that was when they were talking about abortion rights and... Jontron didn't want to explain further but he did say in the end that he is pro choice. But he does question whether tax payers should help fund it fully it seems.
And also his &support someone on just the basis of the gender is sexist& tweet which made a lot of people disappointed in him for some reason(as in the extreme left).
&It's actually okay to let politics destroy friendships if their politics sympathize with: racism, religious discrimination, or actual Nazism&
Ok... so racism. Not all white people are bad and you shouldn't put them together as a group as they tend to be individuals mostly. Jontron was also(iirc) saying that grouping people together(the whites) is a bad idea because that would only further encourage racial divide. Instead of people being together they only think of their group 1st which is counterproductive to the nation as a whole. Think they also talked about how there is some negative thinking in some groups. Also I remember Jontron and Sargon discussing how misused the budget is for schools.
Um.. religious discrimination... think they were talking about how religions and cultures are not equal. Think Sargon mention how Islam is a step backwards for western culture and how we should be tolerate of their culture(as we should tolerate all religions) but also not bend backwards to appeal to the values that are incompatible with western culture. Such as women's rights, gays not being allowed and being killed, death for apostasy, death to infidels who are not islam, Sharia law... Augh. Okay.
Actual nazism... hm. Well like Jontron says most people treat nationalism(forgot the term he used) as something bad. And he also says how you shouldn't advocate for people to punch others for political opinions as that will someday come back to you if one day the reasoning gets back towards your own group. And how most people call each other nazis for a difference of opinion(as in if you're not far left then you're a fucking nazi fascist etc.) Also he said how nazis are not in power at all and that they're an extreme minority.
Fucking hell people are over reacting.
Is everyone in this sub reddit fucking retarded?
I'd say that's mainly Nintendo of America and Nintendo of Japan being shit. NoA when it comes to &localizing& games and NoJ when it comes to YouTube ad revenue and just being way out of touch with what the audience wants/asks for.
Just remember: choice feminism isnt the kind of feminism Anita Sarkeesian and others in Feminist Frequency support because the choices you as a woman make contribute to the patriarchy and not for &woman kind& as a whole.
Fuck individuals and fuck equal oppurtunity. All that matters is whether you support their cult or not.
Yes. And he explained that living towards the stereotype of a gay person gives a sense of fulfillment or something like that afterwards. They also showed the documentary(about gay couples and the topic of adoption) featuring the same women director(forgot her name) who is doing the red pill movie about mras right now.
I was taking computer engineering around fall 2013 iirc and I decided to take a class called Women, Race and the Media since it fit in well with my schedule...
My god all we did was talk about how the media imposes gender stereotypes from the colors(blue and pink), fashion magazines pressuring girls to being ashamed ofmthemselves, boys being taught to be emotionless and hide their feelings, analyzing fucking cleaning commercials of how sexist they're being for not imposing cleaning role to both genders fairly, and etc.
Felt like a big waste of money... The teacher even brought in some gay and lesbians students where we ask questions about their life style and someone even asked why the gay guy acts like a stereotype, whether he's a bottom
and... Just why.
This was at San Jose State University where they also require a J class.
Edit: dumb autocorrect
Cringed a bit but good show
not a video.. I think. Just a tweet.
I remember shoeonhead making a tweet of how similar kinds of people made that mouth face. Iirc she called it fish mouth.
/#Gamergate represents an infamous online coalition of gamers notorious for the online abuse of women who dare trespass into their netherworld
sure man believe what you want.
Boston Magazine reported video game designer Zoe Quinn’s account of what happened after her ex-boyfriend sicced the online gang on her.
meh don't care. Never really cared about worthless people enough such as Zoe unless she's trying to harm others such as cases involving Wizard chan, gagging Eron and her strange relationship with the press. As a game developer she's a nobody that no one knows or looks up to besides some &friends& who she is allies with.
All that, of course, accomplished in furious anonymity. That’s how we roll here in our not-so-brave new world.
If I used my real name, I'd say the same shit and I'd probably be accused a white man because of my name...
The left has its nasties, for sure, but 2016 was the year that trollers from the so-called “alt-right” went berserk. (In July, a headline in the alt-right online publication Breitbart suggested, “The solution to online ‘harassment’ is simple: Women should log off.”)
Alt-right online publication Breitbart... hm.
Meh not worth reading through it all. I mean if the author is going to ignore abuse thrown at the other side who got abused as well then what's the point.
Or that one person in particular was doxxed the worst where she had to quit for the sake of her family and she was pro gamergate at the time. But they'll ignore that since it's not someone they approve(which are worthless leeches who dare call themselves game developers or anything of the sort).
And then there were some anti-gg people on twitter trying to get rid of mombot just because she was a thorn on their side which is ignored.
Gets quite annoying seeing their lies and fantasies perpetuated repeatedly.
Well not black people but black lives matter in the twitter verse.
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