
  酒店英语情景对话:预订客房&&&&&&& Making a Reservation 预订客房  Reservationist(R): Good afternoon. What can I do for you?  下午好,我能帮您什么吗?  Client (C) : Good afternoon. I’m calling from Beijing Foreign Trade Company. Is it possible for me to have a suite?  下午好,这里是北京外贸公司,我想订一间套房,有吗?  R: Certainly, can you give me your name please, sir?  有的,先生,可以告诉我您的名字吗?  C: West, W-E-S-T.  R: Thank you, Mr. West. But by the way, how long will you stay here?  谢谢,WEST先生。请问你要住多久呢?  C: I’ll stay here for quite a long time.  我将会住很长一段时间的。  R: I’m glad you will be staying at our hotel for a long time.  很高兴你将会在我们酒店长住。  C: How much is the suite, please?  请问套房多少钱呢?  R: Your suite is 320 yuan (RMB) per day.  您订的套房一天是320元。  C: Does that include attendance?  有包括服务费吗?  R:Three hundred and twenty yuan a day, service included.  320元一天,包含服务费。  C: Meals included?  餐费有包含在内吗?  R: Meals are extra, not included.  餐费是另外算的,不包含在内。  C: What services come with that?  都还有些其他的什么服务吗?  R: For three hundred and twenty yuan a day, you will have one bedroom with air-conditioning, a sitting room, a bathroom, a colour TV set, a telephone and a major international newspaper delivered to your room every day.  您的房间有一间带空调的卧室,一间客厅,一间浴室,一台彩电,一部电话并且每天都有主要的国际新闻报送到您的房间。  C: Do I have to pay in advance?  我需要提前预付吗?  R: Yes, you may pay half of it. The account will be settled later.  要的,您需要先预付一半,稍后会设定一个帐户。  C: On which floor is the suite?  套房在几楼呢?  R: We have reserved two suites for you to choose. One is on the first floor, the other on the thirteenth floor. Both of them have a bathroom and face to the south.  我们提供两个套房供您选择。一个是在一楼,另一个是在十三楼。两个套房都带浴室并且都是朝南的。  C: What’s the difference between them?  它们之间有什么不同呢?  R: The conditions and the prices are the same. No difference.。  条件和价格都是一样的,没什么不同。  C: Which is quiet? I want a quiet one. I hate noise at night.  哪一间更安静?  R: The one on the thirteenth floor is very quiet. The room number is 1316.  三楼的那一间是非常安静的。房间号是1316。  C: I think I’ll take the one on the thirteenth floor.。  我想我还是订三楼的那一间吧。  R: OK. And your arrival and departure dates?  好的,那您抵店和离店的日期是?  C: I don’t know, but it could be seventeen to twenty days.  不知道,但是大概会住17至20天吧。  R: Then we can only confirm a room from the 10th to the 27th. I’m afraid we won’t be able to guarantee you the room after the 27th.  那我们只能确认一个房间给您,从10号至27号,恐怕我们不能保证27号之后有房间给您了。  C: What if there isn’t any room then?  是不是那之后都没有房间了?  R: Don’t worry, sir, We can either put you on a waiting list or find you a room in a nearby hotel.  不要急,先生,我们也可以将您列在等候名单上或者在最近的地方为您找一家酒店。  C: Fine, thank you. Good-bye.  好的,谢谢,再见。
[1] 沪江英语
英语口语情景对话练习?首先,就是要开口大声的说出来,多讲多说多练.但是我们中国人普 遍都是哑巴英语,就像是茶壶一样,有嘴倒不出.在这里我就要向大家推荐一种改变中国人普遍现象 的英语口语方法,那就是rebootenglish,...
【英语情景对话】 学习啦编辑:焯杰
本文已影响 人
  C: Hi, Mary. happy birthday! Have you received my message?
  M: Thank you! Yes, I received.Cherry. I think you are one of &clan of the thumbs& now.
  C: What does it mean?
  M: That is a newly coined word. It means people send messages with the tip of their fingers, especially thumbs. Now more and more people tent to use short messages.
  C: Yeah. It's very convenient and I can do it anywhere.
  M: And now many people use short messages to pay a New Year call. We also can download rings and pictures to the cell phone, and send them to our friends.
  C: That's multi-media massage. It costs more than text messages.
  M: But it's more interesting.
  C: I almost can't live without messages now.
  M: I can see. You're always busy editing messages.
  J: Hi, Cherry, what're you doing now?
  C: I'm writing a letter to my mother. I wanna tell her about the score I got this semester.
  J: So why don't you use e-mail? You see, it's faster and more convenient. You don't have
  to use any paper and you don't need to worry about spelling mistakes. It has more advantages.
  C: You're right. But my mother is not very good at computer things. I taught her before, but she doesn't like to use computer and forget it soon.
  J: Maybe you should keep on teaching her. Finally she can leam it.
  C: Yeah. maybe. But my mom likes reading my letters much more. We write every week and
  she said when she saw my letter she felt that I'm standing in front of her. This is the feeling e-mail can not bring to her. And for me, I don't think it's a waste of time.
  W: Hey, Clive.
  C: Yes?
  W: What are you doing? It seems you forget yourself in something.
  C: I'm sorry I was on the phone.
  W: You are always on the phone. No wonder whenever I call you, the line is busy.
  C: I speak to my girlfriend most of the time.
  W: Why not speak to her face to face?
  C: She studies in another city. We could only meet each other during vacations.
  W: It's a pity. So you should thank the phone. It gives you chances to express your love whenever you want.
  C: Exactly! But I've contributed a lot to the mobile company.
  W: What do you mean?
  C: The bill of my phone calls is unexpectedly large.
  W: Ha-ha, you should pay a price for it.
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