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耶鲁大学宣传片英语视频:That's Why I Chose Yale中英字幕附双语文本及音乐和歌词解析
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“我为什么选择耶鲁”(That's Why I Chose Yale)近期在Youtube热播。它是由耶鲁在校学生和招生处联手拍的一个短片,在一周内点击率超过20万,广受好评。大学宣传片第
&我为什么选择耶鲁&(That's Why I Chose Yale)近期在Youtube热播。它是由耶鲁在校学生和招生处联手拍的一个短片,在一周内点击率超过20万,广受好评。大学宣传片第一次以音乐剧的形式出现,给大家全新感觉。全部演员都是耶鲁在校生或者工作人员,以劲歌热舞告诉世人耶鲁并非呆板严肃,而是一个学术顶尖且充满活力的大学。耶鲁大学宣传片youtube走红后,北京大学的宣传片也在中国的视频网站上爆红,网友和其它媒体均拿二者来做比较。(其实小编一听北大的宣传片,潜意识崇洋媚外的想法就冒出来了,其实北大的宣传片拍得非常完美,唯美有意境,没有台词,但是有历史。&&)其实对于大部分人实际是&耶鲁是否会选你&(&If Yale chooses you, who wouldn't choose Yale?&),甚至有网友建议耶鲁下部短片题为&我如何能进耶鲁?&(&How Can I Get Into Yale? &)。&and that why this is such an important decision. Because it will follow you now and into the future. And that concludes another traditional Yale information session. There will be a guided tour beginning in 15 minutes. In the meantime, I may be happy to answer any questions you may have. Yes, um& When was Yale founded? Great question. Yale was founded in 1701. Oh, um, yes, you. Is it true that all Yale professors teach? Another great question. It is true that every tenured professor in Yale College teaches undergraduates, so even a freshman might be taking a class from a Nobel Prize winner. Any more questions?&& Yeah, I have a question. Why did you choose Yale? 这就是为什么这是一个至关重要的决定。因为它不仅影响你现在的生活,也决定你将来的路途。讲完这点,我们这期的耶鲁座谈会也将告一个段落。十五分钟后会有一个参观校园的活动。各位来宾有问题的话,可以趁这段时间提问。对了,嗯。。。耶鲁大学什么时候成立的呢?好问题。 耶鲁是于1971年成立的。嗯,好的,您请讲。。。听说耶鲁的教授都会亲自授课对吗?这个问题也很好。是的,耶鲁终身教授都会参与本科生教学。大一新生的某位老师就可能是位诺奖获得者。还有问题吗?嗯。。。我还想问个问题。那你选择耶鲁的原因是什么呢?When I was a senior in high school, colleges called out my name. Every day I'd debate where to matriculate, but every place seemed the same. Yet after I went through the options, only one choice remained. I wanted hail from a college called Yale. Now let me explain&高中阶段的最后一年,我心中憧憬着大学梦,中日思索自己的象牙塔是哪一座。每所大学似乎都很精彩。终于徘徊过许多选项,备选单只剩一个名字,那所名叫&耶鲁&的大学成了我最终的梦想。大家听我把原因尽述。。。It&s a place where you&ll learn quintessential knowledge, and you can live in Residential College, and you can put your hearts into all the liberal arts. And that&s why I chose Yale.Of course, you&ll get a first-rate education, but also thrive on classmates& conversation.Here is where we thread Shakespeare studies and pre-med. And that&s why I chose Yale.One of the reasons I chose Yale was for its housing system. Before students arrive as freshman, they are randomly assigned to one of twelve smaller communities called residential colleges. These colleges have nothing to do with academic subjects or extracurricular activities. But rest assured, they are quite a bit more than just living spaces.那里你将和人类最精华的知识相伴,那里有优越的住宿学院,那里你能见到艺术与科学最美的一面,这是我选耶鲁的原因。耶鲁带给你世界一流的教育,更让你在优秀的学生的交流中成长。这里是史哲理工,文艺社科的大熔炉,莎士比亚和生物化学直接碰撞。这就是我选耶鲁的原因。我选耶鲁的原因之一是它的住宿制度,在新生入住校园之前,他们被随机分派到十二个学校下属的社区,这些社区叫做住宿学院。住宿学院和学术教育及课外活动无关,但是可以肯定的是它们绝不仅是一个住宿的地方。Students here at Yale come from everywhere around with every type of interest that can possibly be found. Do our passions divide us? No, our colleges provide us with family and common ground. For all four years we&ll all reside together in colleges united by bride. And such great facilities to hone your abilities, you&ll never want to go outside.对不起打扰下。嗯 招生处老师好 给我们介绍下住宿学院吧。没问题。耶鲁的学生来自世界各地,有着不尽相同的兴趣志向。每个人突出的个性会让我们变得生分吗?不,住宿学院让我们找到共同点。让我们有家一般的感觉。整个四年我们都要住在同一个学院,集体荣誉感让我们团结在一起。这里一流的设施让你提升能力,让你不想跨出学院大门。Every college has a dining hall with a salad bar and grill and organic options for every meal. I am going to eat my fill.Each one has a common room, which we could not live without to study or to meet in groups or simply to hang out.And when the dining halls are closed there is butteries for snack. And if you need a study break, there is game room to relax. I can get to my college library without stepping foot outside. And just right down the hallway, my clothes are washed and dried.I work out in my college gym, a mere two floors below.Then I meet my friends for rehearsal in the dance studio.There are tons of music practice rooms where I can hone my skills.We even have a movie theater. This one always gives me chills.We don&t have normal dorms at Yale. Instead, we live in suites. So you may have a roommate. We have matching sheets! Outside there&s a common room, so come and stay awhile. There&s space for couches and TV&s or a lava lamp if that&s your style.At the head of every college is a master and a dean. They live with us and eat with us and everything between. (Am I taking the right class? Will these credits suffice? I&ve got the flu. Need a pass. Can I get some advice? What&s a good summer program? This fellowship is nice. Thank goodness that we have our dean.& )每个住宿学院都有食堂,每餐都供应色拉,烧烤肉类和天然种植蔬菜。我要享用我的大餐了。每个学生都有一个共享客厅,在那里学习,小组聚会。或者放松休闲都可以。如果食堂关了,还有小卖部供应小吃。如果学习累了想休息下,我们有娱乐室可以放松。住宿学院有图书馆,不用出门就能上自习借书。就在走廊的下面,我就可以洗衣服,烘干衣服。我往下走两层,就能到体育中心锻炼。然后去舞蹈中心和朋友一起排练。充足的琴房能让我全力提高演奏水平。我们甚至还有电影院,刺激连连。夜路没有通常的单间宿舍,我们只有套间。所以你可能会有一个室友。我们的床单都一样。外面有公用休息室,来小坐一会儿吧。有沙发有电视。如果你喜欢的话,还可以放上一盏熔岩灯。每个住宿学院由一位院长(管生活)和一位主任(管教务)负责。他们和我们一起吃住。一起分享生活美妙时光。我的课程选对了吗?这些学分够了吗?我感冒了吗,需要开假条。我能问一些学习建议吗?暑假有什么好活动吗?这种大家在一起的社区感觉好温馨。谢天谢地我们有教务主任在身边。A master brings us all together as our senior prof hosting study breaks and lectures for when we need time off. Who&d like to see a Broadway show? I&ll gladly subsidize. Let&s host another concert. I&ll proudly harmonize. There&s free food in the evening for all of you to share, and a master&s tea tomorrow too. I hope to see you there. Master&s tea are a chance to see all your favorite celebrities. Here their stories and ask advice.Residential colleges, come give a cheer. A place to call our home for all four years.& A sense of unity, immense community our friendship will prevail. That&s why I chose Yale.院长由一位全职正教授担任,他把大家凝聚到一块儿。当我们学习累的时候,他会组织调剂节目和讲座。谁要看百老汇演出?我很乐意资助。我们再开一次音乐会吧。我很高兴加入伴奏。今晚有免费食品,供大家享用。明天有院长茶会,你一定要来啊。在院长茶会你有机会和你喜欢的各界名人会面,可以听他们分享人生经历,还可以问他们问题。。。。那就是我不得不采访他两次的原因。一起来为住宿学院欢呼吧。一个让我们能有家的感觉的地方。一个我们要度过四年的地方。这种凝聚感,这种社区感,让我们的友谊长青。这就是我为什么选择耶鲁。But when you do step outside your residential college, who knows what you might run into.But mostly I chose Yale for its superb academic opportunities.I came to Yale because I wanted to learn and I wanted to learn from the best. I was tired of memorizing figures and facts just to pass another test. Last year I spent the summer abroad, I helped to monitor a foreign election. And now I volunteer at a law school clinic on human rights protection. I want to be an architect someday, I want to help save a city that&s dying. That&s why I needed a school that would push me to see that my coursework has grounding in reality. Now I grasp a bigger picture my perspective has a different scale. That&s why I chose Yale.I came to Yale from across the world, because I wanted a global education. Now I&m bringing clean water to the countries that need it through the H20 Africa foundation. I&m taking a class called Philosophy of art, to see where truth and beauty connect. What is the concept of art, and why should we care? Where Plato and Picasso intersect?I study real world problems that need to be solved, because the climate is changing fast. I&m working on a project I designed myself for submission to a conference on the polar ice shelf. With the faculty&s help, I know I won&t fail.How do I know which class to take? There&s over 2000 here. More than 50 foreign languages. It&s only our freshman year. Well, as your freshman counselor, I was chosen by the dean. I&m the senior in his college, and I know just what you mean. The first two weeks of classes, take any course you choose. Then you pick your favorites there&s no way you can lose. 走出住宿学院天地之外是哪些人活跃在耶鲁的校园里呢?但是我最终选择耶鲁的原因还是因为它杰出的学术成绩。我到耶鲁因为我想学东西,我想从最优秀的人那里学,我厌倦了死记图表和知识点就只是为了通过考试。去年夏天我呆在国外帮忙监督了一次选举。现在我在法学院实习所当志愿者,协助参与人权保护工作。我将来想成为建筑家,我想拯救消亡中的城市。我期待一个大学能启迪我,向我展现高深学问的现实意义。如今我已能展望远景,视野从未如此开阔。这就是我为什么选择耶鲁。我跨越半球来到耶鲁,我想接受全球化教育。现在我通过非洲水基金把干净的水带给缺水的国度。我正在修一门艺术哲学课,希望能找到真理与美的结合。艺术是什么?之于人类的意义何在?柏拉图和毕加索的交集在哪里?我研究和现实联系紧密的课题。比如全球气候的迅速变迁。我正在做一个自己设计的项目,准备参加极地冰架会议。有老师们帮忙,我相信自己一定能成功。这是我选择耶鲁的原因。该怎么选课啊?有两千多门。五十多中语言啊。我们还是第一年的新生啊。作为你们的新生顾问,我由系主任选派。我今年大四,我理解你们的困惑。开学头两周把你们想选的课都试听一遍。然后选出你们最喜欢的。这样一定可以搞定。And when it&s time to study foe that intensive course,and you&re looking for the perfect resource. Yale&s libraries have got what you need, dozens of collections sure to help you succeed. Within this mountain of books, between these walks, you&ll find music and film ancient maps and all.& You&ll want for nothing someone clearly thought of every detail.Everyone here is on a similar mission, where great classes and professors are a campus tradition. The students are able and the classes are small, so go audition all your courses in the lecture hall. Come on people, time to hit the ignition in science or in chemistry or as a musician. Meet your professors over coffee or dinner with their help you&re sure to be an academic winner. We&re housed in suites in our residential colleges. There&s no debating it, everyone acknowledges. We&ve got it made with a master and a dean and a freshman counselor to show the scene, residential colleges give spirit and unity. To every single person in the Yale community,. We eat there and we study and we joke and relax and go to master&s teas and study break for nighttime snacks. That&s why I chose Yale. Yale~~~到你们需要攻克某门艰难课程,寻找学习资源时,耶鲁图书馆定能找到你所需,丰富的馆藏会助你一臂之力。在这书山之中,在这些高墙之间收藏了音乐和背景,古代地图和别的所有一切。你根本不用操心,耶鲁为你精心准备好了一切所需要的学习条件。不好意思打扰一下。请别忘了这里是图书馆。对不起。这就是我为什么选择耶鲁。这里每个人都有着相同的使命。这里的教学和教授的一流声誉历代不衰。我们的班级小,我们的同学个个出色。赶快先去教室做新学期水平分级测试吧。加油,赶紧开动学习机器。未来的科学家,化学家和音乐家们。咖啡时间,晚餐时间。。。你随时可以和教授交谈,在他们的细心启蒙下学业定能有所飞跃。我们四年都在住宿学院起居生活。这个培养模式广受世人赞誉。院长和主人跟我们在成功的路上时时相伴。新生顾问向我们展现了未来景象。住宿学院凝聚了,鼓舞了耶鲁大家庭中的每一个成员。我们在那里用餐,学习,嬉戏,休息,参加院长茶会,相聚于休息时光,享受夜间小吃。这是我们选择耶鲁的原因。,字幕也为这位博主所翻译,但内容的文本翻译与其不是同一人。1. 关于音乐剧的形式&&& 有网友批评该片表演太过夸张,肤浅(&campy, tongue-in-cheek&),其实是对音乐剧(musical)这种艺术形式不熟悉。音乐剧诞生以来就是以&活力&为显著标志,融入了各种&活跃&元素:不同舞蹈风格,绚丽服饰,叙事角度多变,俏皮的对话 && 以及演员夸张的表演&&把大批年轻人拉回了剧院。&&& 认为音乐剧表演浅薄的网友实际不明白每种艺术形式都有自己的特点。偶当年看莫里哀剧的彩排,开始也很倒胃,觉得演员一个个挤眉弄眼的很夸张,跑过去给老师说我觉得一流的表演应该是自然显出人物特点(parle de lui-m&me),而不是特意做出来。老师提醒我别忘了这是喜剧&&喜剧的表演和悲剧、历史剧的表演有很大的不同,接受不了这种表演其实是对喜剧不了解。如同一些人怪莎士比亚的独白(monologue)太长太过诗话,人快死了还来段演讲,太假&&全然忘了莎翁的戏剧原先是为舞台表演而写。&2. 歌词的语言重点分析a. 那位招生老兄头三句就唱出托福雅思SAT写作/口语高分亮点。[修辞多变]: When I was a senior in high school, colleges called out my name. 表达单一呆板是许多中国考生拿不了高分的原因之一。这句结构&大学招呼我的名字&的拟人手法比&我想上大学&更出彩。[直接+间接]: Every day I'd debate where to matriculate, but every place seemed the same. 可以从这句学习间接表达给句子带来的活力。这句前面很直白&我斗争去哪个学校好&,后半部分不直接说every university,而是every place。[具体和抽象结合]:Yet after I went through the options, only one choice remained. 好的作家/演讲家总是能在抽象和具体之间自如过渡。Go through这个具体动作+Options这个抽象名字封装在一起,是具体结合抽象的典范,如那句歌词&I'll send you all my love every day in a letter&。这块挺重要的,详细看SAT官方手册113页有专门训练这点的一章。b. [客观的精神]:But mostly, I chose Yale for its superb academic opportunities. 这句表达的很客观,opportunities这边指&a situation or condition favorable for attainment of a goal.&耶鲁这片良好的土壤能不能种出好果实,还得看个人。美国高中很多学校都有开Critical Thinking这门课,我看过的欧美大学生的作文都感觉思维严密,读着很舒服。而我批改过很多中国托福SAT考生的作文口气都太过主观,太过绝对,比方会写出这样需要很强证据支持的句子:People are unkind about their colleagues but it is simply because they are feeling insecure at work.c. [名词化]:Do our passions divide us? 名词化是一种很灵活的表达技巧,掌握好了口语和写作水准能上一个台阶。可能大家比较熟悉的是动词名词化,比方:He reacted badly. -& His reaction was bad. 其实形容词也可以名词化,这句的our passions就是we are passinate的名词化。这里用名词化让表达高效简洁。具体更多Nominalisation的细节可以参考欧美写作教程,很多都会讲到这点。&3. 歌词的文化点分析(这块本来想多灌点的,前面写累了,草草收尾吧,呵呵)a. &Residential College& 以牛剑模式为代表的住宿学院制度在短片占很大篇幅。&Master and a Dean&一个管生活一个管学术。&Master's Tea&是院长主持的一个茶会,让学生有机会认识名人。这些相关细节都可以在耶鲁官网找到: ;b. &When I was a senior in high school&,这边的a senior是美国高中的12年纪,也就是高中最后一年;&Here is where we thread Shakespeare Studies and Pre-Med.& Pre-Med是医学预科,这个阶段主要学生物化学知识,所以我歌词译成&把莎士比亚和生物化学交织在一起&;c. &Law school clinic&又叫Legal clinic,和诊所无关,是法学院一个学生能有机会实践法律的地方,有机会出庭,工作性质多为公益,比方看哈佛法学院对自己clinic的介绍:;d. &Of course, you'll get a first-rate education, but also thrive on classmates' conversation.& 我对这句蛮有感触,其实同学之间的交往带来的熏陶并不比课堂教育要少;e. &you can put your hearts into all the liberal arts.&这边liberal arts并不仅指艺术,而是指能培养人基本素质提高综合能力的那些知识(和职业技能相对),liberal arts教育在美国历史很长了,有很多liberal arts学校,和综合性大学相比,他们不管任何专业,都要学艺术史、音乐、科学哲学、数学等综合性能力学科。liberal arts学校的专业多为基础性学科,历史/人类学/数学/文学...之类的,因此我碰到不少liberal arts学校的学生为找工作发愁。他们一些人选择双学位或者进研究生院来解决就业问题。&f. &so go audition all your courses in the lecture hall.&可能大家比较熟的是《老友记》里面Joey老是说要去audition,就是去试镜看看能不能被导演相中,但是这边audition是试听课程(先前译错了,非常抱歉!同时感谢VeryCD网友moretti指出):&&& 如果按照一般文章,让学生赶紧go audition all your courses说不通,因为audition作为动词的时候,只能跟人,表示对某人进行面试,看他/她的表演,决定要不要采用他/她。比如OED和其他字典的例子:When I auditioned English dancers for the London production... (看舞蹈演员试演);They're auditioning for new members of the cast for `Miss Saigon' today..(面试演员)...&&& 但是和诗歌一样,歌词的用法是非常灵活的,各种修辞手法交织在一起加强表达力。这句歌词用的是拟人手法,把课程当作试镜的演员,学生像导演一样过去 audition,看看课程体系如何、教授表现如何、入门要求高不高等等各种标准,然后决定要不要&录用&。&&& 这种把只能于有生命的人/动物上的动词(tell、comfort等),通过拟人化用在无生命事物上,在诗歌当中很常见(尤其浪漫派):比如莎士比亚Sonnets 19: &But I forbid thee one most heinous crime:& 这边forbid禁止,一般是用于人,禁止某人做什么事情,但thee文中指的是时间,这首十四行控诉时间的&罪行&,开头列举了一些,然后说禁止&时间&做最残酷的恶行&&在他心上mm脸上显出岁月痕迹,呵呵~再比如:ROBERT BROWNING 的Andrea del Sarto:&Though they come back and cannot tell the world. & 他们回来,但是不能告诉世界(这个秘密)。tell the world也是和audition the courses一样的拟人用法。&&& 一般词典的释义只适用于正常表达,而文字如果用于艺术创作可以非常临活突破通常用法。比如Fran&ois Cheng的《Depuis la fen&tre ouverte》里面这句:&Nous parvient encore, ponctuant nos paroles, l'&cho de la basse continue d'un proche parc. &,ponctuer这个动词:为...加上标点,修饰的是paroles:对话&& 园子里传来的各种回音,为我们的谈话加上标点。(意思我们的谈话不断被传来的回音打断)&4. 其他核心单词列表 (大部分都是留学考试词汇。英文解释来自各个辞典,选最简洁贴切的)MATRICULATE: v.& enroll as a studentDEBATE: 片中不是辩论的意思,而是 consider: I debated with myself whether to tell them the truth or not.HAIL FROM: to be or have been native to or a resident of,片中&I wanted to hail from a college called Yale.&就是成为耶鲁一员QUINTESSENTIAL: the purest or most refined of its kind. 巴朗的SAT和GRE词表都有该词EXTRACURRICULAR: outside the regular academic curriculumFACILITIES: something designed and created to serve a particular function and to afford a particular convenience or serviceHONE: make perfect or completeBUTTERY: a small storeroom for storing foods or winesGRILL: a framework of metal bars used as a partition or a grate 片中用具备这样的设施来表示每餐都有供应色拉和烧烤。TO EAT ONE'S FILL: enough to satisfy want or desireHANG OUT: If you hang out in a particular place or area, you go and stay there for no particular reason, or spend a lot of time there. 这个词美剧随处可见TENURED PROFESSOR: 终身教授GIVES ME CHILLS: If something sends a chill through you, it gives you a sudden feeling of fear or anxiety.MATCHING SHEETS: matching这边是指identical,完全一样的,而不是匹配的意思。SUFFICE: be adequate, either in quality or quantityREHEARSAL: a practice session in preparation for a public performance (as of a play or speech or concert)FELLOWSHIP: the state of being with someone 片中不是奖学金的意思,而是大家在一起的意思SUBSIDIZE: If a government or other authority subsidizes something, they pay part of the cost of it.CELEBRITIES: a widely known personPREVAIL: continue to exist 片中不是胜利的意思RUN INTO: If you run into someone, you meet them unexpectedly. 这个美剧中也很多见INTERSECT: meet at a pointHIT THE IGNITION: the mechanism that ignites the fuel in an internal-combustion engine 开动机器,片中指开始行动起来投入学习ACKNOWLEDGE: accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority另:因为是歌词,我翻译时很多为了整体效果,自己有比较大发挥,添、减、转、意译等比较多,有不同意见欢迎告诉我。&雷翁
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