曲婉婷好听的歌 more than a fri...

最重要的是要好听! 那些众所周知的歌就不用咯!不好听你就不用答咯!还有要多点哈最好要英文哈!或者钢琴曲也行
m Your Angel---Celine Dion35.Everything At Once--Lenka41.We Are--Ana Johnsson42.wait till you hear from me---Sarah Connor11.Christina Aguilera《 I am a good girl》15;ve Never Been To
Me----Charlene2.Till the World Ends---Britney Spears39、Father ----Helene Segara4.Love The Way You Lie ---Eminem Ft. Rihanna32.Yesterday Once More---- Carpenters 10.Need You Now----Lady Antebellum5.the getaway---Hilary Duff31.we will fly--cavallie London231.Encore une Fois.Love You For Always---Mandy Moore27.Stay Here Forever---Jewel45.Christina Aguilera 《Prima Donna》14.Alicia Keys《Doesn‘t Mean Anything》18.Perfect---Alexandra Burke43. night---RossTallanma 24. Love The Way You Lie---Eminem 46.Fire Fly---A teens40.Have Yourself A Merry Little ---Lady Antebellum6 Just A Kiss---Lady Antebellum7.Invisible---Skylar Grey38.Perfect--Pink44.A New Day Has Come----Celine Dion8.Burning---Maria Arredondo19.Just A Little Bit---Maria Mena20.二十未满--Alizee13.Way Back Into Love---K歌情人30.---Within Temptation9.Forgiven.My Heart Will Go On---Celine Dion36;t Look Down---Jennifer Hudson28.The Power Of Love---Celine Dion37.No More You---Sugababes34.Apologize---One Republic33.4 Real(说真的)---Avril Lavigne12.Don&#39.Christmas In My Heart----Sarah Connor21.jessie james 《my cowboy》16.Spice Girls《2 become 1》17.Pieces---Sum 4129.Apologize---Sabrina22.I&#39.Lead the Way---Mariah Carey25.Brought Up That Way---Taylor Swift26.I&#39.donne moi le temps-----JENIFER3
红极一时、mad sexy cool------Babyface35、long distance-----卫兰7!1我很喜欢英文歌。如有什么需要、love paradise-----陈慧琳24,挺好听的、a place like this------tonya mitchell28、one in love----A139、long distance----卫兰4、foever friends-----冯曦妤20。,她有一副穿透力以及独特声线的好嗓子)2、broken angel-----Arash & helena(来自伊朗的黑马王子Arash和法国美女歌手helena完美搭档,很累的。时间关系大概就写这些、do you know where you are going to----卫兰15、reality----卫兰10,不过酷狗搜不出来)53、morning-----卫兰13、speechless----卫兰3、Stay----tonya mitchell(超好听)25、snow-----andreea balan(罗马尼亚)49、We Are One -----kelly sweet31,不过歌真的不错)38,很有节奏感的一首歌)48、please-----卫兰5、just be yourself-----冯曦妤21,充满浓郁的中东色彩、Dilemma-----Pietro & Sarah(2011德国偶像冠亚军最新对唱,一个一个字这样码。、pretty------卫兰6、Everytime-----A1(也叫优格男孩、the well -------Shine Dion(很老的歌和组合了)32、LoveinDecember -----Club833,也收集了很多、lubov----rosstallanma(俄语)52、never let you go-----卫兰另外,挺老的组合了、A little love-----冯曦妤19、never know----卫兰&李治廷17。、let it out-----A143、you are my angel----周美欣18,既然你说众所周知的不要、walking
in the road----A142、rainbow----卫兰11。、the colour of the night-----lauren christy34,很有感觉)45、chocolate ice----卫兰12、winter in my heart-----Befour37、goodbye-----卫兰(个人非常喜欢卫兰的英文歌、way back into love-----卫兰&李治廷16、crying heart----Befour36。、more than a love(纯音乐)----冯曦妤22,首首都很红,那无论歌新旧、drenched----曲婉婷 23、TV----卫兰14、arash-------Arash&helena(波斯语、pure love------Arash & helena(英语&波斯语)47,英语&波斯语)46,HI我也行、I wanted you
----ina 29、learn to fly ----A144、fara tine nu sunt eu-----andreea balan(罗马尼亚)50,比如我挺喜欢的歌手Daniel Powter 的歌很好听、I give you to his heart ------Alison Krauss30;t wanna fall in love——tonya mitchell(她的歌首首都那么好听)26、turn around------tonya mitchell27、i don&#39、night-----rosstallanma(俄语)(超好听)51、one more try----A140。希望你能喜欢,我介绍一些好听且不怎么听过的外文歌给你的、like a rose-----A141、2004-----卫兰8、It s not Goodbye-----Laura Pausini (这首绝对听过、make it real---卫兰9
Fields Thirty
People Away我脑子不好Tik Toknothing gonna change my love for youAlways with me
绿袖子(钢) without you
, should it matter ,take a bow
pretty boy, i could be the one, chocolate ice,
best friend ---us5
出门在外也不愁ISSUU - The Nanyang Chronicle Vol 20 Issue 08 by Nanyang Chronicle
The Nanyang Chronicle Vol 20 Issue 08
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& & & &花后修剪:早剪败花,全株同时修剪;将新花枝从老枝上全部剪去
& & & &冬季修剪:对弱枝、病枝修剪,缩小植株
DAY1-3 不浇水至叶子萎蔫
DAY4-7 每天给叶面喷水雾
DAY8 挖松盆土,浇水半湿
DAY9 浇头水
正常养护到花开&摘自 《三角梅的欣赏与家庭种植》--花木男
HOWTO: Be more productive by Aaron Swartz
&With all the time you spend watching TV,& he tells me, &you could have written a novel by now.& It&s hard to disagree with the sentiment & writing a novel is undoubtedly a better use of time than watching TV & but what about the hidden assumption? Such comments imply that time is &fungible& & that time spent watching TV can just as easily be spent writing a novel. And sadly, that&s just not the case.
Time has various levels of quality. If I&m walking to the subway station and I&ve forgotten my notebook, then it&s pretty hard for me to write more than a couple paragraphs. And it&s tough to focus when you keep getting interrupted. There&s also a mental component: sometimes I feel happy and motivated and ready to work on something, but other times I feel so sad and tired I can only watch TV.
If you want to be more productive then, you have to recognize this fact and deal with it. First, you have to make the best of each kind of time. And second, you have to try to make your time higher-quality.
Spend time efficiently
Choose good problems
Life is short (or so I&m told) so why waste it doing something dumb? It&s easy to start working on something because it&s convenient, but you should always be questioning yourself about it. Is there something more important you can work on? Why don&t you do that instead? Such questions are hard to face up to (eventually, if you follow this rule, you&ll have to ask yourself why you&re not working on the most important problem in the world) but each little step makes you more productive.
This isn&t to say that all your time should be spent on the most important problem in the world. Mine certainly isn&t (after all, I&m writing this essay). But it&s definitely the standard against which I measure my life.
Have a bunch of them
Another common myth is that you&ll get more done if you pick one problem and focus on it exclusively. I find this is hardly ever true. Just this moment for example, I&m trying to fix my posture, exercise some muscles, drink some fluids, clean off my desk, IM with my brother, and write this essay. Over the course the day, I&ve worked on this essay, read a book, had some food, answered some email, chatted with friends, done some shopping, worked on a couple other essays, backed up my hard drive, and organized my book list. In the past week I&ve worked on several different software projects, read several different books, studied a couple different programming languages, moved some of my stuff, and so on.
Having a lot of different projects gives you work for different qualities of time. Plus, you&ll have other things to work on if you get stuck or bored (and that can give your mind time to unstick yourself).
It also makes you more creative. Creativity comes from applying things you learn in other fields to the field you work in. If you have a bunch of different projects going in different fields, then you have many more ideas you can apply.
Make a list
Coming up with a bunch of different things to work on shouldn&t be hard & most people have tons of stuff they want to get done. But if you try to keep it all in your head it quickly gets overwhelming. The psychic pressure of having to remember all of it can make you crazy. The solution is again simple: write it down.
Once you have a list of all the things you want to do, you can organize it by kind. For example, my list is programming, writing, thinking, errands, reading, listening, and watching (in that order).
Most major projects involve a bunch of these different tasks. Writing this, for example, involves reading about other procrastination systems, thinking up new sections of the article, cleaning up sentences, emailing people with questions, and so on, all in addition to the actual work of writing the text. Each task can go under the appropriate section, so that you can do it when you have the right kind of time.
Integrate the list with your life
Once you have this list, the problem becomes remembering to look at it. And the best way to remember to look at it is to make looking at it what you would do anyway. For example, I keep a stack of books on my desk, with the ones I&m currently reading on top. When I need a book to read, I just grab the top one off the stack.
I do the same thing with TV/movies. Whenever I hear about a movie I should watch, I put it in a special folder on my computer. Now whenever I feel like watching TV, I just open up that folder.
I&ve also thought about some more intrusive ways of doing this. For example, a web page that pops up with a list of articles in my &to read& folder whenever I try to check some weblogs. Or maybe even a window that pops up with work suggestions occasionally for me to see when I&m goofing off.
Make your time higher quality
Making the best use of the time you have can only get you so far. The much more important problem is making more higher quality time for yourself. Most people&s time is eaten up by things like school and work. Obviously if you attend one of these, you should stop. But what else can you do?
Ease physical constraints
Carry pen and paper
Pretty much everyone interesting I know has some sort of pocket notebook they carry at all times. Pen and paper is immediately useful in all kinds of circumstances & if you need to write something down for somebody, take notes on something, scratch down an idea, and so on. I&ve even written whole articles in the subway.1
(I used to do this, but now I just carry my computerphone everywhere. It doesn&t let me give people information physically, but it makes up for it by giving me something to read all the time (email) and pushing my notes straight into my email inbox, where I&m forced to deal with them right away.)
Avoid being interrupted
For tasks that require serious focus, you should avoid getting interrupted. One simple way is to go somewhere interrupters can&t find you. Another is to set up an agreement with the people around you: &don&t bother me when the door is closed& or &IM me if I have headphones on& (and then you can ignore the IMs until you&re free).
You don&t want to overdo it. Sometimes if you&re really wasting time you&should&be distracted. It&s a much better use of time to help someone else with their problem than it is to sit and read the news. That&s why setting up specific agreements is a good idea: you&can&be interrupted when you&re not really focusing.
Ease mental constraints
Eat, sleep, exercise
Time when you&re hungry or tired or twitchy is low-quality time. Improving it is simple: eat, sleep, and exercise. Yet I somehow manage to screw up even this. I don&t like going to get food, so I&ll often work right through being hungry and end up so tired out that I can&t bring myself to go get food.2
It&s tempting to say to yourself, &I know I&m tired but I can&t take a nap & I have work to do&. In fact, you&ll be much more productive if you do take that nap, since you&ll improve the quality of the day&s remaining time and you were going to have to sleep sometime anyway.
I don&t really exercise much so I&m probably not the best person to give advice on that bit, but I do try to work it in where I can. While I&m lying down reading, I do situps. And when I need to go somewhere on foot, I run.
Talk to cheerful people
Easing mental constraints is much harder. One thing that helps is having friends who are cheerful. For example, I always find myself much more inclined to work after talking to Paul Graham or Dan Connolly & they just radiate energy. It&s tempting to think that you need to get away from people and shut yourself off in your room to do any real work, but this can be so demoralizing that it&s actually less efficient.
Share the load
Even if your friends aren&t cheerful, just working on a hard problem with someone else makes it&much&easier. For one thing, the mental weight gets spread across both people. For another, having someone else there forces you to work instead of getting distracted.
Procrastination and the mental force field
But all of this is sort of dodging the issue. The real productivity problem people have is procrastination. It&s something of a dirty little secret, but&everyone&procrastinates & severely. It&s not just you. But that doesn&t mean you shouldn&t try to stop it.
What is procrastination? To the outside observer, it looks like you&re just doing something &fun& (like playing a game or reading the news) instead of doing your actual work. (This usually causes the outside observer to think you&re lazy and bad.) But the real question is: what&s going on inside your head?
I&ve spent a bunch of time trying to explore this and the best way I can describe it is that your brain puts up a sort of mental force field around a task. Ever play with two magnets? If you orient the magnets properly and try to push them towards each other, they&ll repel fiercely. As you move them around, you can sort of feel out the edges of the magnetic field. And as you try to bring the magnets together, the field will push you back or off in another direction.
The mental block seems to work in the same way. It&s not particularly solid or visible, but you can sort of feel it around the edges. And the more you try to go towards it the more it pushes you away. And so, not surprisingly, you end up going in another direction.3
And just as you can&t get two repelling magnets to sit together just by pushing real hard & they&ll fling back as soon as you stop pushing & I&ve never been able to overcome this mental force field through sheer willpower. Instead, you have to be sneaky about it & you have to rotate a magnet.
So what causes the mental force field? There appear to be two major factors: whether the task is hard and whether it&s assigned.
Hard problems
Break it down
The first kind of hard problem is the problem that&s too big. Say you want to build a recipe organizing program. Nobody can really just sit down and build a recipe organizer. That&s a goal, not a task. A task is a specific concrete step you can take towards your goal. A good first task might be something like &draw a mockup of the screen that displays a recipe&. Now that&s something you can do.4
And when you do that, the next steps become clearer. You have to decide what a recipe consists of, what kind of search features are needed, how to structure the recipe database, and so on. You build up a momentum, each task leading to the next. And as your brain gets crunching on the subject, it becomes easier to solve that subject&s problems.
For each of my big projects, I think of all the tasks I can do next for them and add them to my categorized todo list (see above). And when I stop working on something, I add its next possible tasks to the todo list.
Simplify it
Another kind of hard problem is the one that&s too complicated or audacious. Writing a book seems daunting, so start by doing an essay. If an essay is too much, start by writing a paragraph summary. The important thing is to have something done right away.
Once you have something, you can judge it more accurately and understand the problem better. It&s also much easier to improve something that already exists than to work at a blank page. If your paragraph goes well, then maybe it can grow into an essay and then into a book, little by little, a perfectly reasonable piece of writing all the way through..
Think about it
Often the key to solving a hard problem will be getting some piece of inspiration. If you don&t know much about the field, you should obviously start by researching it & see how other people did things, get a sense of the terrain. Sit and try and understand the field fully. Do some smaller problems to see if you have a handle on it.
Assigned problems
Assigned problems are problems you&re told to work on. Numerous psychology experiments have found that when you try to &incentivize& people to do something, they&re less likely to do it and do a worse job. External incentives, like rewards and punishments, kills what psychologists call your &intrinsic motivation& & your natural interest in the problem. (This is one of the most thoroughly replicated findings of social psychology & over 70 studies have found that rewards undermine interest in the task.)5&People&s heads seem to have a deep avoidance of being told what to do.6
The weird thing is that this phenomenon isn&t just limited to other people & it even happens when you try to tell&yourselfwhat to do! If you say to yourself, &I should really work on X, that&s the most important thing to do right now& then all of the sudden X becomes the toughest thing in the world to make yourself work on. But as soon as Y becomes the most important thing, the exact same X becomes much easier.
Create a false assignment
This presents a rather obvious solution: if you want to work on X, tell yourself to do Y. Unfortunately, it&s sort of difficult to trick yourself intentionally, because you know you&re doing it.7&So you&ve got to be sneaky about it.
One way is to get someone else to assign something to you. The most famous instance of this is grad students who are required to write a dissertation, a monumentally difficult task that they need to do to graduate. And so, to avoid doing this, grad students end up doing all sorts of other hard stuff.
The task has to both seem important (you have to do this to graduate!) and big (hundreds of pages of your best work!) but not actually be so important that putting it off is going to be a disaster.
Don&t assign problems to yourself
It&s very tempting to say &alright, I need to put all this aside, hunker down and finish this essay&. Even worse is to try to bribe yourself into doing something, like saying &alright, if I just finish this essay then I&ll go and eat some candy&. But the absolute worst of all is to get someone else to try to force you to do something.
All of these are very tempting & I&ve done them all myself & but they&re completely counterproductive. In all three cases, you&ve basically assigned yourself a task. Now your brain is going to do everything it can to escape it.
Make things fun
Hard work isn&t supposed to be pleasant, we&re told. But in fact it&s probably the most enjoyable thing I do. Not only does a tough problem completely absorb you while you&re trying to solve it, but afterwards you feel wonderful having accomplished something so serious.
So the secret to getting yourself to do something is not to convince yourself you have to do it, but to convince yourself that it&s fun. And if it isn&t, then you need to make it fun.
I first got serious about this when I had to write essays for college. Writing essays isn&t a particularly hard task, but it sure is assigned. Who would voluntarily write a couple pages connecting the observations of two random books? So I started making the essays into my own little jokes. For one, I decided to write each paragraph in its own little style, trying my best to imitate various forms of speech. (This had the added benefit of padding things out.)8
Another way to make things more fun is to solve the meta-problem. Instead of building a web application, try building a web application framework with this as the example app. Not only will the task be more enjoyable, but the result will probably be more useful.
There are a lot of myths about productivity & that time is fungible, that focusing is good, that bribing yourself is effective, that hard work is unpleasant, that procrastinating is unnatural & but they all have a common theme: a conception of real work as something that goes against your natural inclinations.
And for most people, in most jobs, this may be the case. There&s no reason you should be inclined to write boring essays or file pointless memos. And if society is going to force you to do so anyway, then you need to learn to shut out the voices in your head telling you to stop.
But if you&re trying to do something worthwhile and creative, then shutting down your brain is entirely the wrong way to go. The real secret to productivity is the reverse: to listen to your body. To eat when you&re hungry, to sleep when you&re tired, to take a break when you&re bored, to work on projects that seem fun and interesting.
It seems all too simple. It doesn&t involve any fancy acronyms or self-determination or personal testimonials from successful businessmen. It almost seems like common sense. But society&s conception of work has pushed us in the opposite direction. If we want to be more productive, all we need to do is turn around.
Further reading
If you want to learn more about the pscyhology of motivation, there is nothing better than&Alfie Kohn. He&s written&many articles on the subject&and an entire book,&Punished by Rewards, which I highly recommend.
I hope to address how to quit school in a future essay, but you should really just go out and pick up&The Teenage Liberation Handbook. If you&re a computer person, one way to quit your job is by applying for funding from&Y Combinator. Meanwhile, Mickey Z&s book&The Murdering of My Years&features artists and activists describing how they manage to make ends meet while still doing what they want.
Believe it or not, I actually have written in subways. It&s easy to come up with excuses as to why you&re not actually working & you don&t have enough time before your next appointment, people are making noise downstairs, etc. & but I find that when the inspiration strikes me, I can actually write stuff down on a subway car, where it&s absurdly loud and I only have a couple minutes before I have to get out and start walking.&?
The same problem exists for sleep. There&s nothing worse than being too tired to go to bed & you just feel like a zombie.&?
Now it turns out I experience this same phenomenon in another area: shyness. I often don&t want to call a stranger up on the phone or go talk to someone at a party and I have the exact same mental field pushing me off in some other direction. I suspect this might be because shyness is also a trait that results from a problematic childhood. (See &Assigned problems&.) Of course, this is all very speculative.&?
While the terminology I use here (&next concrete step&) is derived from David Allen&s&Getting Things Done, a lot of the principles here are (perhaps even unconsciously) applied in Extreme Programming (XP). Extreme Programming is presented as this system for keeping programs organized, but I find that a lot of it is actually good advice for avoid procrastination.
For example, pair programming automatically spreads the mental weight of the task across two people as well as giving people something useful to do during lower-quality time. Breaking a project down into concrete steps is another key part of XP, as is getting something that works done right away and improving on it (&Simplify it&&infra). And these are just the things that aren&t programming-specific.&?
For a fantastic overview of the literature, see Alfie Kohn,Punished By Rewards. This specific claim is drawn from his article&Challenging Behaviorist Dogma: Myths About Money and Motivation.&?
I originally simply assumed this was somehow biological, but Paul Graham pointed out it&s more likely learned. When you&re little, your parents try their best to manipulate you. They say do your homework and your mind tries to wriggle free and think about something else. Soon enough the wriggling becomes habit. Either way, it&s going to be a tough problem to fix. I&ve given up t now I try to work around it.&?
Richard Feynman tells a story about how he was trying to explore his own dreams, much the way I&ve tried to explore my own procrastination. Each night, he&d try to observe what happened to himself as he fell asleep:
I&m dreaming one night as usual, making observations, & and then I realize I&ve been sleeping with the back of my head against a brass rod. I put my hand behind my head and I feel that the back of my head is&soft. I think, &Aha! That&s why I&ve been able to make all these observations in my dreams: the brass rod has disturbed my visual cortex. All I have to do is sleep with a brass rod under my head and I can make these observations any time I want. So I think I&ll stop making observations on this one and go into deeper sleep.&
When I woke up later, there was no brass rod, nor was the back of my head soft. Somehow & my brain had invented false reasons as to why I shouldn&t [observe my dreams] any more. (Surely You&re Joking, Mr. Feynman!, 50)
Your brain is a lot more powerful than you are.&?
So, for example, instead of writing &By contrast, Riis doesn&t quote many people.&, I wrote: &Riis, however, whether because of a personal deficit in the skill-based capacity required for collecting aurally-transmitted person-centered contemporaneous ethnographies into published paper-based informative accounts or simply a lack of preference for the reportage of community-located informational correspondents, demonstrates a total failure in producing a comparable result.&
The professor, apparently seriously desensitized to bad writing, never seemed to realize I was joking (despite going over the paper with me one-on-one!).&
编配者(转载来源): 灵光1997 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------G又过了一个夏天Em又过了一个冬天Am习惯性的想你失眠D到现在没有改变G再过个一天两天Em再过个一年两年Am我已经要25岁D就要面对这个社会G
G像当初分开时的那种情节 吉他谱 我们欢迎您转载曲谱,但请保留我们的地址和作者名!
歌曲名:思念是一种病 歌手/乐队:张震岳编配者(转载来源): yuyu214 ----------------------------C 032010
G 320003Am 002210Fm 133211C
尽头时常感觉 C
G 汲汲营营忘记身边
花点时间只是会想 C
Goh 思念是一种病
Fmoh 思念是一种病一种病弹奏前,请将变调夹夹住吉他的第一品位置。这首歌如果用上4分之4拍比较激烈的扫弦也很有味道的,大家不妨试试看~`
吉他谱 我们欢迎您转载曲谱,但请保留我们的地址和作者名!
&据www.qgyyzs.net小编了解,随着基因工程技术的发展,利用重组技术合成的人体蛋白质类药物的数量和种类正在不断的增加。一些非常具有潜力的蛋白质药物也出现在了这个行列,如治疗癌症的蛋白类药物。一些在人体中合成量非常小的蛋白质,在医疗市场上非常昂贵和不可多得;有些蛋白质药物虽然易得,但是需求量十分巨大,无法满足市场需要。这就促使了利用微生物作为工程菌的基因工程来解决这个问题了。下面是 通过基因工程开始大规模商业化生产的蛋白质类药物:&&& 1.胰岛素,主要用于治疗糖尿病;&&& 2.促生长素抑制素和促生长素,用于治疗生长失调;&&& 3.凝血因子viii和凝血因子ix,用于治疗血友病;&&& 4.干扰素-α,主要用于治疗白血病等癌症;&&& 5.干扰素-β,主要治疗癌症和艾滋病等;&&& 6.干扰素-γ,主要治疗癌症和类风湿性关节炎;&&& 7.白介素,主要治疗癌症和免疫失调;&&& 8.颗粒性菌落刺激因子,主要用于治疗癌症;&&& 9.肿瘤坏死因子,主要用于治疗癌症;&&& 10.表皮生长因子,主要用于治疗溃疡;&&& 11.成纤维细胞生长因子,主要用于治疗溃疡;&&& 12.促红细胞生成素,主要治疗贫血;&&& 13.组织纤溶酶原激活物,用于治疗心力衰竭;&&& 14.超氧化歧化酶,用于治疗肾移植中的自由基损伤;&&& 15.肺表面活性物质蛋白,主要用于治疗呼吸胁迫;&&& 16.α1-抗胰蛋白酶,主要用于治疗肺气肿;&&& 17.血清白蛋白,主要作为血浆补充;&&& 18.松弛素,主要用于产婴辅助物;&&& 19.脱氧核糖核酸酶,主要治疗囊性纤维化。文章来自:http://www.qgyyzs.net/news/newshtml/xyyf/48.shtml
we are young 吉他谱
Give me a second I, I need to get my story straight
My friends are in the bathroom getting higher than the empire state
my lover she's waiting for me just across the bar
My seats been taken by some sunglasses asking 'bout a scar
and I know I gave it to you months ago
I know you're trying to forget but between the drinks and subtle things
the holes in my apologies you know I'm trying hard to take it back
so if by the time the bar closes and you feel like falling down
I'll carry you home
Tonight We are&&young So let's set the world on
fire We can burn brigh-ter than the sun
Tonight We are&&young So let's set the world on
fire We can burn brigh-ter than the sun
Now I know that I'm not all that you got
I guess that I I just thought maybe we could find a ways to fall apart
But our friends in back So let's raise the tab
Cause I found someone to carry me home
Tonight We are&&young So let's set the world on
fire We can burn brigh-ter than the sun
Tonight We are&&young So let's set the world on
fire We can burn brigh-ter than the sun
Carry me home tonight Just carry me home tonight
Carry me home tonight Just carry me home tonight
The moon is on my side&&&&&&&I have no reason to run
So will someone come and carry me home tonight
The angels never arrived&&&&&&&but I can hear the choir
so will someone come and carry me home
Tonight We are&&young So let's set the world on
fire We can burn brigh-ter than the sun
Tonight We are&&young So let's set the world on
fire We can burn brigh-ter than the sun
So if by the time the bar closes
and you feel like falling down
I'll carry you home, tonight
&BY 武汉吉他老师SHADY &&We Are Young FUN.
Gala 北戴河之歌 吉他谱
G 你敢不敢跟我走 EM 去那大地的尽头 B减 C 你男朋友介意我不会强求 G 你愿不愿跟我走 EM 去看飞翔的海鸥 B减 C 你向往自由我们就不回头 D7 别犹豫 EM 我爱你 C F D 和你在一起 什么都美丽 G D 哪怕 天不够蓝 海不够宽 Em B减 马尔代夫太遥远 C G 只要吻到你的脸 C D 北戴河也是乐园 G D 这里 阳光灿烂 人们友善 Em B减 我们从不会孤单 C G 心中有船可扬帆 C D 肚上长着游泳圈 G 你想不想跟我走 Em 冲向最高的浪头 B减 C 如果你害怕可以牵我的手
A E充满鲜花的世界到底在哪里#Fm D E如果它真的存在那么我一定会去A E我想在那里最高的山峰矗立#Fm D不在乎它是不是悬崖峭壁A E用力活着用力爱哪怕肝脑涂地#Fm D E不求任何人满意只要对得起自己A E关于理想我从来没选择放弃#Fm D即使在灰头土脸的日子里E也许我没有天分D7但我有梦的天真B7 #Fm我将会去证明用我的一生B7也许我手比较笨D7但我愿不停探寻F E付出所有的青春不留遗憾
A #Cm向前跑 迎着冷眼和嘲笑#Fm E生命的广阔不历经磨难怎能感到#C #Fm命运它无法让我们跪地求饶D E就算 鲜血洒满了怀抱A #Cm继续跑 带着赤子的骄傲#Fm E生命的闪耀不坚持到底怎能看到#C #Fm与其苟延残喘不如纵情燃烧吧D E有一天会再发芽
A E #Fm D A E #Fm D
A E未来迷人绚烂总在向我召唤#Fm D E哪怕只有痛苦作伴也要勇往直前A E我想在那里最蓝的大海扬帆#Fm D绝不管自己能不能回还E失败后郁郁寡欢D7那是懦夫的表现B7 #Fm只要一息尚存请握紧双拳B7在天色破晓之前D7我们要更加勇敢F E等待日出时最耀眼的瞬间A #Cm向前跑 迎着冷眼和嘲笑#Fm E生命的广阔不历经磨难怎能感到#C #Fm命运它无法让我们跪地求饶D E就算 鲜血洒满了怀抱A #Cm继续跑 带着赤子的骄傲#Fm E生命的闪耀不坚持到底怎能看到#C #Fm与其苟延残喘不如纵情燃烧D E为了心中的美好D E A不妥协直到变老
“青丘国在其北,其狐四足九尾。”《海外东经》 “有青丘之国,有狐,九尾。”《大荒东经》 史书中记载,九尾狐成就了“大禹”与“涂山氏”的佳缘,成为了中国古书中出现的最早的“婚姻中介”,传说中人吃了她的肉,可以不逢妖邪之气,抗拒蛊毒。九尾狐在《山海经》中出现了三次,后来成为祥瑞和子孙繁荣的象征。
矔疏(guan shu) 一角马,辟火奇兽。最早出现在《北山经》
獓狠(犬因)(ao yin) 三危山食人巨兽,样子有些像牛,长着四只角,它的毛发很长,就像披在身上的蓑衣。
蛊雕(gu diao) 是一种似鸟非鸟,似豹非豹的食人畏兽,独角,叫起来像婴儿的啼哭。
帝江(di jiang) 《山海经》第二卷《西山经》云:“又西三百五十里曰天山,多金玉,有青雄黄,英水出焉,而西南流注于汤谷。有神鸟,其状如黄囊,赤如丹火,六足四翼,浑敦 无面目,是识歌舞,实惟帝江也。”意思就是西方的天山上,有一只神鸟,形状像个黄布口袋,红得像一团红火,六只脚四只翅膀,耳目口鼻都没有,但却懂得歌 舞,名字叫做“帝江”。除此之外,《庄子》、《神异经》记载的怪兽也叫此名。黄帝、共工氏首领在一些记载当中也被称为“帝江”
讙(huan) 翼望山的畏兽,样子长的像狸猫,体格娇小,独目,三条尾巴,它可以模仿上百种动物的叫声,传说肉可以入药。
举父(ju fu) 崇吾山的畏兽,善于投掷,虎豹畏之。
狰(zheng) 章峨山,千里无草木植被,多碧岩。此山中有一畏兽,五尾一角,吼叫声如雷劈石,以老虎豹子为食物。
狸力(li li) 櫃山上的畏兽,样子像猪,四肢却长出了爪子,带有锯齿。见到它的地方,地面多起伏,所以猜测狸力善于挖土
C Am 王小姐三十一岁了 Dm G 朋友们见到了她 C Am 都要问一个问题: Dm G 你什么时候打算嫁呀? C Am 可是嫁人这一个问题 Dm G 又不是她一个人可以决定的 C Am 她问她爸爸她问她妈妈 Dm G 他们都说你赶紧的 C Am Dm G 你看 你看 你看人家那那那那那那那那那 C Am G C 你看 你看 你看看那那那那 C Am 大龄文艺女青年 F G 该嫁一个什么样的人呢 C Am 是不是也该找个搞艺术的 Dm G 这样就比较合适呢 C Am 可是搞艺术的男青年 Dm G 有一部分只爱他的艺术 C Am 还有极少部分搞艺术的男青年 Dm G 搞艺术是为了搞姑娘 C Am 搞姑娘又不只搞她一个 Dm C 嫁给他干什么呢 C Am 搞姑娘又不只搞她一个 G C 奶奶奶奶奶奶的 C Am 朋友们介绍了好几个 Dm C 有车子房子和孩子的 C Am 他们说你该找个有钱的 Dm G 让他赞助你搞创作 C Am 可是大款都不喜欢她 Dm G 他们只想娶会做饭的 C Am 不会做饭的女青年 Dm C 只能去当第三者 C Am 不会做饭的文艺女青年 Dm C 只能被他们潜规则 C Am G C 奶奶奶奶奶奶的 C Am 这一首歌纯属雷同 Dm C 如有虚构纯属巧合 C Am 请不要自觉对号入座 Dm G 然后发动群众封杀我 G Am Dm G 你看 你看 你看她只会做西红柿炒鸡蛋 C Am Dm C 你看 你看 还要就着方便面 C Am 那是非常好吃的 Dm C mia mia mia mia mia mia mia C Am 那是非常的好吃的 G C mia mia mia mia mia mia
曲婉婷-drenched 吉他谱
G When minutes become hours C When days become years G And I don&t know where you are C Color seems so dull without you AM Have we lost our minds? BM EM What have we done? C D But it all doesn&t seem to matter anymore G D When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back EM BM You held me in your arms, I held you in mine C D You picked me up to lay me down G When I look into your eyes D EM BM I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I C I&m drenched in your love D G I&m no longer able to hold it back


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