this is it…〔speaking〕...

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情景会话:我就是玛丽This is Mary speaking
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Could I speak to Mary, please?
This is Mary speaking. Who is that?
This is Bob. Where have you been, Mary? I have been trying to get on to you for the last half hour. Don’t you leave your home at 7
Yes, I do, but today I went shopping and have only just come back. It is very nice to hear your voice, Bob. I didn’t know you were in New York.
I arrived this morning. I would have rung you before but I have been terribly busy all day attending a conference. It has only just ended. Are you doing anything tonight, Mary?
Yes, I am going to meet a client.
But that is terrible! I am only here for one night!
I am sorry, Bob. If you had told me you were coming up, I would have kept tonight free. But you didn’t tell me.
I didn’t know myself till this morning when my boss suddenly dashed into the office and told me to rush up here to attend the conference.
I thought Henry usually did the conferences.
Yes, he does but when he was driving up here last night he had an accident and was taken to hospital. So I am doing it instead. Mary, Must you go out tonight? Couldn’t you get out of it?
I’m free tomorrow but I suppose that will be too late.
No, I will stay another boss will get over it. Would you like to meet me for lunch tomorrow?
I’d like to. But Bob, are you sure it will be all right? I would hate you to make your boss angry or even lose your job.
It is all right. I will call the boss and tell him I am staying another day. I stayed an extra night in Boston last month and he didn’t seem to put about it.
Why did you stay an extra night in Boston? What happened?
I will tell you tomorrow. See you tomorrow, Mary.
See you tomorrow.
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>>>补全对话。A: Hello, is that Mary speaking?B: Yes, this is M..
A: Hello, is that Mary speaking?B: Yes, this is Mary speaking.A: I am going to have a birthday party this Wednesday. Would you like to 1_____ over to me?B: 2_____&, I'd love to. I am 3_____& that day. 4_____& time will it begin?A: At 7:00 o'clock p.m.B: Great! 5_____& the way, 6_____&will you give the party?A: In my home.B: What can I 7_____& for you?A: You needn't buy anything for me. Your 8_____&is the best present for me.B: Ha! Thanks for your 9_____.A: It's a 10_____.
1. come& 2. Sure& 3. free& 4. What& 5. By 6. Where& 7. buy& 8. coming &9. invitation &10. pleasure
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“补全对话。A: Hello, is that Mary speaking?B: Yes, this is M..”主要考查你对&&情景交际&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
情景交际:也叫口语应用,试题根据对话的基本形式是一问一答的特点,通过提供一定的语境,将语言放在交际的实际情景中去考查。它所涉及的内容多是初中英语课本中出现过的与学生学习、生活相联系、实用性强的内容。它既考查特定交际场合使用的表达方式,也通过语境考查词汇和语法知识的运用。情景交际题注意事项:1.所补全的对话内容必须能使上、下文连贯一致,因而必须瞻前顾后、全盘考虑,不能仅看上一个问句就选择答句,或仅根据下文中的答句就补全它的问句,否则容易造成逻辑错误。 2. 做题前应注意试题前面是否有中文或英语的背景提示。这些背景提示是确定话题内容的重要依据,不可疏忽带过。 3. 在选择过程中考生应注意把已选出的选项划去,避免重复选择的错误。 4. 做题时要先易后难,一时难以确定不要勉强先做,否则易造成连锁错误。 &解题思路与技巧:1. 通览全文,领会大意,揣摩话题。解题时应先跳过空格通览全文,了解对话大意,根据对大意的把握,判定语境,揣摩话题。&2. 根据语境,细读选项,选择答案。在把握话题和语境的基础上,针对对话的每一空白处,细读所提供的选项,认真分析它们之间的异同,依据对话有关情景内容,选择正确的答案。&3.通盘考虑,前后联想,先易后难。要从对话整体理解出发,依照上、下问答的逻辑顺序来考虑所选择的答案,不可不顾前后顺序,孤立地就上句就补下句,这样可能出现所补句子符合上文而不符合下文的情况。要先解决有把握的、容易的,再回头补选较难的。&4.通读对话,义形结合,验证答案。将对话补全之后,再将整段对话通读一遍,逐一验证答案。所选的答案不仅语义上要符合语境,而且要保证语言正确,做到说话得体。&&&&
与“补全对话。A: Hello, is that Mary speaking?B: Yes, this is M..”考查相似的试题有:


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