As a studentuniverse , the ...

请阅读下面的这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡,把答案写在答题卷指定的位置上。As a student, you must have homework every day. How do you deal with your homework? When do you usually finish your homework? Here is some advice for you to help you finish your homework well. Homework should be done as soon as you get home from school. If you have after-school activities, the homework should be done first. At the same time, it is fine to allow for a snack break and also to allow for stretching(伸展) breaks. Also, you should remember that it is your duty to do your homework. Don’t depend on Mum and Dad for help. Please try to find the answer yourself because you will learn much more that way. When you have a question, especially something about a science or maths, don’t always turn to your teacher! It is a good idea to try to find the answer yourself. If this doesn’t work, you can also look at your textbooks carefully. They may help you understand the problem. Finally, while doing homework, don’t think about or do other things. Keep working. Setting a time limit(限制) often helps with this. Different ages decide different amounts of time. 10-15 minutes is good for a child that’s aged 6-8. A time of 20-30 minutes is about right for a child aged 9-12. Kids can keep studying for 30-45 minutes at the ages of 13-15. This, of course, depends on your ability to pay attention and stay rmation CardThe proper time to
do homework【小题1】.Your homework
shouldn’t be done by depending on【小题2】What can you do if
you can’t work out the maths or science problems?【小题3】The way to make
yourself keep working is【小题4】A 14-year-old
child can keep studying for【小题5】-乐乐题库
& Unit知识点 & “请阅读下面的这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,...”习题详情
请阅读下面的这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡,把答案写在答题卷指定的位置上。As a student, you must have homework every day. How do you deal with your homework? When do you usually finish your homework? Here is some advice for you to help you finish your homework well. Homework should be done as soon as you get home from school. If you have after-school activities, the homework should be done first. At the same time, it is fine to allow for a snack break and also to allow for stretching(伸展) breaks. Also, you should remember that it is your duty to do your homework. Don’t depend on Mum and Dad for help. Please try to find the answer yourself because you will learn much more that way. When you have a question, especially something about a science or maths, don’t always turn to your teacher! It is a good idea to try to find the answer yourself. If this doesn’t work, you can also look at your textbooks carefully. They may help you understand the problem. Finally, while doing homework, don’t think about or do other things. Keep working. Setting a time limit(限制) often helps with this. Different ages decide different amounts of time. 10-15 minutes is good for a child that’s aged 6-8. A time of 20-30 minutes is about right for a child aged 9-12. Kids can keep studying for 30-45 minutes at the ages of 13-15. This, of course, depends on your ability to pay attention and stay on tasks.Information CardThe proper time to
do homework【小题1】.Your homework
shouldn’t be done by depending on【小题2】What can you do if
you can’t work out the maths or science problems?【小题3】The way to make
yourself keep working is【小题4】A 14-year-old
child can keep studying for【小题5】As soon as you get home from school.&
习题“请阅读下面的这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡,把答案写在答题卷指定的位置上。As a student, you must have homework every day. How do you deal ...”的分析与解答如下所示:
这篇短文主要针对学生对待家庭作业的问题,提出一些有助于学生做好作业的建议。【小题1】细节理解题。根据短文Homework should be done as soon as you get home from school的描述可知,做作业的合适时机是一放学回家就做。故应填As soon as you get home from school。【小题2】细节理解题。根据短文you should remember that it is your duty to do your homework. Don’t depend on Mum and Dad for help的描述可知,不能依靠父母做作业。故可填Your parents。【小题3】细节理解题。根据短文When you have a question, especially something about a science or maths,--- It is a good idea to try to find the answer yourself. If this doesn’t work, you can also look at your textbooks carefully的描述,可知应填Look at your textbooks carefully。【小题4】细节理解题。根据短文Keep working. Setting a time limit(限制) often helps with this的描述可知,坚持学习的办法是设置时间限制。故应填Setting a time limit。【小题5】细节理解题。根据短文Kids can keep studying for 30-45 minutes at the ages of 13-15的描述可知,14岁的孩子可以坚持学习30-45分钟。故应填30-45minutes。
请阅读下面的这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡,把答案写在答题卷指定的位置上。As a student, you must have homework every day. How do you ...
与“请阅读下面的这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡,把答案写在答题卷指定的位置上。As a student, you must have homework every day. How do you deal ...”相似的题目:
—My favourite subject is English. But I don’t like Math. —I like English &&&& and I don’t like Math &&&&. too either either too
You should read some good books and they can &&&& a new world to you.wake upopen upget uplook up
—Where is my music disc? I can’t see it! —You’d better&&&& the disk carefully in your bedroom.look uplook forlook afterlook through
欢迎来到乐乐题库,查看习题“请阅读下面的这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡,把答案写在答题卷指定的位置上。As a student, you must have homework every day. How do you deal with your homework? When do you usually finish your homework? Here is some advice for you to help you finish your homework well. Homework should be done as soon as you get home from school. If you have after-school activities, the homework should be done first. At the same time, it is fine to allow for a snack break and also to allow for stretching(伸展) breaks. Also, you should remember that it is your duty to do your homework. Don’t depend on Mum and Dad for help. Please try to find the answer yourself because you will learn much more that way. When you have a question, especially something about a science or maths, don’t always turn to your teacher! It is a good idea to try to find the answer yourself. If this doesn’t work, you can also look at your textbooks carefully. They may help you understand the problem. Finally, while doing homework, don’t think about or do other things. Keep working. Setting a time limit(限制) often helps with this. Different ages decide different amounts of time. 10-15 minutes is good for a child that’s aged 6-8. A time of 20-30 minutes is about right for a child aged 9-12. Kids can keep studying for 30-45 minutes at the ages of 13-15. This, of course, depends on your ability to pay attention and stay rmation CardThe proper time to
do homework【小题1】.Your homework
shouldn’t be done by depending on【小题2】What can you do if
you can’t work out the maths or science problems?【小题3】The way to make
yourself keep working is【小题4】A 14-year-old
child can keep studying for【小题5】”的答案、考点梳理,并查找与习题“请阅读下面的这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡,把答案写在答题卷指定的位置上。As a student, you must have homework every day. How do you deal with your homework? When do you usually finish your homework? Here is some advice for you to help you finish your homework well. Homework should be done as soon as you get home from school. If you have after-school activities, the homework should be done first. At the same time, it is fine to allow for a snack break and also to allow for stretching(伸展) breaks. Also, you should remember that it is your duty to do your homework. Don’t depend on Mum and Dad for help. Please try to find the answer yourself because you will learn much more that way. When you have a question, especially something about a science or maths, don’t always turn to your teacher! It is a good idea to try to find the answer yourself. If this doesn’t work, you can also look at your textbooks carefully. They may help you understand the problem. Finally, while doing homework, don’t think about or do other things. Keep working. Setting a time limit(限制) often helps with this. Different ages decide different amounts of time. 10-15 minutes is good for a child that’s aged 6-8. A time of 20-30 minutes is about right for a child aged 9-12. Kids can keep studying for 30-45 minutes at the ages of 13-15. This, of course, depends on your ability to pay attention and stay rmation CardThe proper time to
do homework【小题1】.Your homework
shouldn’t be done by depending on【小题2】What can you do if
you can’t work out the maths or science problems?【小题3】The way to make
yourself keep working is【小题4】A 14-year-old
child can keep studying for【小题5】”相似的习题。当前位置:
>>>I entered St Thoma’s Hospital as a medical student at the a..
I entered St Thoma’s Hospital as a medical student at the age of 18 and spent five years there. I was an unsatisfactory student, for my heart, as you might have guessed, was not in it. I wanted, I had always wanted to be a writer, and in the evening, after my high tea, I wrote and read. Before long, I wrote a novel, called “Liza of Lambeth”, which I sent to a publisher and was accepted. It appeared during my last year at the hospital and had something of a success. It was of course an accident, but naturally I did not know that. I felt I could afford to give up medicine and make w so, three days after I graduated from the school of medicine, I set out for Spain to write another book. Looking back now and knowing as I do the terrible difficulties of making a living by writing, I realize I was taking a fearful risk. It never even occurred to me. The next ten years were very hard, and I earned an average of &100 a year. Then I had a bit of luck. The manager of the Court Theatre put on the next play he arranged to put on was not ready , and he was at his wits’ end. He read a play of mine and, though he did not much like it, he thought it might just run for the six weeks till the play he had in mind to follow it with could be produced. It ran for fifteen months. Within a short while I had four plays running in London at the same time. Nothing of the kind had ever happened before. I was the talk of the town. One of the students at St Thomas’s Hospital asked the famous surgeon with whom I had worked whether he remembered me. “Yes, I remember him quite well, “he said. “ One of our failures, I’m afraid. “ 1. Which of the following statements is not true? A. The author was very pleased to have his book published but he didn’t realize it was something of an accident. B. The success of his first book led the author to think he could afford to make writing his profession. C. The author knew he was running a terrible risk when he decided to become a writer. D. The author became a writer after graduation but was not a successful one. 2. In the second paragraph, “… he was at his wits’ end “means ________. A. he was having a nervous breakdown &&&&& B. he was out of his wisdom C. he did not know what to do &&&&&&&&&&&D. he almost went mad 3. The manager of the Court Theatre agreed to put the author’s play on the stage because _____________. A. he thought it would run for fifteen months B. he knew it was one of the author’s best plays shown in London C. he had just put on a play that failed D. the play he had arranged to put on was not ready 4. The author became the talk of the town. The reason was that __________. A. he talked with a great many people in London about his plays B. the plays he wrote were excellently performed in London C. his performances in the Court Theatre were unexpectedly D. he was criticized by an eminent surgeon as one of their failures
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“I entered St Thoma’s Hospital as a medical student at the a..”主要考查你对&&社会现象类阅读&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
这类文章通过写人记事来揭示文章的主题,显示其社会意义,一般采用顺序或倒叙来叙述。题目经常是一些细节问题。考查的方面可以是原因和其中引发的思考。阅读这类文章要理清思路。1、浏览试题,明确要求。&&&&&&在阅读文章前,最好先浏览一下文章后面的题干和选项。知道了问题后再去看文章,可使思路更敏捷,而且也便于阅读时留意文中出现的与选项有关的信息。   2、通读全文,抓住主要内容。&&&&& 在不影响理解的前提下,尽可能地阅读以便在尽可能短的时间内理解文章或段落的内容。阅读时,如遇到不熟悉的单词、词组或一时看不懂的句子,不要停下来苦思冥想,继续读下去,通过上下文的词语和句子可能就理解了。   3、抓住中心思想和段落大意。&&&&& 通读全文时,要特别注意主题句。每篇文章或每个段落都有与文章有关的句子,尤其是科技、政论性文章的主题句一般都在文章的开头或结尾,插在中间的很少。所以,文章的第一段或开头的第一、二个句子往往包含着文章的中心思想、作者的意图或全文的概述,因此要特别注意,彻底理解。   4、有针对性地仔细阅读,找寻所需信息。&&&&& 在前面的基础上,可进行有针对性地阅读了。把与问题无关的内容一扫而过,而对于和问题有关的内容认真阅读,还可以用笔在下面做出记号。再把这些信息与问题的要求结合起来,逐条分析,综合判断,找出正确答案。   5、进行合理的推理判断。&&&&& 对文章有了全面的了解之后,可以按照文章要求以及上下文之间的关系,做出推理判断。在进行推理判断的时候,需要综合考虑句型、语法、句子之间的逻辑关系、文化背景等方面的因素。   6、认真复读,验证答案。&&&&& 要用全文的中心思想统帅各个题目,研究其内在联系和逻辑关系,并依次审核那些还未打上的题目,确保理解无误。
与“I entered St Thoma’s Hospital as a medical student at the a..”考查相似的试题有:



