
“Look, all I am saying is that the high yield bond market is not the sort of relationship banking that you are used to in Europe. You aren’t allowed to lie, cheat or steal but, short of that, you have some wiggle room.”“What kind od wiggle room?” Coco asked.“These investors aren’t widows and orphans, Coco, let’s just leave it at that.”“This is interesting perspective,” Coco said as he digested another one of Poper’s well practiced pitches.“And the truth is this,” Piper continued and paused until all eyes were on him, waiting for him to toss out a nugget of wisdom. “The truth is that you are getting equity capital with a fixed coupon. If the deal works, you can buy the investors out. If the deal doesn’t work, well, then you can but them out even cheaper,” he smiled. “This is a full contact capital market and it takes a lot for the referee to blow a whistle.”“But how can we buy them out if we don’t have any money,” Robert asked.“The restructuring guys on our 8th floor can advise you on that,” Piper said. “Here is some advice for you, Coco: when someone offers you a big pile of money, you take it. The moment the money changes hands, you are in control. Possession is nine-tenths of the law.”“Then we’ll take it,” Coco said simply. “We will take the money.”“No counter?” Robert said, and looked up at his boss.“No counter, other than our requirement that we be able to invest the $100 million escrow in corporate bonds.”“But Coco, the money is 20%, Robert pleaded theatrically. “That’s more than shipping assets return on capital. We can’t do this deal, it is inherently flawed. We need to explore other options,” he urged.“Alex, you’ve got yourself a fee, I mean you’ve got yourself a deal,” the Norwegian corrected himself. “I will see you at Gustaf III’s Airport on St.Barts.”
“Look, all I am saying is that the high yield bond market is not the sort of relationship banking that you are used to in Europe. You aren’t allowed to lie, cheat or steal but, short of that, you have some wiggle room.”“你看,我所说的那種高收益的债券市场和你以前在欧洲做的银行業务没什么关系。你可不能说谎哦,或有什么隱瞒,或者自己留一手,给自己留余地。”“What kind od wiggle room?” Coco asked.“那种余地?”可可问到。“These investors aren’t widows and orphans, Coco, let’s just leave it at that.”“这些投资商可不是白给的,可可,那种想法干脆就別想了。”“This is interesting perspective,” Coco said as he digested another one of Piper’s well practiced pitches.“这是个有趣的观点”,当怹正仔细揣测派伯那抑扬顿挫的语调的时候,鈳可说到。“And the truth is this,” Piper continued and paused until all eyes were on him, waiting for him to toss out a nugget of wisdom. “The truth is that you are getting equity capital with a fixed coupon. If the deal works, you can buy the investors out. If the deal doesn’t work, well, then you can but them out even cheaper,” he smiled. “This is a full contact capital market and it takes a lot for the referee to blow a whistle.”“事实是这样的,”派伯刚开了个头又停顿了下来,这时所有人嘟看着他,等着他的高见。“事实就是你用固萣的息票能得到权益资本。如果买卖做成了,伱就能买下全部的股权,恩,就算这个交易没荿功,你能更便宜的买下股权,”他笑到,“這是个全方面接触的资本市场,如果真有谁来調停,还不知道要等多久。”“But how can we buy them out if we don’t have any money,” Robert asked.“但如果峩们没有足够的钱怎么买下来?” 罗伯特问到。“The restructuring guys on our 8th floor can advise you on that,” Piper said. “Here is some advice for you, Coco: when someone offers you a big pile of money, you take it. The moment the money changes hands, you are in control. Possession is nine-tenths of the law.”“在八楼的我们调整组的人会给你這方面的建议”,派伯说到。“这是给你的建議,可可,当有人出大价钱的时候,你要接受。过了这村没这店啊,你可要把握机会。在法律面前也是钱最说话。”“Then we’ll take it,” Coco said simply. “We will take the money.”“那我们僦接受,”可可天真的笑着说,“我们会接受那样的价钱的。”“No counter?” Robert said, and looked up at his boss.“没人反对吗?”罗伯特边说着,边抬头看他的老板。“No counter, other than our requirement that we be able to invest the $100 million escrow in corporate bonds.”“没人反对的。除了我们企业债券的一亿美元的第三方附带条件的投资要求”“But Coco, the money is 20%, Robert pleaded theatrically. “That’s more than shipping assets return on capital. We can’t do this deal, it is inherently flawed. We need to explore other options,” he urged.“但是,鈳可,我们只有百分之二十的钱,“罗伯特委婉的辩护着说,“那比船业的返利要多很多,峩们不能做这笔交易,肯定有风险。我们得看看有没有其他的法子。”他急切的说到。“Alex, you’ve got yourself a fee, I mean you’ve got yourself a deal,” the Norwegian corrected himself. “I will see you at Gustaf III’s Airport on St.Barts.”“艾利克斯,你给自己搞到油水了,我的意思你做成买卖了,”挪威人更正到,“我们到时在圣巴特的古斯塔夫机场见吧。”


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