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关注我们官方微信关于跟谁学服务支持帮助中心WinLess - Windows GUI for less.js
WinLess is a Windows GUI for LESS.js. WinLess is a must-have for the webdeveloper who uses Windows.
Version: 1.9.1
Do you like WinLess? Consider donating.
When you add a folder to WinLess (either via 'Add folder' or by dropping it on the folder pane), WinLess will start watching the LESS files in it.
WinLess will automatically recompile a less file when it is changed.
If you have a folder called 'less' and a folder called 'css' on the same level, add the parent folder. WinLess will then automatically use the css folder as output folder.
Other LESS tools
There are a lot of other
out there. Be sure to check them out.
Created by Mark Lagendijk
Hosting sponsored byLESS compiler in PHP - lessphp
New: lessphp 0.4.0, compiles Bootstrap 3, breaking changes, see
(August 9th 2013)
lessphp is a compiler for
written in PHP.
The entire compiler comes in a single includable class, but an additional
command line interface to the compiler is included. It will run on PHP 5.1+.
See the quick start for basic usage.
For an overview of the syntax take a look at the .
Follow the author on twitter for updates: .
Use the live demo to test the compiler using your own code, or click through the
example buttons to see various parts of the language.
More Examples:
Edit me ↴
CSS comes here, click compile to build.
If you use
for installing packages, then you can
update your composer.json like so:
&require&: {
&leafo/lessphp&: &0.4.0&
Quick Start
The typical flow of lessphp is to create a new instance of lessc,
configure it how you like, then tell it to compile something using one built in
compile methods.
The compile method compiles a string of LESS code to CSS.
require &;
$less = new lessc;
echo $less-&compile(&.block { padding: 3 + 4px }&);
The compileFile method reads and compiles a file. It will either return the
result or write it to the path specified by an optional second argument.
echo $less-&compileFile(&input.less&);
The compileChecked method is like compileFile, but it only compiles if the output
file doesn&t exist or it&s older than the input file:
$less-&checkedCompile(&input.less&, &output.css&);
If there any problem compiling your code, an exception is thrown with a helpful message:
$less-&compile(&invalid LESS } {&);
} catch (exception $e) {
echo &fatal error: & . $e-&getMessage();
The lessc object can be configured through an assortment of instance methods.
Some possible configuration options include , , and , writing
and much more. It&s all described in .
A complete reference manual can be found on the .
A list of changes is available on the .
Various lessphp plugins exist for many frameworks:
If you've got one,
it and I'll post it
If you find something that isn&t working right feel free to
or post on the . If you have any
interesting ideas for additions to the language please do suggest them as well.
You can also
if you want.
If you have a
account, you can post bug reports on the .}


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