
您的位置: > > > > > >口译材料:外交部例行记者会(日)口译材料:外交部例行记者会(日)Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's Regular Press Conference on April 1, 2015
外交部发言人华春莹主持例行记者会(日)Q: According to media reports, the presidential election in Uzbekistan was held successfully, and the initial voting result shows that sitting President Islam Karimov was re-elected. What is China's comment? Have you sent the message of congratulations? How do you see the development of China-Uzbekistan relations?
问:据报道,乌兹别克斯坦总统选举日前顺利举行,初步计票结果显示现任总统卡里莫夫再次当选。中方对此有何评论?是否致电祝贺?如何看待中乌关系发展?A: The presidential election in Uzbekistan was held successfully, and the initial voting result shows that President Karimov was re-elected. President Xi Jinping has sent a congratulatory message to President Karimov, and talked to President Karimov on the phone yesterday to send his congratulations.
答:日前,乌兹别克斯坦总统选举顺利举行。根据初步统计结果,卡里莫夫总统再次当选。习近平主席已向卡里莫夫总统发去贺电,并于昨日同卡里莫夫总统通电话表示祝贺。China respects the choice made by the Uzbek people, and supports Uzbekistan in pursuing a development path that suits its own national realities. We believe that Uzbekistan can maintain political stability and economic development, and play a bigger role in international affairs.
中方尊重乌兹别克斯坦人民的选择,支持乌兹别克斯坦走符合本国国情的发展道路。相信乌兹别克斯坦将保持政治稳定,经济发展,在国际事务中发挥更大作用。China and Uzbekistan are strategic partners, and the China-Uzbekistan relationship has been developing soundly and rapidly with a good momentum. China is willing to work with Uzbekistan to implement the consensus reached by leaders of the two countries and move forward the bilateral relations.
中乌是战略伙伴,中乌关系始终保持健康快速发展的良好势头。中方愿与乌方落实好两国领导人达成的各项共识,推动中乌关系不断向前发展。Q: Kenya's Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission issued a report, detailing corruption allegations against some government officials with some cases involving certain Chinese-invested projects. What is China's response?
问:肯尼亚政府反腐败调查小组日前发表报告,称中国个别企业投资项目涉嫌肯政府官员贪腐案。中方对此有何回应?A: I am not aware of the specifics. The Chinese government always asks Chinese companies operating overseas to abide by the law, run their business within the rules and fulfill their due social responsibilities.
答:我不了解你提到的情况,中国政府一贯要求海外中国企业要遵纪守法,规范经营,履行应尽的社会责任。Q: Does China welcome Norway's decision to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)?
问:中方是否欢迎挪威申请加入亚投行?A: The AIIB is an open and inclusive multilateral development institution, and interested countries are welcome to join.
答:亚投行是一个开放、包容的多边开发机构,有意愿加入的国家都会受到欢迎。Q: The Japanese Foreign Ministry issued the draft Diplomatic Bluebook for 2015. It includes &deep remorse over the Second World War&, and says that Japan and China are neighbor countries only separated by the sea and the two countries enjoy interwoven relations. It also mentions Chinese government vessels' sailing into the territorial waters of the Diaoyu Dao, accusing it as China's attempts to &unilaterally change the status quo&. What is China's comment on this?
问:据报道,日本外务省2015年版《外交蓝皮书》草案中写入&对二战的深刻反省&,称中国是隔海相望的邻国,两国关系密不可分。草案还提及中国公务船进入钓鱼岛领海,称中方试图&单方面改变现状&。中方对此有何评论?A: China and Japan are close neighbors, and it is in the fundamental interests of the two countries and the two peoples to maintain enduring, stable and sound development of the bilateral relations. It is China's consistent stance that the China-Japan strategic and mutually beneficial relationship should be pressed ahead following the four political documents between China and Japan and in the spirit of &learning from the history and looking forward to the future&.
答:中日两国是近邻。保持中日关系长期稳定健康发展符合两国和两国人民的根本利益。中方一贯主张在中日四个政治文件基础上,本着&以史为鉴、面向未来&的精神推进中日战略互惠关系。The history issue concerns the political basis of China-Japan relationship. We have been urging the Japanese side to correctly perceive and deal with its history of aggression, and win the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community with tangible actions.
历史问题事关中日关系政治基础。我们一贯敦促日方正确认识和处理历史问题,以实际行动取信于亚洲邻国和国际社会。The rights and wrongs behind the issue of Diaoyu Dao are clear for all to see. It is not others but Japan itself who stirs up troubles and changes the status quo with unilateral actions. China will firmly uphold the territorial sovereignty of the Diaoyu Dao, and stay committed to properly managing and solving the Diaoyu Dao issue through dialogue and consultation. It is hoped that the Japanese side can look squarely at the history and reality, and make constructive efforts to properly resolve the issue.
钓鱼岛问题的是非曲直是清楚的。采取单方面行动挑起事端、改变现状的不是别人,正是日本自己。中方将坚定维护钓鱼岛领土主权,同时继续致力于通过对话磋商妥善管控和解决问题。希望日方正视历史和现实,为妥善解决有关问题作出建设性努力。Q: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is optimistic about the Iranian nuclear talks in Lausanne, Switzerland. Is China optimistic about the talks too? How will the comprehensive agreement affect China-Iran relations once it is reached?
问:俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫对在瑞士洛桑举行的伊朗核问题谈判持乐观态度,中方对此是否也持乐观态度?如果达成全面协议将对中伊关系有何影响?A: Foreign Minister Wang Yi made a special trip to Switzerland for the Foreign Ministers' Meeting on the Iranian nuclear issue. When giving an interview with the Chinese media yesterday evening, Foreign Minister Wang Yi commended the progress achieved and proposed four points on the negotiation.
答:中国外交部长王毅专程赴瑞士参加了伊朗核问题外长会。昨天晚上王毅部长接受采访,积极评价此次会议进展,就伊朗核问题谈判提出了四点主张。Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that this Foreign Ministers' Meeting is very productive. Acknowledging the important achievements made in the negotiation, all parties held comprehensive, repetitive and in-depth discussions on the outstanding problems. It is fair to say that the approach to solve the problems has been made clear, positions of all parties have been drawn closer to each other and notable progress has been scored on focal issues. All these bring us one step closer to the comprehensive agreement. The Chinese side puts forward a four-point proposal at this point when there are three months to go to finish the negotiation: First, political guidance should be upheld. Tons of technical issues are involved in the Iranian nuclear talks, and the final agreement itself should be made on professional grounds. But after all, the Iranian nuclear issue is an issue of political security, and therefore all parties should step up political guidance and make political decisions at a proper time. Second, all parties should meet each other halfway. Different parties have their own stances. In this final stage, success will be in our hand if we work towards the same goal, and a standstill will only lead us to failure. Third, a step-by-step and reciprocal process should be followed. It takes time to solve problems, and it should be done in a step-by-step and reciprocal way. All parties should assume due responsibilities and obligations. Fourth, a package solution should be pursued. Key focal issues that are yet to be solved are interconnected. All parties should think out of the box and consider a package solution to resolve them. All parties' core concerns must be accommodated and the UN Security Council's role in the negotiation should be crucial.
王毅部长表示,此次外长会是有益的,各方在充分肯定迄今谈判取得的重要进展基础上,集中就余下的主要问题进行了全面、反复和深入的讨论。应当说,解决的思路已经明确,各方立场相互靠拢,核心问题有明显进展,为最后达成全面协议又迈出了重要一步。目前离谈判期限还有三个月时间,中方对下一阶段谈判提出四点主张:一是坚持政治引领。伊朗核谈判涉及大量技术问题,协议本身也需要专业支撑。但伊核问题说到底是政治安全问题,各方要加强政治引领,适时做出政治决断。二是坚持相向而行。谈判各方都有自己的立场,在最后阶段,如果相向而行,就能取得成功,如果原地踏步,势必功败垂成。三是坚持分步对等。解决问题需要一个过程,必须分阶段、对等地向前推进,各方都应承担相应的责任与义务。四是坚持一揽子解决。目前遗留的几个焦点问题实际上相互关联,各方应发挥创造性思维,考虑一揽子解决方案,照顾各方核心关切不可回避,发挥联合国安理会作用至关重要。Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that over the past year, China has put forward many constructive proposals when the negotiation runs into difficulties and made positive mediation efforts through various channels. In this Foreign Ministers' Meeting, he also shared with all parties the approach to solve major differences, which we believe will contribute positively to reaching a comprehensive agreement.
王毅部长还表示,一年多来,中国在谈判艰难时刻多次提出建设性方案,通过各种渠道积极斡旋。这次外长会上,他也与各方分享了解决焦点分歧的思路,相信会为全面协议达成发挥积极作用。We hope that all parties can make vigorous efforts without any letup, be constructive and flexible and make the final push for a comprehensive agreement.
我们希望有关各方一鼓作气,拿出建设性和灵活态度,为最终达成全面协议做最后冲刺,争取达成全面协议。China and Iran boast friendly and cooperative relationship, which is in the common interests of the two countries and also conducive to peace and development in the Middle East.
中伊两国一直保持友好合作关系,这符合两国共同利益,也有利于中东地区和平与发展。Q: What position does China hold on Taiwan's application for the AIIB membership?
问:中方对台湾方面申请加入亚投行持何立场?A: The Spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council has replied to Taiwan's application for the AIIB membership this morning. He said that the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council has received the letter of intent from Taiwan, and has forwarded it to the interim multilateral secretariat of the AIIB. The AIIB is open and inclusive, and we welcome Taiwan's participation under an appropriate name.
答:今天上午,国台办发言人已就台湾方面申请加入亚投行回答了记者提问,表示国台办已收到台湾方面意向书,并转交亚投行多边临时秘书处。亚投行是开放、包容的,我们对台湾方面以适当名义参与亚投行持欢迎态度。(Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China)顶一下(4)100%踩一下(0)0%课程内容
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中文名: 人事部翻译考试指定教材--2009版英语口译综合能力+实务2级(文本及听力)(全国翻译专业资格水平考试辅导丛书)
作者: 王立弟
资源格式: PDF
版本: 2009修订版
出版社: 外文出版社
发行时间: 2009年
地区: 大陆
语言: 简体中文
人事部翻译考试指定教材--2009版口译综合能力+实务2级(文本及听力)(全国翻译专业资格水平考试辅导丛书) &简介:&
人事部翻译考试指定教材--2009版英语口译综合能力+实务2级(文本及听力)(全国翻译专业资格水平考试辅导丛书) &内容简介:
人事部翻译考试指定教材--2009版英语口译综合能力+实务2级(文本及听力)(全国翻译专业资格水平考试辅导丛书) &内容截图:
人事部翻译考试指定教材--2009版英语口译综合能力+实务2级(文本及听力)(全国翻译专业资格水平考试辅导丛书) &目录:&
Unit 1 A World in Action
Section Ⅰ Listening Comprehension
Section Ⅱ Reading:Rebuilding Valuable Soil
Secition Ⅲ Speaking up
Section Ⅳ Summary Writing
Unit 2 The Inner Self
Section Ⅰ Listening Comprehension
Section Ⅱ Reading:Rebuilding Valuable Soil
Secition Ⅲ Speaking up
Section Ⅳ Summary Writing
Unit 3 Well-Connected
Section Ⅰ Listening Comprehension
Section Ⅱ Reading:Rebuilding Valuable Soil
Secition Ⅲ Speaking up
Section Ⅳ Summary Writing
Unit 4 When,Where and How?
Section Ⅰ Listening Comprehension
Section Ⅱ Reading:Rebuilding Valuable Soil
Secition Ⅲ Speaking up
Section Ⅳ Summary Writing
Unit 5 Putting the Horse before the Cart
Section Ⅰ Listening Comprehension
Section Ⅱ Reading:Rebuilding Valuable Soil
Secition Ⅲ Speaking up
Section Ⅳ Summary Writing
Unit 6 The Other Side of the Coin
Section Ⅰ Listening Comprehension
Section Ⅱ Reading:Rebuilding Valuable Soil
Secition Ⅲ Speaking up
Section Ⅳ Summary Writing
Unit 7 Lending an Ear to Numbers
Section Ⅰ Listening Comprehension
Section Ⅱ Reading:Rebuilding Valuable Soil
Secition Ⅲ Speaking up
Section Ⅳ Summary Writing
Unit 8 Being Indirect and Proable
Section Ⅰ Listening Comprehension
Section Ⅱ Reading:Rebuilding Valuable Soil
Secition Ⅲ Speaking up
Section Ⅳ Summary Writing
Unit 9 Speaking in Quotes
Section Ⅰ Listening Comprehension
Section Ⅱ Reading:Rebuilding Valuable Soil
Secition Ⅲ Speaking up
Section Ⅳ Summary Writing
Unit 10 Speech Acts
Section Ⅰ Listening Comprehension
Section Ⅱ Reading:Rebuilding Valuable Soil
Secition Ⅲ Speaking up
Section Ⅳ Summary Writing
Unit 11 Traveling to Other Lands
Section Ⅰ Listening Comprehension
Section Ⅱ Reading:Rebuilding Valuable Soil
Secition Ⅲ Speaking up
Section Ⅳ Summary Writing
Unit 12 The Flowers
Section Ⅰ Listening Comprehension
Section Ⅱ Reading:Rebuilding Valuable Soil
Secition Ⅲ Speaking up
Section Ⅳ Summary Writing
Unit 13 In Search of Life's Origin
Section Ⅰ Listening Comprehension
Section Ⅱ Reading:Rebuilding Valuable Soil
Secition Ⅲ Speaking up
Section Ⅳ Summary Writing
Unit 14 The Little Guy
Section Ⅰ Listening Comprehension
Section Ⅱ Reading:Rebuilding Valuable Soil
Secition Ⅲ Speaking up
Section Ⅳ Summary Writing
Unit 15 Stretching the Limits
Section Ⅰ Listening Comprehension
Section Ⅱ Reading:Rebuilding Valuable Soil
Secition Ⅲ Speaking up
Section Ⅳ Summary Writing
Unit 16 Getting the Gist
Section Ⅰ Listening Comprehension
Section Ⅱ Reading:Rebuilding Valuable Soil
Secition Ⅲ Speaking up
Section Ⅳ Summary Writing
Answer Key
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