look at是什么意思 a book还是 lo...

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Duration: 01:45
Fareed takes a look at a new book by Folia Water that may save lives by creating clean water, and how it can be used around the world.
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Please give an overall site rating:单词拼写.1.Lo
单词拼写. 1.Look!Some boys are _____ (游泳) at the pool.2.She likes _____ (看 ) TV after dinner.3.Thank you for _____ (告诉) me about the weather.4.Is your sister _____ (做) her homework?5.Cindy is _____ (看) a book in her room.6.Look at those people _____ (打) beach volleyball.They are my friends.7.I am ______ (惊讶的) he is wearing two coats in this heat.8.Look!The man _____ (躺) under the tree is enjoying the cool.9.The weather today is pretty _____ (晴朗).10.Do you like wearing _____ (围巾)?
1.swimming 2.watching 3.telling 4.doing 5.reading 6.playing 7.surprised 8.lying 9.sunny 10.scarfs


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