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(2007年大学英语四级模拟试题题库,试卷总分:741分,)大学四级-581问答题:&Part Ⅰ Writing
Directions: In this part, you are allowed 30 minuies to write a composition on the title Bargains. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: (1)廉价商品充斥市场。
Bargains填空题:&Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)
Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on the Answer Sheet.
For questions 1—7, nark
Y (for YES)
If the statement agrees with the information
N (for NO)
If the statement contradicts the information
If the information is not given in the passage.
For questions 8—10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.
Gay Marriage Storms US Political Primetime
m the space of a few months, gay marriage in the United States has been transformed from a margin al issue into one of the hottest topics of the day with crucial legal and political ramifications.
Its importance was underlined Tuesday with President George W. Bush’s public endorsement—in an election year—of a proposal to amend the US Constitution in a way that would ban same-sex marriage altogether.
The hugely divisive issue burst to prominence in November, following a landmark ruling by the Massachusetts Supreme Court that preventing same-sex couples from marrying violated the state’s constitution.
The decision opened the way for Massachusetts to become the first state in the country to legalise gay marriage and laid down the battle lines between advocates, who argue in terms of equal human rights,
and opponents, who warn that the "sacred" institution of marriage is under threat.
Same-sex unions are under judicial review in Indiana, New Jersey and Arizona, and supporters were given a further boost last year when Canada legalised gay marriage, Causing many American couples to make the trip north of the border.
But at home, opposition is strong and highly organised, with family groups and conservative politicians the most vocal in their condemnation of any form of recognition being extended to same-sex couples. A New York Times/CBS News poll taken in mid-February showed 61 percent still ’oppose gay marriage.
The social divisions surrounding the issue were brought into sharp relief earlier this month when the mayor of San Francisco decided to challenge California state laws by issuing the country’s first-ever marriage licenses to gay couples. Some 3,300 same-sex partners have so far taken advantage of the mayor’s largesse, despite moves by conservative opponents to get a court injunction preventing the unions taking place.
For couples like Marcye and Karen Nicholson-McFadden, who have lived together in New Jersey for 14 years and are raising two children, marriage would provide legal rights covering a host of issues from reduced car insurance to hospital visits and inheritance.
"These are rights everybody else takes for granted, and which you become so much more aware of when you have kid," said Marcye. "There is no legal connection between us. Our son understands marriage means commitment, and all this makes him feel insecure."
Michael Dimock of the Pew Research Center, which studies opinions towards public policy issues, says resistance to same-sex marriage tends to be strongest among regular churchgoers and older people.
"And then there are a lot of people who are just resistant to the idea of changing the definition (of marriage), and how society operates," Dimock said. "People express concern about its implications for the legal system, and what it’s going to mean for the notion of family."
Thirty-eight US states have laws stipulating that marriage is an institution for heterosexuals only. Under the court decision in Massachusetts, the state must begin issuing marriage licenses on request to same-sex partners beginning May 17. Local legislators have so far failed to agree on proposals to sidestep the court by amending the state constitution.
Questions 1—10 (1)Gay marriage in the United States has been transformed into one of the hottest topics.(2)Same-sex unions are under judicial review in Arizona.(3)A New York Times/CBS News poll taken in mid-February showed 91 percent still oppose gay marrige.(4)Gay marrige is legal in many European courtries.(5)Resistance to same-sex marriage tends to be strongest among regular churchgoers and older people.(6)There are lots of people who are just resistant to the idea of changing the definiton of marrige.(7)Local legislators have agreed on proposals to sidestep the court by amending the state constitution(8)______ because tile first state in the country to legalise gay marriage.(9)The socal divisions surrounding the issue were brought into ______ earlier this month.(10)______ US states have laws stipulating that marrige is an institution for heterosexuals only.单选集题:&Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension
Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.(1)Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.单选集题:&Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(1)单选集题:&Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(1)单选集题:&Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passages and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.(1)Passage One
Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.单选集题:&Passage Two
Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.(1)单选集题:&Passage Three
Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.(1)填空集题:&Section C
Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.(1)A great deal of attention is being paid to digital divide—the division of the world into the info rich and the info poor. That divide does exist today. I lectured about this looming danger 20 years ago. What was less (36) then are now the new, (37) forces that work against the digital divide. There are reasons to be optimistic.
There are technological reasons to hope the digital divide will narrow. As the Internet becomes more (38) , it is in the interest of business to universalize access—after all, the more people on line, the more potential customers there are. More and more governments, afraid of falling behind ,want to spread Internet access. Within the next decade or two, one to two billion people on the planet will be (39) together. So the digital divide will narrow rather than widen in the years ahead. And that is very good news because Internet may well be the ’most powerful tool for (40) world poverty.
Of course, the use of the Internet isn’t the only way to defeat (41) nor the only tool we have. But it has enormous (42) .
To take advantage of this tool, some poor countries should get over their (43) against foreign investment. Take American history for example. When the United States first built its basic structures, it didn’t have the capital to do so. (44) were built with foreign investment. The English, the Germans, the Dutch and the French all invested and financed them. Now Americans own them all. (45) . The more foreign capital you have to build your basic facilities, (46) . So it’s wise to build the energy and telecom facilities thus to take full advantages of the Internet.填空题:&Part Ⅳ Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)
Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word blank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the blank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the blank more than once.
Securities and commodity exchanges are trading posts where people meet who wish to buy or sell. The (47) them they merely (48) a place where prospective buyers and sellers can meet and (49) their business.
The securities exchanges are meeting p. laces where stocks and bonds are (50) . They help serve the (51) life of the country. But when their operations get out of hand, riley may become very dangerous. In 1929, the securities exchanges, or stock market, contributed to a crash a sudden, sharp decline in the value of securities. Many
many corporat many workers lost their jobs. The crash of 1929 has been attributed to many (52) , among which were wild and (53) speculation by many people and dishonest (54) on the part of some businessmen and of some members of the exchangers.
Today, however, investing through securities exchanges and trading on commodity exchanges has been made safer by regulations set up by the exchanges themselves and by (55) of the United States government. In 1992, the government instituted the Commodity Exchange Commission which operated through the Department of A and in 1934, the Securities Exchange Commission, to (56) investors and the public against dishonest practices on the exchanges.
O—unwise(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)单项选择题:&Section B
Directions: There are 2 passages in this section, Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choises marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
Passage One
One way of preventing floods may be by making rain ! This may sound rather strange. As we know, heavy rain is the cause of floods, and in Malaysia most of the floods are caused by the annual monsoon (季风), which brings heavy rain to the east coast. If, however, the rain could be made to fall in the China Sea, there would be no more floods since the rain clouds would not reach the east coast.
Is it possible to make clouds give up their rain. Yes, it is, and in 1973 the National Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (NISIR) suggested that it would be tried. The institute knew of course that it is not possible to make all clouds give up all their rain. It calculated, however, that if the frequency of rainfall could be reduced by 10%, a/id the amount of rain that fell each time could be reduced by 15%, the total amount of flood damage would be reduced by 40%—50%.
As you probably know, clouds are caused by air containing water-vapor. The air rises and, since water-vapor becomes water when it cools, very tiny drops of water are formed. Since these drops are, very small, they float in the air, and form a cloud. When the cloud rises, however, the drops become colder. Because of this, they join together and become big drops. The big drops are no longer able to float be cause of their size, and they fall. As they fall, they pick up more drops and become bigger. This is the cause of rain.(1)The third paragraph is concerned with ______.(2)According to this passage, one way of preventing floods is ______.(3)Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE(4)It can be inferred from this passage that ______.(5)What does "it" of "since water-vapor becomes water when it cools" in Para. 3. refer to单项选择题:&Passage Two
The world’s exploding population signals even more growing pains ahead for already crowded areas. A new United Nations study forecasts that by the year 2000,2 billion persons will be added to the 4.4 billion in the world today.
Even more troubling than the increasing number of inhabitants are the projections of where they will be concentrated. The study by Rafael M. Solos, executive director of the U. N. Fund for Population Activities, notes that by the year 2000:
&#8226;Nearly 80 percent of all people will live in less developed countries, many hard pressed to support their present populations. That compares with 70 percent today.
&#8226;In many of these Third World lands metropolises (大城市) will become centers of concentrated urban poverty because of a flood of migration from rural areas.
&#8226;The bulging(膨胀的) centers mainly in Asia and Latin America, will increasingly become fertile fields for social unrest. More young residents of the urban clusters(一群) will be better educated, unemployed and demanding of a better lifestyle.
To slow the rush to urban centers, countries will have to vastly expand opportunities in the country side, the study suggests. Solos says: "The solution to the urban problem lies as much in the rural areas as in the cities themselves."
Worldwide, the numer of large cities ,will multiply. Now 26 cities have 5 million or more residents each and a combined population of 252 million. By the end of the decade, the number will escalate to 60. with an estimated total of almost 650 million people.(1)The third paragraph implies that ______.(2)It is expected that the world’s population will reach ______ by the end of the century.(3)In the last paragraph, the word "escalate" means ______.(4)What does the sentence "The bulging centres will increasingly become fertile fields for social unrest" mean(5)In the second paragraph, the author talks about______.填空题:&Part Ⅴ Error Correction
Directions: The passage contains ten errors. Each indicated line contains, a maximum of one error. In each case, only one word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way:
For a wrong word,
underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the
blank provided at the end of the line.
For a missing word,
mark the position of the missing word with a "∧" sign and
write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line.
For a unnecessary word,
cross the unnecessary word with a slash "—" and put the word
in the blank provided at the end of the line.
Culture refers to the social heritage of a people—the learned patterns
for thinking, feeling and acting that characterize a population or society,
include the expression of these patterns in material things. Culture is
67. ______
compose of nonmaterial culture—abstract creations like values, beliefs,
68. ______
customs and institutional arrangements—and material culture—physical
object like cooking pots, computers and bathtubs. In sum, culture reflects
69. ______
both the ideas we share or everything we make. In ordinary speech, a per
70. ______
son of culture is the individual can speak another language—the person
71. ______
who is unfamiliar with the arts, music, literature, philosophy, or history.
72. ______
But to ,sociologists, to be human is to be cultured, because of culture is the
73. ______
common world of experience we share with other members of our group.
Culture is essentially to our humanness. It provides a kind of map for
74. ______
relating to others. Consider how you find your way about social life. How
do you know how to act in a classroom, or a department store, or toward a
person who smiles or laugh at you Your culture supplies you
75. ______
by broad, standardized, readymade answers for dealing with each of these
76. ______
situations. Therefore, if we know a person’ s culture, we can understand
and even predict a good deal of his behavior.
`(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)问答题:&Part Ⅵ Short Answer Questions
Directions: In this part there is a short passage with five questions or incomplete statements. Read the pas sage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words (not exceeding 10 words).
As researchers learn more about how children’s intelligence develops, they are increasingly surprised by the power of parents. The power of the school has been replaced by the home. To begin with, all the factors which are part of intelligence—the child’s under learning patterns, curiosity are established well before the child enters school at the age of six. Study after study has shown that even after school begins, children’s achievements have been far more influenced by parents than by teachers. This is particularly true about learning that is language-related. The school rather than the home is given credit for variations in achievement in subjects such as science.
In view of their power, it’s sad to see so many parents not making the most of their child’s intelligence. Until recently parents had been warned by educators who asked them not to educate their children. Many teachers now realize that children cannot be educated only at school and parents are being asked to contribute both before and after the child enters school.
Parents have been particularly afraid to teach reading at home. Of course, children shouldn’t be pushed to read by their parents, but educators have discovered that reading is best taught individually— and the easiest place to do this is at home. Many four-and five-year-olds who have been shown a few letters and taught their sounds will compose single words of their own with them even before they have been taught to read.(1)What have researchers found out about the influence of parents and the school on children’s intelligence(2)What do researchers conclude about children’s learning patterns(3)In which area may school play a more important role(4)Why did many parents fail to make the most of their children’s intelligence(5)The author suggests in the last paragraph that parents should be encouraged to
你好很高兴为你解答: 首先是前期准备:很多人会在想要不要去上各种各样的强化补习班,就我个人意见觉得,如果你不是牛人的话去上上还是帮助满大,我之前觉得自己底子不错就不准备去上,然后阅读和听力都是完全能看懂听懂但是作题经常错,去上了补习班之后就有效果多了,成绩提升满大的,中国学生想要口语和写作拿很高分几乎是8可能的,所以只有靠前面的2门拉成绩,而这2门方法非常重要,但是去补习班的话前提是你英语得有一定的基础,老师是不会帮你补基础的,教你的只可能是方法.独立复习最好是在考试前差不多1个月的时候参加补习班,然后留点时间自己复习,在考前1个星期应该坚持每天早上8点起来,9点开始做听力和阅读,调整状态非常重要!下午就要反复精听和研究阅读中的生词,雅思文章选择的范围经常雷同,所以其实不需要背很多的词汇,就把听力和阅读中的生词记好就够了,我觉得我词汇最多就5000左右,完全够了.晚上就写写作文练练口语,不用很认真,这2项保6分就可以了,而且保6分很容易.做题技巧每个人其实应该会有自己的方法,我说出我的供大家参考.听力: 雅思听力不算快,而且话题很贴近生活,场景无非就是学校图书馆银行中介医院与机场等等,可以说实用性非常的高,能猜测答案的程度也很高,最好是有一本场景对话的书,我当时就是准备了一本专门讲这些场景对话的书来看着玩,又可以练口语又练了听力,看多了之后你一看到题目就知道场景,然后马上回忆场景所对应的对话,锁定关键词,就很容易把填空题变成选择题,选择题就可以缩小范围,有些人说要边听边走这些,其实我觉得效果不好,听力一定要很集中精神的听,把它转换成休息时就拿出场景书看看 效果会好很多.阅读: 阅读可能才接触的时候会觉得很难,但是只要把握住一条,雅思阅读所有答案都能在原文中找到,最多换个同义词,而且看到生词千万不要怕,越是生僻的词越是关键词,越是不可能换,至于很多人感觉头痛的T/F/NG的话其实就是个范围问题,找到题目所对应的句子,可能就是1-3句,用关键词定位的方法很容易就找到了,然后精读这几句,范围完全相同就是T,范围被缩小或者夸大就是NG,范围完全不同才是F,其实英国人很注重逻辑,而不是他们的逻辑怪,是很严谨.写作: 保6分很容易,只要意思表达清楚,无很多的语法很拼写错误,再套2句模版里的话拿6分应该没问题,要上7分就非常困难了...那要下很大功夫,对于作文不好的同学,可以参考下模版,但是千万不要背别人的,可以找身边英语比较好的帮自己写一个简单的,然后要坚持3个原则,1:中心句一定要放在段落开头,点明主题 2:学会单词替换,例如文章中就不要出现 a lot of而换substantial之类的 3:从句不要太多太长,倒装和虚拟语气一个就好.口语: 大家考场最好选西部地区 -0- 这样口语保6分比较好,而且西部地区考场口试监考都不会很严,都是可以问卡片的,常见的卡片就那8张-16张,而且很多话可以套用好几张卡片,说的时候要也要坚持几个原则 1: 声音要大,感觉底气很足 2:千万不要自我纠错,说错还是要继续说 3:不要有停顿 饶都可以 就是不要停,如果饶远了考官会提醒你饶回来 这样都比闷着不说好 4:要多用语气词 例如WELL UMM之类的,不要用en...也不要说 how to say, you know 等等 这些让人觉得你很烂~~祝你取得理想雅思成绩!!!如果你需要雅思学习资料和雅思备考资料可以在百度HI里和我沟通,我传给你~~


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