
你喜欢那个大楼么 用英语怎么说_百度作业帮
你喜欢那个大楼么 用英语怎么说
Do you like that building?一楼的multi-story加得太牵强
like that building?
do you like the 大楼?
Do you like that multi-storey building?
Do you like that building?
Do you like that tall building?
Away from the inside that building
  对央视“大裤衩子”造型一直争议不断。据媒体今年8月披露,设计师库哈斯在Content杂志中用图片揭开了谜底:“大裤衩子”主楼是趴着的女臀,辅楼是个阳具。这在中国建筑界引起强烈愤慨。  尽管库哈斯声明否认大楼设计有色情隐喻,但其OMA网站上的辅楼设计图(见题图)画的是不是阳具足以让人一目了然。建筑讲究阴阳相配,另一座建筑到底是什么也不难想见了。  生殖器造型的建筑固然古已有之,但造型抽象优雅。设计更应入乡随俗,在中国文化中,性具是格外敏感的私密之物,忌讳公开展露。像OMA网上赤裸裸的阳具造型设计尤为罕见,如此不雅设计,其寓意可谓不言而喻。  重庆建了个性主题公园,尚未开放即于5月中被拆除。多数网友批判该公园景观很露骨很低俗,相关人士也为“性公园”引起的恶劣影响向社会公众致歉,并要认真整改;央视“性主题”耻辱柱却能矗立依旧。尽管如此,它在新公布的“北京当代十大建筑”中落选,正反映了民意对它的鄙视唾弃。  有人说,如果库哈斯蓄意侮辱中国,他侮辱的首先是自己。这种阿Q精神何异于唾面自干。倘若有人在你重金购买的华服背上恶作剧地涂抹上淫邪画面,你能以“他侮辱的首先是自己”来自我宽慰,还安之若素穿着这身不雅服装招摇过市吗?  BEIJING - While architecture should inspire, the “naked truth” now uncovered by Chinese media about the ambitious new Beijing headquarters of the state-run television CCTV might go a bit too far.  Beijing residents initially likened the buildings, designed by Dutch-German architects Rem Kolhaas and Ole Scheeren, to trouser legs or boxer shorts, but critics now detect the shapes of the male and female genitals in the post-modern designs.  “The main building looks like a naked woman on her knees, with her backside facing the viewer - and the annex building has the shape of a phallus,” wrote Xiao Mo, a retired professor of architecture of Beijing’s prestigious Qinghua University.  Outraged over the “giant bottom”, Xiao joined forces with others who consider it a national disgrace, which is believed to have cost about $1 billion, to be torn down. “I cannot think of any reason not to blow it up,” he said.  The scholar, whose comments were widely distributed on China’s internet, is a known critic of foreign architects who can live out their wildest fantasies in China’s construction boom. The association with a buttocks is not as far fetched as it may sound. It made its first, ill-judged appearance in the magazine Content, published by Kolhaas’s company OMA.  A content cover designer mock-up shows the CCTV arch next to a porn shot of a naked woman on her knees, her buttocks and legs allegedly mirroring the shape of the glass-and-steel construction.  “Architecture like you’ve never seen it,” a caption says. The tactless cover was never actually used, but - together with other rejected drafts - still found its way into the appendix.  The cover for the 2004 magazine edition instead shows caricatures of former US president George W. Bush, North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, and Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein in a Rambo-like pose.  OMA chose this cover “in which the CCTV building is presented as a positive and shining symbol of a changing world order - which reflects our sincere intention with the design,” Kolhaas said. There was no hidden meaning, he stressed, rejecting accusations about the building being a nasty joke.  The porn designs are not new and have been accessible on the Chinese art website www. for years. Koolhaas expressed surprise over the controversy: “We regret the renewed attention, and distance ourselves emphatically from the interpretations attributed to these images.”  The roots of the debate, however, lie much deeper. Many Chinese are annoyed that foreign, and not home-grown, architects are designing prestigious buildings. Also, many bemoan that billions are wasted on those showpieces of China’s emerging power.  Costs for the new CCTV complex are estimated at $1 billion, although nobody dares publicise the true pricetag.  What is more, China’s all-powerful state television, which built itself this monument, often enough faces criticism for being a stilted propaganda organ providing only homespun content.  A fire which earlier this year destroyed the almost-completed annex, depicted in another draft for the 2004 Content magazine as a life-sized penis with two semi-naked women, led to little-concealed gloating in Beijing.  A gigantic fireworks display that the TV station staged without a permit on the occasion of the Chinese New Year had the 159-metre building up in flames as if it was built of dry tinder.  The question of what to do with the ruin is delaying the grand opening of the building, which maybe is simply too avant-garde for many Chinese.  German architect Scheeren describes the main building’s two slanted, L-shaped towers which are connected at a hight of 160 metres with a 70-metre-high projection, as a “cage, or a tube folded in space”.  He sees a loop, which could also hint at a new organisational structure for CCTV, doing away with vertical hierarchies.  Chinese artist and architect Ai Weiwei, who co-designed the “Bird’s Nest” Olympic stadium, defended Kolhaas.  “I am sure simple imitation of genitals was not his inspiration,” he was quoted as saying by the China Daily.  The Communist Party organ Zhongguo Qingnianbao took a more philosophical approach to the buttocks controversy. “The worship of procreation is a widespread custom in primitive societies,” it said.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10英文“ 家属楼 ”怎么说?
家属楼Relation Building
小区residence community
—— nicole7
单元: department (n.部, 局, 处, 科, 部门, 系, 学部) 或 flat (adj.平坦的, 扁平的, 单调的, 倒下的, 浅的, 干脆的, 无聊的, 无力的.adv.平直地, 仰卧地, 恰恰, 正好, 断然地.n.平面, 平地, 一层, 公寓.v.(使)变平, (使)降半音)
小区: block (n.木块, 石块, 块, 街区, 印版, 滑轮, 阻滞, (一)批vt.防碍, 阻塞), dwelling district 居住区
家属楼: staff dwelling place (dwelling place,n.寓所,住址)
staff(n.棒, 杖, 杆, 支柱, 全体职员, vt.供给人员, 充当职员)
(英语中MS没有对应的物体/意义,所以没有对应的词,可以明确为什么什么楼什么什么楼,像楼上那个 教师楼,还可以有更多的。)
—— lansingdun
staff building?
—— zhao5578094
小区 Residential District
—— swoosh
家属楼 family dormitory building
住宅小区 residential quarter/plot
公寓 apartment
—— dora850210
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