love andonly love什么意思 ,only...

Posted by Love Buddy in
Why is my life so lonely
Seems like everybody i love or
get too close
leaves me…
Who cares about the quiet girl back there
Who hears her when she pleads for help
There is no one to just listen
Just tell her she matters
Does anyone care that thoughts of leaving this earth
confuse her mind daily?
Cutting her, hurting her,
After that who knows
How does she hide it so well when everyone claims to know her
better then she knows herself
if that’s the case then how could u not see this coming
or did u ever even care???
A sad love poem by Anonymous (Visitor)
Romantic collection of
from Only Buddy.
Posted by Love Buddy in
You picked me up from the ground
showed me your love
helped me understand my life
You showed me the different world
You loved me with all your heart
You love me when I am mad
You love me was I am sad
You love me when I cry
You love me when I lost my mind
and have no idea who I am
I know you love me,
you love me with all your heart
and for that I want to thank you
from the bottom of my heart.
A Sweet Love Poem From Betel(Visitor).
You Broke It
I had a solid heart of Gold
which hid inside my ribcage
but you took it out and broke it
into many peices and
I was left
with a broken heart.
I think of you in my day
and most of all in my nights
My body shudders
when you walk by my window sill.
life stood still and I dreamed,
I was on top of a hill.
where there was no one else
But me, trying to mend this broken heart.
A Sad Love Poem From Mark Anthony Peters(Visitor).
Cute Collection Of
From Buddy With Love.
Posted by Love Buddy in
Late at night as i lay in bed,
As many thoughts rush through my head,
I think about the weak and strong,
I question all the right from wrong,
I wonder who could i really be,
I think of what’s gotten into me,
I hang out with the entirely wrong crowd,
All these thoughts i am thinking out loud,
What is this life i am in?
My head is now beginning to spin,
I pace my room without a sound,
Walking in circles round and round,
All these questions i have to ask,
I can never finish a single task,
My heart is beating really fast,
Asking myself will this really last
Nothing i do feels like it’s right,
Even though i am very bright,
Why does it feel this way?,
The exact same thing every day
So here i am thinking in my head,
All the negative things i’ve said,
This is not the real me,
It definitely cannot be
Sitting here thinking for a while,
I find myself beginning to smile,
All these emotions i have to express,
Letting go of all this stress,
Sitting here in the rain,
Feeling all of this pain,
Like a flower i begin to wilt,
Holding onto all this guilt,
While falling asleep i begin to cry,
Thinking about how hard i try,
As I am beginning to find my way,
I think who am i today
Thinking about all the nights i cried,
Holding all these feelings inside,
Now getting all them off my chest,
Doing good, only hoping for the best,
My life is like a story told,
My heart is something that i hold,
It’s not something on my sleeve,
As many things as i achieve
I think about all the positive things,
Hurt feels like a big bee sting,
Life isn’t something I can find in a tree,
It’s only what’s inside of me
Late at night as i lay in bed,
All these thoughts rushing through my head,
I no longer think about the weak and strong,
Nor do i question the right from wrong.
A Really Nice
By Cailey Holcombe(visitor).
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Love is handing someone a gun and letting it point to you head, believing that he won’t pull the trigger
Worst feeling is not being lonely. It’s being forgotten by someone you could not forget.
A broken heart is what changes people.
The worst feeling is pretending you don’t care about something, when it’s all you seem to think about.
Best way to not get your heart broken, is pretend you don’t have on.
You can’t break a broken heart.
I hate to say it’s over now.
It’s not about who hurt you and broke you down. It’s about who was always there and made you smile again.
I don’t know why they call it heartbreak because it feels like my entire body is broken.
I ll never let you go
In good days
You ll always find me smiling
standing beside you like a wall
Its just because of you in my life
I thank God each day
each moment
When I open my eyes and see you
right beside me all the time
Looking at me with love
With the shiny eyes
filled with brightness of stars
I enjoy your smile of happiness
the joy of love
your taste of lips
Your way of starring at me
and demanding for love
Its magical
Its just like heaven…
Posted by Love Buddy in
You are my love,
You illuminates each moment of every day,
But when you are not here,
I constantly think of you, night and day.
When I cant see you,
I have no life,
It makes no sense,
And when you are there,
All is well!
You are my love,
I want to be with you every day,
Able to hold you in my arms,
And I want you.
This poem is a proof,
How much I love you,
And to tell you how much you mean to me,
I love you!
Posted by Love Buddy in
Its All About you
And the things around you
when others see the worst in you
But I see the best in you
When others look at you from the negative angle
I see you swimming in the positive angle
I believe in your rising and falling
I believe in your smile and tears
I believe in your sorrow and happiness
Ibelieve in our embrace so simply for me to say
I will Always Believe in you.
A Poem submitted by Justin
Submitted on Oct 01, 2011.
Posted by Love Buddy in
Why can’t you see the true her,
Can’t you see that she’s just using you,
Why do you wait for her night and day,
Can’t you see that she’s not the one for you.
Just let her go,
let her be,
let her leave you have me.
Just listen to me please.
Baby, I’m trying to tell you something,
I’m trying to tell you that she’s using you.
I’m trying to tell you that she’s trying to get you mad,
o why don’t you understand.
I’m telling you she doesn’t love you like i do..
She’s just playing with your heart
she has nothing else to do.
A Poem by Jasmin (Visitor), submitted on Sep 30, 2011.
Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.
Author: Khalil Gibran
When you break up, your whole identity is shattered. It’s like death.
Author: Dennis Quaid
To meet, to know, to love, then to part is the sad tale of the human heart.
Author: Unknown
Words and hearts should
for words when spoken and hearts when broken are the hardest things to repair.
Author: Unknown
Posted by Love Buddy in
Every Shooting Star Has A Light,
I Wish Upon At Night,
Every Angel Has A Mission,
To Answer Every Wish, Wishen,
I Wish I Could Find The Right Guy,
One Who Won’t Always Make Me Cry,
Who’d Never Let Me Go,
Tell Me How Much They Love Me And Always Let Me Know,
I Wonder Why Things Go Bad,
Why People Get So Sad,
Why Things Aren’t Always Good,
And Don’t Go Like They Should
I Lay In Bed At Night,
Knowing Things Aren’t Right,
Wondering If It Will Be Okay,
Maybe It Will Soon Someday,
I Get Happy, I Get Sad,
Things Get Good, Then They Get Bad,
I Never Understood,
And I Knew I Never Would,
We Have No Money,
It’s Not Even Funny,
But A Place To Stay,
And Pray To Make It Through Another Day,
I Am Such A Mess,
Only Full Of Stess,
Always Wrong,
Trying To Stay Strong,
Maybe Things Will Soon Go Well,
This Past Year Has Been Hell,
Things Seem Get Just As Bad,
Leaving Me Very Sad,
Things Go Good,
Finally Like They Should,
I Ask God Why Did He Do That For Me,
He Replied, You Deserve It Your The Strongest Girl A Girl Should Want To Be
God Changed Me In Many Ways,
And Through All Of My Days,
When I Need An Ear,
He Is Always Here
Submitted by Cailey Holcombe (Visitor)
All user submitted poems are published under terms and conditions mentioned in privacy policy.
Posted by Love Buddy in
Missing You My Dear Dad,
The Thought Of It Makes Me Sad,
Tears Getting My Shirt Soaking Wet,
Happiness Isn’t Found Just Yet,
Praying To God I’ll Be Okay,
Knowing Tomorrow Will Just Be Another Day,
Full Of Sadness, Full Of Gloom,
Locking Myself Away In My Room,
Writing It Down, Writing A Note
I Found Your Warm & Comfty Coat,
It Still Smells Just Like You,
It Was Your Very Favorite, Too
Met A Guy Who Didnt Treat Me Good,
I Only Did What I Thought I Should,
He Opened My Eyes, And Made Me See,
The Bastard He Really Is, An Will Always Be,
Day After Day, Guy After Guy,
Tear After Tear, Lie After Lie,
Always Asked And I Say “I’m Fine.”,
When Really Deep Inside I’m Dyin’,
Here Comes Another Day,
And All I Have To Say,
Is I’m Given Up, And Not Gonna Try,
Hurting My Family, Making My Mama Cry,
Music Is Blaring,
Eardrums Are Tearing,
Should Be Asleep, To Much In My Head,
In The Most Uncomfortable Bed,
Met Another Creature We Call “Boys.”,
Looks At Me And The Others As “Toys.”,
If They Aint Sweet, They’re A Douche Bag,
And If They Ain’t Straight, They’re A Fag,
Soon I Met Someone I “Thought.” Was Gonna Be Great,
Only Thing That Kept Us Together Was Fate,
Oh, That Dirty Piece Of Trash,
Now He Can Kiss My Country White Ass
It’s 3:25 A.M, I Better Get In The Bed,
This Bed Ain’t To Comfortable But I’m Thankful I Have A Place To Rest My Head,
All This Stress On My Shoulders, It’s To Much To Tote,
Love Always, And Remember I’ll Always Be Your Little Tugboat.
Goodnight Dad.
Submitted By: Cailey Holcombe (Visitor)
All user submitted poems are published under terms and conditions mentioned in privacy policy.
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  Love will die if held too tightly......
  Love will fly if held too lightly......
  Friendship often ends in love......
  But love in friendship-----never...
  You may only be one person to the world...
  But you may also be the world to one person...
  To love is nothing...
  To be loved is something...
  To love and be loved is everything...
  Anticipation is sweet...
  When you are sure of the outcome...
  Don't marry a person you can live with...
  Marry someone you cannot live without...
  Kindness in words creates confidence...
  Kindness in thinking creates profoundness...
  Kindness in giving creates love...
  One word that frees us of
  all the weight and pain in life...
  To love and win is the best thing.
  To love and lose, the next best...


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