what is the matrixbig wol...

This is a big nature__.There are many__in it.The two__are running.The tigers__sleeping.What aboutthe&baby?Oh,she&is&__& __near&the&river.Can&you&see&the&monkeys?Yes,they&are__the&bamboo中间的是老虎_百度作业帮
This is a big nature__.There are many__in it.The two__are running.The tigers__sleeping.What aboutthe&baby?Oh,she&is&__& __near&the&river.Can&you&see&the&monkeys?Yes,they&are__the&bamboo中间的是老虎
reserve (nature reserve自然保护区)animalslionsaredrinkingon
zooanimals【什么在跑看不到aredrinking watereating欢迎追问
animalslionsaretigerdrinking waterplayingpandaseating做寒假作业的吧Matthew Garrett has posted a complaint about an
attempt to create a permissively-licensed busybox and calls for kernel
developers to be more aggressive in enforcing their copyrights.
real problem here is that the [Software Freedom Conservancy's] reliance on
Busybox means that they're only able to target infringers who use that
Busybox code. No significant kernel copyright holders have so far offered
to allow the SFC to enforce their copyrights, with the result that
enforcement action will grind to a halt as vendors move over to this
Busybox replacement. So, if you hold copyright over any part of the Linux
kernel, I'd urge you to get in touch with them. The alternative is a
strangely ironic world where Sony are simultaneously funding lobbying for
copyright enforcement against individuals and tools to help large
corporations infringe at will."
( to post comments)
Copyright & 2012, Eklektix, Inc.
Comments and public postings are copyrighted by their creators.
is a registered trademark of Linus TorvaldsDomain By (67 users)Active: 3648 usersThe HotS Protoss Help Me Thread
Make sure you read the OP before asking a question. Asking a question already addressed in the OP will result in moderation action. Also, please put some effort into your questions. Do not just ask for build orders.
o &&&&&& :
o Anyone is allowed to answer. Try to backup your statements with pro game examples whenever possible. However, if you assert something wildly wrong, especially without enough support, you will be warned/banned. If you are unsure of the validity of an idea, just ask a question instead.In general this thread is here to help bridge the gap between proven pro level strategies/ideas and the average player, not for you to give your opinion (unless it has very sufficient grounding from pro game evidence). Don't ask the same questions that are in the OP.Q: What are the standard recommended openings against each race?Q: What are the standard mid-game macro transitions against each race?Q: Can you link me to some good macro builds/guides?Q: Recommend me some all-ins against each race.Q: What build should I use when facing a random player? Q: I often see pro players scout on 13 or even later, however, if I use a 9 scout I'm more likely to get into the base and see more. Why is that?Q: How are you supposed to react to CC first builds in a PvT?Q: In TvP, does ebay block always mean gasless expand?Q: What are the sacrifices Terran makes to ebay block?Q: What is the best response to an engineering bay block on your expo? Q: How do i hold off a Marine/SCV all-in with 1Gate FE? Q: What is a safe 1gate FE?9 pylon13 gate14 gas16 pylon18 core19 zealot (cancel)21 nexus21 MSC23 warpgate24 pylon25 gas26 stalker@~5:00-5:15 stargate/robo/twlight Q: How do I scout terran with gas before observers can come out?SC2John wrote:If you scout on 13 after gateway, your probe will always make it into the Terran main before the standard walloff is complete. Using this scout, you can check the gas and the timing of it based on how much gas has been mined. A followup stalker poke can help to fully identify what your opponent's followup is.Q: What deviations need to be made to address a Terran's early wall off?Q: Against small numbers of un-upgraded Marine/Marauder, am I better off target-firing marines or marauders first with my Stalkers? Q: What are some reads i can make off of observer scouting? What should my reactions be?Q: How do i deal with early game widow mine drops and fast widow mines in general? Q: Is Stargate viable now vs Terran?Q: How do you deal with Terran one base all ins?Q: How do you hold one base stim timings as Protoss?Q: How do I defend a 1-1-1 with marine tank banshee?Q: How do i defend against the 2 medivac timing?Q: I'm having a hard time grasping this concept that people are describing...what do you mean you don't want units unless you need them?Q: In PvT, when would it be appropriate to go templar/archon instead of colossus? Or if the choice is stylistic, what are the differences?Q: How can I improve my map awareness?Q: When opening 2-base Colossus, how many Colossi should i make before transitioning?Q: How do I defend against drops?Teoita wrote:You need to invest more in your drop defense compared to WoL. Instead of a small group of stalkers you will need about 8-9 gateway units in your main, as well as a MSC in position to Purify. As usual, vision is key, so make sure you stay on top of your scouting with observers.I personally recommend getting 3-4 observers and leaving them in key locations to keep tabs on wha tthe Terran is doing. When you take your third, add 1-2 cannons to vulnerable spots (such as your main). A great game to study drop defense is Rain vs JJakjj at MLG.rsvp wrote:My 2 suggestions:1) Go for builds with fast double forge upgrades, so you don't have to take your 3rd that fast. Economy isn't the only way to get ahead in the game, you can fight at an economic disadvantage if you have the superior tech and upgrades.2) Make a lot of observers, like at least 3. If the terran kills one, replace it asap and prioritize maintaining that obs count versus making more colossus. Use them to track terran movements, or at least see how he is splitting his army. Even partial information is great - for example, if you spot an army moving towards your 3rd but it looks kinda small, then you can probably guess there's a medivac army heading towards your main at the same time even if you don't see it. Then split your army, and you'll be fine.Q: How do i deal with mech?SC2John wrote:There are several different ways to play against mech, and the one I dislike the most is counter-turtling and getting tempest/cannon. Personally, the best solution I've found is going double robo, taking a fairly quick 3rd (~8:00-9:00), and pressuring with a small army of 2 colossus/4 immortals/handful of gateway units while taking a 4th. In conjunction with a warp prism, your small army should make it very hard for the mech player to take a 4th. Behind this, start a void ray switch (while continuing immortal production). At ~8 void rays/8 immortals/2 colossus/several chargelots, you can pretty much amove into the Terran army ftw.Opening blink/immortal and pressuring on two different fronts is also quite good against mech, but much heavier on the multi-tasking. Q: How do i transition from Colossi to High Templar and vice versa?Q: How should I approach lategame PvT?rsvp wrote:I'm really glad you wrote this guide. As you noted, many commentators and players alike focus too much on build orders and timings, which become completely irrelevant when you get to mid-late game. The "management" part of mid-late game is so crucial, but often ignored. I'd like to add some additional tips I utilize among your 4 pillars:Map vision: Observers. Make them. A lot of them. If you're a player who typically only makes 1-2 observers each game, and doesn't bother to remake them after the terran scans and kills them, try making 3-4. I regularly chrono out 3 observers every game as my first 3 robotics units. And then when I lose them, I prioritize remaking them over colossus. Put them along attack routes, drop routes, everywhere. The game will become so much easier for you when you have a virtual maphack.Mobility: In addition to pylons all over the map, get in the habit of overmaking gateways so that you can instantly create an army anywhere on the map. This can also help you set up some nice flanks, or allow you to just drop 20 zealots into his main and wipe out his production (barracks/depots) even when it's mined out and you can't do any economic damage.Also, I want to stress kcdc's point about multiple battles at once. Anytime you're about to attack, or an engagement is about to occur, you should be warping in zealots/dts somewhere else on the map, whether it's next to a pylon near his 3rd/4th, or via a warp prism into his main. It literally only takes 1 second, but has the potential to do so much damage - shift clickclickclickclick, then drag select and shift click into the mineral line.Positioning: This is difficult especially in the heat of battle, but it's extremely important. As your armies are dancing around each other, keep your stalkers and colossus near each other, and zealots separately so that zealots don't get in the way of stalkers chasing vikings and stalkers don't get in the way of zealots charging into the terran army. Always know where the enemy vikings are, and position stalkers in between your colossus and the vikings. Keep your colossus away from cliffs and water where it's more difficult for stalkers to protect them. This means that when you're walking between your natural and 3rd on daybreak or cloud kingdom, make sure they're not hugging the cliff/edge of the path. When your armies engage, DON'T immediately engage with your zealots. Wait for the MMM ball to get in range of your colossus before engaging with zealots. The terran wants to kite your zealots while being out of range of your colossus, and if you just a-move your zealots into the terran and forget about them, the terran will end up killing all your zealots while avoiding colossus fire while your colossus are dying to vikings. If terran runs out of range of your colossus, PULL your zealots back and wait for him to get in range of your colossus again before engaging with zealots again. Meanwhile, always target fire vikings with your stalkers and don't let them just a-move. So pretty much when the engagement happens you want to quickly shift-click target a bunch of vikings with your stalkers, a-move with the colossus, and then focus on controlling/dancing your zealots with the MMM ball. Use blink to reposition your stalkers so that they're not in the way of your zealots and/or so that they're not directly being killed by MMM.Another note, when the terran gets a million ghosts and you can't land any storms, you should be colossus heavy (4-6+ colossus), and focus on storming the vikings. You'll never get a storm off the main MMM ball, but it's much easier to get storms off the vikings and they will actually die pretty quickly (especially if you also have archons) and then at least you'll still have colossus against MMM.Space control: HT all over the map. You never want more than 3-4 templar in a single group, because it just takes too much effort to keep re-spreading them out. A lot of times in late game I don't even have any templar hotkeyed. Everytime the terran pushes forward, he should have to go through 1 templar at a time, eating storms or feedbacks if he's not careful. If he is careful, you only lose 1 HT at a time. Be active with your group of blink stalkers so you can snipe ghosts who stray too far forward to snipe your HT, or small groups of MM that try to snipe your HT.Also related, while it's not about space control but rather how to use HT, always try to "attack" the terran army like kcdc mentioned with 1 or 2 HTs at a time. It's easy for terran to deal with stationary HT after he scan where they are, but oftentimes you can take the terran by surprise by just attacking with 1 or 2 storms, by themselves, at a time.Q: How many high templar should I keep in my late game army vs terran? Q: How do I deal with a 6 pool with a gateway first build?Q: How do I deal with a 6 pool with a forge first build?Q: What is a standard forge fast expand build order?Q: What is the standard 1-gate FE build order?Q: What's the difference between 17 Nexus and 14 Forge 17 Nexus?Q: How do I place buildings to wall off my natural?Q: How do I punish a 15 hatch?Q:When I scout Zerg in the early game, what should I be looking for?Q:How do I deal with a Zerg blocking my natural with a hatchery?kcdc wrote:(1)See his drone coming, and hatch block your natural with a probe. There's no good reason for Z to send an early drone scout, so if they do, you should expect that they're up to something.(2) Kill his hatchery before it finishes. You really only want to make 1 cannon, so it's good practice to have your building layout allow a single cannon to cover both your wall and the spot where your nexus would go. If you start the cannon early, you can kill the hatch before it finishes just by pulling a couple probes early on to supplement the cannon's DPS. Teoita wrote:If you are opening Gateway expand, let the zealot finish and chronoboost a second one. Additionally, pull 4/5 probes to attack it as soon as you spot it (usually right as your cyber core goes down). Ideally you don't want it to complete, but if it does it's CRUCIAL you don't let a queen finish to avoid him getting creep at your natural.Q:What's the best way to ensure that a 15 or 17 supply nexus first is safe against ling runbys in PvZ?Q: Should I be worried about losing my cyber core if I use it as part of my wall in PvZ? (assuming FFE)Q: What do I do against speedling openings when I FFE?Q: How do I defend roach ling all-in with a 1 gate expansion?Q: I scout zerg going gas first, then pool (15 gas, 14 pool). I see that his first 100 gas went to ling speed, and he keeps drones in gas. How should I continue with my build and scouting after seeing his opening?Q: What are the advantages of a Stargate follow-up after a forge fast expand?Q: How do I scout a Zerg in the early-mid game?Q: I scouted a roach warren, but was still harassed by mutalisks. Is this common and how do you prepare for it?Q: How do you defend against the "Stephano roach max and other lair based busts?"Q: How do i deal with mutas in HotS? Is a phoenix based response now better?Q: Is it ever worth it to replace lost sentries?Q: How to secure third vs roach hydra pushes and be safe vs muta, such as when opening stargate?Q: How do i deal with swarm hosts?SC2John wrote:Your best bet for defeating swarm hosts is army pressure (usually blink/colossus) on one side to threaten the 4th while dropping a lot in the main or sending zealot runbys into the natural or vice versa. The goal is to split the SH in a lot of different directions at once and force the Zerg player to be active with his army and locust rallying. Another big aspect of dealing with SH play is to constantly clear creep whenever possible. If you can prevent the Zerg from sitting comfortably on four bases and building up a huge bank, you should be in good shape heading into the late game.Q: How should I be making use of high templar in lategame PvZ?Q: How do i deal with the fast upgrade Ultra/ling style?Q: What is the ideal lategame army composition against Zerg?
Q: How do I defend a cannon rush?Q: How do I defend proxy 2 gate?Q: How do you deal with a cannon rush that also incorporates proxy gateways?Q: How do I defend a 4 gate or
a 10gate 3gate all-in? Q: How does a map factor into your strategy choice in PvP?Q: How do you deal with Archon/Chargelot all ins? Q: How do i hold off a DT rush if my robo isn't done yet or my obs is out of position?Q: What are some safe ways to expand?Q: Is there a decent one or two base all-in a player opening robo can do against a player opening phoenix into robo into expand?Q:How do i deal with a player going heavy stargate in the midgame?Q: How come in PvP you see top players getting +1 shields when they finish +3 attack? Is it because it counts towards air units as well if they make Tempest or is it so they could poke around more? Would +1 armor be better in a straight up engagement?Q: Why are High Templar used to make archons instead of Dark Templar in PvP? Q: What is the optimal army composition in PvP?Last edit:
Guys, how do you handle the new maps with impossible thirds to take versus Zerg (Star station, Neo Planet S, Bel'shir vestige, etc.)? Mass cannons? I veto at least two of them, but it is not a solution...I also try two base pressure with third taking in the middle of it, but this only works because zergs are busy playing with their new toys and not having a solid response (which nicely fits into the previous messages in this thread). And because I'm playing gold opponents (weird placement due to launch day?). I remember during the beta I could not for the life of me take a third on star station, I really thought they would remove it, yet here it is on release...
The Days Run Away Like Wild Horses Over the Hills
On March 14
ant-1 wrote:Guys, how do you handle the new maps with impossible thirds to take versus Zerg (Star station, Neo Planet S, Bel'shir vestige, etc.)? Mass cannons? I veto at least two of them, but it is not a solution...I also try two base pressure with third taking in the middle of it, but this only works because zergs are busy playing with their new toys and not having a solid response (which nicely fits into the previous messages in this thread). And because I'm playing gold opponents (weird placement due to launch day?). I remember during the beta I could not for the life of me take a third on star station, I really thought they would remove it, yet here it is on release...Really depends for me, honestly I veto those kinds of maps (but not Star Station, I love it).
In truth your ability to hold your third is mostly based if you have little, your third is vulnerable.
You have to also make sure you are taking the right third base as some maps are ambiguous about the third.
If, however, you do some good sim-city with gateways and a cannon or two on the vulnerable side of the third, and keep your msc between the nat and third along with your ground army in that same area, you should be able to hold them a lot better.
Knowing is half the battle...
the other half is lasers.
On March 14
ant-1 wrote:Guys, how do you handle the new maps with impossible thirds to take versus Zerg (Star station, Neo Planet S, Bel'shir vestige, etc.)? Mass cannons? I veto at least two of them, but it is not a solution...I also try two base pressure with third taking in the middle of it, but this only works because zergs are busy playing with their new toys and not having a solid response (which nicely fits into the previous messages in this thread). And because I'm playing gold opponents (weird placement due to launch day?). I remember during the beta I could not for the life of me take a third on star station, I really thought they would remove it, yet here it is on release...Cannons & Building placement (full-walloffs at chokes, if you could call the huge gaping areas that, with gateways and cannons behind). 3-bases is pretty optimal for Protoss when fully saturated, so it's important to keep it up and running IMO.
Anyone have a nice, safe PvT build order?There have been many times where I scout the terran gas and with my mothership zealot stalker stalker pressure I see the factory and sometimes the mines. I then go home to my expo, my 2 gates are finishing and my robo is half way done. I chrono out observers and place 3 stalkers at each of my mineral lines. Somehow, some way, the terran just speed boosts over my stalkers and drops the mines in my minerals. Even if i have nearly perfect reaction time the mine gets 3-5 kills almost every time and forces me to not mine causing huge indirect damage. Is there something I'm missing cause I honestly don't know what im doing wrong.... Even if I barely take any damage from the drop I often die to the follow up medivac timing because I was forced to play so safe and I don't have enough units or splash damage out in time.
(&$___$)& /5m00th-j4zz
I have trouble with zerg who goes swarm host/oversir/hydra : they just sniper my observers and protect their swarm host until locusts kill all my army And how can you go stargate opener against terran ? They just borrow windows mines everywhere so you can't go out of your base
On March 14
FreedomMurder wrote:Anyone have a nice, safe PvT build order?There have been many times where I scout the terran gas and with my mothership zealot stalker stalker pressure I see the factory and sometimes the mines. I then go home to my expo, my 2 gates are finishing and my robo is half way done. I chrono out observers and place 3 stalkers at each of my mineral lines. Somehow, some way, the terran just speed boosts over my stalkers and drops the mines in my minerals. Even if i have nearly perfect reaction time the mine gets 3-5 kills almost every time and forces me to not mine causing huge indirect damage. Is there something I'm missing cause I honestly don't know what im doing wrong.... Even if I barely take any damage from the drop I often die to the follow up medivac timing because I was forced to play so safe and I don't have enough units or splash damage out in time.It seems like we're back to one, two or three gate-robo before expo in PvT (gas). You can try to caontain them using oracles, with a followup of two phoenix to scare away dropships (scary 10 minutes push is scarier!). And you have to turtle hard on two bases until templar or blink.
The Days Run Away Like Wild Horses Over the Hills
On March 14
FreedomMurder wrote:Anyone have a nice, safe PvT build order?There have been many times where I scout the terran gas and with my mothership zealot stalker stalker pressure I see the factory and sometimes the mines. I then go home to my expo, my 2 gates are finishing and my robo is half way done. I chrono out observers and place 3 stalkers at each of my mineral lines. Somehow, some way, the terran just speed boosts over my stalkers and drops the mines in my minerals. Even if i have nearly perfect reaction time the mine gets 3-5 kills almost every time and forces me to not mine causing huge indirect damage. Is there something I'm missing cause I honestly don't know what im doing wrong.... Even if I barely take any damage from the drop I often die to the follow up medivac timing because I was forced to play so safe and I don't have enough units or splash damage out in time.Honestly, countering WM's is pretty tough so far for me.
I've tried three things- lots of cannons in medivac flight path, early phoenix in medivac flight path, or just 4gating with a MSC.
None of them feel perfect, but a 4gate with vision is... stronger than I expected.
I go 3gate MSC, then add 4th gate.
shaGuar :: elemeNt :: XeqtR :: naikon :: method
1gate FE PvT build I copied from some GM:9 pylon12 gate14 gas16 pylon18 core19 zealot22 pylon24 Sentry (CB)26 Nex27 Stalker (CB)31 Gate x231 Gas31 MSC (CB)33 Pylon34 RoboYou basically don't probe scout the Terran unless it's a 4 player map and use your first 100 energy (~5:50, shortly before the robo) for a hallucinated scout.
On March 14
priestnoob wrote:1gate FE PvT build I copied from some GM:9 pylon12 gate14 gas16 pylon18 core19 zealot22 pylon24 Sentry (CB)26 Nex27 Stalker (CB)31 Gate x231 Gas31 MSC (CB)33 Pylon34 RoboYou basically don't probe scout the Terran unless it's a 4 player map and use your first 100 energy (~5:50, shortly before the robo) for a hallucinated scout.I will try it, any other BO for match-ups?(which can be used)?
In PvZ I'm just getting a quick 3rd off a robo and 4gates, given that now I can handle the late game and int PvP Stargate seems to be the strongest option along with some 1gate FE's which might or might not be safe.
Which unit compositions are good for a 2 base push or a 3 base push in PvT / PvZ right now?In WoL I played a lot of CreatorPrimes 3 base timings (or sometimes 2 base timings like Immortal Sentry or 3 Colossus all-in) and I want to play like that again.And what is your favourite way of countering the new Mutalisks? I mean, in great numbers, they are pretty much unbeatable if microed properly.
i'd really like to develop a pvt oracle based timing with someone. im thinking that i want a variation of a 5 gate that goes like this:1 gate 1 stargate expand or 1 gate expand into stargateoracle made out of stargate5 gateways mainly made of sentry's/zealotsmothership corehere's what I'd like to do(let's assume map is daybreak):-have my gateway army postured outside of natural-send in oracle to his mineral line(first time revealed) and time warp his ramp with msc. this will be used to scout how he splits his army too. if he sends like 5 marines only, i'd like to bring the msc to fight with my oracle.-if he sends a lot of marines, I can go for the bust at the front.reply to this if you're interested in helping build something like this or similar
Why do you need somebody else? Use SALT (search in the arcade) for practicing and streamlining the build and if you want to test it just play unranked :DLast edit:
input would be appreciated but ill check that out bruh thanks. it's just hard cuz i don't know exactly what i would need to accomplish and when. because of widow mines i need to factor in the energy i need off early sentries to hallucinate and detonate the widow mine he could set up. stuff like that
First of all, I would like to contribute by presenting my PvT opening that in my opinion greatly exploits MS Core power. Here it is:13 Gate17 Nexus17 Pylon18 2x Gas19 Core 20 Zealot After Core finishes chrono MSC asap. You don't need a third pylon as Nexus finished at the same time as Core. I found (low master) this valiable versus most early aggresion including new reapers (losing no more than 3 probes). The only problem is marine SCV all-in as my sentry is quite delayed. If I scout early gas I quickly add 2 more gates and forge for potential mines. Overall the build gives you fairly better economy and improves your later timings. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Now I'd like to ask for some help in return. I'm looking for a viable pre-medivac all in as I find them extremely difficult to defend (not saying imba but they are seriously nerve wracking...). I was thinking about Void Ray + gates but that would not be viable vs Window Mines. Immortal sentry seems like the best option but I can't find any professional build for PvT, any ideas?
On March 14
thousand wrote:First of all, I would like to contribute by presenting my PvT opening that in my opinion greatly exploits MS Core power. Here it is:13 Gate17 Nexus17 Pylon18 2x Gas19 Core 20 Zealot After Core finishes chrono MSC asap. You don't need a third pylon as Nexus finished at the same time as Core. I found (low master) this valiable versus most early aggresion including new reapers (losing no more than 3 probes). The only problem is marine SCV all-in as my sentry is quite delayed. If I scout early gas I quickly add 2 more gates and forge for potential mines. Overall the build gives you fairly better economy and improves your later timings. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Now I'd like to ask for some help in return. I'm looking for a viable pre-medivac all in as I find them extremely difficult to defend (not saying imba but they are seriously nerve wracking...). I was thinking about Void Ray + gates but that would not be viable vs Window Mines. Immortal sentry seems like the best option but I can't find any professional build for PvT, any ideas?if you look at my post above( a few up) then we're on similar boats but we could try to do a 1 base variation of my build or i could help input yours. I'm not available for like 3.5 hours and i left my mic at school so i'd only be able to text chat. i like your build a lot btw if you can find a way to hold stuff off. maybe scouting on 9 and delaying your nexus would benefit you a bit considering you don't cut anything for gas at all until after the nexus is starting
On March 14
aldochillbro wrote:if you look at my post above( a few up) then we're on similar boats but we could try to do a 1 base variation of my build or i could help input yours. I'm not available for like 3.5 hours and i left my mic at school so i'd only be able to text chat. i like your build a lot btw if you can find a way to hold stuff off. maybe scouting on 9 and delaying your nexus would benefit you a bit considering you don't cut anything for gas at all until after the nexus is startingGreat, I'd love to come up with something together, tho I won't be avaliable in 3,5 hours, it's 22:00 CET time here and I need some sleep. How about tomorrow? You can add me thousand#236 on EU. Regarding the build, I scout right after I start my gateway. If I'm blocked by 2 supply depos I assume gas/aggresion and still add 2 more gates and send hallucinated phoenix asap if nothing comes.
On March 14
thousand wrote:First of all, I would like to contribute by presenting my PvT opening that in my opinion greatly exploits MS Core power. Here it is:13 Gate17 Nexus17 Pylon18 2x Gas19 Core 20 Zealot After Core finishes chrono MSC asap. You don't need a third pylon as Nexus finished at the same time as Core. I found (low master) this valiable versus most early aggresion including new reapers (losing no more than 3 probes). The only problem is marine SCV all-in as my sentry is quite delayed. If I scout early gas I quickly add 2 more gates and forge for potential mines. Overall the build gives you fairly better economy and improves your later timings. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Now I'd like to ask for some help in return. I'm looking for a viable pre-medivac all in as I find them extremely difficult to defend (not saying imba but they are seriously nerve wracking...). I was thinking about Void Ray + gates but that would not be viable vs Window Mines. Immortal sentry seems like the best option but I can't find any professional build for PvT, any ideas?Does this include 2rax builds?
It seems like you're dead against those without a super early core, especially if they go reapers, and on a 13 scout you're not getting into their base until after the core is supposed to go down.
If they build one rax in their base and proxy the 2nd one, you won't scout it, and just die right away.
Any solution to any of those problems?As for the 1base immortal all-in, check Kyo's replay pack in the HotS forum.
He did an all-in with a proxy robo on Daybreak in PvT.
There's also a youtube video somewhere demonstrating the 2base immortal all-in on Ohana, but I don't remember where I found it.
On March 14
thousand wrote:First of all, I would like to contribute by presenting my PvT opening that in my opinion greatly exploits MS Core power. Here it is:13 Gate17 Nexus17 Pylon18 2x Gas19 Core 20 Zealot After Core finishes chrono MSC asap. You don't need a third pylon as Nexus finished at the same time as Core. I found (low master) this valiable versus most early aggresion including new reapers (losing no more than 3 probes). The only problem is marine SCV all-in as my sentry is quite delayed. If I scout early gas I quickly add 2 more gates and forge for potential mines. Overall the build gives you fairly better economy and improves your later timings. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Now I&#039;d like to ask for some help in return. I&#039;m looking for a viable pre-medivac all in as I find them extremely difficult to defend (not saying imba but they are seriously nerve wracking...). I was thinking about Void Ray + gates but that would not be viable vs Window Mines. Immortal sentry seems like the best option but I can&#039;t find any professional build for PvT, any ideas?If you want a solid PvT all in, I suggest you check out ROOTLeiya&#039;s opening. She isn&#039;t the only one that does this, and I don&#039;t have the exact build order down in numbers, but it&#039;s pretty easy to work out. Proxy stargate, go up to three gates then go in with 3 void rays + gateway units. Focus down the bunkers with the charged void rays, and you should push through a lot of defences.EDIT: Here&#039;s a VOD of Socke doing this build, he does end up failing however Thorzain was pretty much as prepared as he could be against an attack of this kind.</watch?v=FN6x6Gqwd-wLast edit:
@kollinsc2 |
penisi is the plural of penis look it up in a science book
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