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Analysis of 2735 canine uroliths in Spain and Portugal. A retrospective study 20.
内容提示:Analysis of 2735 canine uroliths in Spain and Portugal. A retrospective study
上传日期: 07:01:39|
Analysis of 2735 canine uroliths in Spain and Port
官方公共微信Predominate - definition of predominate by The Free Dictionary /predominate
predominate Also found in: , , .
pre·dom·i·nat·ed, pre·dom·i·nat·ing, pre·dom·i·nates v.intr.1.
To have or gain controllin prevail: Good predominates over evil in many literary works.2.
To be of or have greater qu preponderate: French-speaking people predominate in To dominate or prevail over.adj.
(ə-nət) Predominant.[Medieval Latin praedominārī, praedomināt- : Latin prae-, pre- + Latin dominārī, to rule (from dominus, master; see
in ).]pre·dom′i·nate·ly (-nĭt-lē) adv.pre·dom′i·na′tion n.pre·dom′i·na′tor n.predominate (prɪˈdɒmɪˌneɪt) vb1.
(often foll by: over) to have power, influence, or control2.
(intr) to prevail or preponderate3.
(tr) to dominate or have control overadj4.
another word for [C16: from Medieval Latin praedominārī, from Latin prae before + dominārī to bear rule, domineer] preˈdominately adv preˌdomiˈnation n preˈdomiˌnator npre•dom•i•nate
(prɪˈdɒm əˌneɪt)
-nat•ed, -nat•ing. v.i.
to be the stronger or leading element or force.
to have numerical superiority or advantage.
be preeminent.
to have or exert controlling power (often fol. by over):
Good sense predominated over anger.
to dominate or prevail over.
[;95; & Medieval Latin praedominātus, past participle of praedominārī. See -, ]
(-nɪt li)
pre•dom`i•na′tion, n.
predominatePast participle: predominatedGerund: predominatingImperativePresentPreteritePresent ContinuousPresent PerfectPast ContinuousPast PerfectFutureFuture PerfectFuture ContinuousPresent Perfect ContinuousFuture Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect ContinuousConditionalPast ConditionalImperativepredominatepredominatePresentI predominateyou predominatehe/she/it predominateswe predominateyou predominatethey predominatePreteriteI predominatedyou predominatedhe/she/it predominatedwe predominatedyou predominatedthey predominatedPresent ContinuousI am predominatingyou are predominatinghe/she/it is predominatingwe are predominatingyou are predominatingthey are predominatingPresent PerfectI have predominatedyou have predominatedhe/she/it has predominatedwe have predominatedyou have predominatedthey have predominatedPast ContinuousI was predominatingyou were predominatinghe/she/it was predominatingwe were predominatingyou were predominatingthey were predominatingPast PerfectI had predominatedyou had predominatedhe/she/it had predominatedwe had predominatedyou had predominatedthey had predominatedFutureI will predominateyou will predominatehe/she/it will predominatewe will predominateyou will predominatethey will predominateFuture PerfectI will have predominatedyou will have predominatedhe/she/it will have predominatedwe will have predominatedyou will have predominatedthey will have predominatedFuture ContinuousI will be predominatingyou will be predominatinghe/she/it will be predominatingwe will be predominatingyou will be predominatingthey will be predominatingPresent Perfect ContinuousI have been predominatingyou have been predominatinghe/she/it has been predominatingwe have been predominatingyou have been predominatingthey have been predominatingFuture Perfect ContinuousI will have been predominatingyou will have been predominatinghe/she/it will have been predominatingwe will have been predominatingyou will have been predominatingthey will have been predominatingPast Perfect ContinuousI had been predominatingyou had been predominatinghe/she/it had been predominatingwe had been predominatingyou had been predominatingthey had been predominatingConditionalI would predominateyou would predominatehe/she/it would predominatewe would predominateyou would predominatethey would predominatePast ConditionalI would have predominatedyou would have predominatedhe/she/it would have predominatedwe would have predominatedyou would have predominatedthey would have predominated
Verb1.predominate - be larger in number, quantity, power,
"Money reigns supreme here"; "Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood", , ,
- "health considerations override financial concerns" - be "This scene overarches the entire first act", , ,
- "these considerations outweigh our wishes"2.predominate - appear very large or occupy a "The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain"; "Large shadows loomed on the canyon wall", , , ,
- "The building rose before them"Adj.1.predominate - having superior "the predominant mood among policy-makers is optimism", , , ,
- exercising
"television plays a dominant role in molding public opinion"; "the dominant partner in the marriage"predominateverb1. , , , , be predominant, be most noticeable,
All nationalities were represented, but the English predominated.2. , , , , ,
a society where Islamic principles predominatepredominateverbTo occupy the preeminent position in:, , , , .Idioms: have the ascendancy, reign supreme.
predominate [prɪˈdɒmɪneɪt] VI →
(over sobre)predominate [prɪˈdɒmɪneɪt] vi → predominate vi (in numbers) →
(in influence etc) → ; Good will always predominate over Evil → das
; if you allow any one individual to predominate (over the others) → wenn man einem
, die anderen zu predominate [prɪˈdɒmɪ&#x2neɪt] vi → predominate (pri'domineit)
verb to be the stronger or greater in amount, size, number etc. In this part of the country industry predominates (over agriculture). oorheers
?????? ?????????
p?eva?ovat, mít p?evahu
überwiegen vaere fremherskende
ülekaalus olema
?????? ?? ????? ????? ?????
prédominer (sur)
?? ??????? ????, ???????? ????, ???????? ??? ????
biti premo?an
túlsúlyban van
ríkja, yfirgnaefa
vyrauti, dominuoti
dominēt; būt pārsvarā
lebih banyak
?????? ??????? ????? ??????
a predomina
preva?ova?, ma? prevahu
dominera, ?verv?ga
?o?unlukta olmak
переважати, панувати
chi?m ?u th?
predominar pre'dominant adjective stronger, more numerous, more noticeable etc. The English language is predominant in America. oorheersend
?????? ?????????
????? ????
????, ??????
túlsúlyban lev?
dominējo?s; valdo?s; noteico?s
????? ????
dominerande, ?verv?gande, f?rh?rskande
пан?вний, дом?нуючий
????? ?????
predominant pre'dominantly adverb oorheersend
?????? ???????
κατεξοχ?ν ülekaalukalt
?????? ??????
de fa?on prédominante
???????? ??, ??????? ??
secara dominan
á ríkjandi hátt, yfirgnaefandi
in modo predominante
lielā vairumā
lebih banyak
w przewa?aj?cym stopniu
??????? ??????
p? ett dominerande s?tt
??????? ??
có ?u th? h?n
predominantment pre'dominance noun oorheersendheid
????????? ?????????
die Vorherrschaft
???????? ?????
????????, ???????
premo?, nadmo?
túlsúly, f?lény
?a? a? vera rá?andi/ríkjandi
vyravimas, prana?umas
?????? ??????
predominare, predo-minan??
?verv?gande del, ?vervikt
a??r basma, üstünlük
перевага, панування
?????? ????
tính tr?i
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Besides this aerial spirit they believe in an inferior one, who inhabits the fire, and of whom they are in perpetual dread, as, though he possesses equally the power of good and evil, the evil is apt to predominate. Beaufort, after all, had not managed to "tide over"; but by setting afloat the rumour that he had done so he had reassured his depositors, and heavy payments had poured into the bank till the previous evening, when disturbing reports again began to predominate. But it is not interest which predominates in the noble nature of poets.
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Unilateral sensorineural hearing loss and its aetiology in childhood the contrib.
内容提示:Unilateral sensorineural hearing loss and its aetiology in childhood the contribution of computerised tomography in aetiological
上传日期: 03:31:40|
Unilateral sensorineural hearing loss and its aeti
官方公共微信it shows that motoring offenders have a characteristic in common with offenders in other fields of criminal activity,where males predominate to a marked degree.males predominate to a marked level where带的是什么从句?_百度作业帮
it shows that motoring offenders have a characteristic in common with offenders in other fields of criminal activity,where males predominate to a marked degree.males predominate to a marked level where带的是什么从句?
it shows that motoring offenders have a characteristic in common with offenders in other fields of criminal activity,where males predominate to a marked degree.males predominate to a marked level where带的是什么从句?
翻译:这表明汽车犯罪者和其他犯罪活动中的那些犯罪者们具有一个共同的特征,那就是(在那些地区)男性在人口中所占的比率达到了显著的程度.where引导地点状语从句FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Aquatic species>Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nationsfor a world without hungerEspa?olFran?aisРусскийFisheries andAquaculture DepartmentFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nationsfor a world without hungerFisheries and Aquaculture DepartmentThunnus alalunga:& &See tree map&
&Scomber&alatunqa& Gmelin,&1789&Scomber&germo& Lacep&de,&1800&Orcynus&germon& Cuvier,&1817&Orcynus&alalonga& Risso,&1826&Thynnus&alalonga& Cuvier in Cuvier & Valenciennes,&1831&Orcynus&alatunga& Gill,&1862&Thunnus&alalonga& South,&1845&Orcynus&pacificus& Cooper,&1863&Orcynus&germo& Lutken,&1880&Germo&alalonga& Jordan,&1888&Albacora&alalonga& Dresslar & Fesler,&1889&Germo&alalunga& Jordan & Evermann,&1896&Thynnus&alalunga& Clarke,&1900&Germo&germon& Fowler,&1905&Germo&germo& Jordan & Seale,&1906&Thunnus&alalunga& Jordan, Tanaka, & Snyder,&1913&Thunnus&germo& Kishinouye,&1923&Germo&germon steadi& Whitley,&1933FAO NamesEn - Albacore,&Fr - Germon,&Sp - At&n blanco.
3Alpha Code: ALB&&&&
Taxonomic Code: Scientific Name with Original DescriptionScomber&alalunga& Bonnaterre,&1788, Tableau Encyclop&dique et M&thodique, Ichthyologie:139 (Sardinia).Diagnostic Features
A large species, deepest at a more posterior point than in other tunas (at, or only slightly anterior to, second dorsal fin rather than near middle of first dorsal fin base).&
Gillrakers 25 to 31 on first arch.&
Second dorsal fin clearly low pectoral fins remarkably long, usually 30% of fork length or longer in 50 cm or longer fish, reaching well beyond origin of second dorsal fin (usually up to second dorsal finlet). Fish smaller than 50 cm will have proportionately smaller pectorals than other tunas, i.e.
Ventral surface of liver striated (vascular network). Swim bladder present, but poorly developed and not evident in fish smaller than about 50 cm fork length.&
Vertebrae 18 precaudal plus 21 caudal.&
Colour: a faint lateral iridescent blue band runs alon first dorsal fin deep yellow, second dorsal and anal fins light yellow, posterior margin of caudal fin white.&
Geographical Distribution Cosmopolitan in tropical and temperate waters of all oceans including the Mediterranean Sea extending north to 45& to 50& N and south to 30& to 40& S, but not at the surface between 10& N and 10& S.Habitat and BiologyAn epi- and mesopelagic, oceanic species,abundant in surface waters of 15.6& to 19.4& C; deeper swimming large albacore are found in waters of 13.5& to 25.2& C; temperatures as low as 9.5& C may be tolerated for short periods. In the Atlantic, the larger size classes (80 to 125 cm) are associated with cooler water bodies, while smaller individuals tend to occur in warmer strata. According to data piesently the opposite occurs in the northeastern Pacific. Albacore tend to concentrate along thermal discontinuities (oceanic fronts such as the Transition Zone in the north Pacific and the Kuroshio Front east of Japan) where large catches are made. The Transition Zones are preferred to cooler upwelling waters which are richer in forage organisms but poorer in oxygen content. Minimun oxygen requirements are probably similar to those of yellowfin tuna, that is about 2 ml/l. Albacore migrate within water masses rather than across temperature and oxygen boundaries.&
Throughout its range, the albacore migrates over great distances and appears to form separate groups at different stages of its life cycle. Several diverging, sometimes contradictory models have been suggested to portray these migrations. At least two stocks (northern and southern) are believed to exist in both the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, each with distinct spawning areas and seasons and with little or no interchange across the warm equatorial waters.The depth distribution in the Pacific ranges from the surface down to at least 380 m and is governed by the vertical thermal structures and oxygen contents of the water masses. In the Atlantic, for the same environmental determinants, albacore are believed to occur as deep as 600 m.Like other tunas, albacore, form schools with fewer fish, hence more compact units when composed of larger fish. They may also form mixed schools with skipjack tuna, yellowfin tuna and bluefin tuna. Schools may be associated with floating objects, including sargassum weeds.Although fecundity does increase with size generally, there is no close relationship between fork length and ovary-weight and hence, a 20 kg female may produce between 2 and 3 million eggs per season, which are released at least in two batches. The sex ratio in catches is about 1:1 for immature specimens, but males predominate among mature fishes, which is possibly due to both differential mortality of sexes, and differential growth rate after maturity.&
SizeMaximum fork length is 127 em. The all-tackle angling record is a 40 kg fish with a fork length of 123 em taken in the Canary Islands in 1977. In the Pacific surface fishery (pole-and-line, and troll fishery), smaller sizes (modes between 55 to 80 cm fork length) predominate, while longline fisheries take bigger fish (modes about 95 to 115 cm); in the Indian Ocean, common sizes range from 40 to 100 cm fork length (Silas & Pillai, 1982), while males up to 109 cm and females up to 106 cm are not exceptional in the Atlantic. In the Pacific, maturity may be attained at about 90 cm fork length in females and at about 97 in the Atlantic it is reached at about 94 cm in both sexes.Interest to FisheriesThere are important fisheries for
T. alalunga in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Catches have been reported from 15 FAO Fishing Areas by 15 countries in the period from 1974 to 1981. Along with increasing effort in the major fisheries, the world catch has been gradually declining from a peak of about 245 000 t in 1974 to a low of about 181 000 t in 1981 (FAO, ). More than half of the catch in the last years was taken in the Pacific, particularly in Fishing Areas 61, 77 and 81. The landings in Area 61 were almost exclusively made by Japanese vessels. More than 10 000 metric tons were reported in 1981 from two other fishing areas, namely Areas 27 (predominantly by Spain, while the French catch collapsed to less than one tenth of its previous level) and 47 (FAO, 1983). Albacore fisheries involve 4 basic types of fishing operations: longlining, live-bait fishing, , and . Surface methods (trolling, purse-seining, live-bait) tend to take smaller fish than longlining. In recent years, boats and gear have been improved by introduction of longer vessels (trollers up to 22 m length), more modern boatbuilding materials (fiberglass, aluminium, etc.), larger ice storage or brine freezing capacities, better navigational aids and fish locating devices, and larger bait-holding capacities that increase the autonomy of the vessels. The most important albacore fisheries are the following:
Local NamesANGOLA :
Avoador&.ARGENTINA :
Albacora&.BRAZIL :
Albacora branca&.CANADA :
Germon atlantique&.CHILE :
At&n de aleta larga&.COLOMBIA :
Albacora&.CUBA :
Albacora&.ECUADOR :
At&n&.EGYPT :
Tunna&.GERMANY :
Weisser Thun&.GREECE :
Tonnos macropteros&.ISRAEL :
Garmon&.ITALY :
Alalonga&.JAPAN :
Tonbo&.KENYA :
Jodari&(Swahili).KOREA REP :
Nal-gae-da-raeng-i&.MALTA :
Ala-longa&.MARTINIQUE :
Germon&.MEXICO :
Albacora&.MONACO :
Ara-lunga&.MOROCCO :
A&hi taria&.PANAMA :
Albacora&.PERU :
At&n de aleta larga&.POLAND :
Germon&.PORTUGAL :
Albacora&.ROMANIA :
Ton cu inotatoare lungi&.SENEGAL :
Bonette&.SOMALIA :
Jodari&(Swahili).SOUTH AFRICA :
Langvin tuna&,&
Longfin tunny&.SPAIN :
At&n blanco&.SWEDEN :
Chang chi we&.TANZANIA :
Jodari&(Swahili).TUNISIA :
Ghzel&.TURKEY :
Yazili orkinos&.UK :
Albacore&.URUGUAY :
Albacora&.USA :
Ahipahala&(Hawaii).former USSR: :
Belokrylyj tunets&,&
Belyj tunets&,&
Dlinnoperyj tunets&.VENEZULEA :
Albacora&.VIET NAM :
C& ngir vay d&i&.YUGOSLAVIA :
Silac&.RemarksNote that the vernacular name "albacora" is used for swordfish ( ) in Chile, while it is commonly used for T. alalunga in other Spanish speaking countries, while in the eastern Atlantic "albacore" is used by francophones for the yellowfin tuna ( ).Source of Information An annotated and illustrated catalogue of Tunas, Mackerels, Bonitos and related species known to date.Collette, B.B. & C.E. Nauen. 1983.
FAO Fish. Synop., (125)Vol.2:137 p.&
BibliographyFischer, ed., 1973, (Species Identification Sheets, Mediterranean and Black Sea)Bard, 1981 (Ph.D.thesis) Colette,
1981 (Species Identification Sheets, Eastern Central Atlantic) Collette, 1978 (Species Identification Sheets, Western Central Atlantic) Dotson, 1980 (describes methods and gear for northeast Pacific fleets) Fischer &
Whitehead , 1974 eds (Species Identification Sheets, Eastern Indian Ocean/Western Central Pacific) Foreman, 1980 (summarizes i.e. growth parameter estimates) Le Gall, 1974Le Gall, 1981 (bibliography) Postel, 1963bYoshida & Otsu, 1963}


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