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As time develops,
there are many large changing happenings in people’s lives. Being like other
West countries, private cars begin to be very popular in our country. It has
many advantages. Firstly, it makes people’s lives very convenient. It can drive
people to wherever they want. Secondly, private cars help us save much time. We
don’t have to wait for the bus. Thirdly, private cars are also a symbol of
status. Luxury cars represent wealth and power.
However, private
cars have many disadvantages as well. For one thing, the waste emission has
caused serious air pollution with more private cars. For the other thing, more
private cars is making the problem of traffic jam much worse.
As far as I am
concerned, the advantages of the private cars will far outweigh the
disadvantages. The problems will be solved finally. &To me ,I prefer to travel by public transforms. &I should be a green consummer.
Whether people should have a privatecar in their lives As the Chinese economy is developing better and better, the Chinese are getting much richer than ever before. Now more and more of them are considering buying a private car to make life even more wonderful. As a matter of fact, a car can definitely bring great convenience to our lives. However, we must notice at the same time that the cost of using a car is growing fast, and the commute is getting worse. Worst of all, the pollutant brought by using cars is harming the environment severely. Now the whole world is asking people to try tool like bicycle instead of cars when they go out in order to decrease the amount of the pollutant expelled to the air. Therefore, we should support our government and try our best to protect our own environment. Only when we do this do we stand a chance to have a better world in the future!Nowadays more and more families own private cars. Private cars, as the product of modem civilization, have been playing a vital role in people's daily activities. First,& private cars are a convenient means of transportation. You can go wherever you like. Secondly, there is no doubt that private cars will have a great impact on the economic growth. The rapid car industry growth will contribute much to keeping the country's economy growing at a higher rate in the near futrue.&&&& But every coin has two sides. The development of the private cars will bring about a series of problems. For example, the polluted air given off by cars will do great harm to our health, too many private cars will lead to traffic jams and a great deal of energy will be wasted and so on.&&&& So I think we should take advantages of private cars and make them serve us better. Meantime we hope that satisfactory solutions to these negative problems will be found soon.中文翻译如下:&&& 现在,越来越多的家庭拥有私家车。私家车作为现代文明的产物,在人们日常生活中扮演了重要的角色。首先,私家车是很方便的交通工具,你可以开车到处跑;其次,毫无疑问私家车对经,济的增长起到很大的作用。在不远的将来,快速发展的汽车工业在保持国家以较高速度的增长方面将做出很大的贡献。&&& 当然,任何事物都有其两面性。快速发展的私家车会导致一系列问题。例如,汽车排出的废气对人体有很大的伤害,太多的私家车会导致交通阻塞,很多能源被浪费等。&&& 所以我认为我们.应当充分利用私家车的优势,更好地为我们服务。同时,我们也希望不久这些消极的问题将会得到圆满的解决。本文来自作文地带:
写作的评分依据是:切题、条理、语言和字数。所谓切题就是看你写的作文是否跑题。所谓条理是指每一段的议论的正反清楚,说明的几个方面清楚,描述的时间正确。   一、审题   我们拿到作文后第一件事要做的就是审题。审题的作用在于使你的写作不跑题(如果跑题,条理和语言再好,也得不到及格分,甚至0分)。那么审题要审什么呢?   1.体裁(议论文、说明文、描述文)   审题就是要审作文的体裁和题材。因为什么样的体裁就会用什么样的题材去写。那么体裁包括哪些呢?就四、六级考试而言,它包括议论文、说明文和描述文。从近些年来看,四、六级作文不是单一的体裁,而是几种体裁的杂合体。例如有一次四级写题是这样出的:   Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Trying to Be A Good University Student. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese) below:   (1) 做合格大学生的必要性   (2) 做合格大学生的必备条件(可以德智体等方面谈)   (3) 我打算这样做   很多人说这种类型的作文是议论文。我们认为说它是议论文是片面的。因为第一段要求写 &...必要性&,这说明本段体裁是议论文;第二段要求写&...必备条件&,这说明本段要求写说明文;而第三段要求写&...这样做&,说明本段要求写的是描述文。所以我们说在大多数情况下,四、六级作文是三种体裁的杂合体。   2.根据不同体裁确定写作方法   我们审题的目的就在于根据不同的体裁来确定不同的写作方法。通过审题,我们可以看出四、六级作文大都是三段式。如上例第一段为议论体、第二段为说明体、第三段为描述体。议论体有议论体的写作方式、说明体有说明体的写作方式、描述体也有它自身的写作特点。第一段为议论文:它的写作特点是要有论点和论据,而且往往从正反两面来论述。例如上面题目的第一段的写作思路是:做合格大学生,会怎么样(这是从正面论述);不能做倒合格大学生,会怎么样(从反面论述);所以我们要做合格的大学生(结论)。第二段为说明文:它的写作特点是从几方面或几条来说明一个问题,就跟某一机器的说明书一样通过1、2、3说明它的用途。就以上面的作文而言,我们从三个方面(德智体)来说明做合格大学生的必要性。第三段为描述文:以&人&为中心描述一个&做&的过程。跟上两段相比,本段的主语多为人称代词。它要与第二段相呼应进行描述。   二、主题句   通过审题,我们知道了写作的思路。下边我们就谈怎么样写。第一步就是要写主题句。主题句是确保不跑题的前提,只有不跑题才有可能得及格分。写主题句最保险的方法就是把各要求句译成英语。例如上述作文的三段主题句分别为:   ☆ It is very necessary to be a good university student.(议论体主题句)   ☆ There are several respects of necessities to be a good university student.(说明体的主题句)   ☆ What I will do in the future is the following.(描述题的主题句)   如果要求句是英语就可以把它扩充成主题句,例如这样的一篇做文:   Good Health   (1) Importance of good health   (2) Ways to keep fit   (3) My own practice   这样的作文的要求句就可以扩展成主题句。扩展后三段的主题句分别为:   ☆ It is very important to have good health. (将名词importance变成形容词important)   ☆ There are four ways to keep fit for me.(用there be句型)   ☆ My own practices are the following.(采用原词)   三、条理   保证不跑题是写作当中第一重要任务,第二个重要任务就是条理清楚。对于议论文来说,正反面要清楚。对于说明文来说,1、2、3条要清楚,对于描述文要来,谁干什么要清楚。就拿上例Good Health来说,第一段保持正反面要清楚就应这样写:主题句(It is very important to have good health.,正面(With good health, we can...),反面(Without good health, we can do nothing. We can't do...)  第二段应当这样写:主题句(There are four ways to keep fit.) 从几方面说明: Firstly, we should have our breakfast in the morning. Second, we should have a nap at noon. Third, sports exercises are necessary in the afternoon. And fourth, we could have a pleasant feeling in the evening by listening to the music....)   为了使文章更具关于条理性,我们可以用first(ly),second(ly),third(ly)等副词,他们可以使文章的条理性十分突出。作文是主观性题,要想得高分我们必须把评卷老师考虑进去。评卷老师的时间很短(每份卷子的作文只有一两分钟就要阅完),所以我们在列条条时最好不用:To begin with, ... After that,... And then,... The next,... The following,... At last ...。因为用这样的词语不利于阅卷老师看出你作文的条理性。   第三段应当这样写:主题句(My own practices are the following.)具体情况(主语为第一人称代词I,与第二段呼应) In the morning, I have my breakfast . At noon, I have a nap. And in the afternoon, I always play football. In the evening, I usually listen to the classic music.   综上所述,如果我们按以上几节的方法去做,就可以保证及格以上分数。   四、十二句作文法   在作文的评分标准中字数也是一个要求。四、六级的作文要求是要写出120-150字。对于这样的要求考生不必怕写不够。我们知道,四、六级作文大都是三段式。我们算一下,如果我们在每一段中写上四句话,即主题句加两三句扩展句和一个结论句就可以了。这样全篇在十二句左右。每一句十多个词,这样就是120-150字。同时,我们也提醒大家,不能写得太多,写得多容易跑题。在写作时,我们要横向写作,即写某一问题的横段面。例如,上面讲到健康的重要性时,我们只写四句就可以了。第一句主题句,第二句从正面论述,第三句从反面论述,第四句为结论句。但有的同学在写的时候说&健康非常重要,&然后就写&吃波莱非常重要&,因为波菜含有丰富的铁,铁对人是非常重要的,因为...。这样的作文的基本模式是A-B B-C C-D D-E以此类推。这就叫流水账,没有中心。我们写作时要根据横段面去写,而不要写成流水账。避免写成流水账的方法是不要就前一句中的一个非重点词再进行描述。而要对主题句从横段面去写,写完一个横段面就不要再对这一横段面进行阐述了,应当去写别一个横段面。   如果我们感觉字数不够,就在每一句或某些句子上添加些词词就行了。例如我们感觉上边第二段不够长,就可以这样来加词:   主题句There are four ways to keep fit.- There are four or more ways to keep fit for everyone of us. 从几方面说明: Firstly, we should have our breakfast in the morning.- Firstly, we should have our breakfast, such as milk, eggs, bread and so on, in the morning. Second, we should have a nap at noon.- Secondly, we should have a short nap, even 30 minutes, at noon. Third, sports exercises are necessary in the afternoon. - Thirdly, sports exercises are necessary for everyone and we can do some sports exercises in the afternoon. And fourth, we could have a pleasant feeling in the evening by listening to music. - And fourthly, we could have a pleasant feeling in the evening by listening to both popular and classic music.   这样一来,我们只要保持本句的主题不变加添一些次要词就能达到字数的规定标准。
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写好小学英语作文的一些想法和意见:多用简单句子,注意时态。第三人称一般现在时动词要记得加s。除了给出的点,最好自己再加一些自己有把握的句子和描写自己的心情或者看法,用语法简单的句子写。平时注意一下语法,多背单词和短语,积累词汇量。多读课文,增强语感。英语写作特点:英语写作是一种创作性的学习过程。启动知识信息储存,构思立意,谋篇布局,遣词造句,对语言表达的正确性和准确性、思维的逻辑性和文章的条理性都比口语要求更高。通常英语写作有以下几个特点:1、紧扣教学大纲对考生书面表达的要求;2、以有指导的写作为主,便于考生在短时间内构思成文;3、突出试题的交际性,考查考生在特定的情景中运用语言的能力;4、增强试题的实用性,所选话题贴近学生学习生活,为学生所熟悉;5、看图作文主要考查考生运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力。小学英语作文步骤及技巧:小学英语作文一般有以下的题型:1、根据表格写话;2、看图写话;3、根据给出的提示词写话等。大多数是50到100个单词左右。但是小学生的词汇量、语法知识有限,故在写作中有一定的难度。英语写作注意两点:一、先审题,弄清写作要求审题是写好作文的前提,也是书面表达的基础。如果写偏了题,语言表达再好也很难得高分。审题时要注意两个方面:1.认真地看两遍题目,包括提示,全面了解写作要求。2.理清思路,确定体裁、框架结构和内容。二、用英语进行思维英语写作时必须排除汉语思维的干扰。从现在起应逐渐加大阅读量和听的输入量,将阅读、听力训练与书面表达有机地结合起来。经常体会和领悟作者传递信息和表达思想的方式。在话题讨论和写作中经常运用所学到的表达方式就会有所创造。还要尽量做到“五多”:多看、多听、多思考、多用心体验和感悟身边的人和事、多用英语说和写自己的体验和感受。英语写作技巧:一、回忆法:审清题目的要求后,回忆一下与之相关的课文内容,再动笔。如:My family’s hobby 一词,要求写清楚你的家庭成员的爱好。首先出现在你的脑海里的你所背诵过的呢课文里的句子。具体内容尽量用上自己最熟悉的词来组织。如课文里的句子根据自己的实际情况改编。从而避免单词拼写的错误。二、朗读法:写完文章后,反复朗读自己所写的文章。这样会使你对作文有一个全新的感受。你会在写作时可能出现的错误,如句子不通顺,单词拼写错误等,然后改正。三、记录错误法:准备一个小本子。每次老师把批改过的作文发回来时,仔细阅读老师指出的错误,把错误抄在本子上,并在旁边写上正确的形式。然后在每次写作文前,对照本子的错误,检查自己文中是否出现了相同或是类似的错误,以便及时改正。四、同伴批改法:学生可以找自己的同学互相交换作文批改。对照检查错误。这样,在帮助同学找出错误的过程中,自己也受益匪浅。当然,每个学生都会有合适自己的写作方法。以上介绍的只是常用的技巧。学生可以结合自己的特长加以灵活运用。小学优秀作文案例:My fatherMy father is a teacher. He loves his students very much and at the same time, his students loves him, too. Every day he works very hard and helps his students study with all his best.He is the hero in my heart. I want to say that," I love you, my dear father."
My roomThis is . It's a nice room.There is a bed, a desk, a chair, a dresser, a sofa ,a TV set and a desk in the room. The dresser is beside the bed, the telephone is on the dresser. The TV set is opposite the bed . The sofa is beside the TV set,some books are on the sofa. The desk is under the window. The chair is under the desk.
My favouriteMy favourite fruit is apple because apple is very good for our body.——One day one apple,docter is far away from me.So I eat apple all day and night.I think I will be healthy if I eat apple every day.However,apple is tasted very good! My favourite animal I like animals very much, such as horses,monkeys, cats, tigers and so on. But I like dogs best. Why? Because they are very cute and nice. I have a white dog. Its name is Bobo. She is a female dog.She comes from Beijing,China.She wears white clothes and she has two big eyes and a small month.She often walks round and round at home.It has nothing to do.She likes eating ice-cream so much.So do I.When I eat ice-cream,she will look at the ice-cream carefully,So I will give her some to eat.
My favourite season MY favourite season is summer,I like spring because it represents the beginning of life. I like summer because I love the hot and sticky feeling. Weird I know but I guess I love swimming and eating ice cream. I like autumn because I love the colour. I like winter because snow is just too beautiful to even describe.. However, my favourite season is spring...life, trees, birds singing..all symbols of happiness.


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