
【英闻天天译】131128 印第安人血统起源漫谈
发布于: 20:00:08
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& & 你知道美洲印第安人的血统起源吗?如果不知道,快去查查看吧。 即使你查了,你了解的也不一定对。为什么?一起来看看这份最新的DNA研究吧。
CONTENT: && The new study, published online Wednesday in the journal Nature, represents the oldest genome of a modern human ever fully sequenced.Modern-day Native Americans share from 14 to 38 percent of their DNA with the Siberian hunter-gatherers - who are not closely related to East Asians - with the remainder coming from East Asian ancestors. Most scientists have thought that the first Americans came only from the East Asian populations.&"If you read about the origins of Native Americans, it will say East Asians somehow crossed the Bering Sea," said study author and evolutionary biologist Eske Willerslev at Copenhagen University. "This is definitely not the case - it's more complex than that."
genome ['d?i:n?um]n.【遗传学】基因组,染色体组 sequence ['sikw?ns] n. [数][计] 序列;顺序;续发事件vt. 按顺序排好 Siberian [sai'bi?ri?n]&& adj.西伯利亚的&&& n.西伯利亚人 hunter-gatherer ['h?nt?'ɡae??r?] n. 采集狩猎的人(尤指以此为生者),采猎者 &EskeWillerslev &埃斯基o威勒斯莱夫&University of Copenhagen &&哥本哈根大学
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(漫谈/PCard 复宠的赤队です)
The new study, published online Wednesday in the journal Nature, represents the oldest genome of a modern human ever fully sequenced.周三一份发表在《自然》期刊网页上的新研究展示了现代人类最早的全基因组测序。
Modern-day Native Americans share from 14 to 38 percent of their DNA with the Siberian hunter-gatherers - who are not closely related to East Asians - with the remainder coming from East Asian ancestors. 在当代,美洲原住民身体中有14%至38%的DNA都与西伯利亚的狩猎者相同,西伯利亚人与东亚人之间并无紧密的联系,而美洲原住民身体中其他的DNA却与东亚人的祖先相同。Most scientists have thought that the first Americans came only from the East Asian populations.大多数科学家曾猜想最早的美国人仅仅来自东亚人群。
&If you read about the origins of Native Americans, it will say East Asians somehow crossed the Bering Sea,& said study author and evolutionary biologist Eske Willerslev at Copenhagen University. &This is definitely not the case - it's more complex than that.&这篇研究的作者,哥本哈根大学的进化生物学家Eske Willerslev表示:“如果你阅读过关于美洲原住民起源的相关资料,它会告诉你东亚人曾以某种方式越过白令海。但事实并非如此-事实远比这复杂的多。
The new study, published online Wednesday in the journal Nature, represents the oldest genome of a modern human ever fully sequenceModern-day Native Americans share from 14 to 38 percent of their DNA with the Siberian hunter-gatherers who are not closely related to East Asians ---with the remainder coming from East Asian ancestors. Most scientists have thought that the first Americans came only from the East Asian populations. &If you read about the origins of Native Americans, it will say East Asians somehow crossed the Bering Sea,& said study author and evolutionary biologist Eske Willerslev atCopenhagen University. &This is definitely not the case - it's more complex than that.&星期三《自然》杂志在线发表的一项新研究向读者展示了到目前为止最古老序列最完整的一组现代人基因。现代印第安人和西伯利亚采猎者有14%至38%的基因相似度,后者与东亚人并没有密切渊源,余下相异的基因则来自他们的东亚祖先。大多数科学家所持观点是,最初到达美洲的全是东亚人。哥本哈根大学的Eske Willerslev,此片文章作者兼进化生物学家,说“你去读读追溯印第安人根源的资料,你就会看到上面写着‘东亚人不知以何种方式渡过了白令海峡’,其实绝对不止这么简单,事实要复杂得多。“
依照惯例不对其他朋友的作品作评,直到自己在这方面有所建树。周三,一篇刊登在《自然》杂志上的最新研究文章重现了最古老的现代人类基因组排列。(后半句没理解ever的意思,致使无法准确翻译。)现今的美洲原住民继承了他们的祖先——西伯利亚采猎人14%—38%的DNA,这一人种的祖先又是留在当地东亚人的后嗣,但他们与东亚人并非近亲。而大多数科学家却一直认为最早一批的美洲原住民全部都是来自东亚。 “要是你浏览过有关美洲原住民起源的资料,那些资料上会说东亚人通过某种方式横渡了白令海峡”,哥本哈根大学的研究作者、进化生物学家埃斯基o威勒斯莱夫说,“但这完全是扯淡,其实事情要复杂的多”
The new study, published online Wednesday in the journal Nature, represents the oldest genome of a modern human ever fully sequenced.周三,《自然》在线刊登了最新的研究成果,现代人体内最古老的基因组测序完成了。Modern-day Native Americans share from 14 to 38 percent of their DNA with the Siberian hunter-gatherers — who are not closely related to East Asians — with the remainder coming from East Asian ancestors. Most scientists have thought that the first Americans came only from the East Asian populations.当代美洲土著拥有14%到38%的西伯利亚采猎人的基因,其血统和东亚人以及祖先来自东亚的其他人关系并不紧密。大部分科学家却相信最早的美洲原始居民起源于东亚人群。 &If you read about the origins of Native Americans, it will say East Asians somehow crossed the Bering Sea,& said study author and evolutionary biologist Eske Willerslev at Copenhagen University. &This is definitely not the case - it's more complex than that.&“如果你读过有关美洲土著起源的书籍,那它会告诉你他们是以某种方式从白令海峡迁徙过来的东亚人,”这份研究报告的作者,来自哥本哈根大学的进化学家埃斯基o威勒斯莱夫说。“这绝不是真的,事实要复杂很多。”答题用时:[00:08]
The new study, published online Wednesday in the journal Nature, represents the oldest genome of a modern human ever fully sequenced.
Modern-day Native Americans share from 14 to 38 percent of their DNA with the Siberian hunter-gatherers - who are not closely related to East Asians - with the remainder coming from East Asian ancestors. Most scientists have thought that the first Americans came only from the East Asian populations.
&If you read about the origins of Native Americans, it will say East Asians somehow crossed the Bering Sea,& said study author and evolutionary biologist Eske Willerslev at Copenhagen University. &This is definitely not the case - it's more complex than that.&
Eske Willerslev,研究员和进化生物学家,在Copenhagen大学说到:“如果你读过关于美洲印第安人的起源的故事,上面一定是说东亚人在一定程度上穿越了白令海。但是情况绝对不是这样的,真实情况比那更加复杂。
with the remainder coming from East Asian ancestors这句话理解错了。
The new study, published online Wednesday in the journal Nature, represents the oldest genome of a modern human ever fully sequenced.Modern-day Native Americans share from 14 to 38 percent of their DNA with the Siberian hunter-gatherers - who are not closely related to East Asians - with the remainder coming from East Asian ancestors. Most scientists have thought that the first Americans came only from the East Asian populations. &If you read about the origins of Native Americans, it will say East Asians somehow crossed the Bering Sea,& said study author and evolutionary biologist Eske Willerslev at Copenhagen University. &This is definitely not the case - it's more complex than that.&
最新研究对现代人类以前完全按照顺序排好的最古老的基因组提出异议,这项研究发表于星期三的期刊《自然学》。当今的美洲印第安人和西伯利亚的采猎者共有14%到38%的DNA血统。这些西伯利亚采猎者与东亚人或东亚的祖先并没有什么关系。大部分的科学家曾经认为第一个美国人是来自东亚人口。“如果你看过美洲印第安人的起源,上面说东亚人穿过白令海峡”,来自哥本哈根大学的此项研究的作者和进化生物学家埃斯基.威勒斯莱夫讲道,”实际上事实并不是这样,真相要比那个复杂得多。“答题用时:[24:15]The new study, published online Wednesday in the journal Nature, represents the oldest genome of a modern human ever fully sequenced.Modern-day Native Americans share from 14 to 38 percent of their DNA with the Siberian hunter-gatherers - who are not closely related to East Asians - with the remainder coming from East Asian ancestors. Most scientists have thought that the first Americans came only from the East Asian populations.&If you read about the origins of Native Americans, it will say East Asians somehow crossed the Bering Sea,& said study author and evolutionary biologist Eske Willerslev at Copenhagen University. &This is definitely not the case - it's more complex than that.&
The new study, published online Wednesday in the journal Nature, represents the oldest genome of a modern human ever fully sequenced.
Modern-day Native Americans share from 14 to 38 percent of their DNA with the Siberian hunter-gatherers - who are not closely related to East Asians - with the remainder coming from East Asian ancestors. Most scientists have thought that the first Americans came only from the East Asian populations.
&If you read about the origins of Native Americans, it will say East Asians somehow crossed the Bering Sea,& said study author and evolutionary biologist Eske Willerslev at Copenhagen University. &This is definitely not the case - it's more complex than that.&
“如果你曾读过印第安人起源的资料,上面大多会记载着东亚人不知为何穿越了白令海峡。”据该项研究的作者和进化生物学者哥本哈根大学的埃斯基o威勒斯莱夫Eske Willerslev说,“这决非事实,实际情况要复杂得多。”
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& && &这么好的观点我怎么今天才看到,哎,都怪我不好好学习
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回复 姓偷名雷 的文章: 以下为引用 姓偷名雷 的文章:这娃这几天是不是把脑子热坏了。......
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回复 姓偷名雷 的文章:
以下为引用 姓偷名雷 的文章:这娃这几天是不是把脑子热坏了。......&&
陕西人具有白种人血统,所以喜欢玩英语?“血统”的英文是什么?那如果说Brad是...血统,是不是Brad is of ...blood_百度作业帮
“血统”的英文是什么?那如果说Brad是...血统,是不是Brad is of ...blood
提问者本意应该不是这个意思,比如:背叛是男人的血统,应该是本性/天性的意思.So I think the answer is:inbeing or nature.
, the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet x
时 态:,,,同:
, , , 反:
, , , become,get,grow,turn,go,come
arrive by movement or progressShe arrived home at 7 o'clockShe didn't get to Chicago until after midnight
, , The first success came three days laterIt came as a shockDawn comes early in Junereach or enter a state, relation, condition, use, or positionThe water came to a boilWe came to understand the true meaning of lifeTheir anger came to a boilI came to realize the true meaning of lifeThe shoes came untiedcome into contact with a terrorist to be the product or resultMelons come from a vineUnderstanding comes from experience
, be found or availableThese shoes
The furniture comes unassembledcome forthA scream came from the woman's mouthHis breath came hard
, be a native ofShe hails from Kalamazoo
, extend or reachThe water came up to my waistThe sleeves come to your knucklesexist or occur in a certain point in a seriesNext came the student from France be connected by a relationship of blood, for exampleShe was descended from an old Italian noble familyhe comes from humble origins
, , cover a certain distanceShe came a long waycome under, be classified or includedfall into a categoryThis comes under a new heading
, happen as a resultNothing good will come of thisadd up in number or quantityThe bills amounted to $2,000The bill came to $2,000
, , , , develop intoThis idea will never amount to anythingnothing came of his grandiose plans
, , be receivedNews came in of the massacre in Rwanda
, come to one' suggest itselfIt occurred to me that we should hire another secretaryA great idea then came to her
, proceed or get alongHow is she doing in her new job?How are you making out in graduate school?He's come a long way
, , , , experience orgasmshe could not come because she was too upsethave a certain priorityMy family comes first名词解释:the thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital tract
时 态:,,同:
形容词解释:not allowed to continue to bat or runhe was tagged out at second on a close playhe fanned out
being out or having grown coldthrew his extinct cigarette into the streamthe fire is out
, a picnic is out because of the weather especially having been unsuccessful in an electionnow the Democrats are outexcluded from use or mentionforbidden fruitin our house dancing and playing cards were outa taboo subject
, , , , , , directed outward or serving to direct something outwardthe out doorwaythe out basketno longer fashionablethat style is out these daysoutside or externalthe out surface of a ship's hullouter or outlyingthe out islandsknocked unconscious by a heavy blow
, , , , 动词解释:to state openly and publicly one's homosexualityThis actor outed last year
, , reveal (something) about somebody's identity or lifestyleThe gay actor was outed last weekSomeone outed a CIA agentThe truth will out
, 名词解释:(baseball) a failure by a batter or runner to reach a base safely in baseballyou only get 3 outs per inning x
时 态:,,名 词:形容词:副 词:同:
, , , battle,war,campaign,struggle,warfare,fight,combat,engagementfight against or resist stronglyThe senator said he would oppose the billDon't fight it!
, , , , She struggled for years to survive without welfareHe fought for breath
, exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a cer be an advocate forThe liberal party pushed for reformsShe is crusading for women's rightsThe Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate
, , , , , 名词解释: any contest or strugglea fight broke out at the hockey gamethere was fighting in the streetsthe unhappy couple got into a terrible scrap
, , , an intense verbal disputea violent fight over the bill is expected in the Senatethe fight was on television last nighta hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a warGrant won a decisive victory in the battle of Chickamaugahe lost his romantic ideas about war when he got into a real engagement
, , , an aggressive willingness to competethe team was full of fight
比较级:,时 态:,,名 词:形容词:副 词:同:
, , , 反:
, dark,dim,black,gloomy,obscure,vague,greyof or belonging to a racial group having dark skin especially of sub-Saharan African origina great people--a black people--...injected new meaning and dignity into the veins of civilization
black looksblack wordsstemming from evil chara wicked or dishonorableblack deedsa black liehis black heart has concocted yet another black deedDarth Vader of the dark sidea dark purposedark undercurrents of ethnic hostilitythe scheme of some sinister intelligenc
, , offering little or no hopethe future looked blackprospects were bleakLife in the Aran Islands has always been bleak and difficulttook a dim view of things
, , (of events) having extremely unfortunate
bringing ruinthe stock market crashed on Black Fridaya calamitous defeatthe battle was a disastrous end to a disastrous campaignsuch doctrines, if true, would be absolutely fatal to my theoryit is fatal to en
, , , , (of the face) made black especially as with suffused blooda face black with fury
, extremely darka black moonless nightthrough the pitch-black woodsit was pitch-dark in the cellar
, , harshly ironic or sinisterblack humora grim jokegrim laughterfun ranging from slapstick clowning ... to savage mordant wit
, , (of intelligence operations) deliberately misleadingblack propagandadistributed or sold illicitlythe black economy pays no taxes
, , , , (used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shameMan...has written one of his blackest records as a destroyer on the oceanic islandsan ignominious retreatinglorious defeatan opprobrious monument to human greeda shameful display of cowardice
, , , , , (of coffee) without cream or sugardressed in blacka black knightblack friarssoiled with dirt or sootwith feet black from playing outdoorshis shirt was black within an hour
, 动词解释:make or become blackThe smoke blackened the ceilingThe ceiling blackened
, 名词解释:the quality or state of the achromatic color of least lightness (bearing the least resemblance to white)
, total absence of lightthey fumbled around in total darknessin the black of night
, popular child actress of the 1930's (born in 1928)
, , a person with dark skin who comes from Africa (or whose ancestors came from Africa)
, , , , (board games) the darker pieces
black clothing (worn as a sign of mourning)the widow wore black x
比较级:,名 词:副 词:同:
, , , used to signify the Union forces in the American Civil War (who wore blue uniforms)a ragged blue linelonely and blue in a strange citydepressed by the loss of his joba dispirited and resigned expression on her facedowncast after his defeatfeeling discouraged and downhearted
, , , , , , , , characterized by profanity or cursingfoul-mouthed and blasphemousblue languageprofane words
, , suggestive of sexual improprietya blue movieblue jokeshe skips asterisks and gives you the gamy detailsa juicy scandala naughty winknaughty wordsracy anecdotesa risque storyspicy gossip
, , , , , , , belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracyan aristocratic familyaristocratic Bostoniansaristocratic governmenta blue familyblue bloodthe blue-blooded aristocracyof gentle bloodpatrician landholders of the American Southaristocratic b
, , , , , morally rigorous and strictblue lawsthe puritan work ethicpuritanic distaste for alcoholshe was anything but puritanical in her behavior
, , , causing dejectiona blue daythe dark days of the wara week of rainy depressing weathera disconsolate winter landscapethe first dismal dispiriting days of Novembera dark gloomy daygrim rainy weather
, , , , , , , , , , , , 动词解释:turn blue名词解释:b resembling the color of the clear sky in the daytimehe had eyes of bright blue
, blue clothingshe was wearing bluethe Union army was a vast bluethe sky as viewed during daylighthe shot an arrow into the blue
, , , used to whiten laundry or hair or give it a bluish tinge
, , the sodium salt of amobarbital that is u used as a sedative and a hypnotic
, , , , any of numerous small butterflies of the family Lycaenidae x


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