Now I am all right , pretend to all good mr right是什么意思思

David: Yes, I'd like to make a collect call, please. David Marks. Dad, David. Huh? How am I gonna do that? I got on the tuxedo. Can't we just call a plumber? Yeah right, why would we do that? That doesn't make any sense. Why would you send a plumber to do a plumber's job, huh? (car door opens) (groans) What are you looking at, huh?    (knocks)    Katie: Hi.    David: Oh. Hi. Um...I've forgotten why I'm here.    Katie: I was gonna make some coffee.    David: Excuse me?    Katie: Do you want coffee? I was gonna make some.    David: No thank you.    Katie: Am I keeping you from something?    David: Yeah. But it's something I'm dreading. Hey, do you have some kind of... I don't know, something I could put under here?    Katie: Uh, yeah. Here.    David: So how long ago did you move in?    Katie: On Sunday.    David: Oh. From where?    Katie: Long Island.    David: Oh.    Katie: My mom's house. Are you done?    David: I think I should stop. You know? I mean...I'm not a plumber. I mean, as you might have guessed. And I can't get a plumber in here until Monday. So, uh...I guess what I've done is, uh...    Katie: Do you want help with that?    David: Yeah. Uh, anyway, so I guess what I did was come out here to tell you that you have a leak and, uh, that you should get it fixed. (chuckles) You smell good.    Katie: You're gonna be late.    David: So? I'm always late.    Katie: You could always blame me.    (dinner party chatter)    David: Hi, David Marks.    Man: Sir, right this way.    David: Oh God.    Sanford Marks: Oh look, there. Here, take this.    Sanford’s friend: Go easy on him.    David: Okay, I don't have to tell you...just ignore him and I apologize for anything he says between now and the time we leave.    Sanford Marks: Late. Always late. Anybody who didn't know you would think you were a busy man. Oh, I see you brought a friend.    Katie: Katie.    Sanford Marks: Your full name, dear, always.    Katie: Oh, Katherine McCarthy.    Sanford Marks: Well, what a lovely young woman you are. You've even managed to make my vagabond son look handsome.    Katie: He is handsome.    Sanford Marks: David, I need you to meet the next senator from New York. And I didn't invite you here to help you get laid. Ambassador Moynihan.    Ambassador Moynihan: Sanford, congratulations.    Sanford Marks: Thank you. Welcome back.    Ambassador Moynihan: Thank you.    Sanford Marks: Liz. Always more gracious. Ambassador, you remember my eldest son David?    Ambassador Moynihan: David the heir apparent. Of course, how are you?    David: Fine, thank you.    Sanford Marks: Oh, and this is...    Katie: Katherine McCarthy.    Ambassador Moynihan: Miss McCarthy. My wife Elizabeth.    Daniel: Ambassador.    Ambassador Moynihan: Ah, the man himself. Thank you.    Daniel: Here you go, Dad.    Sanford Marks: Thanks, Daniel.    David: Hey, shouldn't you be wearing white gloves?    Daniel: Screw you, David.    Katie: Is that Irish?    Ambassador Moynihan: Excuse me?    Katie: Moynihan, is that an Irish name?    Ambassador Moynihan: Gaelic. Originally Scottish-Gaelic. But my family...    (silverware clinks on glass)    Mayor: My friends, a man who's old enough to remember how 42nd Street used to be...Sanford Marks!    Sanford Marks: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. My father had a vision for Times Square and he passed it on to me. Where there are peep shows and massage parlors, I see Broadway theaters restored to their former glory. And where there are dilapidated hotels, I see gleaming office towers bustling with the important business of this city. It's my hope I can help breathe life back into this neighborhood that was so dear to my father, a man who placed great trust in me to carry on his legacy. To Howard Marks.
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  大卫:是的,我想打一个对方付费的电话,拜托。大卫#马克斯。爸爸,我是大卫。我该怎么办?我穿着燕尾服。我们不能调来一个管道工吗?为什么我们要做?但这没有任何意义。为什么你不能派一个管道工? (打开车门)(呻吟)你在看什么?      (敲门)    凯蒂:嗨。    大卫:哦。嗨。嗯...我忘了在这里的原因了。    凯蒂:我要去煮一些咖啡。
  凯蒂:你要咖啡吗?    大卫:是啊。但这是我害怕的一些东西。嘿,你有...    凯蒂:呵,是的。在这里。
  大卫:你多久以前搬来的?      凯蒂:周日。    大卫:哦。你是哪里人?    凯蒂:长岛。    大卫:哦。    凯蒂:这是我妈的房子。你做完了吗?
  大卫:我认为我应该停了。我的意思是... ...我不是水暖工。我的意思是,你可能已经猜到了。我直到星期才能找到一个水暖工。所以,嗯......我想我所能做到的就是,呃......     凯蒂:你想要帮忙吗?    大卫:是的。嗯,反正,所以我想我所能做的就是走出来,告诉你,你应该修好它。 (笑)。你很香。    凯蒂:你会迟到的。    大卫:又怎么样?我总是迟到。
  凯蒂:你总是怪我。    (晚宴上的唠叨声)    大卫:嗨,大卫#马克斯。    男子:先生,这边走。    大卫:哦,上帝。    桑福德#马克斯:哦,看,那里。    桑福德的朋友:不要对他太苛刻。
  大卫:好吧,我不必告诉你... ...别理他。    桑福德#马克斯:迟到了。总是迟到。不认识的人会以为你是一个大忙人。哦,我看到你带朋友来了。    凯蒂:我是凯蒂。    桑福德#马克斯:你的全名,亲爱的。    凯蒂:哦,凯瑟琳#麦卡锡。
  桑福德#马克斯:你是一个多么可爱的年轻人啊。你甚至设法让我的流浪者儿子看上去很英俊。     凯蒂:他是英俊啊。    桑福德#马克斯:大卫,我需要你见见未来的纽约州参议员。莫伊尼汉大使。    莫伊尼汉大使:桑福德,祝贺你。    桑福德#马克斯:谢谢你。欢迎回来。    莫伊尼汉大使:谢谢。    桑福德#马克斯:丽兹。大使,你还记得我的大儿子大卫吗?    莫伊尼汉大使:当然,你怎么样?    大卫:很好,谢谢你。    桑福德#马克斯:哦,这是... ...    凯蒂:凯瑟琳#麦卡锡。    莫伊尼汉大使:麦卡锡小姐。这是我妻子伊丽莎白。    丹尼尔:大使。
  桑福德#马克斯:谢谢,丹尼尔。    大卫:嘿,你不是该戴着白手套吗?    丹尼尔:去死吧,大卫。    凯蒂:是爱尔兰的吗?    莫伊尼汉大使:你说什么?    凯蒂:莫伊尼汉是一个爱尔兰人的名字吗?
  莫伊尼汉:盖尔人的。本来是苏格兰盖尔人的名字。但我的家人...      市长:我的朋友,一个人老得足以记得42街原来是...桑福德#马克斯!      桑福德#马克斯:谢谢你,市长先生。我的父亲对时代广场有一个设想,他把它交给了我。有脱衣舞表演,按摩院,我看到百老汇剧院恢复了昔日的辉煌。那里有破旧的酒店,我看到了闪闪发光的办公大楼,人行道上是熙熙攘攘的人流
  (camera whirring)    Katie: It's perfect.    (Katie laughing)    Sanford: She's certainly a very enthusiastic young woman. Where did you find her?    David: 53rd Street. She had a leaky faucet.    Sanford: Ah yes, the famous leaky faucet of 53rd Street. Aren't you sorry you gave up a promising career in real estate?    David: No.    Sanford: You're ignoring a very hard fact of life, David.    David: What's that?    Sanford: She's never gonna be one of us.    David: No, I know. Isn't that great?    Sanford Marks: Don't forget your racquet.    David: (mumbling) ...a million miles away. It's just like picking off another part of your forehead. I'll burn you. Just you. The rest of you, you're fine, but that part, forget it.    Katie: David? You're talking to yourself.    *****************************    (knife whirring)    (slurps)    Katie’s mother: David, I hope you brought an appetite!    Katie’s sister-in-law: The ham looks delicious, Mom.    Katie’s brother: squeeze one time and you get ketchup and mustard, I call it Kepustard.    (laughing)    Katie’s brother: Kepustard!    Sister-in-law’s mother: Katie, your brother's going to be a millionaire.    Katie’s mother: Pass that ham down.    Katie’s brother: David, what does your family usually do for the holidays?    Katie: We're going... ahem. We're going skiing.    Katie’s brother: Oh, skiing!    Katie: I'm gonna teach David how to ski.    Katie’s brother: I'd be scared too.    Sister-in-law’s mother: You look terrific.    Katie: Thank you.    Sister-in-law’s mother: Doesn't she look terrific?    Sister-in-law’s father: She's a beautiful girl.    (guests chatting)    Katie’s brother: The Marks family. Marks. Are you kidding? They own half of Times Square.    Katie’s mother: Can we please not talk about this now?    Sister-in-law’s father: Which half of Times Square? What are you talking about?    Katie’s brother: I'm just saying.    Katie’s sister-in-law: He's taking her to Paris. That's what she said.    Sister-in-law’s mother: Hey! Whatever happened to my trip to Paris?    (all laugh)    Katie’s brother: You'd be lucky to get a trip to Paris, New Jersey.    Katie: Mom's making coffee.    David: What?    Katie: Why are you hiding?    David: I'm not.    Katie: Is it awful?    David: Awful? Is it awful? No, it's not awful at all. It's just different, that's all. It's just very different. You know, everybody talks to each other and there's a ham with pineapples on it with little cherries in the middle.    Katie: Cherries, I like those cherries.    David: Yeah, I like them too. It's just really different. Will you marry me?    Katie: What?    David: Was that a yes?
  ******************************    Katie: Thank you.    Katie’s mother: This was nice.    Sanford: Yeah.    Katie: We just wanted to do it, to make it official.    Sanford: It''s $39.50 each. That includes a generous tip.    Katie’s Mother: Oh. (chuckles) I''m sorry. Yeah.    Katie: Thanks, Mom.    Katie’s Mother: You''re welcome, sweetheart.    David: Thank you.    Katie’s Mother: You''re welcome.    Sanford: So the guy''s not selling and his kids are starving. And he''s sitting on the world''s most valuable butcher shop. But my dad wouldn''t give up. He used to say "There''s always a way to convince a holdout." You know? I came around. Sooner or later everybody does.    (door opens)    Katie: Oh, David. Look who''s here.    Sanford: Oh, speak of the devil. Your grandfather didn''t come hat in hand to ask me to join the firm. It was understood. I understood it. Your brother understands it and you do too.    David: We''re happy here, okay?    Sanford: I''m subsidizing that.    David: Yeah, only until we get settled.    Sanford: Settled? You think she''s happy here?    David: Isn''t she?    Sanford: You think she had this dump in mind when she left Mineola? When she laid eyes on you? No, she had more in mind and she deserves better. She''s a beautiful woman. Just like your mother.    Katie: Thanks for visiting.    Sanford: Thank you, honey. I''d better get back to work. How do you think my son can afford to live like this?    Katie: What?
  (摄像头的呼呼声)    凯蒂:这真完美。    (凯蒂笑)    桑福德:她肯定是一个非常热情的年轻女子。你在哪里找到她的?    大卫:第53街。她的水龙头漏水了。    桑福德:是的,著名的第53街的水龙头漏水了。你放弃了房地产这份有前途的职业?    大卫:不。
  桑福德:你忽略了生活很辛苦的事实,大卫。    大卫:什么?    桑福德:她永远不会成为我们中的一员。    大卫:不。是不是很了不起?    桑福德:不要忘记你的球拍。    
  大卫:(喃喃自语)... ...一百万英里远。我会烧死你。就是你。    凯蒂:大卫?你在对自己说话。    *****************************    (刀的呼呼声)
  凯蒂的母亲:大卫,我希望你的胃口好!    凯蒂的嫂子:火腿看起来很好吃,妈妈。    凯蒂的哥哥... ...你挤一次,你就得到了番茄酱和芥末,我管它叫Kepustard。    (笑)    凯蒂的哥哥:Kepustard!    嫂子的妈妈:凯蒂,你哥哥要成为百万富翁了。    凯蒂的母亲:传一下火腿。
  凯蒂的哥哥:大卫,请问你的家人平时怎么度假?    凯蒂:我们要...啊哈。我们要去滑雪。    凯蒂的哥哥:哦,滑雪!    凯蒂:我要教大卫如何滑雪。    凯蒂的哥哥:我也会害怕的。    嫂子的妈妈:你看上去真棒。    凯蒂:谢谢。
  嫂子的父亲:她是一个美丽的女孩。    (客人们在聊天)    凯蒂的哥哥:马克斯家。马克斯。你在开玩笑吗?他们有时代广场的一半。     凯蒂的母亲:现在请不要谈及这个,好吗?    嫂子的父亲:时代广场的一半?你在说什么?    凯蒂的哥哥:我只是说说。    凯蒂的嫂子:他带她到巴黎。这是她说的。    嫂子的妈妈:嘿!    (众人笑)    凯蒂的哥哥:你会幸运地获得新泽西之旅。    凯蒂:妈妈在煮咖啡。    大卫:什么?    凯蒂:你为什么要藏起来?    大卫:我没有。    凯蒂:这很可怕吗?
  大卫:可怕吗?可怕吗?不,不可怕。只是有点不同,这一切。只是很大的不同。        凯蒂:樱桃,我喜欢那些樱桃。    大卫:是啊,我也喜欢。你愿意嫁给我吗?    凯蒂:什么?    大卫:你愿意,是吗?
  凯蒂:谢谢。    凯蒂的母亲:这很好。    桑福德:是啊。    凯蒂:我们只是想正式一点。    桑福德:每个人39.50美元。包括慷慨的小费。    凯蒂的母亲:哦。 (笑)对不起。是啊。
  凯蒂:谢谢您,妈妈。    凯蒂的母亲:不客气,亲爱的。    大卫:谢谢。    凯蒂的母亲:不客气。
  桑福德:他坐在世界最宝贵的肉铺里。但我爸不会放弃。他说:“总是有办法说服一个躲起来的人。”你知道吗?      (门打开)    凯蒂:噢,大卫。看看谁在这里。    桑福德:哦,说曹操,曹操到。你爷爷没有要我加入该公司。我理解。你哥哥理解,你也一样。    大卫:我们在这里很开心,好吗?    桑福德:我在补贴你。    大卫:是的,等到我们解决的时候。    桑福德:如何解决?你觉得她在这里快乐吗?
  大卫:她不快乐吗?    桑福德:当她看见你的时候?不,她多了个心眼。她是一个美丽的女人。就像你的母亲。    凯蒂:谢谢你来。    桑福德:谢谢你,亲爱的。 我最好回去工作了。我的儿子能住得起这样的房子,你怎么想?    凯蒂:什么?
  (keys jingle)    David: Ow.    Katie: My eyes are closed.    David: Close your eyes.    Katie: My eyes are closed.    David: I swear to God, if I'm going to be a captain of industry, we might as well enjoy the perks. You're looking.    Katie: No I'm not.    David: Okay. Do you want to count it down?    Katie: You do it.    David: Five...    Katie: Mm-hmm.    David: ...four, three, two, one. Open them.    Katie: Oh. Ohh. (laughs) Oh my gosh.    David: You like it up there or you want to come down?    Katie: I want to come down.    David: Come on down.    Katie: Hi. It's gonna be so beautiful here. Do you ever think about having kids? Come on. Don't you want a little David running around the house? Pulling at your toes in the morning? Smushing food in your hair? Are you saying no?    David: Can't we just talk more about the apartment and, you know, whether this is going to be a dining room or a living room? Or... you know? (lighter flicks)    Katie: Are you saying &not now& about kids or not ever?    David: Not ever. (groans)    Katie: there something wrong with you?    David: Yeah. There is something wrong with me.    *************************    David: (murmuring) Are you saying no? (murmuring continues)    Katie: David?    David: Yeah?    Katie: Are you okay?    Lawyer: David, did you ever have any kind of psychiatric treatment?    David: Well, after my mother died, I was sent to psychiatrists. A lot of them, actually. I didn't find them very helpful.    Lawyer: Was there anyone in your life with whom you did talk openly about your past?    ****************************    Deborah: David, you cocksucker! Get over here and give me a hug. How are you?    David: Look at her. I swear to God, I had no idea that people like her even existed. She's perfect.    David’s friend: (laughs) What do you mean by perfect?    David: I mean there's nothing that I do that she doesn't like.    David’s friend: She hasn't known you long enough.    Katie: It must be so exciting, having your first book published? You know, I was thinking of taking some classes. Maybe premed.    Deborah: How's,'s David doing working for his dad?    Katie: Oh, he doesn't say or he just says &Okay.&    Deborah: Well, that's him. It's when he lost his mother.    Katie: When did she pass away?    Deborah: Pass away? She jumped off the roof, cracked her skull open like a walnut on the driveway. David saw the whole thing. He hid under a table for a week. When he came out, it was... it was like he never had one.    Katie: One what?    Deborah: A mother. And... and that was it. Excuse me, Katie. Smile.    **************************    Deborah: She's very sweet.    David: Unbelievable.    Deborah: What?    David: You're the only person I know that can say &sweet& like you're cursing.    Deborah: I did... sweet is a great thing. I wish I was sweet.    David: Yeah, I wish you were sweet too.    Deborah: Mm-hmm.    David: What'd you say to her?    Deborah: Nothing. I didn't say anything to her. We were just talking. I just met her.    David: Nothing? Mm-hmm.    Deborah: Anyway. I've missed you. Quit it! I'm being sweet. I've missed you.    David: I've missed you too.    Deborah: You surprised me a little. You're married to a nice blonde shiksa? (laughing) Well, I wouldn't put it like that. You're working're working for your dad, David? Which you said you'd never do. When's the baby shower?    David: Come on. You know, it's still me.    Deborah: Does that girl know how fucked up you are? No, we're gonna...we're gonna straighten you out, David. We are. I know a great therapist and you're gonna love her because...because she doeshouse calls.
  (钥匙的声音)    大卫:噢。      凯蒂:我的眼睛被闭上了。    大卫:闭上你的眼睛。    凯蒂:我的眼睛闭上了。
  大卫:你正在寻找。      凯蒂:不,我没有。    大卫:好。你要倒数吗?    凯蒂:你数吧。    大卫:五...    大卫:...四,三,二,一。打开它们。    凯蒂:哦。(笑)噢,我的天哪。    大卫:你喜欢吗?    凯蒂:我要下来。    大卫:下来吧。
  凯蒂:嗨。这里是如此美丽。你想过有孩子吗?来吧。难道你不想要一个小大卫吗?在早上拉动你的脚趾? 你要说不吗?    大卫:我们不能只是说说公寓吗?你知道,这是否将会成为一个饭厅或客厅?或者... ...你知道吗?    凯蒂:你说“不是现在”要孩子还是不要孩子?    大卫:不要。 (呻吟)    凯蒂:大卫... ...你有什么问题吗?    大卫:是啊。也有我是有一些问题。    *************************
  大卫:(喃喃自语)你在说“不”? (喃喃自语继续)      凯蒂:大卫?    大卫:什么?    凯蒂:你还好吗?    律师:大卫,你有没有想过任何精神病治疗?    大卫:好吧,我母亲去世后,我被送到精神科医生那里去。实际上,他们中有很多人。我没发现他们非常有帮助。    律师:有人与你公开地谈谈你的过去吗?    ****************************
  德博拉:大卫!给我一个拥抱。你怎么样?     大卫:看看她。我向上帝发誓,她是完美的。     大卫的朋友:(笑)你的意思是完美?       大卫:我的意思是,她喜欢我的任何事。     大卫的朋友:她了解你的时间不够长。     凯蒂:你的第一本书要出版了吗?你知道,我是想拿一些。     德博拉:怎样,呃...大卫为他的父亲工作得怎么样?     凯蒂:噢,他没有说,他只是说:“好的。”     狄波拉:好的,就是他。这就像... ...像他母亲离世的时候一样。     凯蒂:当她离世的时候?
  德博拉:她跳下屋顶,摔碎了她的头骨,就像打开了一个核桃。大卫看到了整件事。他躲在桌子下面一个星期。当他出来的时候,... ...就像他从未有过。    凯蒂:什么?     德博拉:母亲一样。而且... ,就是这样。对不起,凯蒂。微笑。     **************************
  德博拉:她很甜蜜。    大卫:令人难以置信。    德博拉:什么?      大卫:你是我知道的唯一一个说“甜蜜”就像在骂人的人。    德博拉:我没有......甜蜜是一件伟大的事。我想我很甜。    大卫:是啊,我想你也很甜蜜。    大卫:你对她说了什么?    德博拉:没有。我什么也没有说给她听。我们只是谈话。我刚刚认识她。    大卫:没有?     德博拉:反正。我想念你。戒烟吧!我想念你。    大卫:我也想念你。    德博拉:你让我感到有点惊讶。你和一个漂亮的非犹太姑娘结婚? (笑),你的工作... ...为了你的父亲?你说你永远不会这么做的。婴儿送礼会是什么时候?    大卫:算了吧。你知道,我还是我。
  德博拉:那个女孩是否知道你精神不正常吗?不,我们要......我们要去纠正你,大卫。我认识一个伟大的治疗师,你会爱上她的,因为... ...因为她上门诊治。
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  Lawyer: How did you and Katie feel about your new life in the city?    David: Well, New York commercial real estate is very, you know, it's button-down and white-shoe, and I really wasn't set up for that. But Katie seemed to like the city and she'd fixed up the apartment and... and eventually we even ended up buying a weekend place on a lake in Westchester.    (classic rock playing)    Katie’s sister-in-law: Am I overdressed?    Katie’s brother: You look beautiful. Oh! This place must have cost a pretty penny.    Katie’s sister-in-law: Do you think all of these people drove up from the city?    Katie’s brother: Hey, we're looking for Katie.    Katie: Oh, my brother's here. Come on.    Katie’s brother: Katie.    Katie: Hi.    Barry: Oh my God, disco people. Honey, babe...    (laughter)    Katie’s brother: You know, I really think it's quite unique. Of course I'd love to pick your brain about the business plan.    Deborah: Get up. Dance with me.    Barry’s wife: Thank you for inviting us. It's nice to finally meet the neighbors.    Katie: Can I touch your belly?    Barry’s wife: Sure.    Katie: It's moving.    Barry’s wife: She's moving.    Katie: How do you know?    Barry’s wife: I just do. Before we walked over, Barry tried on every shirt he owns. (Katie chuckles) We don't get out much.    Katie: Most of these people are David's friends. I don't even think he knows half of them.    Barry’s wife: Oh, I thought they were your friends.    Katie: Some of them.    Barry’s wife: I guess it's just the way people act around you. They sort of favor you.    Katie: Maybe because I'm pregnant.    Barry’s wife: Are you?!    Katie: You're the first person I've told.    Barry’s wife: That's wonderful! How far along are you?    Katie: I just found out. Um, I don't know how it happened. It wasn't planned.    ***************************    David: That's not what I said.    Katie: You said that you couldn't, that it wasn't possible.    David: That's not what I said.    Katie: That there was something wrong with you.    David: I didn't say that.    Katie: Yes you did.    David: What's the difference?    Katie: All the difference in the world.    David: Look, um, we've got an apartment in Manhattan. We got a house in the country. We got a Mercedes.    Katie: I don't care about all of that.    David: You don't care...    Katie: I care about you, David. I want to have your child. David!    David: Okay, if you don't care, we'll just go back to Vermont.    Katie: Fine, we'll go back to Vermont, fine. We'll do whatever you want to do. Please, David. (sighs) It won't be like when you grew up.    David: What do you know about it?    Katie: I'm not blind.    (David smashes things)    (exhales)    Katie: David? Look at me.    David: You make me out to be this person that you...think that I am. But I'm not that person. You can ask me anything you want. Anything, anything. (sighs) Anything and I'll do it. Just don't ask me this. I can't do this.
  律师:你和凯蒂觉得你们在新的城市生活怎么样?    大卫:好吧,纽约商业地产是非常,你知道,是守旧的。但凯蒂似乎喜欢这座城市和...    (经典摇滚演奏)    凯蒂的嫂子:我..我要穿盛装?    凯蒂的哥哥:你看上去很美。哦!    凯蒂的嫂子:你认为所有这些人都是从城里开车来的?    凯蒂的哥哥:嘿,我们正在找凯蒂。    凯蒂:噢,我哥哥在这里。来吧。    凯蒂的哥哥:凯蒂。    凯蒂:嗨。    巴里:天哪,迪斯科舞厅的人。亲爱的... ...    (大笑)
  凯蒂的哥哥:你知道,我真的认为它相当独特。    德博拉:起来。与我跳舞。    巴里的妻子:谢谢你邀请我们。真的很高兴终于见到邻居了。    凯蒂:我能摸一下你的肚子吗?    巴里的妻子:当然可以。    凯蒂:它在移动。
  巴里的妻子:她在移动。    凯蒂:你怎么知道?    巴里的妻子:(凯蒂笑)我们不要说得太多。    凯蒂:这些人大多是大卫的朋友。我甚至不认识其中的一半人。    巴里的妻子:哦,我还以为他们是你的朋友呢。    凯蒂:其中的一部分。    巴里的妻子:我猜这只是你周围的人们的行为。    凯蒂:也许是因为我怀孕了。
  巴里的妻子:是吗?!    凯蒂:你是第一个我告诉的人。    巴里的妻子:那太好了!有多久了?    凯蒂:我刚刚发现的。嗯,我不知道怎么回事。    ***************************    大卫:那不是我说的。    凯蒂:你说这是不可能的。
  大卫:那不是我说的。    凯蒂:你有问题。    大卫:我没有这样说。    凯蒂:是的,你说了。    大卫:有什么区别?    凯蒂:很大的区别。    大卫:你看,嗯,我们有了曼哈顿的公寓。我们在乡下有了一所房子。我们有一辆奔驰。    凯蒂:我并不关心这一切。    大卫:你不关心... ...    凯蒂:我关心你,大卫。我想有你的孩子。大卫!    大卫:好了,如果你不关心,我们就回佛蒙特州去。    凯蒂:好的,我们回佛蒙特州去。我们会做任何你想做的事。拜托,大卫。 (叹气),它不会像你那样长大的。    大卫:你怎么知道的?    凯蒂:我不是瞎子。
  (大卫摔破东西)    (呼气)    凯蒂:大卫?看着我。    大卫:我不是那个人。你可以向我要求任何你想要的事。任何事,任何事。 (叹气)任何事,我都会做到的。只是不要问我要求这个。我不能这样做。  
  (cheering, applause)    (party chatter)    Girl: Harriet, just say it. You can enjoy smoking, all right?...    Woman: ...No, 'cause you called me.    Katie’s brother: My little sister's going to go to medical school. Can you believe this?    Friend: Congratulations, David. You must be so proud.    Katie’s mother: Where is the campus?    Katie: It's in the Bronx. It's in the city. And it has one of the best pediatric programs in the country.    Katie’s mother: Jim, I always thought you would become the doctor.    Katie’s brother: Thank you, Ma. That's nice. I feel much better about my life. (laughs)    Katie’s mother: I'm kidding.    Katie: That's real nice, Mom.    Katie’s mother: It's all right, Jim.    David: Um, I can't find your jacket. Do you know where you put it?    Katie’s mother: Oh, you're not leaving?    Katie: No.    David: Yes. I gotta drive...    Katie’s brother: Sit down, David. Come on, what are you drinking?    David: I gotta drive all the way back to the city. So, Katie?    Katie: Uh...what? I...I...I'm not going anywhere. Jim, Jim, sit down.    David: I'm just... I'll go start the car.    Katie: Do whatever you want. I'm not... I'm not leaving yet. (scoffs) What? What is so important that we have to rush home for? What, David?    David: (groans) I'll be waiting in the car. (mutters) "What's so important that we have to rush home for?"    (engine starts)    (engine shuts off)    (chatting)    (screams)    (glass breaks)    (door slams)    David: Where are you going? Where you going to go? Where you going to live? 'Cause if you leave me, I'm not going to be able to subsidize your lifestyle. Which I don't think that you want. I don't want that. Look, can we just... think about this for a second?    Katie: I've never been closer to anyone and I don't know you at all. (scoffs)    ***************************
  (欢呼声,掌声)    (聚会的喋喋不休声)    女孩:你可以享受吸烟,好吗?...    女孩:... ...没有,因为你给我打电话。    凯蒂的哥哥:我妹妹去学医。你能相信吗?    朋友:恭喜你,大卫。你肯定非常自豪。    凯蒂的母亲:校园在哪里?    凯蒂:在布朗克斯。它有全国最好的儿科课。    凯蒂的母亲:吉姆,我一直以为你会成为一个医生。    凯蒂的哥哥:谢谢您,妈妈。这很好。我感觉好多了。 (笑)    凯蒂的母亲:我在开玩笑。    凯蒂:这真是漂亮,妈妈。    凯蒂的母亲:好吧,吉姆。    大卫:嗯,我无法找到你的外套。你知道你把它放在哪里了吗?    凯蒂的母亲:哦,你要走吗?    凯蒂:不。    大卫:是的。我得开车... ...    凯蒂的哥哥:坐下,大卫。来吧,你喝的是什么?    大卫:我得开车回城。凯蒂?    凯蒂:嗯... ...什么?我... ...我... ...我不要去任何地方。吉姆,吉姆,你坐下。    大卫:我要去启动汽车。    凯蒂:做你想做的吧。我不要... ...我不要离开。 (嘲笑地)什么?是什么如此重要,我们要赶回家?什么,大卫?    大卫:(呻吟)我在车里等。 (喃喃自语)“是什么如此重要,我们要赶回家?”    (启动发动机)    (关闭发动机)    (聊天声)    (尖叫声)    (摔大门声)
  大卫:你要去哪儿?你要去哪儿?你到哪里去住? 因为,如果你要离开我,我不能补贴你的生活了。我认为你不想要这样。你看,我们能不能... ...想一想呢?    凯蒂:我一点都不了解你。 (嘲笑地)    ***************************    凯蒂:我知道这是多少。    劳伦:你究竟在看什么?吃你的沙拉。    凯蒂:我只需要足够的钱去上学。
  Katie: Maybe I should go stay at my mom's until I sort things out.    Lauren: You're joking, right? Why would you give up everything you've done just because of him? And you're not leaving New York to move back to...Long Island... yuck.    Waitress: Ma'am, I'm sorry. Your card was declined.    Katie: What? I... Try it again.    Waitress: Well, I already did.    Katie: Um...I don't understand. Um...    Waitress: Do you have another card, or cash? It's only $22.75.    Katie: I know how much it is.    Lauren: Here. What the hell are you looking at? Eat your salad.    Katie: I just need enough money to get through school.    Consultant: Look, I'm trying to explain. Your husband is the beneficiary of a number of family trusts, most of which were set up a long time ago.    Katie: I know that.    Consultant: That means that as long as you're married, you can have access to his money, but if you separate, if you divorce him, you won't get any money, because he doesn't have any. Not of his own.    Lauren: Motherfuckers.    Consultant: Regardless, families like the Marks set their assets up this way to protect them from divorces.    Lauren: Motherfuckers!    Consultant: Okay, could you just not...just not do that? These people play hardball. If you want a settlement, you're gonna have to think of a way to motivate them.    (thunder rumbling)    (rubbing chopsticks)    David: How was your day?    Katie: Good.    (rubbing continues)    Katie: I... had lunch with Lauren today.    (rubbing stops)    David: What else did you do today?    (crashes)    Kel: What the hell is that?    (knocking)    Kel’s husband: Someone's on the terrace.    Kel: Call the police.    Kel’s husband: Oh God. Jesus, Jesus.    (Katie panting)    Kel’s husband: What happened? What the hell happened? Kel, call the police.    Katie: No no. No! No no no. No no no...    Kel’s husband: Shh-shh, okay. David. Katie's next door with us. She's scared to come home.    David: Mm-hmm. Well, we had a fight. But it's nothing, you know? It's nothing. I mean, it's not nothing, but you can tell her to come home. It's over. Will you tell her to come home, please?    Kel’s husband: Actually I think she should stay with us tonight. Just let things cool off between you.    Katie: Thank you.    David: Good night. Thank you.
  凯蒂:也许我应该留在我妈妈那里,直到我解决问题。     劳伦:你是在开玩笑,对不对?为什么你会放弃你的一切,只是因为他?你不要离开纽约,搬回长岛...呸。    服务员:夫人,我很抱歉。您的信用卡被拒绝了。    凯蒂:什么?我... ...再试一下。    服务员:嗯,我已经试过了。    凯蒂:嗯...我不明白。嗯...    服务员:你有另一张卡,或是现金吗?这只是22.75美元。
  顾问:看,我在试图解释。你丈夫是大部分家族信托基金的受益人,其中大部分是在很久以前成立的。    凯蒂:我知道。    顾问:这意味着,只要你结婚,你可以拿到他的钱,但如果你们分居,如果你和他离婚,你不会得到任何钱,因为他自己没有任何钱。    劳伦:混蛋。    顾问:像马克斯这样的家庭用这种方式来保护他们的资产。    劳伦:混蛋!    顾问:这些人玩强硬的。如果你想解决,你要想一个办法。    (雷声隆隆)    (搓筷子)    大卫:你的一天怎么样?    凯蒂:很好。    (持续搓)    凯蒂:我... ...今天与劳伦一起吃了午餐。    (停止搓)    大卫:你今天还做了什么?    凯尔:到底是什么?    (敲门声)    凯尔的丈夫:有人在阳台上。    凯尔:打电话叫警察。    凯尔的丈夫:哦,上帝??。耶稣,耶稣。    (凯蒂气喘吁吁)    凯尔的丈夫:发生了什么事?你到底发生了什么事?凯尔,打电话报警。    凯蒂:不,不。不!    凯尔的丈夫:没关系。大卫。凯蒂在我们家。她害怕回家。    大卫:好了,我们吵了一架。但没什么。我的意思是,这不是什么新鲜事了,但你可以让她回家。你告诉她回家,好吗?    凯尔的丈夫:其实我觉得今晚她应该和我们在一起。让你们之间的事情冷却一下。    凯蒂:谢谢。    大卫:晚安。谢谢。
  District attorney: Thank you for coming on such short notice. Due to new evidence and a close look at the case, I've decided to reopen the investigation into the disappearance of Katherine Marks. Katherine disappeared in 1982, almost 20 years ago and she remains a missing person to this day. Now there are plenty of people who thought they got away with crimes that we're now finding can be solved based on DNA and other forensic evidence. And I'm sure that puts a lot of people on edge right now. I'll take your questions.    (reporters clamoring)    Lawyer: Well, what did you believe was going on?    David: Well, it was clear to me that the district attorney was reopening the investigation to further her political career. There wasn't anybody who didn't know about it. You couldn't walk down the street, you couldn't walk past the newspaper stand. It was just, you know, everywhere.    Lawyer: What did you do then?    David: I...intended to fill up my car with clothing and linen and go somewhere and hide and disguise myself. It seemed to me that the problem was being David I just wanted not to be David Marks anymore.    (Latin rap music playing)    (door opens)    Malvern: Hey! Do you mind? Can you just hold it down a little bit? You know, it's just very abrasive on my ears. And you don't have to let the door slam like that. You know, I just need a little consideration. What?    Lawyer: So now you're living in Galveston, Texas, and you meet Malvern Bump for the first time. Did you pretend to be mute?    David: Uh, yeah.    Malvern: Yeah well, just be sure and turn the hall light off when you're coming and leaving, 'cause it's on my meter.    Lawyer: Do you think Malvern believed you were a mute?    David: I doubt it.    Lawyer: Do you think he believed you were a woman?    David: Probably not.    Reporter: 18 years ago this lakeside cottage was a weekend retreat for New York real estate heir David Marks and his wife Katherine, a beautiful young medical student. Now according to Westchester County District Attorney Janice Rizzo, it is being considered a possible crime scene. Earlier today, in an exhaustive search, cadaver dogs uncovered a body. Unfortunately for hopeful investigators, it was just the remains of a dead dog. Sources inside the DA's office say that Rizzo's interest in the case was triggered by an unpublished manuscript written by this woman, Deborah Lehrman. Lehrman's novel apparently describes a murder, the details of which are strikingly similar...    (phone ringing)    Reporter: those surrounding the disappearance of Katie Marks in 1982. Investigators are also interested in talking to David Marks, but at the moment, no one seems to be able to find him.
  地区律师:由于有新证据,并且在密切关注的情况下,我决定重新调查凯瑟琳#马克斯失踪案。凯瑟琳于1982年消失,直到今天她仍然失踪。我们现在正在寻找可能的DNA和其他法医证据。我将回答大家的提问。    (记者的叫嚣声)    
  律师:那么,你认为是怎么回事?    大卫:没有不知道它的人。你不能走在大街上。    律师:你做了什么?    大卫:我... ...目的是隐藏和伪装自己。    (拉丁说唱音乐播放的声音)    
  (门打开)    马尔文:嘿!你介意吗?    律师:所以现在你住在得克萨斯州的加尔维斯顿,第一次遇到马尔文。你假装自己是哑巴吗?    大卫:嗯,是的。    马尔文:当你来和走的时候,打开或者熄灭大厅的灯。    律师:你认为马尔文觉得你是个哑巴吗?    大卫:我对此表示怀疑。    律师:你认为他相信你是一个女人吗?    大卫:可能不相信。
  记者:18年前,这个湖畔小屋属于纽约房地产继承人大卫#马克斯和妻子凯瑟琳,她是一个年轻漂亮的医学院学生。根据威彻斯特郡地区检察官Janice Rizzo所说,它被认为是一个可能的犯罪现场。今天早些时候,在一次详尽的搜索中,狗发现了一具尸体。对于调查来说不幸的是,只是一条死狗。 地区检察官办公室的消息人士说,Rizzo与本案有利害关系,是由德博拉#莱尔曼一篇未发表的手稿引起的。莱尔曼的小说显然描述了一宗谋杀案,其中的细节... ...
  (电话铃声)    记者:... ...围绕着凯蒂#马克斯在1982年的消失。但此刻,似乎没有人能找到他。    


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