come upalong 和 show up 的、区别

19页免费18页免费37页免费9页免费12页免费 8页免费34页2下载券27页2下载券208页2下载券17页1下载券
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你可能喜欢失恋了,i was dumpted by my lover ...    学英语当成情感寄托,i feel lonely very much .  将来哪一年中的哪一天,她回到我身边了,我才会结束这一帖.    before that day,我将每晚都来汇报我的学习情况,一般不出差的话.    我是司机,没多少文化,请大家多多指教.i will appreciate your help.    有的人爱搓麻将,有的人爱打扑克,有的人爱泡夜店,  有的人爱玩网游,有的人爱看电视,有的人爱学英语.    公元日
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  先问几个问题:    1,不知道为何,我下载的金山词霸,安装的时候会显示什么文件错误,然后就安装不下去了。有人知道问题出在哪里吗?我在官网下的,还有其他网站下的,两个不一样的版本,都显示安装文件出错。    2,哪儿有比较好的英语聊天室?我想找个国外的,那样学到的就是正规的英语了。要求人气够好(很多聊天室没几个人),界面够友好(像icq英语聊天室这样的聊天显示框太小了)。    3,你们觉得练习听力的话,侧重哪个渠道会更有效果些?英语新闻、美剧、教材磁带。    4,如何学习掌握更为多样灵活的句型表述方式?学习到的好的表达方式,很容易就忘掉。每当需要用的时候,就想不起来了,结果表达的很生硬,很不地道。    5,提高词汇量,用哪种方式更好呢。是死记硬背,每天规定几十个,然后又因为用不到而忘记掉大半。还是每天就学那么几个,能够用经常用到的,掌握好了先,可是又进度太慢了。你们的经验呢?    OK,今天先到这,明天再来请教具体的一些问题。比如学到的词汇,语法等问题。我是自学,就怕半途而废,还请大家给点督促。谢谢。    Good night !
提供SAP R/3 4.7 IDES演示与学习开发软件版本,需要的话,请联系我QQ
  公元日!!??  Uh-oh, time difference......  
  公元日!!??    Uh-oh, time difference......    =============================================    haha, no doubt that’s the reason why LZ was dumped
  作者:lhz1130_Mars 回复日期: 03:09:35 
    lover不是爱人的意思,是第三者的意思,我的外教说如果把爱人称作lover的话在国外容易引起歧义以为你是一位同性恋者。    (i think lover includes girlfriend and wife.i am not gay )    作者:soton_dolphin 回复日期: 05:56:45 
    dumped..    ( thank you for your correction about that )    作者:systeyandapplx01 回复日期: 12:15:00 
    值得思考     ( would you stop such an activity of the advertising promotion? )    作者:不爱江山恨美人 回复日期: 12:51:11 
    公元日!!??    Uh-oh, time difference......    ( ouch,i made a huge mistake of the date )    作者:soton_dolphin 回复日期: 12:55:01 
    公元日!!??      Uh-oh, time difference......        =============================================        haha, no doubt that’s the reason why LZ was dumped    ( no doubt that’s the result of that i was dumped.)    作者:aimee3731 回复日期: 18:05:20 
    你还在坚持吗?    (i am insisting on learning every day,however time will tell )    anything else ? i will be back before midnight .                 
  有些英文单词,还不认识的时候,先听发音就觉得很有意思,下面这三个对我来说,就是如此。    gorgeous
    今天稍晚时候,我再来汇报:F6第九集的学习笔记,还有新概念第一册的学习体会。    谢谢大家的鼓励和帮助。
  F6 s1 ep9 学习中。    every year we go skiing in Vail, and normally my father pays for my ticket    normally 通常
    对表现频率的副词,我还是掌握的不够好。    for instance:     always
一直  usually
经常  often
时常  sometimes
有时  frequently
时不时   occasionally 偶尔  rarely
很少  never
从不  seldom
几乎不    不知道上面的排序对不对?那么,normally 通常 可以放在插入上面的哪个位置呢?    下面先听写新概念第二册第一课,F6等会儿再看。
  last week i went to the theatre ,i had a very good seat ,the play was very interesting .but i didn’t enjoy it.  a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me ,they were talking loudly ,i got very angry.i could not hear the actors ,i turned round ,i looked at the man and the woman angrily.they didn’t pay any attention.  in the end ,i could not bear it.i turned round again. i can not hear a word.i said angrily.  it’s none of your bussiness.  the ythis is a private converstaion.
  F6 s1 ep9 学习中。    but I sort of started the whole independence thing, you know, which is     actually why I took this job    sort of 有几分地
这里可以用 kinda 代替吗?    如果这句话的意思,换我来说,就会很糟糕了。    but i begin to independ , so i took the job for this reason .    哈,是不是很chinglish ?      you come in here all time. I was just wondering, do you think there’s     a possibility that you could give me an advance on my tips?    all time 这里具体指什么?    that 后面的是 名词从句里的 同位语从句 吧 ,解释说明possibility的。am I     correct ?    give me an advance on sth . 这个能理解,但就是需要用到的时候,自个不会    用。怎么掌握呢?        Joey enters. His face looks abnormally colorful    colorful    a. 华美的, 富有色彩的, 有趣的      That’s so funny, ’cause I was thinking you look more like Joey     Tribbiani, man slash woman    slash  [sl&∫]  vt.  (用刀、剑)乱砍, 乱斩    挥(剑、鞭等); 猛打[拉, 挥]; 砍伤, 划破, 割伤    [美俚](大幅度)减薪, 降低(价格)    Do not slash your horse in that cruel way.   不要那么残忍地鞭打你的马。    The shop plans to slash fur prices after Christmas.   该店计划在圣诞节之后削减皮货的价格。        Do you know which one you’re gonna be    这里如何用 will be 是不是不够口语化?        I’m familiar with the concept    familiar    adj.  日常的; 常见的; 熟悉的, 精通的(with)    亲密的    无拘束的, 随便的    I’m not familiar with her .   我同她不太熟悉。    He is familiar to me.   我熟悉他这个人。    That person looks familiar.   这人看着眼熟。    His manner is too familiar.   他的态度太随便了。
  F6 s1 ep9 学习中。    Well, you know, you have to take a course. Otherwise, they don’t let     you do it.     take a course 修一门课    I’m going to take a course in electronic computers in England  我准备去英国学习电子计算机课程。  I’ve signed up to take a course at the local college.   我已经报名读本地的学院的一个课程。    otherwise    adv.  另外; 用不同的方法    在其他[别的]方面    要不然, 否则    Silently, otherwise go away.   静静地,要不然走开。        this will seem a little weird    这将好像有点奇怪。 换作我来说,只会用 it’s weird 。这样简单的表达了。        this is the moment my parents choose to tell me they’re getting     divorced.    my parents choose to tell me是moment的同位语从句  they’re getting divorced又是前面tell的宾语从句    对吗?这么复杂的句型结构,将来自己要能使用自如就好了。      Really? You don’t know what that means to me.    what that means to me是宾语从句吧。        You know, how laughter can be infectious    infectious    adj.  传染(性)的    感染性的; 易传播的    有坏影响的; 有损害的    an infectious disease   传染病  an infectious laugh   有感染力的笑声        I’m gonna get my stuff    stuff在我感觉里,是万能名词,似乎什么都可以涵盖。    n.  材料, 原料; 资料; 东西    本质, 要素; 素质    [美俚]毒品, 麻醉剂    [美俚]赃物, 走私货    [俚]新闻、文学、艺术、戏剧, 音乐或其他作品        I prefer to keep a safe distance from all this merriment.    这里的prefer to 可以用’d rather like 代替吗?    merriment    n.  欢乐; 欢笑(声)    喜庆活动; 联欢会    玩笑; 娱乐
  F6 s1 ep9 学习中。    It’s bad enough I can’t be with my family because of my disease.    because of 因为某种原因,后面接名词,或动名词。      Ok, I’m off to talk to my unborn child.     这里off是not any more的意思吧。unborn child 还未出世的孩子。        The most unbelievable thing has happened    换我来说,只会说:it’s unbelievable,it happened,        Ross is preparing to talk to her belly    口语表达真丰富。我只会用will talk 或者 is planning to talk ,is gonna     to talk      We’re waiting for you to open the door. You got the keys.    got可以用have代替吗?意义还是有点区别吧。got是“拿到了”的意思?      Do either of you have the keys?    either of   两者当中的任何一个    这个词从我初中毕业,就几乎没写过了。一直都是用anyone之类的来表达。    let’s face it    I swear you said you had the keys    Why would I have the keys?    Because everything is my responsibility?    The plane is gone
用has gone可以吗?口语表达是用is吗    Ooh, you guys have to make a wish.      好了,学完了第9集.
  I will come here to see you frequently.
  订几个阶段性目标,如果没有实现,到时候大家可以笑话我    2009年英语自学目标:    7月底:掌握常用的时态,语法。    8月底:掌握大多数聊天常用到的,出现频率较高的基本单词。    9月底:按照至少一天一课的进度,学完新概念英语第二册,每篇都能背下来。    10月底:按照一天一集的进度,学完F6的前四季。对常用的口语表达方式,能有个大概的认识。开始能够较为灵活的运用各种表达方式。    11月底:听力进一步得到提高的同时,口语能够进行日常的对话交流。如果没达到这一目标,到时候想看我笑话的,可以要求我进行语音聊天。虽然我还没麦克风,到时候我会去买一个。    12月底:不断纠正发音,能够稍微模仿美国音和英国音。同时,经过半年六个月180天的学习,以每天学习掌握10个左右新词的进度,到时能够增加2000个的词汇量。    2010年的计划,12月底再来制定。哈,立下军令状了,逼上梁山。假如到了年底,离目标差距还很远的话,我就挥刀自宫算了。    Good night!    
  想看LZ挥刀自宫。      开玩笑的,其实LZ问的几个问题,我也想知道,希望有高手来解答
  明天你的lover就回来了,怎么办?  哪天lover回来了。哪天你就不来这里了,可惜。
  作者:勇猛无比 回复日期: 02:50:53 
    想看LZ挥刀自宫。            开玩笑的,其实LZ问的几个问题,我也想知道,希望有高手来解答    ( no one answer those questions ,i feel upset )    作者:gunan1234 回复日期: 09:05:41 
    明天你的lover就回来了,怎么办?    哪天lover回来了。哪天你就不来这里了,可惜。    ( I hope tomorrow she will come back ,but it’s only a dream)      
  check in to see what you have learned today.
  Go on and you will succeed.
  作者:股市论谈陈圆圆 thank you for your encourage    F6 S1E10  学习中    There’s a somebody I’d like you to meet  he is precious    a somebody 一个某人?    precious    adj.  宝贵的, 贵重的    可爱的, 宝贝的    [俚]极大的; 漂亮的      I mean, it’s been kinda quiet since Carol left    it has been adj.现在完成时 + since sb did 一般过去时      I think you reach a certain age    certain    adj.  [只作表语]确凿的, 无疑的    可靠的    [只作表语, 后跟动词不定式或 of, that]一定的, 必然的, 有把握的, 确信的;     一定会来到或发生的    [只作定语]某, 某一(些); 相当的, 一定程度的; 一些, 有点儿, 某种    for a certain reason   为了某种理由    a person of certain age   一位不太年轻, 也不太老(约在40岁左右)的人  We are certain of success.   我们确信会成功。  He is certain to come.   他一定会来的。  I am certain that you’ll succeed.   我确信你会成功。  There is no certain cure for this disease.   这种病没有可靠的医疗药物。      You don’t have to face the horrible pressures of this holiday    horrible和terrible的区别?      for your information    供参考    Is it something that you would like to share with the entire group?    entire    n. 整个, 全部  a. 全体的, 完全的, 全部的    Gave us his entire attention.   他的全部注意力都集中在我们身上  Pain racked his entire body.   疼痛折磨着他的全身      Well, c’mon, if it’s important enough to discuss while I’m playing,     then I assume it’s important enough for everyone else to hear!    assume    vt. 假定, 承担, 呈现  vi. 装腔作势, 僭越  【法】 假定, 假设, 承担  vt.想当然地认为    We assume his guilt.   我们假定他是有罪的  You assume him innocent.   你认为他是清白的。      Okay, we’re gonna take a short break.    Ooh. Did I just share too much?    I just wanna be with him all the time. Day and night, and night and     day... and special occasions...     all the time 始终    day and night  (=night and day)    n.白天和夜晚  adv.日夜, 昼夜, 整天, 日日夜夜地    wait a minute 等一下      I couldn’t handle the pressure and I snapped.    handle the pressure 控制压力      and you’re not like doing it as a favour to me.    favour    n. 好感, 偏爱, 喜爱, 相信, 庇护, 赞同, 支持, 信赖, 善行, 恩惠, 徽章,     礼物  vt. 赞成, 帮助, 支持, 喜爱, 偏袒, 关切, 赐与, 给与, 有利于, 有助于, 像    , 体恤      David is explaining something to Phoebe with the aid of a whiteboard    aid    n. 帮助, 外援, 助手  vt. 援助, 帮助, 有助于  vi. 帮助    he hasn’t been around    We got the grant 补助金
  F6 S1E10    Phoebe knocks on the door    at 也一样吧?      Fake disappointed voice 假装失望的声音      I wanna stay here and make out with my girlfriend    make out  v.  书写, 填写, 拼凑, 进展, 说明, 设法应付, 理解, 辨认出    做,了解    How did you make out?   你做的怎么样?  I cannot make him out.   我不了解他。  To make out a cheque.   开发支票。      It’s your thing, and make the decision      Let me ask you something, if I showed up here with my new girlfriend,     she wouldn’t be welcome in your home?    show up  v.揭露, 露出, 露面    The page will show you up.   这位小听差会领您上去。  The witness failed to show up.   证人没有到场。  Did everyone show up for the party?   那次聚会大家都到了吗?  I estimate how many people will show up.   估计几人参加。      He was more embarrassed about that than anyone. Okay? And for him to     have the courage to walk back in here like nothing happened...    embarrassed  adj.  尴尬的;为难的    I was very embarrassed.   我觉得很窘。  He left kind of embarrassed.   他感到有些难堪。  He could not help feeling embarrassed.   他不禁感到很尬尴。    Y’know, when I saw you at the store last week, it was probably the     first time I ever mentally undressed an elf    elf  [elf]  n.  (pl. elves [elvz])    n.  小精灵、矮人、淘气鬼、恶作剧的人、恶人      I’m not saying he has to spend the whole evening with me, but at least     check in.    check in    登记, 报到  【法】 登记, 报到, 住宿    Check in time is 8:35.   8点35分起办理登机手续。  I want to check in.   我想办登机手续。  Where can I check in?   在哪儿办理登记手续?
  Just to see what you have learned today.
  upstairs:  I had gone out to buy something before i came back to my house .I bought a pack of coffee and now i am drinking it.    昨天放松了学习,没有学新概念。深刻检讨一下!    这么些年,学习英语,断断续续的,每次都坚持不了一个月。  把时间都浪费在玩网游,打桥牌,下军棋,去赌博这些上面了。哎,悔恨啊。    不过,这次我相信,我能坚持到成功的那一天。  这种坚定的信念,以前我从未有过,所以,我知道,这次我一定能成功。    
  F6 S1E11    what was I hoping would happen    主语从句?还是 what i was hoping 呢。      I just wish there was something we could do    Maybe nobody’s tried this    I mean, even sleeping, he looks smart. I bet he’s a lawyer      he’s the kinda guy who, when you’re talking, he’s listening    who 后面接的是 guy 的 定语从句 还是 状语从句 ?      Are there no conscious men in the city for you two?    conscious     a. 有意识的, 知觉的, 觉察的  【医】 有意识的, 清醒的    He is still conscious.   他还有知觉。  A conscious choice or decision.   选择有意识的选择或决定      I cannot get on a plane without one!    This is kind of embarrassing, but occasionally after I’ve been     intimate with a man    He visits me occasionally.   他偶尔来看我。    intimate    a. 亲密的, 私人的, 秘密的  vt. 暗示, 通知, 告诉  n. 至交  【法】 亲密的, 亲切的, 私人的    They are intimate friends.   他们是密友。  An intimate conversation in private.   交心私下的亲密谈话    THAT’S TOO MUCH INFORMATION  说的太多了      This is the way that I find out      I am a fabulous mom!    fabulous    a. 传说的, 寓言般的, 难以置信的  adj.  惊人的,极好的    We had a fabulous holiday.   我们过了一个非常愉快的假期。  That sounds like a fabulous idea.   这个主意听起来真不错。  I must go to taste your fabulous cooking.   我一定去尝一尝您精湛的烹调。      Gimme a hug
    I’ve read everything you’ve ever written      all I wanted to do was become a writer    主语从句 + 宾语从句 ?      Because I know how to write men that women fall in love with.    定语从句      She kisses him on the cheek 脸颊      I’ll just pee in the street    pee  [pi:]  vi.[口]撒尿, 解小便      Ross drags Joey into the hall and slams the door    No big deal      apparently, somebody overslept.    I never used to oversleep.   我从来不睡过头的。  Leonald oversleep because of having a slight cold.   连雷德有点感冒,所以睡过了头。      how could you let this happen?    I think we’re getting into a weird area here...     Well,sounds like you two have issues
  &I’ll just pee in the street&    Do you really?
  F6 S1E11    I don’t know if you noticed, but he had a lot to drink      knowledge is a tricky thing    tricky  [’triki]  adj.  狡猾的; 机智的; 不易处理的, 需要技巧的    computationally, this is a tricky problem.   据估计,这是一个棘手的问题。  She show great tact in dealing with a tricky situation.   她处理棘手的局面表现得十分老练。      I’m still mad at 生气 you for not telling me.    What are you mad at me for?!    I cannot believe we’re having this conversation    I’d like to start with a song that’s about a man that I recently met    well, if she always behaves like this, why don’t you say something?    I got you the foot massager massager 按摩师    So. I guess I’ll see you around. 改天见 see sb around      This is so typical    typical    adj.  典型的, 模范的, 成为标本的    A typical suburban community.   一个典型的郊区社会  Oh, that ’s typical!   哼,老是这样!  Britain provides a typical example.
  英国是个典型的例子。      No, just knowing you’re gonna be there is enough.    动名词当主语从句      I promise it will never happen again    the forbidden love of a man and his door      That makes more sense    make sense    有意义  有道理,讲的通    It doesn’t make sense.   这没有意义。  Do that seem to make sense?   这讲得通吗?  Do you think it make sense?   你看这行得通吗?  Doing that does not make sense.   做那件事没有意义。  The sentence does not make sense.   这句句子不通。      Pretty good! 很好,相当好
  作者:gunan1234 回复日期: 00:41:35 
    &I’ll just pee in the street&        Do you really?    (i never did ,good night )
  the forbidden love of a man and his door  这是什么意思?          太多了,少一点的话,我帮你改改错误。
  作者:gunan1234 回复日期: 09:24:23 
    the forbidden love of a man and his door    这是什么意思?    (Joey was listenning in ,he was putting his ear on the door and smiling when he heard something interesting .therefore ,as soon as his friend had seen him then said that. )      太多了,少一点的话,我帮你改改错误。     作者:andrew7567 回复日期: 10:13:57 
    一个男人暗恋的方式     (what did it mean ?)    作者:zz316 回复日期: 10:19:32 
    支持楼主,化悲伤为动力,不像大多数人借酒消愁,必成大器!    (3 q)    (呀,今天的学习任务很多呢,可现在还没吃饭呢。新概念还要背课文。晚点再来汇到。)
  作者:gunan1234 回复日期: 09:24:23 
    the forbidden love of a man and his door    这是什么意思?    (Joey was listenning in ,he was putting his ear on the door and smiling when he heard something interesting .therefore ,as soon as his friend had seen him then said that. )      太多了,少一点的话,我帮你改改错误。     作者:andrew7567 回复日期: 10:13:57 
    一个男人暗恋的方式     (what did it mean ?)    作者:zz316 回复日期: 10:19:32 
    支持楼主,化悲伤为动力,不像大多数人借酒消愁,必成大器!    (3 q)    (呀,今天的学习任务很多呢,可现在还没吃饭呢。新概念还要背课文。晚点再来汇到。)
  Don’t give up.
  Don’t give up.
  作者:股市论谈陈圆圆 回复日期: 19:59:13 
    Don’t give up.    (I shall Never surrender !)
  啊,今天背了几课新概念,没有学F6了。抱歉,明天补上。特意上来说一下。    good night。
  F6 S1E12    All I’m saying is that if you had told me vegetarian lasagna, I would have made vegetarian lasagna.     虚拟语气
条件从句 had + 过去分词 主句 would have + 过去分词      playfully hits Ross    playfully  开玩笑地  T joke.   嬉闹;开玩笑      Ross looks annoyed    annoyed  adj.  恼怒的;生气的      I mean, I am feeling things that I’ve only read about in Danielle Steele books, you know? I mean, when I’m with him, I’m totally, totally...    I could call immigration
移民, 移居
这里应该是指移民局      looks up frightenedly    frightened  a. 受惊吓的, 受惊的, (非正式)害怕...的    I am terribly frightened.   我受到极度惊吓。  The explosion frightened me.   爆炸声使我害怕。      I’m having enough trouble with the image of you and Susan together    image    n. 影像, 肖像, 想象, 图像, 形象, 翻版    Improving the company image   改善公司形象  A vivid mental image.   心中的生动意象      absolutely not    is it what we thought it would be?    You think we’re ready for something like that?    I mean, what if one of us wants to move out?    and then he ran off and got married, and things got pretty ugly.    We’ve got a couple 一对,两个 changes in your schedule    I’m just excited about being an aunt!    I think it’s a feminist 男女平等主义者 issue!    there are three things that you should know about me.    I never lie    I don’t make them a lot because I don’t think it’s fair to the other cookies    Which proves that I never lie    I feel so stupid    if I had never met him this never would have happened!    He’s like a big disgusting... 令人厌恶的    how did I not see this?    You gotta make sure that when Paolo walks out of there, the first guy Rachel sees is you, She’s gotta know that you’re everything he’s not! You’re like, like the anti-Paolo!    I really hate you for what you did to Rachel    I am so sick of guys. I don’t want to look at another guy, I don’t want to think about another guy, I don’t even want to be near another guy.    I just need to be by myself for a while, you know? I just got to figure out what I want    You guys are always hanging out in my apartment!    hang out    1.居住  2.挂出;伸出  3.和朋友在一起  4. 出外玩儿  5. 闲逛;闲荡;溜达    Hang out in a bar   在酒吧闲混  Hang out to the last man   坚持战斗到最后一人  We must hang out until help arrives.   我们必须坚持下去,直到得到援助。  Where does he hang out these days?   他这些日子里都在什麽地方来著?  
这个世界大了去了,光中国13亿人有多少为情悲痛欲绝的人? 恭喜你成为他们的一员。    鄙人最看不惯为了女人伤心痛苦,一点都不男人,一点都不强悍。    按照你的说法,等你gf回到你身边了你每天就不学英语了?那你gf回来是好是坏呢?    我劝你还是放弃算了,早点解脱,出发点都不对,别整了那没用的。。。
  F6 S1E13    You have no respect for anybody’s privacy!    respect   n. 尊敬, 尊重, 问候  vt. 尊敬, 注意, 遵守    I respect his courage.   我敬佩他的勇气  I’ll respect your wishes.   我尊重你的愿望。  His self-respect was wounded.   他的自尊心受到伤害。    privacy  n. 隐私, 隐居, 秘密    he guarded his privacy jealously.   他嫉妒地保守自己的秘密。  Privacy is considered important in Britain.   在英国,人们很重视隐私权。      you think you’ll do it on his couch 沙发?    could we change the subject话题, please?    that you use your humour as a way of keeping people at a distance.    Just for a couple days 几天    say something funny    I just wanted to put a nice memory in your head so you’d know that I     wasn’t always such a terrible guy    She walks over near Chandler and his gaze stays very obviously on her chest    Why can’t you stop staring at my breasts?    there’s only one way to resolve 解决 this    Maybe you wanted your marriage to fail.    I don’t feel guilty for her failures    all these years, I thought you were on my side站在我这一边    I married a lesbian to make you look good!    I want you right here where I can keep an eye on 照看, 密切注视you    as long as you’re under my roof 在我住的地方you’re gonna live by my rules      Wow. He’s strict.    strict    a. 严厉的, 绝对的, 详尽的, 严格的, 精确的  【法】 严格的, 精确的, 绝对的    对…要求严格 be strict with+人. be strict in+事物.    The licensing laws are strict.   领照条例很严格。  She is strict with her pupils.   她对学生很严格。      And I’d like to believe that when the right woman comes along, you will have the courage and the guts 胆识to say &No thanks, I’m married.&    Have no guts in sth.   毫无内容;毫无价值      it’s just that he’s so perceptive that it freaks you out?    perceptive  adj.  知觉的  感觉(敏锐)的; 有理解力的     a perceptive observation.   敏锐的眼睛;敏锐的观察。  Having or showing perceptive feeling or sympathetic understanding   有细腻感情的;同情理解的    freak out    吓坏了 紧张害怕  (使)极度兴奋, 焦虑不安  vt.崩溃    You don’t have to worry that I’ll freak out every time you disappoint me.”     你不必担心每次你令我失望时,我会反常的举动。”  She used to be the most correct person, but then suddenly last year she decided to freak out.     because now everything’s screwed up搞砸了. I just want it the way it was.    她曾经常是最合适的人选,可是去年她突然变得颓废起来。  
  作者:ican0210 回复日期: 19:35:04 
        按照你的说法,等你gf回到你身边了你每天就不学英语了?那你gf回来是好是坏呢?      (gf要能回来,当然就没时间每天学英语了,哪个更重要,还用说吗)      我劝你还是放弃算了,早点解脱,出发点都不对,别整了那没用的。。。    (什么叫整没用的?那你说什么有用啊。像别人那样,出去吃喝嫖赌毒才潇洒吗)
  作者:gunan1234 回复日期: 23:13:09 
    失恋英文怎么说?    (break up )    作者:股市论谈陈圆圆 回复日期: 19:59:13 
    Don’t give up.    (you didn’t show up today ,are you all right ?)
  break up 是分手,分手就是失恋吗?
  看来我真是心事重重,错别字连连。    更正:明天的日子特别,暂停发帖一天,后天再来。      
  作者:厚道的好公民 回复日期: 23:25:39 
    就从楼主学习的动力来看,楼主还不如先找个女友更加实际一些。    (听古人云,学习英语,不近女色,方能成功)    作者:人呵 回复日期: 03:51:24     (版主何在,小广告可以受死了)    作者:gunan1234 回复日期: 09:21:51 
    你这个司机的英文很不错啊。    (刚开始起步,半年之后再刮目相看吧)      今天不学英语了,心事重重,明天再加油!
  更正:不是今天不学,而是今天不学F6和新概念,学了一个单词和句子也算是学了嘛。    明天见噜。
楼主,我实在很欣赏你的勇气和行动力。是的,失恋了不好好学习英语,努力振作,难道还去吃喝嫖赌才潇洒啊?什么逻辑啊,ican0210这个同学说话真是太没水平了 ,太小胸襟,这样的人怎么会有.....      
  作者:专注走我路 回复日期: 00:27:59 
     楼主,我实在很欣赏你的勇气和行动力。是的,失恋了不好好学习英语,努力振作,难道还去吃喝嫖赌才潇洒啊?什么逻辑啊,ican0210这个同学说话真是太没水平了 ,太小胸襟,这样的人怎么会有.....           我也是苦学英语很多年,虽然现在只是有小小的一点收获,但我是很喜欢学习的,在专注的学习中,我体会到心无旁鹫的快乐。不是说一定要有什么好处才去学习的,这过程本身不就是很温暖人的心灵吗?           楼主,支持你,我们一起互相鼓励,我也很渴望学好英语啊    ( we could learn from each other ,tks)
  上面有小广告,请版主前来处理下。    发现自己有了一点小的突破!    可以用简单的词汇,组织起简单的句子,在聊天室跟老外(这里所说的老外,也都是在学英语的老外了)聊天了,回复速度也基本控制在了30秒之内。    扩充词汇不必急于求快,语法倒是要赶紧补上去,多掌握一些常用的句型,这样才能基本聊得下去。
  作者:gunan1234 回复日期: 09:21:51        你这个司机的英文很不错啊。        (刚开始起步,半年之后再刮目相看吧)  ------------------  不得了,还刚刚起步啊。那好,半年后告诉我“失恋”英语怎么翻。
  暂时改变学习计划,F6先放几天不学了。正在学新概念,觉得第二册还是蛮容易学的。    嗯,明天来,贴每天学到的单词吧。
  楼主,我也是前两天开始学英语的  正在背新概念第二册  不知你背到第几课了?
  回楼上:我背到 20 课来了。 每课大约一个钟头学完。读个5遍左右就能背下来。    前两天电脑坏了,所以没来发帖。    汇报一下,语法已经学了下,名词性从句,定语从句,状语从句。    动名词也差不多掌握了。    各种时态,也有了最基本的清楚概念。    上面这些都是以前学英语过程中,不求甚解的地方。    这一回,终于觉得自己弄懂了。    英语聊天,基本上不会词穷了,这种表达方式和词汇不懂得话,可以变通为其他表达方式和词汇。    从6月份学到现在,不到一个月的时间,我觉得进步还是蛮大的。    为了扩大词汇量,我开始背雅思词汇了。    abandon    vt.  放弃    (=desert)遗弃, 丢弃    放肆, 放纵; 沉湎于    abandon one's idea   放弃自己的想法  He abandoned his wife and child.   他遗弃了他的妻子和孩子。  They abandon themselves to drinking.   他们沉湎于饮酒。  Do not abandon yourself to despair.   不要悲观失望。    abandon oneself to 沉缅于, 陷入    abolish    vt.  取消, 废除(制度等)    完全破坏    abolish slavery   废除奴隶制  Bad customs should be abolished.   坏的风俗应当废除。  The senate vote to abolish the death penalty.   立法机关投票决定废除死刑。      aboriginal  词性及解释   a. 原始的, 土著的  n. 土著居民, 土生生物    A member of an aboriginal people living in tribes.   生活在部落中的土著居民的一个成员      abort  vi.  流产, 小产, 堕胎    失败, (某种试验, 作战、任务等在未完成前)中止    Abort a tri abort a takeoff.   因病而中止旅行;取消一次太空飞行;取消起飞    abortion  n. 流产, 堕胎, 失败, 夭折, 中止  【医】 流产, 小产; 顿挫  常用短语   have an abortion流产     What is your attitude to abortion?   你对堕胎有什么看法?      abrasion  n.  磨去; 擦去    擦伤; 磨损    磨蚀, 剥蚀    abrasion (usually on the hands) caused by friction from a rope.   手磨损由于与绳索摩擦引起。    abrupt  adj.  突然的, 意想不到的    唐突的, 没礼貌的, (态度)生硬的    陡的, 险峻的; 急转的; (讲话, 文章等)不连贯的, 支离的    an abrupt turn   急转弯  an abrupt descent   陡峭的斜坡  in an abrupt manner   无礼的态度  an abrupt entrance   闯入  A a reversal.   剧变突然的变化,逆转,转向  An abrupt rolling or pitching.   突然的摇晃或坠落  His abrupt reply stung her.   他的无礼回答激怒了她。    absorb    vt.  吸收    并吞    使(精神)贯注    忍受; 承担(费用), 承受冲击, 缓冲, 减震    占用(时间)    理解(含义)    absorb moisture from the air   从空中吸收水分  This job absorbs all of my time.   这件工作占用了我的全部时间。  He is absorbed in study.   他专心读书。  Clever children absorb knowledge easily.   聪明孩子容易吸收知识。  The soil can absorb the rainwater.   土壤会吸收雨水。  This kind of paper does not absorb ink.   这种纸不吸水。    abstract    adj.  抽象的; 理论上的, 不现实的    深奥的, 难以了解的    茫然的, 恍恍惚惚的    abstract science   理论科学  abstract mathematics   理论数学  abstract noun   抽象名词  abstract number   【数】不名数  Astronomy is an abstract subject.   天文学是一门深奥的学科。  Beauty is abstract quality.   美丽是很抽象的。  abstract art and figural art   抽象艺术与具象艺术  An abstract work of art.   抽象的艺术作品    absurd  adj.  荒谬的, 荒诞的, 荒唐可笑的    an absurd opinion   谬见  Don't be absurd!   不要胡闹!  Their request is absurd.   他们的要求是荒谬的。    What an absurd suggestion!   多么荒唐的建议!  Their statement is rather absurd   他们的说法极为荒谬。  in an absurd manner or to an absurd degree.   以荒谬的方式;或达到一个荒缪的程度。  That is simply absurd!
  简直荒谬得很!  Very amusing or absurd   非常有趣的;十分荒唐的
  下了几部带双语字幕的电影,不是很喜欢的那种题材内容,所以以前没看也没下。    为了跟着英语字幕练听力,我还是下了。
  昨天看了 一部让我非常有触动的电影。    Some people are born to sit at the edge of the river.   一些人在河畔出生长大。   Some are hit by lightning.   一些人曾经被雷电击中过。   Some have an ear for music.   一些人对音乐有极大的天赋。   Some are artists.   一些人是艺术家。   Some swim.   一些人能游泳。   Some know buttons.   一些人专注于纽扣。   Some are actors.
  一些人是演员。   Some people... are mothers.   一些人…是我的母亲。   And some people... Dances.   还有一些人…长于跳舞。     You can change or stay the same.  There are no rules to this thing.    We can make the best or the worst of it.    I hope you feel things you never felt before.    I hope you meet people with a different point of view.    I hope you live a life you're proud of.    And if you find that you're not,I hope you have the strength to start over again.    I hope you see things that startle you.  
  今天看个FOX台的“真心话大冒险”的真人秀节目。    第一集,学了几个单词    coolly 冷血的?    make a pass 暧昧?    
   guys ,we have the same destiny, my beloved girl fell in love with another guy. Only during the period of studying   English can I forget myself and her, the misery asrround me  all day. And the God is like kiding me, the scene that she and her new boyfriend walking in the campus hand in hand afflict me to such extent that I can't sleep well every night. when can I walk out the shadow of the failure love.  oh, my God
  俺几年前,看杂志,女主角对男主角说,MY LOVER,男主角对女主角说my love.楼主用对了吗?俺怀疑。。。
  作者:jia_jie666 回复日期: 21:25:50 
     guys ,we have the same destiny, my beloved girl fell in love with another guy. Only during the period of studying     English can I forget myself and her, the misery asrround me    all day. And the God is like kiding me, the scene that she and her new boyfriend walking in the campus hand in hand afflict me to such extent that I can't sleep well every night. when can I walk out the shadow of the failure love.    oh, my God     (.....have you given up?)    作者:wuyong82 回复日期: 22:08:06 
    俺几年前,看杂志,女主角对男主角说,MY LOVER,男主角对女主角说my love.楼主用对了吗?俺怀疑。。。    (lover指人,love指爱。这点要都搞不懂,我也不学英语了。)    (现在感觉每天都有看得见的进步,学到的单词越来越多,语法越来越熟,表达方式学到的越来越多。新概念背到22课了。)
  作者:专注走我路 回复日期: 00:27:59 
     楼主,我实在很欣赏你的勇气和行动力。是的,失恋了不好好学习英语,努力振作,难道还去吃喝嫖赌才潇洒啊?什么逻辑啊,ican0210这个同学说话真是太没水平了 ,太小胸襟,这样的人怎么会有.....           我也是苦学英语很多年,虽然现在只是有小小的一点收获,但我是很喜欢学习的,在专注的学习中,我体会到心无旁鹫的快乐。不是说一定要有什么好处才去学习的,这过程本身不就是很温暖人的心灵吗?           楼主,支持你,我们一起互相鼓励,我也很渴望学好英语啊  ————————————————————————————————呵,想不到有人这样说我。   TO:专注走我路
  我有说出去吃喝嫖赌是潇洒吗??或者类似的意思也行,麻烦你找找看,我有说过这样的话吗。 我只是说,lz因为失恋了才去学英语,出发点不是很正确。一个好的出发点是不容易半途而废的。也许这样lz会有很大的精神寄托和动力。那么这样也好,反正都是学,只是希望时间一长,lz还会继续坚持下去。
  我只能说 专注走我路 没有看懂我的意思,断章取义。还说我胸襟小,呵呵。应该是小孩子,我老人家就不码字了。  希望大家都可以学好自己希望掌握的东西。。。
  学英语楼主要多百度。。。love的意思很多的。。。    语法标注解释 love英音:[lʌv]美音:[lʌv]
  love的中文翻译  以下结果由译典通提供词典解释  名词 n.     1.爱;热爱;爱戴[U][(+for/of/to/fowards)]  My mother's love for me was very great.   我母亲对我的爱是很深的。   2.恋爱,爱情[U][(+for)]  John and Mary are in love.   约翰和玛丽在相爱。   3.酷爱,爱好[U][S1][(+of/for)]  He was sincere in his love for literature.   他对文学的爱好是很真诚的。   4.喜爱的事物[C]  Painting was one of the great loves of his life.   绘画是他生活中的一大爱好。   5.(多指女性)情人[C]  6.(夫妇、情侣间或对孩子的爱称)亲爱的,宝贝  7.【体】零分    及物动词 vt. [W]    1.爱,热爱;爱戴;疼爱  You should love your students.   你应该爱你的学生。   2.爱好,喜欢[+v-ing][+to-v]  Bill loves music.   比尔喜爱音乐。   3.(与would,should连用)想要,想做[+to-v][O2]  She said she'd love to come sometime.   她说她很想某个时候来。     不及物动词 vi.     1.爱[W]      以下结果来自互联网网络释义  love    1.搂 吾……爱;热爱  280个雅思单词词根另类记忆法(二) 好考...  love……搂 吾……爱;热爱  http://www.haokaoshi....  2.分(出自法语)  网球英语[热网网球俱乐部论坛] -- Po...  love 0分(出自法语)  3.拉屎  用英语学温州话_3F:他乡遇新知_杭州19...  love--拉屎   /...
  谢谢楼上帮我分页,我想快点分过这一页。btw,我不用百度。我用google或者金山词霸。    楼上的楼上,你老人家也别计较了,不就是学英语吗,能学好就是了,动机管它什么的。    好了,这几天学新概念,少了点动力,进展很慢,还在23课磨蹭着呢。谁给我点刺激,让我多点动力?    昨晚在聊天室,跟一个美国人聊了半天,好在我写的对方都能看懂。
  惨啊,从前几乎都不聊天打字的。最近聊英语聊的多,有根手指都受伤了,好痛啊。    学英语的代价之一。。
  佩服楼主  膜拜  请问楼主在哪个聊天室哦   我也去看看  一直缺少锻炼
  回楼上:    网上很多啊, 搜索
chat room ,慢慢一个个找,总找的到几个人多的外国的。    今天学的头晕眼花,不是形容词夸张,真想早点睡了。再坚持一个小时,睡觉。


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