
求 初二上学期 数学语文物理英语 的 重点和难点 急!!! 期末的复习提纲!!!_百度知道
求 初二上学期 数学语文物理英语 的 重点和难点 急!!! 期末的复习提纲!!!
train &#47. school team 校队 61. -Can you go to the concert on Monday。 4、正立、学习、温度计的使用(注意量程的选择). go by bus /不甩的后果-只影响测低温)、休息的声音)、角不等. junk food 垃圾食品 3. 8; dentist. Unit 3 1;噪声等级. stay for a week 呆一个星期 36、并联;串联. get back to school 返回学校 35:分贝(0dB-刚引起听觉)? -I’m going on Monday. -Where are they going、噪声污染) 1.光源——火把. get to 到达 43,先不要画开关, say yes to invitations and say no to invitations and give reasons. It makes a big difference to my grades:库仑C) ;注意区分不同的影子和像 3.透镜 透镜中的名词——主光轴;放热——气→液→固 4. play soccer 踢足球 59;电路中的自由电荷及运动方向、发生条件等). get a cold &#47, we look the same. Maybe you should see the doctor &#47. 8;甩体温计的作用? -He usually walks to school? -They are going to Tibet;减小噪声方法(声源处; subway &#47. 试着去做某事 7;小船 44、传播过程中. -He is staying for a week, I have to have a piano lesson;电量(单位;声音靠介质传播——介质、但要记住钢尺的实验) 客观量——频率(注意人听力范围和发声范围). Talk about your health;四大污染(空气污染、固体废物污染;打算、蜡烛、不太重要) 2.光的直线传播 光的直线传播——条件,接受和拒绝邀请并说出原因;分居两侧;现象解释(水中的鱼变浅;目前 25;影响蒸发快慢的因素、换算 电流表的使用方法(量程及量程的选择; fever&#47. go bike riding 骑自行车兜风 37. 5;酒精灯的使用(不太重要)液化——两种途径(降温温度:“会聚光线”是能聚于一点的光线. Key Phrases (重点短语)、电灯…(月亮和行星不是光源;光路可逆(注意叙述顺序要符合因果关系) 镜面反射和漫反射——每一条光线都符合反射定律 4.平面镜 平面镜成像——规律(等距. sports camp 运动野营 31、正负极. babysit her sister 照看她的妹妹 28、月食);可在真空中传播; dentist 看病&#47.现象解释——例. once a day 一天一次 10;影响响度的因素、影子; sightseeing 去徒步旅行&#47. Talk about how to get to places? -He sometimes surfs the Internet。 II;飞机&#47、量程(体温计;沸腾实验装置? What’s wrong. -What do you usually do on weekends、小孔成像. What’s the date today;验电器结构、大树下的光斑、电流表;光路可逆,把电路画出来、日食、串并联;s)、霜. Liu Ying is not as good as her sister;图象 汽化——蒸发. In some ways;摩擦起电原因 2.电路相应概念 电流(及方向;s) 3.光的反射 反射定律——三线共面. see a doctor &#47.和L. You should drink some hot tea with honey. I have a cold &#47:正电荷移动方向). 谈论到达某地的方式;声音速度随温度上升而上升 回声——回声所需时间和距离、绝缘体; 5.作图——按有关定律做图 1.光的折射 折射——定义(……方向一般发生变化);野营/ fishing &#47、等大、断路及短路 1.物理量I定义、虚像). takes walks 散步 38; bus station 火车/剧烈程度;公共车&#47. go hiking /能看见(看不见)像的范围. 谈论健康话题以及提出建议;导体. -How far is it from his home to school、玻璃板上的水滴等 黑盒问题 4.凸透镜成像 三条特殊光线(过光心-方向不变;折射规律(三线共面. You shouldn’t eat anything for 24 hours、两侧.光的色散透明物体的颜色是透过的色光决定的? -It’s at four o’clock on Friday. have a stomachache 肚子疼 16. -What does he sometimes do on weekends. look the same 看起来一样 69. 谈论未来的计划&#47: 1、人耳处)、水中筷子弯曲; I’购物&#47? -Sure、海市蜃楼等) 2.光的传播综合问题 注意区分折射和反射光线;平行于主光轴-过光心. 6. How often does she eat vegetables、纸锅烧水. all the time 一直 67. 2、响度(高低大小的含义)、焦距;应用(不太重要)计算——和行程问题结合(不太重要)2.音调. &#47? She eats vegetables three times a day. try to do sth、振幅 主观量——音调. 3;℃和K) 第四章 电路 1.摩擦起电 两种电荷 静电——电荷种类的判断. -How long is he staying. Learn to talk about personal traits and how to comp窢珐迟寡侏干夫袍are people? -When is it. go away 离开 34,“使光线会聚”是光线经过凸透镜后比原来接近主光轴) 透镜的原理——多个三棱镜组合. It will make you sick. at the moment 此刻、樟脑等;注意叙述顺序要符合因果关系);气体中速度;过光心的光线-平行于主光轴),用笔沿着正极划到负极看是否符合要求. in some ways 在一些方面 68;像距/像的大小/虚实/正倒和物距的关系? -She is babysitting her little sister. more than 多于 58. Key Sentence Structures 重要句型. -Can you come to my party on Wednesday. hardly ever 很少 5;像移动的快慢(依据:光路图). once in a while 偶尔 13. 5. 5;实际应用 5? What’s the trouble? I exercise once a week教版八年级上册物理复习提纲 1.声音的发生和传播 发生体在振动——实验, Ruth or Rose. What’s the matter. 6。 2. school bus 学校班车 51. 7? -I’m hoping the weather will be nice:-20~50℃) 使用方法——体温计构造及使用(缩口部分. He is leaving for Hong Kong the first week in June、分散程度 音色——作用;真空不能传声 声速——空气中声速(约340m&#47, she can’t, I’d love to、区别(都是汽化. 4. play basketball 打篮球 27. 2. 学会谈论个人品质以及如何比较人们:P3图0-3. on foot 步行 49; sore throat. 4、能否直接接电源两端)及其构造 &#10026、焦点(测量焦距的方法) 凸透镜. two years ago 两年前 65;读数(一般地. -How do you get to school. Who do you think should get the job? -No. 2? Unit 6 1. be good at 擅长于… 64;蒸发和沸腾的联系. Have a good time. 5. &#47. the early bus 早班车 52. 5? 2. talk to everyone 与大家谈话 70. 3. I am more athletic than my best friend:振幅; bus &#47. -How does he go to work: 1. listen to … 听… 22. think about 考虑 41. 9.. -When are you going,固体中速度&gt。 6,之后按条件往电路上添开关和电流表(这些办法曾让我在考试中一个电路题也没错)新目标英语八年级上笔记 Review of Unit 1-6 I。 3. She小船/I have a lot of headaches、水污染. 7、凹透镜对光线的作用——“会聚光线”和“使光线会聚”的区别. 3,不透明的是反射的色光决定的1.温度计 温度计——常见温度计的测温物质;压缩体积) 升华和凝华——实例 3.物态变化中的热量传递 吸热——固→液→气(即使温度不变也有热量的传递). I’m sorry to hear that you 飞机 42;校正温度计;常见温度 2.物态变化 熔化和凝固——实验装置(水浴加热),其实你先判断用电器串联还是并联。就找一张纸把图用铅笔画下来闭合S开关. -Who is she going with. baseball game 棒球比赛 60; shopping &#47、“白气”和玻璃上的水珠(液化). watch TV 看电视 26;电冰箱原理;注意名词的写法以及字母(t和T. look after 照料 8. bus ride 乘公共车的旅行 46. I’m not feeling well. 6; interesting: Unit 1. visit my friend 拜访我的朋友 29,L、非晶体. language goals (语言目标) 1? -She is going with her parents. 6: 1, boat &#47. What do you think of the transportation in your town. relax at home 在家放松 30. Unit 2、晾衣服(蒸发和升华). be good for 对…有好处 12. I’m going to study for a test this evening. something interesting 32; stomachache / plane 乘地铁&#47. be outgoing 外向的 66;音色由发声体本身决定 3.噪声的危害和控制(不太重要) 噪声——物理和生活中的噪声(物理-不规则振动. a quick breakfast 快捷的早餐 56. keep healthy 保持健康 24. Most of the students go to 观光 33、热力学温标及换算. I’m quieter than most of the kids in my class. lie down and rest 躺下休息 19:35~42℃. bus stop 公共汽车站 48. be different from 与…不同 53;一般的. 4. -Can she go to the movies on Saturday. make me laugh 使我笑 III。 5. twice a month 一个月两次 11. have a sore throat 嗓子疼 18;通路. the day after tomorrow 后天 63. -What is she doing for vacation. 3. Talk about how often you do things 谈论做事情的频率. 7;熔点;发烧 15? Unit 5;现象(激光准直. How often do you exercise. 4, a good friend likes doing t地铁&#47. 2. half past six 六点半 54、光心;光线在透镜的两个表面发生折射 变化了的凸透镜——玻璃球,读数时不能离开物体) 温标——摄氏温标、凝固点. take the subway &#47、单位(单位符号)及含义; boat 乘公共车&#47. in North America 在北美洲 55. For me? -It’s three miles. 学会发出、原理. leave for 离开去… 50。还有很多人认为华电路的题很难; camping &#47. sleep a lot 睡得多 40. Unit 4. My hair is longer than hers. 5; fever 感冒&#47. 3. 2;真空中的光速(3×10^8m/角相等. Tina is (a little)taller than Tara、响度和音色(不太重要. Pedro is funnier than P很重要很重要;电源. drink hot tea with honey 喝加蜂蜜的热茶 20. Make suggestions. -That sounds nice /看牙医 14;钓鱼&#47. come over to 过来到… 62. Talk about future plans: 1. how often 多长时间一次 2. Thanks a lot for the invitation. a lot of 许多 4;绝对零度:我总结的做题方法;寒暑表;常见晶体? -It takes about twenty minutes. 6,比如、距离? -I usua plane &#47. rent videos 租录像带 39、露. -How long does it take? -I get to school by bus. start with 以…开始 6. need to do 需要做… 57. -How is the weather there.. get tired 变的疲劳 23. 4:判断闭合S…开关;物态变化中的热量计算. 3. have a toothache 牙疼 17. Learn to make invitations,生活-影响工作. Don’t get stressed out. 4. My eating habits are pretty good、盛水的圆药瓶;公共车站 45: 1. ride a bike 骑自行车 47. be stressed out 紧张 21. be kind of unhealthy 有点不健康 9、原理.串联或并联;电路图;液体中速度&gt:一切固液气
教版八年级上册物理复习提纲 1.声音的发生和传播 发生体在振动——实验;声音靠介质传播——介质:一切固液气;真空不能传声 声速——空气中声速(约340m/s);一般的,固体中速度&液体中速度&气体中速度;声音速度随温度上升而上升 回声——回声所需时间和距离;应用(不太重要)计算——和行程问题结合(不太重要)2.音调、响度和音色(不太重要、但要记住钢尺的实验) 客观量——频率(注意人听力范围和发声范围)、振幅 主观量——音调、响度(高低大小的含义);影响响度的因素:振幅、距离、分散程度 音色——作用;音色由发声体本身决定 3.噪声的危害和控制(不太重要) 噪声——物理和生活中的噪声(物理-不规则振动,生活-影响工作、学习、休息的声音);噪声等级:分贝(0dB-刚引起听觉);减小噪声方法(声源处、传播过程中、人耳处);四大污染(空气污染、水污染、固体废物污染、噪声污染) 1.光源——火把、蜡烛、电灯…(月亮和行星不是光源、不太重要) 2.光的直线传播 光的直线传播——条件;可在真空中传播;现象(激光准直、影子、小孔成像、大树下的光斑、日食、月食);真空中的光速(3×10^8m/s) 3.光的反射 反射定律——三线共面;分居两侧;角相等;光路可逆(注意叙述顺序要符合因果关系) 镜面反射和漫反射——每一条光线都符合反射定律 4.平面镜 平面镜成像——规律(等距、等大、正立、虚像);能看见(看不见)像的范围; 5.作图——按有关定律做图 1.光的折射 折射——定义(……方向一般发生变化);折射规律(三线共面、两侧、角不等;光路可逆;注意叙述顺序要符合因果关系);现象解释(水中的鱼变浅、水中筷子弯曲、海市蜃楼等) 2.光的传播综合问题 注意区分折射和反射光线;注意区分不同的影子和像 3.透镜 透镜中的名词——主光轴、光心、焦距、焦点(测量焦距的方法) 凸透镜、凹透镜对光线的作用——“会聚光线”和“使光线会聚”的区别:“会聚光线”是能聚于一点的光线,“使光线会聚”是光线经过凸透镜后比原来接近主光轴) 透镜的原理——多个三棱镜组合;光线在透镜的两个表面发生折射 变化了的凸透镜——玻璃球、盛水的圆药瓶、玻璃板上的水滴等 黑盒问题 4.凸透镜成像 三条特殊光线(过光心-方向不变;平行于主光轴-过光心;过光心的光线-平行于主光轴);像距/像的大小/虚实/正倒和物距的关系;像移动的快慢(依据:光路图);实际应用 5.光的色散透明物体的颜色是透过的色光决定的,不透明的是反射的色光决定的1.温度计 温度计——常见温度计的测温物质、原理、量程(体温计:35~42℃;寒暑表:-20~50℃) 使用方法——体温计构造及使用(缩口部分;甩体温计的作用、原理;不甩的后果-只影响测低温)、温度计的使用(注意量程的选择);校正温度计;读数(一般地,读数时不能离开物体) 温标——摄氏温标、热力学温标及换算;绝对零度;常见温度 2.物态变化 熔化和凝固——实验装置(水浴加热);常见晶体、非晶体;熔点、凝固点;图象 汽化——蒸发;影响蒸发快慢的因素;沸腾实验装置;蒸发和沸腾的联系、区别(都是汽化;剧烈程度、发生条件等);酒精灯的使用(不太重要)液化——两种途径(降温温度;压缩体积) 升华和凝华——实例 3.物态变化中的热量传递 吸热——固→液→气(即使温度不变也有热量的传递);放热——气→液→固 4.现象解释——例:P3图0-3、纸锅烧水、“白气”和玻璃上的水珠(液化)、霜、露、晾衣服(蒸发和升华)、樟脑等;电冰箱原理;物态变化中的热量计算;注意名词的写法以及字母(t和T;℃和K) 第四章 电路 1.摩擦起电 两种电荷 静电——电荷种类的判断;验电器结构;电量(单位:库仑C) ;摩擦起电原因 2.电路相应概念 电流(及方向:正电荷移动方向);电源;导体、绝缘体;串联、并联;电路中的自由电荷及运动方向;电路图;通路、断路及短路 1.物理量I定义、单位(单位符号)及含义、换算 电流表的使用方法(量程及量程的选择、串并联、正负极、能否直接接电源两端)及其构造 ✪很重要很重要:我总结的做题方法,比如:判断闭合S…开关,L..和L..串联或并联。就找一张纸把图用铅笔画下来闭合S开关,用笔沿着正极划到负极看是否符合要求。还有很多人认为华电路的题很难,其实你先判断用电器串联还是并联,把电路画出来,先不要画开关、电流表,之后按条件往电路上添开关和电流表(这些办法曾让我在考试中一个电路题也没错)新目标英语八年级上笔记 Review of Unit 1-6 I. language goals (语言目标) 1. Talk about how often you do things 谈论做事情的频率。 2. Talk about your health. Make suggestions. 谈论健康话题以及提出建议。 3. Talk about future plans. 谈论未来的计划/打算。 4. Talk about how to get to places. 谈论到达某地的方式。 5. Learn to make invitations, say yes to invitations and say no to invitations and give reasons. 学会发出,接受和拒绝邀请并说出原因。 6. Learn to talk about personal traits and how to compare people. 学会谈论个人品质以及如何比较人们。 II. Key Phrases (重点短语): 1. how often 多长时间一次 2. junk food 垃圾食品 3. a lot of 许多 4. hardly ever 很少 5. start with 以…开始 6. try to do sth. 试着去做某事 7. look after 照料 8. be kind of unhealthy 有点不健康 9. once a day 一天一次 10. twice a month 一个月两次 11. be good for 对…有好处 12. once in a while 偶尔 13. see a doctor / dentist 看病/看牙医 14. get a cold / fever 感冒/发烧 15. have a stomachache 肚子疼 16. have a toothache 牙疼 17. have a sore throat 嗓子疼 18. lie down and rest 躺下休息 19. drink hot tea with honey 喝加蜂蜜的热茶 20. be stressed out 紧张 21. listen to … 听… 22. get tired 变的疲劳 23. keep healthy 保持健康 24. at the moment 此刻;目前 25. watch TV 看电视 26. play basketball 打篮球 27. babysit her sister 照看她的妹妹 28. visit my friend 拜访我的朋友 29. relax at home 在家放松 30. sports camp 运动野营 31. something interesting 32. go hiking / camping / fishing / shopping / sightseeing 去徒步旅行/野营/钓鱼/购物/观光 33. go away 离开 34. get back to school 返回学校 35. stay for a week 呆一个星期 36. go bike riding 骑自行车兜风 37. takes walks 散步 38. rent videos 租录像带 39. sleep a lot 睡得多 40. think about 考虑 41. take the subway / bus / boat / plane 乘地铁/公共车/小船/飞机 42. get to 到达 43. go by bus / plane / boat 乘公共车/飞机/小船 44. train / subway / bus station 火车/地铁/公共车站 45. bus ride 乘公共车的旅行 46. ride a bike 骑自行车 47. bus stop 公共汽车站 48. on foot 步行 49. leave for 离开去… 50. school bus 学校班车 51. the early bus 早班车 52. be different from 与…不同 53. half past six 六点半 54. in North America 在北美洲 55. a quick breakfast 快捷的早餐 56. need to do 需要做… 57. more than 多于 58. play soccer 踢足球 59. baseball game 棒球比赛 60. school team 校队 61. come over to 过来到… 62. the day after tomorrow 后天 63. be good at 擅长于… 64. two years ago 两年前 65. be outgoing 外向的 66. all the time 一直 67. in some ways 在一些方面 68. look the same 看起来一样 69. talk to everyone 与大家谈话 70. make me laugh 使我笑 III. Key Sentence Structures 重要句型: Unit 1: 1. -What do you usually do on weekends? -I usually go to the movies. 2. -What does he sometimes do on weekends? -He sometimes surfs the Internet. 3. How often do you exercise? I exercise once a week. 4. How often does she eat vegetables? She eats vegetables three times a day. 5. Most of the students go to the beach every year. 6. It makes a big difference to my grades. 7. My eating habits are pretty good. Unit 2: 1. What’s the matter? What’s wrong? What’s the trouble? 2. I’m not feeling well. I have a cold / fever/ stomachache / sore throat. /I have a lot of headaches. 3. Maybe you should see the doctor / dentist. You should drink some hot tea with honey. 4. You shouldn’t eat anything for 24 hours. 5. Don’t get stressed out. It will make you sick. 6. I’m sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Unit 3 1. -What is she doing for vacation? -She is babysitting her little sister. -That sounds nice / interesting. 2. -When are you going? -I’m going on Monday. 3. -Where are they going? -They are going to Tibet. 4. -Who is she going with? -She is going with her parents. 5. -How long is he staying. -He is staying for a week. 6. -How is the weather there? -I’m hoping the weather will be nice. 7. He is leaving for Hong Kong the first week in June. 8. Have a good time. Unit 4: 1. -How do you get to school? -I get to school by bus. 2. -How does he go to work? -He usually walks to school. 3. -How long does it take? -It takes about twenty minutes. 4. -How far is it from his home to school? -It’s three miles. 5. What do you think of the transportation in your town? Unit 5: 1. -Can you come to my party on Wednesday? -Sure, I’d love to. / I’m sorry, I have to have a piano lesson. 2. -Can she go to the movies on Saturday? -No, she can’t. She has to help her mom. 3. -Can you go to the concert on Monday? -When is it? -It’s at four o’clock on Friday. 4. Thanks a lot for the invitation. 5. I’m going to study for a test this evening. 6. What’s the date today? Unit 6 1. Pedro is funnier than Paul. 2. Tina is (a little)taller than Tara. 3. I am more athletic than my best friend. 4. My hair is longer than hers. 5. Liu Ying is not as good as her sister. 6. In some ways, we look the same. 7. For me, a good friend likes doing the same things as me. 8. I’m quieter than most of the kids in my class, and so is my friend. 9. Who do you think should get the job, Ruth or Rose?英语:要掌握句型,每单元的重点语法要记熟,还需天天大声地读,练口语,也有帮助阿政治:是课本上的一些重点,注意答题的灵活性,再看看配套练习题吧生物:还是课本上的概念,要会应用,不要死记,另外再做些题,见一些题型,就可以了语文还是要靠积累
)五、计算下列各题。(16分)6.8+ 6.8×6.8 – 1.5× 6.8
(3.6+ 12.03÷ 0.3 ) × 2.51.25× 0.25×8× 0.4
96.356 ×(5.9 + 5.1 -10)六、一种汽车上的油箱,里面长8分米,宽5分米,高3.5分米。做这个油箱需要多少平方分米的铁皮?这个油箱可以装多少升汽油?(8分)八、用一根长36厘米的铁丝做成一个最大的正方体框架,在框架外面全部糊上白纸,需要白纸多少平方厘米?(7分)九、把一个棱长6分米的正方体钢块,锻造成横截面积为4平方分米的长方体钢锭,这根钢锭长多少米?(7分)附加题:(10分)一个底面是正方形的长方体,所有棱长的和是100厘米,它的高是7厘米,这个长方体的体积是多少立方厘米? 小学五年级数学竞赛题一、
填空(每题6分)1、一排电线杆,原来每两根之间的距离是30米,现在改为45米,如果起点的一根电线杆不移动,至少再隔(90)米有要有一根电线杆不需要移动。2、3只猫3天吃了3只老鼠,照这样的效率,9只猫9天能吃(27)只老鼠。3、有数组(1,2,3,4),(2,4,6,8),(3,6,9,12)…那么第100个数组的四个数的和是(1000)。4、279是甲乙丙丁四个数的和,如果甲减少2,乙增加2,丙除以2,丁乘以2,则四个数都相等,那么甲是(64),乙是(60),丙是(124),丁是(32)。5、一个正方形,被分成5个相等的长方形,每个长方形的周长是60厘米,正方形的周长是(100)厘米。6、兄弟俩比年龄,哥哥说:“当我是你今年岁数的哪一年,你刚5岁。”弟弟说:”当我长到你今年的岁数时,你就17岁了,”哥哥今年(13)岁,弟弟今年(9)岁。7蜗牛从一个枯井往上爬,白天向上爬110厘米,夜里向下滑40厘米,若要第五天的白天爬道井口,这口井至少深(390)厘米。8、用10张同样长的纸条接成一条长31厘米的纸条,如果每个接头都重叠1厘米,那么每张纸条长(4)厘米。9、一个口袋里有四种不同颜色的小球,每次摸出2个,要保证有10次所摸出的结果是一样的,至少要摸(91)次。10、填写算式:1(0)× 1(2)=1(5)×1(8)(填写不同的数字)二、应用题(每题8分)1、|两块同样长的布,第一块用去32米,第二块用去20米,结果所余的米数第二块是第一块的3倍,两块布原来各长多少米?方程:解:设原来布长X米。X—20=3(X—32) X=382、一个人步行每小时走5千米,骑自行车每1千米比步行少用8分钟,骑自行车的速度是步行的多少倍?[60÷(60÷5—8)] ÷5=33、特香包店买来一些鸡蛋,总数不到200个。3个3个的数会剩2个,4个4个的数会剩3个,5个5个的数会剩4个,这些鸡蛋最多有多少个?3×4×5=60
60×3—1=1794、五年级三班的三位同学小明、李平和王小华三人拿同样多的钱一起到育兴商场买精装笔记本,买回来后,小明和李平分别比王小华多拿了6本,这样小明和李平都要再给王小华12元,请问每本笔记本多少元?12×2÷(6×2÷3)=65、在一道有余数的除法算式中,被除数、除数、商、余数的和是599,已知商是15,余数是12,请问,题目中的除数是多少?(599—15—12×2)÷(15+1)=35 这是语文地一、
)( )指掌
七、 排列句子顺序,将序号填在括号里。(6分)
1·你放学回家,发现忘记带自家的钥匙,就敲开邻居王爷爷家的 1门,在他家等爸爸、妈妈下班。临走时,你对王爷爷说:
请为短文加个题目。(1分)十一、作文:写一个以热爱祖国为主题的国旗下的演讲发言稿,题目自定,不得少于400字。(30分) 五年级英语期末综合卷
听力部分(50分)一、听录音, 选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。(每小题1分,共10分)
) 1. A. fish
) 2.A. homework
B. housework
) 3. A. closet
B. clothes
C. cabbage(
) 4. A. dinner
C. breakfast(
) 5. A. potatoes
B. tomatoes
C. mutton(
) 6. A. village
B. cabbage
C. bridge(
) 7. A. He’s tall and strict.
B. She’s tall and strict.
C. She’s tall and strong.(
) 8. A. There is a bed, an end table and a closet.
B. There is a bed, an end table and a desk.
C. There is a bed, an end table and a shelf.(
) 9. A. I like fish and tofu.
B. I don’t like fish and tofu.C. I’d like fish and tofu.
) 10. A. My math teacher is kind.B. My music teacher is funny.C. My Chinese teacher is smart.二、听录音, 判断句子或图片的是否与录音内容相符,相符的在相应题号下的括号内打“√” , 不相符的打“×”。(每小题2分,共10分)1.
) 6. Dad can do the dishes, mom can cook the meals.(
) 7. We can swim in the river in summer.(
) 8. Tomorrow is Friday.(
) 9. We have P.E. on Fridays.(
)10.There aren’t any houses in the village.三、根据你在录音中听到的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出,并将其字母符号填在句前的括号里。(每题2分,共10分)(
A. I like beef.
B. I’d like beef.
C. I don’t like beef.(
A. Yes, he is.
B. No, he is.
C. Yes, she is.(
A. Yes, they are .
B. No, there aren’t.
C. No, there are.(
A. Monday.
C. Miss Wu.(
A. She can sweep the floor.
B. He can sweep the floor.C. She often sweeps the floor.四、根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词, 使句子完整,每空只填一词。(每词0.5分,共5分) 1. Is there a ________ in the park?
No, there ________.2. _________ there any tall ________ in the city?3. The ________ is ________ the door.4. Amy can _______ the clothes and ________ the bed5. I like _____________.
___________ sour.五、根据你在录音中听到的内容,选择相应的答案,将序号写到前面的括号里。(每题2分,共10分)(
) 1. Today is _____________
(A. Saturday
B. Sunday)(
) 2. There is _____________ in the nature park.
B. river)(
) 3. The river is ________
(A. near the house
B. near the mountain)
) 4. There are houses _____the mountain.(
B. in front of )
) 5. We _________ the nature park. ( A. like
B. don’t like)笔试部分(50分)六、选择合适的句子,将对话补充完整, 并将字母编号填在横线上。(每句2分,共10分。)A:_______________________________________________?B: I have two new teachers.A: ______________________________________________?B: An English teacher, a music teacher and a computer teacher.A: Is your music teacher smart?B: ______________________________________________.A: What can she do ?B: _______________________________________________.A: What’s her favourite fruit?B:_________________________________________________ 七、阅读短文,选择正确的答案,并将其字母符号填在句子前面的括号里。(每小题1.5分,共7.5分)My name is Tim. I am a student. I’m 10. I’m from England. I have a new Chinese teacher. She’s Miss White. She’s very young. She’s tall and thin. She is strict, but she’s funny. Her class is so much fun. We all like our Chinese teacher.(
)1. Tim is an _________ boy.A. Chinese
B. English(
)2. Tim’s Chinese teacher is _________.
A. a woman
B. a man (
)3. Miss White is _______ and ________.
A. young, tall
B. young, short(
)4. Miss White _______ strict.
)5. Miss White is a ______ teacher.
B. new八、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断句子是否正确,相符的括号内打“√” , 不相符的打“×”,每题1.5分,共7.5分)I have a new flat. There is a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms in it. Come and have a look at my bedroom. There is an air conditioner over the desk. There is an end table and a closet near the bed. And there is a picture over the bed. I have a trash bin behind the door. I empty the trash every day. Look! What’s under the desk? There is a chair. I love my bedroom. I clean my bedroom on Sundays.(
)1.There are two end tables in my bedroom.(
)2. There are four rooms in my home.(
)3. The chair is under the desk.(
)4. The door is behind the trash bin.(
)5. I clean my bedroom on weekends.九.选择合适的词填空,使短文的内容完整,每词只能用一次。(每条横线1分,共10分。)( lunch,
new, trees , river, flower, It’s,
air , water, to, from, for) Amy is my _________ classmate. She’s 10. She often has _________ at school. She’s _______ USA. Her favourite ________ is Sunday. Because sometimes Amy and I can go _______ the nature park on Sunday. There are many _______ and a ________in it. The ________ is clean. The ________is fresh. We like the nature park. ______pretty.十、根据图片及答句写出问句。(每小题2分,共10分)1. A:
Mr. King is my new teacher.
Mr. King2. A:
The houses are small.
_________________________?B: No, there is an air-conditioner near the bed.
4B:We have art on Wednesdays.5. A:
I often read books on Sundays.十一、小作文:这是John的房间,简单介绍一下里面有什么东西,放在什么地方。要求:条理清晰,语句通顺,不少于五句话。五年级英语期末综合卷
听力内容一、听录音, 选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母 编号填在题前的括号里,每小题1分,共10分 1. I don’t like fish.2. I can do housework at home. I am helpful.3. The closet is under the picture.4. What do you have for dinner?5. I’d like some eggplant and potatoes.6. What’s under the bridge?7. She’s tall and strong.8. There is a bed, an end table and a closet.9. I’d like fish and tofu.10.
My music teacher is funny.二、听录音, 判断句子或图片的是否与录音内容相符,相符的在相应题号下的括号内打“√” , 不相符的打“×”, 1. My music teacher isn’t old.2. John likes Chinese food.3. The air-conditioner is under the mirror.4. There are many clothes in the closet.5. Amy often does housework.6. In my family, dad can do the dishes, I can water the flowers, mom can cook the meals.7.The water in the river is clean. We often swim in it .8. What day is it today?
It’s Thursday.9. I like Fridays, because we have math on Fridays.10. Are there any houses in the village?
No, there aren’t.三、根据你在录音中听到的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出,并将其字母符号填在句前的括号里,每题2分,共10分 1. What would you like for dinner?2. Is Mr. Chen funny?3. Are there any flowers on the grass?4. What’s your favourite day?5. What can your mother do?四、根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词, 使句子完整,每空只填一词,每词0.5分,共5分 1. Is there a lake in the park?
No, there isn’t.2. Are there any tall buildings in the city?3. The curtains are under the
picture.4. Amy can wash the clothes and make the bed5. I like _grapes.
_They’re sour.五、根据你在录音中听到的内容,选择相应的答案,将序号写到前面的括号里,每题2分,共10分A: What day is it today?B: It’s Saturday.A: What do you do on Saturdays?B: We often go to the nature park.A: Oh, really? What’s in the nature park?B: There is a river. Near the river , there is a mountain.A: Are there any houses?B: Yes, they are in front of the mountain. The air is fresh . The sky is blue. The water is clean. I love the park very much.
B八、× ×√ ×√九、new, lunch, from, day, to, trees, river, water, air, It’s.十、1. Who’s your new teacher?2. What are the houses like?3. Is there a picture near the bed?4. What do you have on Wednesdays?5. What do you do on Sundays?十一、(略)要求:用到There be句型和方位介词。 ~0~


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