恳请高人帮忙翻译一句话的英文翻译~ 谢了

中译英 --- 请求帮忙翻译一句话! 谢谢!【每天深夜的吻】这个表的创意是无法用言语来表达的,每当12点来临这对情侣会在桥中相遇然后kiss~,太浪漫了!_百度作业帮
中译英 --- 请求帮忙翻译一句话! 谢谢!【每天深夜的吻】这个表的创意是无法用言语来表达的,每当12点来临这对情侣会在桥中相遇然后kiss~,太浪漫了!
中译英 --- 请求帮忙翻译一句话! 谢谢!【每天深夜的吻】这个表的创意是无法用言语来表达的,每当12点来临这对情侣会在桥中相遇然后kiss~,太浪漫了!
[Kisses in the night ]The originality of this watch can't be express by words.When it comes to 12 o'clock,the lovers will meet at the middle of the bridge and then kiss each other,which looks very romantic.
[ in the middle of the night kisses ] the table
creativity is unable to use words to express, when 12 point when the couple met in bridge and kiss ~, so romantic!
[kisses in every late night] it can't be told how creative the clock is: the couple would kiss each other when they meet on the bridge each time when time is 12:00, how romantic!
The table is the creative can not use words to express the, whenever 12 o 'clock coming the couple will meet in bridge and kiss ~, too romantic!
the creation of idea for the watch brand of "kiss in deep night every day" can not be expressed with language.the sense--that couple of lovers will date on the bridge and kiss every 12 o'clock--is so romantic!
[ ] the table in the middle of the night kisses the creativity is unable to use words to express, when 12 point when the couple met in bridge and kiss ~, so romantic!谢谢,我的英语可是六级了,这点东西简单啦!!
"Kiss of the night every day," the creative table cannot be expressed in words, whenever a 12 point comes the pair will meet in the bridge and then kiss~, were so romantic!ps:希望对你有帮助
【Midnight Kiss】This beautiful scene envisioned is
just beyond word description. At midnight, this couple will always rendezvous and kiss each other on the bridge. What a romantic expression! 仅供参考!
【Kiss in every night】The design of the clock is incredible. Every midnight,the lovers would meet on the bridge and kiss. How romantic it is~~~
【Kiss every midnight】The creativity the watch contains is beyond words.
When the watch strikes 12, a couple meet and kiss on the bridge in it.The scene is very romantic.推荐到广播
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您好!我是***。很高兴在***公司工作了一年半时间。在此很感谢公司对我的关心。上个月公司因没什么定单辞退了我,给了我半个月的工资做为经济补偿,按中国劳动法规定:我在公司工作了一年半时间应该得到两个月工资的经济补偿。而且公司必须提前一个月通知我们。关于合同我们在去年曾提出签约,可公司不执行。进出口公司的范经理可以证明这件事。律师说:“这种情况下,既使没有合同同样可以享有国家规定的补偿,一年半的工作时间已经构成了雇用关系。”我很尊重公司,希望公司也尊重我,处理这件事。否则我将审请劳动仲裁处理这件事!  顺祝:  
  虽然 我的英语很垃圾,但我觉得英国人好像没有顺祝:身体安康 生意兴隆 这些很表面的词
  There are certain contradictions in your Chinese text:  在此很感谢公司对我的关心。上个月公司因没什么定单辞退了我,给了我半个月的工资做为经济补偿  If they are indeed very 关心, why would they treated you unfairly, as you so claimed.    
For a letter of complaint/demand, such as this, there is no need to put in unnecessary phrases such as those. (I may be wrong in this. Someone in another translation forum was mad at me when I said something to this effect. He even insulted my ancestry by saying that if I was not born a Chinese, perhaps I could be excused for making such criticism, but if I were, then I must be a traitor to my own race. What rubbish.)  
Anyway:  Be straight forward and to the point  (Thereis no need to say &我是***。& since you are going to sign the letter.)    Dear Sir,   Due to the lack of orders, I was dismissed from your firm/company last month after working for one and a half year. I was compensated with a half month‘s salary.  
According to the labour laws of China, I am entitled to two month‘s severance pay and a one month notice. Last year we discussed about having a contract signed but your company failed to carry that out.Mr.F, the manager of 进出口公司 can attest to that. My lawyer advised me that :& Under this situation, even there is no contract, one is entitled to the same compensation as stipulated by law. The one and half year of work has established firmly the employer-employee relationship.&    Take out &:我很尊重公司,希望公司也尊重我,处理这件事。否则我将审请劳动仲裁处理&  Add:
I would like to have this settled amicably. If not, I have no choice but to apply for arbitration at the department of labour.    Yours Truely,  A disgrunted former employee.
  If not, I have no choice but to apply for arbitration at the department of labour.    Otherwise, I will have no choice but apply to the department of labour for arbitration.
  Dear Sir,    I, the undersinged, would like to communicate my ideas to you over the issue of my compensation as follows:    My employment with your company was terminated due to the shortage of work last month after I had worked one and half a year for you. I was compensated with a salary of half a month while I am entitled to a severance pay of two months and a notice of one month according to the labour law of China. Last year a discussion was carried out concerning an agreement in writing in this respect though it was not finalized by the management. However, the process was witnessed by Mr. XXX , the manager of the Import & Export Corp. I was advised by my legal consultant that under the circumstances, I am still entitled to the compensation as per the law even without a written contract as a service of one and a half year has in fact established a relationship in terms of employment.    I wish this
would be settled down on the basis of mutual respect and understanding. Otherwise, I will have no choice but to apply to the department of labour for arbitration.        Yours sincerely,    XXXXX      
大家还爱看恳请英语达人帮忙翻译些句子,谢谢1.I have next to nothing to say about my childhood. 2.I shall leave here for good next year. 3.He was caught red-handed. 4.The actress has her head turned. 5.I am a Dutchman if it is true. 6.There are fri_百度作业帮
恳请英语达人帮忙翻译些句子,谢谢1.I have next to nothing to say about my childhood. 2.I shall leave here for good next year. 3.He was caught red-handed. 4.The actress has her head turned. 5.I am a Dutchman if it is true. 6.There are fri
恳请英语达人帮忙翻译些句子,谢谢1.I have next to nothing to say about my childhood. 2.I shall leave here for good next year. 3.He was caught red-handed. 4.The actress has her head turned. 5.I am a Dutchman if it is true. 6.There are friends and friends. 7.I wish peace could be saved at the eleventh hour. 8.Somebody wil have to break the ice. 9.The boy cried because his schoolfellows called him names. 10.If he has a hobby let him ride it. 11.Why shoud I quarrel with my bread and butter? 12.Most people have a daily fight to keep the wolf from the door. 13.There is no come and go with him. 14.He has got out of the bed on the wrong side today. 15.Go it while you are wrong. 16.The village is on the side of the mountain. 17.He talked himself hoarse. 18.It is the watch I am anxious to have mended. 19.She is well-informed for a woman of the old school. 20.Every man cannot be a poet. 谢谢各位啦,不甚感激、
1.关于我的童年几乎没什么可说的. 2.明年我将永远的离开这儿. 3.他被抓了个现形. 4.这个女演员得意忘形了. 5,绝对没这个事 6.朋友有各种各样的. 7.我希望在最危急的时刻挽救和平. 8.有人将打破僵局.(你这句里的单词WILL打错了,少了一个L) 9.这男孩哭了,因为他的同学叫了他的名字. 10.如果他有业余爱好的话,那就让他尽情发挥吧. 11.为什么我要和自己过不去? 12.许多人每天都在辛苦劳作而勉强度日.(wolf这儿表示的意思是贫苦与饥饿的象征,keep the wolf from the door是勉强过日子的意思) 13.没什么比家更好的了. 14.他今天心情闷闷不乐.(这是句英国成语,英国人相信早上起床的时候如果是左脚先下地的,就预示今天一天会很倒霉或者不吉利.get out of bed on the wrong side :心情不好) 15.(你不是你单词打错了?young写成wrong了)如果是的话那么这句话该翻译为:趁你年轻去做吧! 16.那村庄在半山腰. 17.他话说多了嗓子都哑了. 18.我渴望拥有完全的爱. 19,她在保守的女人里是见识广博的了. 20,不是每个人都能成为诗人. 能力有限,不见得都翻译的精准.若有错误请发站内消息,多多指教! 补充下,那个匿名的ID说的也不为错.有些句子确实不可以按平常那样去理解.就跟我们还不是有很多谚语成语的一样.这20句里有很多都属俚语,一般的翻译软件翻出来的意思可能差很远.}



